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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 908876

>watch a pixar movie
>"damn bro now I wanna animate and shi"
>install blender
>donut tutorial
>finish it and make my own cookie to test my skills
>have to rewatch and pick up stuff that went over my head
>4 days later
>try using middle mouse button to move my view on google maps

Am I a 3D-autist now?

Anyway, what do you guys suggest I do? Watch more tutorials or pick up tips and tricks that look interesting to me and eventually search up problems that show up along the way?

I wanna try 3D for animation mainly desu, so I'll need to be able to model and rig pretty much right?

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Anonymous No. 908877

>what do you guys suggest I do?
I would suggest taking the rigging/animation course from p2design, it's pretty much the best one when it comes to Blender (in my opinion, at least). Then you apply the gained knowledge on some personal projects.

Anonymous No. 908878

Also, try to avoid posting threads with frog as the OP picture. We have a resident schizo here that loves to use them (at its peak there were like 30 threads made by him, all different pepe edits lul). Good luck and have fun.

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Anonymous No. 908879

the free ones or paid ones

Anonymous No. 908880

The paid* ones.
*the vast majority of 3D related "paid" courses can be found on either and/or CGPeers. We also have a dedicated piracy thread: >>882804, this time I will just link the mentioned resources to you:


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Anonymous No. 908902

go to this cool website called smut base you can download lewd models of female characters from pretty much any video game prerigged for blender



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908905

smut base gud how do you not know about this shit and use 4chan imma change that

Anonymous No. 908924

You're a nice man, thanks for the spoon.

Anonymous No. 908934

This strategy works for any skill.

Anonymous No. 909012

Just asking while I'm looking for it, do you know where I can find the rigs and content he says the course comes with or do you recommend I make and use my own?

Anonymous No. 909018

Oh right, the project files. I will upload them for you in a bit.

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Anonymous No. 909019

Appreciated anon, I'll see what I can learn meanwhile

Anonymous No. 909029

Here you go, files for both of the courses:

anonfiles dot com slash V887vbz2y0 slash Rigging_7z
anonfiles dot com slash FdH6v0zcya slash Animation_7z

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Anonymous No. 909036

Very sus anon, trojans and shit. I think I would like to keep my PC thank you

Anonymous No. 909272

Dont use the donut tutorials, look up the fundementals and get used to the keybinds

E to extrude
W for context menu
S to scale
R to rotate
Z for wireframe
xyz keys after pressing scale/rotate to use the different properties, shift and press them in order to combine them along the selected axises.

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Anonymous No. 909296

Ye I see now that it is a total meme, I spent a whole weekend on the donut ( was looking at the tutorial in segments ) and once it was finished it looked good, but when I tried making a new one I got stuck basically immediatly. I learned nothing. However I found a course and it may be a little slow for now but I sucked up alot more from that the donut. Picrel is the final render with what I've learned from the course. Not something crazy but I am happier with this rather than following a tutorial because I know I can do it again.

Anonymous No. 909313

Stay away from long courses. The key to becoming good at anything is iteration and most courses have you doing things once. Spend the next week doing different variations of that scene, build a whole world in that style and just keep repeating the basic techniques until they are committed to memory. After that just watch Youtube videos for new tricks.

Anonymous No. 909314

Anons will tell you that you should start with small, simpler projects. I think that most tutorials will also tell you the same thing. Donut meme is a result of this mindset.
But I for one think it is better to do the opposite. Simply start doing what you always wanted to do in the first place. What made you start with 3D. If it is some very elaborate hard surface model, or smut animation, does not matter. Just start doing it and learn stuff as you go. The moment you get stuck, start googling methods/check the documentation and techniques how to resolve the issue. Apply the knowledge, do the thing, continue working until you get stuck again. Rinse and repeat. This way you will easily remember all the shit you learn, because you are using it constantly and your brain already tied it to some real experience.
Also let yourself be sidetracked. If you find some particularly interesting solution, do that and study it instead before returning back to your main project. You've searched for how to work with curves and ended up with pipes and cables tutorial? Do all the fucking cables and pipes you want and then apply them to your project.
Just go along the wave naturally, the fact you are working on THAT project will keep you invested. Sure, you won't have shit to post in /wip/ that soon, but I would say in long term, this might be better approach. At least for me it is.

Anonymous No. 909318

I had some respect for that faggot (being a guy who spoke a big game, and finally put his money where his mouth was, actually making a real game and doing everything publicly, admitting his faults, showing his theoretical competence, etc, etc. Lots of reasons to respect, (if not like) the guy.), before I realized that he was just like most other normalfags, hungry for popularity, desperate for attention, and happy to publicly shame others for that sweet, sweet internet validation.

The guy he was dunking on was a retard, no doubt about it, but this nigger has such a massive following that it's just pathetic. It's like lauging at crippled people. (While yes, you should be able to laugh at anything and everything, at some point shit just gets sorry.) And he is sorry. This isn't an isolated incident, either, he has a history of this type of thing, he's basically the average twitter user.

Also I'm jealous because he big money and I
kanye brokey

Anonymous No. 909319

>try to help anon
>upload 500MB of blender files with your african-tier 10Kbps internet speed
>he thinks it's dolphin porn
a-alright I guess ;_;

Anonymous No. 909320

Best part is that anon is clearly a newfag too, since anonfiles have been a thing for ages now. I've been downloading from there daily.

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Anonymous No. 909321

>try to download files
>browser warns of a virus
>ignore and download anyway
>windows immediatly starts shitting bricks and giving me warnings about a nuclear threat
>check said threats
>stopped reading
>*delete a million times and scan entire PC 100 times

I'm not risking it anon

Anonymous No. 909322

>he doesnt use/cant properly set up ublock
>he still uses antivirus in 2000+20+4-2

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lol ok.png

Anonymous No. 909323

>browser warns of a virus
It's a .7z package, Anon. I have no clue what you downloaded but browsers can't see if there is a virus in one without extracting it.
>windows immediatly starts shitting bricks and giving me warnings about a nuclear threat
Again, no clue what you downloaded. Even if there was 3TB of BonziBuddy inside, it would be harmless unless you extracted it.

Anyways, do what you want. See pic.

Anonymous No. 909324

Anon is probably a zoomer retard who thinks that some faggy popup screeching about a trojan is an actual virus.
I swear these dumbasses are getting into geriatrics tier of technologically illiterate.