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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 908974

>this is literally how hundreds of thousands of blender users are being taught how to model
>this is the most popular blender instructor across the internet

Anonymous No. 908976

he's not wrong. You get the form first and then retopo, same as when you sculpt in zbrush you sculpt to get the form first and then retopo later.

Anonymous No. 908977

>op says this is wrong
>doesn't elaborate on what the "correct" way is

Anonymous No. 908978

Why don't you make your own tutorials?

Anonymous No. 908979

>he's not wrong. You get the form first and then retopo
You didn't watch it, idiot. There is no retopo.

Not spoonfeeding you, dumbass blendie.

Anonymous No. 908982

>You didn't watch it, idiot. There is no retopo.
dont you dare call me an idiot, kid. The next step is always retopo. Go do something with your life.

Anonymous No. 908985

What is it about "there is no retopo" that your small brain has trouble understanding?
You said "he's not wrong" without even watching the tutorial. You are, in fact, a retard.

Anonymous No. 908988

it doesnt matter if he didnt film the step or not - there is ALWAYS RETOPO

Anonymous No. 908998


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into the trash it....png

Anonymous No. 909002

>"Not spoonfeeding you, dumbass blendie."
You have no reason to bitch about booleans ever again when someone does it the blender guru way. Be the change you want to see in the world, since you already have the audacity to make a whole thread about it.

Anonymous No. 909003

>Not spoonfeeding you, dumbass blendie.
You could at least recommend some resources instead of telling people they're stupid for not doing something they've never learned how to do. Surely you could namedrop a course, book, or website that you learned from.

Anonymous No. 909010

Can anybody please explain what is wrong with this geo?

Anonymous No. 909015

do the same thing, but in Autodesk™ Maya®

Anonymous No. 909030


🗑️ Anonymous No. 909031

Day 50 of impossibility of OSX build working properly.
No one else tries.
The source is right there.

You asked for an OSX build.
The code now compiles.
Will you please try it.
I cannot develop on mac.
I give up.
The mac community is too hostile.
I'm not doing it for you if you will not even download the chaos esque ISO, unzip the source code (git_repos_both), go in one, make clean it, then make sdl-nexuiz or whatever one you want).

If you won't try: I'm done. I can't get this done.
There is no fast communications with everyone.
No one is around in the mac community.
Everyone is idle.
If you say their nick name they demand you are banned.

I'm done.
Good bye.
I'm not making a mac binary because you won't help me.
You asked for one.
I bought 2 macs.
You won't help me.

Anonymous No. 909033

Nothing as far as I can tell. It's all quads (IIRC except for a few parts that he cleans up later on) and it's a nondeforming prop anyway.

Anonymous No. 909039

I don't care to change anything, I'm happy to let idiots like yourself continue fucking up.

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Anonymous No. 909040

>begs can't see the glaringly obvious problem
jesus christ this board

Anonymous No. 909043

>"I don't care to change anything,"
Then why did you make this thread? Keep your skills to yourself if you love them so much, and stop wasting our time with your shit.

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Anonymous No. 909044

>/beg/ crab schizo calling other people significantly less retarded than him /beg/s
The face loop flows cleanly from one side to the other and around each step of the inset. This is perfectly adequate topology for non-deforming hard-surface that subdivides cleanly. The way your retarded ass probably thinks is "MUH CORRECT" introduces triangles and completely unnecessary extra geometry and edge loops.
Do everyone on this board a favor and punch yourself in the testicles repeatedly until you're hospitalized, you fucking clown.

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Anonymous No. 909045

>the dumbshit beg tries to analyze it extensively
>still fails to see a GLARING topological flaw

Anonymous No. 909047

20 replies and none of them even bothered to prove OP's point

Anonymous No. 909052

ok so whats the actual issue i want to learn how to do this shit right.

Anonymous No. 909055

There isn't one, you're getting baited by a dumb frogposter.

Anonymous No. 909073

i hate boolean modifier it fucks the geometry up

Anonymous No. 909081

He’s bad? Just started today with 3d doing his donut tutorial.

Anonymous No. 909097

>There isn't one
Keep telling yourself that, retarded blender beg. There absolutely is a problem with the geometry there for subdiv modeling, which is exactly what he's doing.

Anonymous No. 909099

The donut tutorial is mostly fine and is a solid beginner introduction to Blender.

If you follow the anvil tutorial, you will pick up several poor workflow techniques. This guy even admits modeling is not his forte.

Anonymous No. 909102

Why retopo if it's not something for production? If it's for your own shot/scene you know what you want, it's not always gonna be worth saving the render time depending on the object.

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Anonymous No. 909105

It doesn't subD properly, I know, so what.

Maintaining shape is more important than good edgeflow, for something that's entirely static, a fucking anvil.

Burying ones self in minutia and bullshit is why your stuff takes forever to make.

"this doesn't look 100% right, only 95%, let me go bury myself in work for the next hour to fix the 5%".

How do you know that the final use case isn't using autosmooth to fix the edges?. You don't, no one does.

Anonymous No. 909106

6 and 5 spoked poles, edgeflow, but really it doesn't mater if the final product looks good and doesn't have to deform


🗑️ Anonymous No. 909108

The point is you're picking up bad workflow practices as a beginner, dumb dumb.

Andrew doesn't even say anything about having a 6 sided pole because he doesn't recognize it as a problem. As a result, beginners like yourself think it's perfectly fine, then later wonder why your models have artifacts and poor edgeflow.

Anonymous No. 909116

>beginners like yourself think it's perfectly fine

Because it is fine on static objects, faggot.

Anonymous No. 909117

This is how I know you're a beginner, a particularly frustrated one too :)

Anonymous No. 909130

I'm the person that posted


I knew what the "problems" were as I said. They're a nothingburger on non deformable assets. Maintain fucking geometric shape and watch Ryuuruis video on the topic.

I'm not exactly a "beginner".

You're the type of manchild that will seethe if a wall has ngons mixed with tris and quads.

Anonymous No. 909143

You keep missing the point, dumb dumb :3

Anonymous No. 909200

>how is it wrong?

You may literally be the most insufferable cunt on this board

Anonymous No. 909211

donut lord wins again, op was fag this month.

Anonymous No. 909215

Why is he teaching if he doesn't know what he is doing?

Anonymous No. 909217

he's selling a dream to beginners

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Anonymous No. 909218

>You may literally be the most insufferable cunt on this board

Anonymous No. 909219

because he's commercially successful? it's not like you blender shitters will ever know either; the whole reason you use blender is because it's free and you're cheap, so you're never going to pay for the actual good blender tutorials on places like cgcookie.

Anonymous No. 909222

Case in point.

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Anonymous No. 909239

It would be funny and actually kind of based if the reason why OP won't explain what the issue is, because he wants job security. He's preventing the job market from becoming more competitive by refusing to let prospective applicants know about certain 3D skills.

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Anonymous No. 909278

>Case in point.
keep crying blendlet idiot lmao

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Anonymous No. 909298

Aspiring 3D-artist here, im coming for your job OP. I'll take your pixar-seat thank you.

Anonymous No. 909309

I don't watch his channel, mainly because he makes 100 part video of one model

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Anonymous No. 910208


Anonymous No. 910217

>beginners don't know things
Wow, what a nightmare.

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Anonymous No. 910218

oh wow, when you retards are going to find out people who use cinema 4d dont model anything, just throw some primitives into volume builder/volume mesher/remesh and are making nice art with it AND actually earn good money with it you're going to have a meltdown

Anonymous No. 910252

This board would have a meltdown if they knew how people make concept art.

Anonymous No. 910287

This board is perpetually having a meltdown, what are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 910312

Wait, so most of /3/ seriously cannot see the main glaring flaw with this topology?

What kind of shit tutorials are you guys watching? Do they not teach you even the most basic fundamentals of good topology?

Anonymous No. 910357

alright fuckers red pill on this topo I need to learn

Anonymous No. 910363

>I need to learn
arrimus3d on youtube. get yourself a copy of 3ds max, then go through the playlists on his channel. it's long, tough and boring and you will actually learn how to create assets with proper topology.

alternative: if you enjoy physically drawing/sculpting then buy a cheap 12-16 inch drawing tablet and get heavily into zbrush where you can make hard-surface as well. i guess my advice boils down to: fuck blender and anyone that defends it. blender is best at nothing and will only hold you back. the sooner you are done with it the better.

Anonymous No. 911118

whats wrong with it then

Anonymous No. 911130

>long, tough and boring
not op but i actually really enjoy Arrimus' modelling vids. still learning max but good topology is very satisfying to me

Anonymous No. 911229

Not spoonfeeding you, cuck.
Literally just complete any topology course instead of begging /3/ to spoonfeed you every time you don't know something.

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Anonymous No. 911255

The post they're replying to asks if we're watching shit topology tutorials, yet you recommend we watch any topology tutorial to learn. So which one is it fag?

Anonymous No. 911256

It's stop watching shit ones by amateurs on youtube and watch ones by people who have actually worked in the industry, cuck.

Anonymous No. 911263

and who has worked in the industry? searching "topology tutorials by industry professionals" just gives me the tutorial in op's pic.

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Anonymous No. 911269

>and who has worked in the industry?
>"yes, i am literally too stupid to do a quick search of the instructor and look at their portfolio"

Anonymous No. 911271

>searching "topology tutorials by industry professionals" just gives me the tutorial in op's pic.
It literally doesn't you absolute moron.

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Anonymous No. 911383

Except that I asked because I know Andrew Price doesn't work in the industry. He just pretends to be a seasoned professional. Don't tell me you fell for his bait anon
It did for me, sorry. I'm willing to try different keywords and search again though. Should I also look for the tutor's LinkedIn to ensure they're a professional? I don't want to find myself deeply invested in a YouTube video, only to find out the guy making it is LARPing as an industry worker

Anonymous No. 911489

>Andrew Price doesn't work in the industry

He does 3d landscaping for an Australian company, using blender or SketchUp, or both.

Anonymous No. 911491

that's just a different phrasing for "he doesn't work in the industry". he has literally never created an impressive asset.

Anonymous No. 911519

What kind of lunatic does landscaping on SketchUp?

Anonymous No. 911525

>Not spoonfeeding you
In reality it's because you don't have an argument for the "correct" way to do it, you are just bitching.

Anonymous No. 911557

Nah, I'm just not helping worthless trash like yourself who refuse to learn even the basic fundamentals of good topology.

Keep following Daddy Donut Man like the hopeless little piss ant you are lol.

Anonymous No. 911561

cris can model better than this

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Anonymous No. 911562

>he has literally never created an impressive asset.
i mean picrel was pretty decent.

>he doesn't work in the industry
he founded and owns poliigon which is one of the top 3D asset and texture sites.

Anonymous No. 911568

he didn't even make half of the things on there afaik

Anonymous No. 911572

anon, you realise that most successful 3D artists use things from asset libraries? do you really think game devs create every asset from scratch?

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Anonymous No. 911576

>do you really think game devs create every asset from scratch?
i do

Anonymous No. 911582

and yet brainlets like yourself still think he's qualified to teach topology when his anvil tutorial shows he clearly doesn't understand the fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 911660

If you actually watched the video, he credits a bunch of other people for the scene and the node setups and shit. All Andrew does is teach what's presented to him by his colleagues.
As far as I know, he has never worked *for* anyone in the industry. Yes he started Polligon and it's used by professionals, but isn't starting a 3DCG company just glorified freelancing?

Anonymous No. 911721

>Frogposter OP is a massive faggot
More news at 11

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 911725


Anonymous No. 911726

Being a business owner doesn't mean you know shit about a specific software package. Business management and project level modeling are entirely different skill sets.

Anonymous No. 911727

Hi Andrew!

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Anonymous No. 911757

Anonymous No. 911772

Successful ones use 3D assets from previous games and not from freelance websites

Anonymous No. 912016

>look at their portfolio
thats sad
honestly if you cant spot a retard unable to use the software effectively then maybe you should spend some time learning how to use a computer instead
install some gentoo or get filtered

Anonymous No. 912124

Man, do you have better things to do with your life than insulting people who are actually looking to learn?
Either give them something to start with or fuck off, you waste of oxygen.

Anonymous No. 912145

>Either give them something to start with
yes, stop shitposting and start working, theory is useless if you barely have any contact with practical knowledge
youtube exists for entertainment its not something you should use for education, if you are looking for tutorials i suggest reading blogs, you might be able to find someone addressing the exact small problem you are facing
and thats usually something that will take you way too much time to find on youtube to be worth wasting time with

Anonymous No. 912148

i honestly don't see a major problem with what I've seen here from that tutorial, unless he doesn't end up showing how to retopologize it.
you first established the desired form not caring about topology (which he seems to be doing), then retopologize so that it subdivides and deforms (ok, not in this case) properly. the only times i establish clean topology from the get-go is with very simple forms.

Anonymous No. 912154

The aim of that video is not to teach topology or modeling, it's meant to teach the different tools and functions in blender. In that specific image he's showing how to use boolean slice tool as an example of what is possible even if it is not optimal. Calm the fuck down.

Anonymous No. 912158

Boolean is garbage and will fuck your mesh up

Anonymous No. 912317

No you idiot, the purpose of the video is teaching you how to model an anvil, and he's using several wrong approaches which lead to poor topology. No need to cope.

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Anonymous No. 912888


Anonymous No. 912890

anon you need to add loops up the anvil as well

Anonymous No. 912894

Good point, but I've already handed it off to the rigger so I'll wait 2 weeks for him to try attaching a default human rig using automatic weights and send it back to me when it doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 912928

Why would you display your ignorance like this?

Anonymous No. 912930

Please post the correct way of doing this- I've been watching a ton of hard-surface modeling / videos based around topology and the recommended channels here but STILL would like clarification on this particular example- thank you

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Anonymous No. 912946

Just move on, he's telling everyone who asks that same question "not spoonfeeding you". This thread is bait unless proven otherwise

Anonymous No. 912955

>I've been watching a ton of hard-surface modeling / videos based around topology
Clearly you've been watching them on Youtube by literal amateurs.

Anonymous No. 912961

>complains about topology in beginner tutorial
>literally just quads
i sleep

Anonymous No. 913029

Professionals actually often do shitty models for prototyping and when they're sure it works, they make a version with good topology. Sometimes you can even get away with a shitty model on its own if it's a one off for a static render or something.

Anonymous No. 913030

this is megabrain gatekeeping anon. thanks for keeping this board high quality!

Anonymous No. 915082

>actual good blender tutorials on places like cgcookie
Like what?

Anonymous No. 915118


🗑️ Anonymous No. 915212

I hope you die, nigger.

Anonymous No. 915265

Then recommend someone better.

Anonymous No. 915266


This is literally the beginning of a multi-part series, the "glaring flaws" you guys are so worked up about literally get mostly fixed like 20-30 minutes later in the tutorial, and it subdivides totally fine.

And if you actually watched the tutorial he explains what many of the more reasonable people in this thread understand: "If this was the eyelid of the hero of a movie you'd spend hours making sure every edge loop was absolutely perfect, but its not"

At the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with this topo (I don't like using booleans to get there but it is a valid method) bc spending the extra time to get a "much perfect topo" wouldn't really provide any actual benefits in this scenario, it wouldn't look better, perform better, animate better, etc, etc., therefore, its a waste of time

Anonymous No. 915275

That might be partially correct, but he's still teaching bad practices, which in turn leads to bad habits. In the context of teaching people, this is simply a bad tutorial.

When he uses the boolean modifier and cleaned up unwanted edges, he slides them to the nearest edge then removes doubles. This is inefficient and illustrates he doesn't understand dissolving functions.

And there is still a glaring no-no problem in the topology that nobody here is yet to spot. It doesn't even matter that it's not noticeable, it's something beginners should be explicitly instructed to avoid :)

Anonymous No. 915282

>not noticeable
Put a little more effort into your trolling.

Anonymous No. 915283

You are a complete idiot :)

Anonymous No. 915324

literally the only significant problem i see is the 6 sided pole, anything more than 5 is bad practice from what ive been taught

theres a couple E and N poles but no more than necessary as far as i can see

Anonymous No. 915674

It has been over a month and blendlets still can't see the problem.

Anonymous No. 915695

Yeah I designed parts for a Ukulele I printed in Blender and that's the only time I ever did 3D modeling. His videos were easy to follow and helped get what I needed pretty fast.

Anonymous No. 915736

If that was true, OP would not say anything against the donut guy. In fact, he would praise him since that means more 3d artists learning wrong and less competition.

Anonymous No. 915867

And you learned bad practices :)

Anonymous No. 915868

>literally the only significant problem i see is the 6 sided pole, anything more than 5 is bad practice from what ive been taught
Here's the thing: he doesn't even mention the word pole. I don't think donut man even understands what a pole is.

His thing is shading and textures. His knowledge of modeling and topology is terrible.

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Anonymous No. 916887

my Blender futa cocks has even worse topology, still brings me $32332 monthly from Patreon and Pixiv Fanbox, I was just too busy making content this few months since I start doing 3d to learn how to model properly.

Anonymous No. 916900

like 100% of blendlets who follow indian tutorials on youtube from their 1.73 days.


Topology doesnt matter as long as final texturing/shading works.
cope and seethe cleanfags

Anonymous No. 917000

>still brings me $32332 monthly from Patreon and Pixiv Fanbox
Sorry, your delusions aren't real.

Anonymous No. 917303

>Then why did you make this thread?
It's the schizo again. Why do you think he made a shit thread?

Anonymous No. 917309

never seen a single guru tutorial in my life simply because he's ugly and insists on slapping his face on every vid

Anonymous No. 917351

Same. He looks like an annoying faggot in the thumbnails so I've never watched any of his videos.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 917395

*sniff* *sniff*
i-is that a GIRL I smell?
*sniff* *sniff*
mmm yes I smell it! GIRLSMELL!!!! I smell a girl! W-What is a girl doing here?!?! omygosh what am I gonna do?!?! THERE'S A GIRL HERE! I'M FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!!!! calm down calm down and take a nice, deep breathe....
*sniff* *sniff*
it smells so good! I love girlsmell so much!!!! It makes me feel so amazing. I'm getting tingles all over from the delicious girlcent! It's driving me girlCRAZY!!!!!!
if u are a girl and u are reading this, I just wanted to say hiiiii cute girl!!!! I love you!

Anonymous No. 918283

>see obvious bad intersections
>ctrl r or knife cut and edge slide to fix
>wow so hard

did this really need a thread? also most of what he does isn't animated so why would it matter here

Anonymous No. 918307

At first I was annoyed about the OP's attention-seeking, but now I'm just sad about it.

I'm sure things will improve for you OP, keep treading.

Anonymous No. 918990

>>see obvious bad intersections
>>ctrl r or knife cut and edge slide to fix
>>wow so hard
Except he doesn't actually do this in the tutorial. He does not understand that a 6-sided pole is bad; in fact, he says it's a good thing. This is the problem with learning from youtube tutorials, you pick up shit takes which leads to problems down the line.

Anonymous No. 919000

sorry, what exactly are we loking at?

Anonymous No. 919050

Elliot Page teaching 3D modeling now?
Is there anything he can't do?!

Anonymous No. 919225

>He does not understand that a 6-sided pole is bad; in fact,
It's bad only if it looks bad. You can have a fifty-sided pole if looks good. And if the normals align naturally, it will look good.

Anonymous No. 919512

op is a fag and doesnt know how to model.

Anonymous No. 919531

While this may be true, in the context of a learning video, it should be pointed out that 6+ sided poles can result in poor subdivision, but the thought didn't even occur to him. As far as he's concerned, 6 sided poles are what you should aim for after using a boolean subtraction.
He also demonstrated in that video that he does not understand how to dissolve edges/verts. He instructed viewers to edge-slide them to the next edge then W>remove doubles. Big problem? No. Inefficient workflow practice? Yeah. If you learn too many of those, you'll be an inefficient artist.

Anonymous No. 919676

This was unexpected and funny, thanks

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Anonymous No. 919741

i just did this thing yesterday