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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909063

Seeing this kind of stuff as a 3D artist is super depressing. Especially when you look at artist's age and this apparently being his first personal project. A month after release - boom - artist at Nvidia, already won the game basically.

How to deal with this? I start doubting my career path and questioning am I really just an average replacable industry monkey in comparison?

Anonymous No. 909064

its just a bunch of photos and everything looks floaty and overexposed. Still environments are really basic

Anonymous No. 909067

How does it feel you will be replaced by early 30s men who have gained precious skillsets in different industries and have a financial cushion who have the same drive as they did starting out in their 1st career path?

Anonymous No. 909068

You think 30s men could compete with kids like this?

Anonymous No. 909142

>tfw when you realize it's all about the textures

I still struggle with albedo values personally, would love to hear some tips about it. One thing I've seen being mentioned is, it's easier to control the scene lighting if all assets colors have lower contrast as they blend better together. I'd also add that it seems to me that scenes with mostly white-ish assets somehow light nicer overall, which might also explain why I often feel like my scenes look nicer in detail lighting than in lit mode. The scene in the OP is mostly white as well. Don't know if I'm up to something here or not though...

Anonymous No. 909166

>Especially when you look at artist's age and this apparently being his first personal project. A month after release - boom - artist at Nvidia, already won the game basically.
Well, it's pretty unfair. While the visuals are nice, in the end it's not a particularly impressive or memorable work. You could expect a random 4chan anon to produce something like this in his spare time, yet never get a job offer or even a simple side gig from anyone, staying a hobbyist for the rest of his days.

Anonymous No. 909172

It may sound like a cope, but the exposure he got definitely got him that job, he said it himself. After all, it happened to me as well (and a lot of other people I know), if I haven't managed to get to trending with my first scene on ArtStation and get an 80lv interview, I doubt any studio would approach me. Even today, my job offers increase only when I hit trending with some work.

So as much as some people like to say social media is bullshit and likes don't matter - I think they do. They actually matter a ton, getting enough likes at the right time can be a life changing thing. It sucks because you depend on an algorithm, and I think it's partially also a luck and connections - everything needs to work together so you get those early likes (with the help of your peers) that will snowball your project and then as long as the work is good enough and not too much other good stuff happen to published on that day (that would take away some of the attention), you're getting on top of the Artstation. And if some big guy sees it and wants to share it on the internet, you win. It isn't as simple as it may sound, but I find it to be the truth. So in a way, getting sad about "stupid internet points" might actually not be as retarded as some might say.

For example it's killing me a little that the better I get at this and the more praise I get from colleagues and people in the industry on my recent wips, when it is time to share my projects on Artstation, I still fail to reach top of the trending (2nd or 3rd row at best) and my first project which is objectively shitty in comparison to anything else I made - still has the biggest amount of views and likes - and that's because of an 80lv interview no doubt.

Of course, this is not the only way to succeed, some people are complete anonymous and only grind for themselves, then directly apply to a big studio and get a job with 0 following. But still, it's another option that can definitely work.

Anonymous No. 909179

>A month after release - boom - artist at Nvidia
Don't you have to be a graphics programmer to be an NVIDIA employee? What, so I can just piece together some assets, tinker with the lighting and I'll get a job at NVIDIA as what exactly?

Anonymous No. 909183

That scene is basic in terms of 3D modeling and the texturing is now all photoscanned/storebought anyway. The most impressive thing is the lighting which is now much easier to do in UE5. He was just one of the first to showcase the power of lumen and went viral because of it.
You don't need to go viral to land a decent job as long as your portfolio overall is decent.
I have like 20 pieces on my artstation with many of them being sub 100 views and I still landed a job at a well known AAA game studio as an environment artist.
As long as you know what you are doing is good it doesn't really matter how popular it ends up being on artstation. If popularity and views only mattered everybody would just be making coomer shit.

Anonymous No. 909184

3d artist at nvidia, seen multiple people having that role. Not sure besides some tech demos like those marbles and some restaurant kitchen environment I saw recently. I assume it’s similar to quixel artists for example, they just create pretty photorealistic scenes with their evolving tech afaik.

Anonymous No. 909188

If not larp what do you think are the kind of styles studios are looking for ? I only do anime related stuff atm and I happen to live right in one of the major 3d vfx hubs.

Anonymous No. 909190

Photorealism, pretty sure of that. Also makes sense because it’s the easiest to art direct and outsource + a lot of consumers like it. Also I’m more in the area of games, don’t know much about vfx studios.

Anonymous No. 909192

You might be right since I am seeing a major push for realtime rendering in UE just looking at the job postings here for vfx and games. Anime seems to be hated by the artstation algorithm unless it is a popular character like *cough* genshin *bleh*

Anonymous No. 909193

Yep. You could spam medieval stylized houses based on someone else's concept for millions of views and likes. They often do well on ArtStation.

Anonymous No. 909250

>huge ass concrete beam with no visible support

Anonymous No. 909255

the random conduits to nowhere hold up the concrete slab

Anonymous No. 909258

I'll need a few of those for my projects

Anonymous No. 909307

Don't worry about it bro, it's just a couple more years until AI can render this stuff by itself and any idiot can make something like this.

Anonymous No. 909348

>You could expect a random 4chan anon to produce something like this in his spare time
People here can't even model a box properly.

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Anonymous No. 909349

>am I really just an average replacable industry monkey in comparison?


Anonymous No. 909481

>boom - artist at Nvidia
You say like this is a good thing.
Who in their right minds wants to do a creative job in a fucking corporate, anon.

Anonymous No. 909500

Do you know what kind of projects they are working on there?

Anonymous No. 909504

>am I really just an average replacable industry monkey in comparison?
unless you were THE BEST in your field by 18 - yeah.

Anonymous No. 909505

the assets in that video aren't particularly impressive.

Anonymous No. 909508

Why do you think it got so much attention and millions of views then? I think it's the lighting, but Lumen makes it much easier to work with. Even if you see the breakdown, the lighting setup is super simple. It may have very well been just the fact it was one of the first pretty looking scenes in Lumen, like one guy said.

The texturing is nice as well, but these assets are relatively simple to texture, especially when he had so much ref, personal photos and 1:1 stencils made from the real thing. That would definitely make it much easier to work with as well.

Anonymous No. 909512

What are you whining about?
This is already being done for years now under disclosure agreement projects, the elder scrolls 6 development is using this type of tech since years ago, POE 2 also is using lower end equivalent of this, Stop whining and go read the documentation files like the rest of us retards

Anonymous No. 909515

? Who is whining about tech?



🗑️ Anonymous No. 909517

You, chudcel.

Anonymous No. 909520


Anonymous No. 909542

NGMI unironically.
Anime is so over done that 2D studios even told me at the job fair that if your portfolio contains anime they don't want to see it (it doesn't count as art basically).

If you emulate Van Gogh, or any real artist you're golden.

Avoid anime in your portfolio like the plague if you want a job

Anonymous No. 909545

>if your portfolio contains anime they don't want to see it (it doesn't count as art basically).
>Avoid anime in your portfolio like the plague if you want a job
funny that DBZ is hugely popular and even made into popular games like DBFZ, films like Akira, Ghost in the Shell, etc are award winning, etc. Sounds like you are just from the shitty, boring West

Anonymous No. 909548

>butthurt weeb
I was talking about portfolio dummy.
You're appealing to people that have seen a million DBZ character portfolios, a million weeb stuff, a billion Mega Man's, etc etc.
You want to stand out, anime is a death sentence if it's all you do

Anonymous No. 909549

It is not a problem if you are under a pseudonym. Kek you would be a faggot if you post anime with your real name.

Anonymous No. 909550

>You're appealing to people that have seen a million DBZ character portfolios, a million weeb stuff, a billion Mega Man's, etc etc.

I have never even once seen a user made portfolio piece of animation come even relatively close to what Arksys achieved with DBFZ and I've been gaming and looking at art for the past 40 years

Anonymous No. 909553

the reality is that this is 99% just asset store library stuff but with good lighting and color correction

Anonymous No. 909581

All the assets were made from scratch

Anonymous No. 909594

anime isn't art, neither are fight games


Anonymous No. 909597


🗑️ Anonymous No. 909600

One this is certain -we can't compete with Chinese. I just a student doing AAAA stuff and publishing his 1000+ artstation likes projects like every month. All kinds of shit from environments, props, to animals with hair sim and animation. All from a shitty laptop. It's that kind of shit which makes you want to jump through the window when you realize how worthless your work is in comparison.

Anonymous No. 909601

One thing is certain -we can't compete with Chinese. I just saw some student doing AAAA stuff and publishing his 1000+ artstation likes projects every month. All kinds of work from environments, props, to animals with hair sim and animation. All from a shitty laptop. It's that kind of stuff which makes you want to jump through the window when you realize how worthless your work is in comparison.

Anonymous No. 909603

you sound like one of those self depreciating gay guys who constantly want you to tell them how worthless they are

Anonymous No. 909605

Link or not real, I want to see what the lil' chink is all about and learn from it, unlike your depressed ass

Anonymous No. 909609


Anonymous No. 909610

out of everything he made the nigger was the worse model, hah classy chinaman, I like his ass gonna work extra harder on my assignments now

Anonymous No. 909628

because of the lighting/rendering engine. all of these assets scream "i used pre-made dirt mask #3 in substance painter".

Anonymous No. 909634

I want to see the work of your typical senior westoid artist against this asian genes artist. Sadly majority of senior artists never post their work. It's either they can't due to non disclosure or their work can't compete at all against asian genes so they resort to sucking pussy fron HR

Anonymous No. 909637

>a bunch of stills
another nothingburger

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Anonymous No. 909638

cope hard, your work from blender will never be able to compete with asian art genes

Anonymous No. 909639

>reaction image

go back

Anonymous No. 909640

Stills aren't enough because...?

Anonymous No. 909641

Well this was a retarded paragraph to read.
Imagine being this dense of a motherfucker

Anonymous No. 909648

a still image has no worth

Anonymous No. 909649

Says who? What kind of opinion is that lol.

Anonymous No. 909652

one of their recent press conferences was real time rendering for almost the entire time, its likely they want to push that direction hard. plus with an in house artist, you get problems in house, and solved in house to sell your product to more places.

Anonymous No. 909658

Thanks for reading, retard. Arstation gathers only the best of the best and is a very skewed indicator of the current talent inside studios. All it takes is a little bit of social engineering the HR roastie that you are "talented" but in reality you did the least amount of work possible to not get fired or extended. It's who you know best will get you that fat 6 figs, not your quality of your art.

Anonymous No. 909660

>r--r-r-Rogerrr ??!

Yes, bitch, its me roger. Now cut the crap

Anonymous No. 909662

the crap is YOU saying that an entire genre (anime) is not an art when it clearly is and you are making extreme light of all the hard work we do in this field. Now fuck off

Anonymous No. 909663

Look at you getting worked up, how cute Mr.Shitstein. But nah you got the HR part right and on point, that place is rancid and corrupted AF all over the fucking western hemisphere, there is no fucking escape from it as of today, best to leave for the east indeed. It's the gene shit you spewed that's retarded

Anonymous No. 909665

You don't make shit
I make good shit

Anonymous No. 909667

i make a ton of things my man

Anonymous No. 909668

yea a ton of crap my man
c'mon now

Anonymous No. 909670

go do something productive with your time please

Anonymous No. 909675

There is no escaping the fact asian genes trumps western genes.

Anonymous No. 909685

As a fellow Asian enjoyer myself I wish this were true, but no, you are wrong. Everyone knows Arian genes comes first in the ethnostate, gonks come second and the rest are subhumans

Anonymous No. 909686

It's Ginks retard, get your epithets right

Anonymous No. 909696

Is this what you guys are worried about? And I thought this place had high standards.

Anonymous No. 909697

Post some high quality texturing work then.

Anonymous No. 909701

Calm your tits, One guy was worried, everyone else is chill with the chinaman

Anonymous No. 909703

Chudcel post to this cunt deleted, wtf

Anonymous No. 909704

the ILM guys did a great job on the textures in the last STAR WARS movie - the Rise of Skywalker. It looks great in 4k HDR.

Anonymous No. 909722

Cartoons aren't art my nigga.
I said for portfolio you want to stand out and avoid mainstream stuff if you're doing characters.
If you're doing 2D you avoid anime like the HECKIN Plague. They will tell you "If it's anime I don't want to see it".

Anime is a cartoon. Cartoon isn't art.
If you want a job learn2art

Anonymous No. 909723

>they will tell you
I mean IRL at animation job fairs where there's a 2D studio or you're showing off your art portfolio.

Nothing is gayer then a dork with his weeb cartoons showing a potential employer.

Make Van Gogh kino, make real art.
Hell if you're gonna go full retard at least make the environment to your favorite cartoon without the dorky anime characters

Anonymous No. 909725

It's not genes dummy.
We live in a country that hates it's people and let's elites propogandize the nation while Best Korea and China do not

Anonymous No. 909726

piss off both of you. Do you even know where you are? This is an anime website.

Anonymous No. 909727

yeah true, I mean every sup and art director is white amirite? Aryan race cling to the only power they have and that is middle management and executive positions no matter what industry.

Anonymous No. 909729


Anonymous No. 909730

You. are. Roger.

Anonymous No. 909731

Anon is right and wrong, there are many ways of building up a portfolio other than fucking linking social media like artstation to your employer, diversifying and doing anime/cartoon stuff alongside what Anon deems "art worthy" is not a problem, showing it to your western employer is, there are a few asian companies with listings for western 3d artists right now and those employers would for sure appreciate your weabo shit more than the avrg western models.
So it's all about that demo reel fellas, you gotta keep what's relevant in it and what's not out, a bad demo reel is a messy reel, with literally every single model and project you've done, those types of reel suck, stick to showing what is relevant to the job description and at best look up past projects of the company that is hiring you and adding things that are similar to it in there as a nudge and wink to what you can do outside of the responsibilities in the listing they got you in the first place

Anonymous No. 909732

You were talking to someone else when u mentioned Roger, I only said the truth that cartoons / anime isn't art.
Most importantly a 2D studio I talked to advertised at the job fair not to show them anime.

You degenerate weebs ruined it for all of you and I'm a One Piece manga enjoyer.

You could be worse; a Kpop fan.
Best Korea throws Kpop fans in work camps for smuggling that crap.

Anonymous No. 909733

You are shortsighted and talk to much in generals Anon, chillout a bit, you are half right on this stuff at least, but still missing the mark with the dismissal of cartoons

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Anonymous No. 909735

Words words words words
Seethe seethe seethe
This is all /3/ has to offer.

No work, but software war.

This is all of you.

Anonymous No. 909738

To be honest I'm a bit of a newfag and I agree with this cunt, no wonder /3/ is so dead and slow

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Anonymous No. 909739


Anonymous No. 909741

stop replying and instigating an artificial argument by yourself Cris

Anonymous No. 909742

Cris has done more than you and this entire board will ever do.

This is everybody in the picture 24/7

Anonymous No. 909744

Wheres your game footage?
Oh yeah right you don't have any work chud

Anonymous No. 909745

Cool, I’ll check it out

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Anonymous No. 909747


Anonymous No. 909749

Guys let's stop fight and go back to making fun of OP for thinking hyper realistic 3D Scanning is a big deal.
Like this tech has been around for quite some time now, even the kiwis at GrindingGearGames are using it on POE2 and shit

Anonymous No. 909751

Everything was made from scratch, no scanning involved…

Anonymous No. 909757

POE2 looks horrible

Anonymous No. 909763

That's what you get from proprietary engine. Looks good enough when you look closely to how poe 1 models and enviroments look like, absolute clear improvement, I think I vaguely remember the founders talking about using third party engine for poe 2 but they decided not to, maybe they'll change their minds on poe 3

Anonymous No. 910166

Would you say that a success you get on artstation is always a good indicator of the quality of your work? Or in other words, will a good art piece always get to the top of the trending?

Anonymous No. 910182

so....bones stretch out in pose mode....

Anonymous No. 910183

fuck no, they have a Discord circlejerk and work posted there will get a massive upvote boost, now imagine what this does to good stuff not shown there

Anonymous No. 910187

No there are a few studio managers out there on social media being creative themselves, and from time to time they poach kids from their own communities they formed to work of them or to just prop up in the market for their mates at other companies, and many times it's people with 0-10 upvotes on artstation/instagram/twitter etc.

Having success on artstation like anon said here is more likely to be case for the artists social skills and networking rather than their art being great

Anonymous No. 910188

I'm in the 10k hours fb group which which has every fucking professional in existence. There are no problems getting likes even if it were just a wip linking to your freshly made artstation. I have yet to post anything on the group but the quality there is top notch which makes it very intimidating to post. I can see why a few like the anonymity this board provides but it sort of backfires too in the long run.

Anonymous No. 910189

Never make your albedo pure white as this breaks PBR but also be aware that the brighter the albedo is the more there are secondary bounces.
Albedo has a strong effect on global illumination.
Same applies to black, avoid values that are close to 0 or 1.

Anonymous No. 910198

You are damn right anon, but Facebook is another completely different game where you can pretty much treat it like a better version of linked in, FB groups are technically deepweb depending on how the group is set up so the whole likes and exposure topic of the last reply works differently there.
If it's all 10k hrs people in there, exposure is not exactly what they are looking for, a good majority already got their networking on point for sure.
I did quit facebook ages ago so I have no idea how things are going nowadays, by the looks of your reply they really fixed things from the time I was there.

I'm addressing mostly the people at the scrape of the barrel in my reply, which seems like to consist of what this board is filled with nowadays with the exception for the few OGs popping up here and there.

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Anonymous No. 910199

>Never make your albedo pure white as this breaks PBR
What happens if albedo is pure white? asking for a friend

Anonymous No. 910200

There's a lot of good people out there with good quality who get no views or attention whatsoever

Anonymous No. 910255

AI will replace all of them anyway.

Anonymous No. 910261

I can't stop comparing my artstation numbers with everyone like a complete retard, it reached a point where I was checking "Likes" page from some of my peers to see if they liked my shit I recently posted and got depressed when they liked everyone else's work but not mine. Calculating views / likes ratios and comparing that as well.

I'm sick of this and it became unhealthy for real. I get over it after a few days after posting on artstation, but every time I post a new work my mental health is in ruins.

I don't know what to do but I think I also need to get a life somehow, this is basically all I do with my life and I assume I have started associating my craft with my worth as a human being.

Anonymous No. 910263

Just think in terms of money. Chinaman has lots of likes sure but he gets paid peanuts compared to you, assuming you are western.

Anonymous No. 910265

Fuck the numbers the only competition which matters is with yourself

Anonymous No. 910270

I agree. I think I'm happy with my progress and where I'm at atm. For some reason my recent works get much less likes than what I was getting as a noob. Maybe it was just luck, but it was definitely undeserving compared to what I'm capable of now. So that worries me a bit as well, especially since getting more likes and views also ultimately gets you more potential employers, even though I don't really search for new ones. It's also hard to build up following. I guess I wish the growing numbers somehow reflected that feeling of improvement. I think it can provide a decently objective view of one's skills because you never know, you might just be delusional and have completely skewed perspective of your skills, but if your work regularly gets noticed and appreciated you are probably on the right path.

Yeah, but money is not a big issue thankfully for now, I'm pretty sure it's about needing a sense of belonging, purpose... Getting some message notifications for a change. Fuck I'm lonely when I think about it like that...

Anonymous No. 910280

it doesnt break PBR

Anonymous No. 910291


Dear god anon wtf are you doing man, you have fallen for the trap, these likes are meaningless most of the time, it's gamefication made to take advantage of our psyche it got you hookline and sinker.
You should only care about likes if it's an active part of your business strategy, like getting into first page of reddit or getting tons of twitter retweets and shit and converting that into patreon money or commissions.
Outside of that you should be caring less about likes and more about making your portfolio bulkier, making good demo reels and shit

If you really, really care about the stupid likes you should at least get them at the platforms where they actually matter first and link your artstation on those to get some likes on it, learn social media management, there's literally tons of ways to get likes depending on which platform you want to tackle, there are so many ways and strategies I can't even describe them all... It's all social media management.

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Anonymous No. 910324

This is the shit that impresses you zoomers? The reality is NONE of us will 'make it'. This guys UE5 asset showcase is nothing special. All static/hardsurface stuff is simple, you're just throwing more geometry/resolution at a renderer. Notice how all 'artists' suddenly improved once UE5 dropped, it's almost as if the tool had a mind of its own.

The real suffering is trying to get into realistic coomer 3D. You will find practically nothing on stuff like realistic softbody and skindentation, and you will spend months completely clueless as you struggle to even get your shitty Daz characters to stop looking so grey while a Jap creates a whole harem of qts from scratch. Imagine knowing the power to create your own waifu exists, but somebody else has it.

Anonymous No. 910365

post your hard surface work

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Anonymous No. 910387

Less talking, more working chud. Post work

Anonymous No. 910393

It’s definitely true that UE5 made everyone’s work 250% better. It’s a good thing and it will set up new visual standards for realtime graphics, but while people don’t get used to that, stuff from OP will look mindblowing.

Anonymous No. 910394

>it will set up new visual standards for realtime graphics
it wont, because 1) it takes way too long to compile
2) people mostly play realtime games on their phones, without dedicated graphics cards, keyboards or controllers.

Anonymous No. 910425

UE5 isn't used only for games though.

Anonymous No. 910427

Yes, chud. It's also used for movies.

Anonymous No. 910431

For movies and more, correct.

Anonymous No. 910433

just to add background reflections, nothing more. Industry need months of houdini and maya and nuke more than they need that.

Anonymous No. 910436

What the fuck is this abomination you just posted?

Anonymous No. 910437

Does that mean virtual production art is a meme? It has become a full role now (VAD).

Anonymous No. 910439

only if you need reflections on real actors and have over a million bucks for wrap around LED stage

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Anonymous No. 910440

Something you'll never be able to achieve in your entire life, Chud. Jelly?

Anonymous No. 910450

A tiny question just because im curious. Are you an incel?

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Anonymous No. 910452

this guy's stuff is insane, i'd post some of his gifs but this is a carebear board. i looked into this kind of stuff once but like you said, there's almost no good resources. i'd say It's probably done in maya with zivafx but I couldn't find any resources

Anonymous No. 910453

Son... Do you talk to women, like ever?
Don't you have aunts or cousins?

Anonymous No. 910473

>unheard of amounts of copium.
Unreal has been out for a while and all your work still looks like shit.

OP's non UE5 work looked good too because they know what they are doing.

Anonymous No. 910480


Anonymous No. 910491

What's so funny Chudlet? I don't see anything funny.

Anonymous No. 910513

This should have been directed more at both of these posts

Anonymous No. 910529

>apparently being his first personal project
wtf no it's not, and he's been in the industry for a while

Anonymous No. 910542

How is that possible? Everyone is going for realistic modeling, there's tons of it out there, and of course the professional industry has a heavy focus on photorealistic CGI. This does not seem like an area that would lack resources.

Anonymous No. 910686


I just wish more artists got a chance to get their work seen by normies outside of the industry, many deserve it (and have original styles and ideas as well on top of it).

Anonymous No. 910702

by 'scratch' you mean dropping a some prebuilt textures into quixel mixer and moving around some sliders

Anonymous No. 910716

Chud, you better not make the work look like a primitive task just because you're unable to do it yourself.

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Anonymous No. 910720

>shilling their UE5 classes but they can't even do basic modelling

apparently picrel took a day of work.. it's literally just fucking stock assets

Anonymous No. 910872

jesus christ, the cringe in this video

Anonymous No. 910920

Imagine believing any of that lmao.
>got a job at nvidia despite having no real experience

No wonder their software is so shit.

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Anonymous No. 911585

It happened again OP, are you gonna cry some more for us now?

Anonymous No. 911592

I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret.
Lorenzo took some inspiration from another very talented artist Steve Ife. he has some breakdowns in his artstation that we all can learn a lot from

Anonymous No. 911594

thanks anon. i've been wanting start to making my own environments but lack the inspiration. guess i'll just make my own bedroom lol

Anonymous No. 911596

>getting 173 likes for that
Actually, yeah I'm gonna cry some more

See, this is the opposite, this guy got less likes than what he deserved for that scene.

Anonymous No. 911623

Nah, literally from scratch, Guy used his own photos and materials.

Anonymous No. 911834

>apparently being his first personal project
I seriously doubt that, and if that's what he's claiming, he's lying. It's like a programmer saying "my first project is going to be to make a game like The Elder Scrolls!" Just doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 911846

it's definitely not, he's already a professional

Anonymous No. 911860

oh no im so scared of how itll become faster and more efficient for me to make things. this really sucks because i planned on technology staying the same for the next 40 years of my tech career

Anonymous No. 913077

I dig the scene but isn't it just a lot ot Quixel assets inside UE5? Not to say there isn't any merit in this as he probably manually tweaked a bunch of these models to fit his needs.

Anonymous No. 913115

No, all hand made except plants

Anonymous No. 913228

You are average or even worst than that
You're not special or anything
Yes, most people's lives are miserable
Just enjoy a movie or something, it will all end up eventually

Anonymous No. 913229

>So as much as some people like to say social media is bullshit and likes don't matter - I think they do
they absolutely matter holly shit is that even a question? Who says they don't? some fucking autist looser neet?

Anonymous No. 913231

le hecking stairs !!!

Anonymous No. 913256

Blender is Boss now

Anonymous No. 913331

Almost everyone says they don't matter, look at any discussion about it on the internet, but it's probably a cope, because they definitely do, yes.

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Anonymous No. 913376

kek @ all these copelets that claim OP's vid is easy and can be done by anyone. Nobody in this thread can recreate that. If you can, show us.

>"I can do it I just don't care to bro that shit is easy af not wasting my time lol"

Anonymous No. 913444

Yeah, you just need to look around the board to see all atrocious work being posted. A bunch of blendlets that picked up 3D last month.

Anonymous No. 913471

Kek all the good anons like anime anon and anatomy autist anon are gone. Now everythibg is as you say.