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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909098

I have been tinkering with blender for like 2 months now and I have been unable to get what I want out of it character wise.
How can I make models like pic related? I've been working with too much polys on bodies so I've decided to scale down and do this, I did one like this but my topology is beyond fucked and rigging, well...

Anonymous No. 909113

What did you expect would happen? That you just do one of the most complex jobs in 3D art as a beginner and it just works and you get great results....the fucking hubris is quite telling.
You need to fucking train as an artist, like any other artist, starting with the boring fundamentals and it takes time, lots of time before you get even close to mediocre.

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Anonymous No. 909478

If you want good deformation on models like that you should probably just consider cheating and adding some extra topology around the shoulders and hips, or make it disconnected topology clipping into itself. For knees and elbows just make it collapsible like so.

Anonymous No. 909482

Glad I'm out of my beg phase recently. This makes me cringe. Nobody is gonna help you anon, one of the super secret sauce is already on this board but it up to you to find it. No more handholding just like in the real world.

Anonymous No. 909486

why dont you adopt industry standards?

Anonymous No. 909498

What's that secret? That there is no secret, only practice?

Anonymous No. 909510


Anonymous No. 909801

I can't do it.

Anonymous No. 909805

>can’t make a simple low-poly model
The absolute STATE

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Anonymous No. 909808

Rigging fucks me up, I soent 5 hours on something a bit better than pic related. I think I black out at imes because I dont see how that would take 5 hours.

Anonymous No. 909834

Simplicity is the most difficult thing to make look good. You wanna make stuff like that? Either draw it on paper first or find concept art- otherwise its just gonna be you fucking around with random shapes until they look good

Anonymous No. 909841

rig and animate in glorious maya, the standard of the industry

Anonymous No. 909845

I have drawings already, doesn't help.