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๐Ÿงต YouTube money

Anonymous No. 909236

How much money can you make with 3d animations on YouTube ?

Anonymous No. 909238

you dont make money off of youtube.

you make money off of twitch

Anonymous No. 909240

Full production short animations make virtually zero money unless you git a big following.
Procedural drag and drop shorts for babies make hell of a lump sum of money if you market your videos right.

Anonymous No. 909241

How could I marked my channel?

Anonymous No. 909261

If you're only trying to get into 3D to "make money" then you are doomed to fail after about two evenings of watching blender tutorials alone in the dark. Especially if you think you can just make trend-chasing low effort shorts on youtube and somehow that will blow up. Just search "[insert popular thing here] animation" on youtube and sort by upload date and you will see what a hopeless wasteland you are trying to inhabit. The only way to git gud at 3D is if you are learning it to satisfy your personal creative desires, not to make money. You're better off selling your cum-stained anime figurines on craigslist if you want to make a quick buck.

Anonymous No. 909282

It's funny you think that because people seem to think garbage 3d content is gold. Maybe because zoomers grew up with trash so there bar is low. Kinda like how SoundCloud rappers got popular

Anonymous No. 909460

Popular means nothing unless you have an actual product to sell. Why do you think so many Youtubers are forced to shill for Nord VPN or some shitty wallet?