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๐Ÿงต Dalle 2

Anonymous No. 909279

Opinions on AI generated art? Dalle 2 is really good. pretty much make concept art obsolete.

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Anonymous No. 909280

Ai made 3d icons

Anonymous No. 909286

>nothing is actually open about it

Anonymous No. 909287

Not 3d

Anonymous No. 909288

I give it two years before there's an AI spitting out models better than most of this board. People are already pipelining the text and image ones together, I've seen full motion video generating AI as well.

Anonymous No. 909289

it's over...

Anonymous No. 909294

Still no invite after signing up and Iโ€™m working in the industry. I really want to see the feature where you upload your current wip and it spits out improved more detailed versions. That looks godlike from what Iโ€™ve seen. I canโ€™t do it in midjourney even though you can upload an image there as well.

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Anonymous No. 909295

it should be completely open soon. it moved into limited open beta yesterday so the free daily credits system is over.
users gets 15 prompts when they start and after that it's $15 for 115 prompts, which isn't a great deal. midjourney's all you can eat sub is better.

the dall-e training set is also not like midjourney's - it's clear that midjourney trained on artstation and modern art (which is completely illegal i believe). dall-e struggles with that sort of stuff, it's clear their data sets are from public domain or properly licensed databases - it's why dall-e's from-scratch generations can look like shitty stock images or davinci's notebooks.

but these things aren't magic - a lot of the results are trash. midjourney imo is actually a better idea generator but it's mostly good for the thumbnails it generates - the upscales are grotesque for the most part. they all have this weird fibrous quality to them that makes me feel queasy.

Anonymous No. 909301

wdym, the papers are public..?

Anonymous No. 909302

Cool, yeah I want to see what kind of results it gives when I upload some of my unreal scenes, I also think midjourney is better for concepting, but dall e giving me new ideas what to add to my original scene concepts sounds like it could end up being more useful.

Anonymous No. 909308

The yids have totally butchered the hell out of dall e
Mid journey is the real stuff

Anonymous No. 909365

but you need to implement the model on your own, gather your own dataset and train it
not even the dataset is public so you might end up with something entirely different

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Anonymous No. 909366

"Only humans can create art that is copyrightable. So by extension, Dall-E 2 is poop."

-Leonardo DaVinci

Anonymous No. 909369

Imagine falling for this as a hobbyist who can barely make a distinguishable human face.

Anonymous No. 909370

Dalle has finally given me the motivation to accept my hobbies are literally useless, and will never translate to anything good in my proffesional life, besides maybe as a form of stress relief. I just don't see any reason to try to better myself anymore

Anonymous No. 909371

You were not serious to begin with. Don't blame it on AI. Blame yourself.

Anonymous No. 909378

I'm afraid of DALL-E, but I don't think It'll ever be able to fully replace modelling or animation.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909392

faggots ruined it, the end



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 909394

Anonymous No. 909397

What happened to dall e? Why do you consider midjourney to be better? It seems to me they serve different purposes.

Anonymous No. 909398

All of these ai are actually garbage

Anonymous No. 909470

Yeah people always think 2d solvers are gonna translate to 3d easy but it's never the case, becauuse the complexity is on another scale and there's a lot less 3d data to learn from than the fuckhuge amount of pictures and photographs on the net.

Anonymous No. 909471

>pretty much make concept art obsolete.
maybe in 15 years for extremely specific cases

Anonymous No. 909494

A.I. in general is good to create preliminary concepts in shorter time, get a crazy idea made without years of artistic prowess but as a final result to be made for a professional

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Anonymous No. 909496

like, this dude made South Park models and used artbreeder and faceapp to conceptualize better faces for the characters. Which is how I think any artist should use A.I., as a tool but not as the core vehicle

Anonymous No. 909499

Existing artists are probably going to do stuff like you've said, but ultimate target for these tools isn't existing artists - it's the manager class and idea guys. I think artists are too charitable towards these tools - the people making these want to take as much of your work away from you as they can and they will not stop till they've achieved near-industrialisation. It's not happening next year, but in a decade it's going to be bleak.

Anonymous No. 910113

Is there general for sharing AI generated art on any board that's not restricted to a particular style? I can't find any.

Anonymous No. 910132

This is the wrong mindset to have. Consider that DALLE allows you to make in 5m what would otherwise take days. Imagine if a ditch digger got depressed at having to use those big bulky vehicles instead of shovels and pick axes.

Also, the end game of all of this is not to have the AI take over all of art, but to put these things in your head. Imagine if DALLE was something you nanomachine inject in you and it gave you top notch art skills. The consider that the difference between the current DALLE and the sci-fi nanomachine is just the user interface.

Anonymous No. 910137

It's all fine and dandy, but if you "make in 5m what would otherwise take days", that means more people can do it, your work is worth less, and fewer people are ready to pay money for it. Perfect for a funny hobby, a gloomy future for a career.

Anonymous No. 910211

Are assets made by dalle2 copyrighted by the developers or are you free to use them yourself?

Anonymous No. 910225

It's just a glorified database like all 'AI'. All the captcha pattern recognition shit trained it.
Its not intelligence, it's brute force and numbers.

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Anonymous No. 910266

Opinions on AI art? Well I don't know if it will fully take over or not, but all the Castlevania SOTN concept art I got made my cock hard for a very very long time.

Now is concept art done for? well yes and no, depends on the project and how much you got of it for the AI to work on.
I made a few more tests using franchises that I consider technically dead, tabletop creatures, who have mostly concept, some folklore creatures, and an eldritch god

I made an imgur album of all the things I tried( I got the cinematic tag wrong, but it didn't matter I fixed it later and the quality of work from the AI was pretty much the same)
Nothing new about this there are other bigger imgur albums out there when this tech was brand new.

My personal thoughts
>I did two stalker ones but forgot to save the first, the second has ship added to it because of Yantar shipyard area in game, I like that the boats are floating, remind me of gravity anomalies.

>I did not like the metro 2033 pics, quite shit honestly

>Every single Castlevania SOTN I did have at least 2 or more extremely good thumbnails and the rest was questionable

>The king in yellow generated art without the Hastur tag is better than 90% of the actual fan art of this book(The one with Hastur tag was pretty neat too)

>The Rakshasa one took the cinematic tag to heart, and I love that the AI successfully translated the actual Indian folklore creature into high quality art, and not the D&D furry things

Anonymous No. 910267

Zaton shipyard, not yantar, lol

Anonymous No. 910307

fuck off cris

But you can read about it therefore its open :^)

Anonymous No. 910396

Imagine not creating for enjoyment, imagine not being exited about more tools with infinite possibilities and inculcalable time saving.

Niggas want to slave away for weeks or months on artwork that people will look at for 3-5 seconds and complete forget about before moving on to the next stimulus.

Anonymous No. 910483

>Dalle 2 is really good. pretty much make concept art obsolete.
...said the NGMI

Anonymous No. 910524

You can always find ways to work more. These kinds of AI tools mean that it would be viable to become your own studio whereas previously you could be an modeler at most.

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Anonymous No. 910632

>A soulless machine made them more soulful than "people" who get paid for that shit
Yeah, i believe in robot supremacy now.

Anonymous No. 910772

Alot of Dalle 2 results are faked. Why do you think no one is allowed to fucking use it?

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Anonymous No. 911168

wow, didnt realize dall-e was this powerful
this what i got from uploading first picture
this will be a godsend for level design

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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 911169


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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 911174

uploaded my render

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Anonymous No. 911181

Why does it look OK only if you squint or zoom in on individual details?
>DALL-E, draw me a triangle

Anonymous No. 911653

/g/ has regular Dalle-2 suggestion threads, and the results are pretty good

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Gosh arent cha all broke No. 911661


Gosh arent cha all broke No. 911662


Anonymous No. 911833

I've used it for my concept art before. It's nice.

Anonymous No. 911966

>Made by a literal robot
>Still more soulful than the flat icons that are so popular today

Anonymous No. 911974

game changer for those who can afford it
3rd worlders , btfo

Anonymous No. 911977

if you want a revision or simple adjustment you're kinda fucked, you get what the (((AI))) gives you

Anonymous No. 912024

It's depressing how good these are.

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Exhausted middle-....png

Anonymous No. 912157

mfw our collective AI child is already better at drawing than its parents

Anonymous No. 912327

Maybe DALLE-2 is like an order of magnitude better but I've fooled around with DALLE-mini and some russian garbage and they both produce absolutely terrible output.

Again, maybe DALLE-2 is just a thousand times better and more powerful, but more likely you need to say "Pokemon cards from the 1880s" a hundred different ways and cull the images until you finally get a good one.

And if you ask it abstract stuff you most often get a weird mishmash of different things clumsily blended together

Anonymous No. 912329

so what's the point? Ai-created art/ experiences to spend all of your free time in? There's already enough media content that would cost 10 lifetimes to consume so why offload it onto ai?

Anonymous No. 912337

>Maybe DALLE-2 is like an order of magnitude better
it is. there are still many problems with it and it's certainly not "production ready" or going to kill all artists overnight.
but the 50 free prompts they give you were enough to convince me that in 5 years these things are going to start taking away a lot of work from artists across a lot of disciplines.

the mass industrialisation of "creativity"

Anonymous No. 912345

Are the 3D the a.i generates exportable for use into 3d software?

Anonymous No. 912356

But no. You cant export a fully modeled, textured and rig a.i generated mesh.

Anonymous No. 912378

>I just got an invite for dalle

Anonymous No. 912380

Fuck man... When I upload mine I get shitty paintings that don't look even close to my image, what am I doing wrong? Do you write a description or just create variations?

Anonymous No. 912387

Update - it works pretty well with stylized scenes, but my photorealistic ones get horrible variations. Maybe it would work better in earlier stages when there are less details in the scene, maybe it throws it off now. I don't get why it doesn't generate more photo-like variations, I get straight up water paintings.

Anonymous No. 912425

>dall-e 2 generate image
>trace and touch up image
doesn't matter if it looks like shit

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Anonymous No. 912436