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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909393

Are drawing tablets a meme for sculpting or modeling? Could it serve a multi-purpose for a 3D-artist? I was just wondering because I wanna try making animations using models that aren't realistic but not full on minecraft either. Any ideas anons?

Anonymous No. 909396

_you_ can use a tablet for OSU, cris

now piss off

Anonymous No. 909401

very nice to have
>everything else
personal preference

There's decent cheap 10 inchers out there, just make sure drivers are solid before buying. Don't need the expensive screen ones to learn on. Reward yourself with one a year down the line if you gitgud.

Anonymous No. 909404

I hate these cat pictures Cris posts so much it's unreal (engine)

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Anonymous No. 909406

Piss off, cats rule (not cris)

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Anonymous No. 909412

Cat pictures are funky and hunky. ( I am OP, and also not cris )

Anonymous No. 909420

it's probably not cris, he has no interest in trying to improve and believes his awful chunk models are perfect

Anonymous No. 909469

what an idiotic fucking question. how about typing it into youtube and getting your answer instead of shitting up the board even more?
>are tablets a meme
yeah, at Pixar they all sculpt with their mouse. senior artists even get to use logitech.

Anonymous No. 909476

For sculpting it is pretty essential, but box modelling, rigging and animation, not so much.
For texturing it really depends on what you are going for in terms of style.

Anonymous No. 909506

the fact that you made this thread means a drawing tablet would be a waste of money for you. you would probably plug it in, never produce any assets with it, start a few pointless hardware-wars here and then have it gain dust. just stop, you don't have what it takes. give up.

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Anonymous No. 909511

Did somebody get their drawing pen stuck in their pooper?

Anonymous No. 909631

>ask one of the dumbest possible 3dcg-related questions
>get rightfully told how hopelessly braindead you are
>hurrrrr are you buttmad!?! ;DDDDDDD
unironically kill yourself

Anonymous No. 911583

>drawing tablets a meme for sculpting:
>for modeling:
>wanna try making animations
use mouse.

Anonymous No. 911588


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 911606

A Tablet is essential for use with Zbrush, even if is the cheapest Wacom has. The cintiq is too expensive, so ignore it. Chinese products often break right after purchase or have sensitivity problems, see the /ic/ sticky about tablet brands.

Anonymous No. 912547

Speaking of tablets, an issue I’m having is that when I render in Blender my pen gets set to “shared screens” instead of just sticking to screen 2(which is the cintiq)

Anyone have any idea why this is happening? It isn’t the worst thing in the world as I just hit the button to change which screen the pen I set to and it’ll go back to normal, but it’s a bit annoying.

Anonymous No. 912550

This is the face the cat makes when OP walks into a room

Anonymous No. 912552

Scratch that. It’s a calibration issue with Wacom. Thankfully there was a thread for it but it took several people to figure it out.

Anonymous No. 912580

wait, what? you're using a tablet from the most expensive highest quality brand in combination with the worst software?

i know this might sound like a joke, but i would rather sculpt in zbrush with a mouse, going back and forth by manually adjusting z-intensity for every single stroke than to switch to blender with a 24 inch 2500$ wacom tablet.
if you have the money for wacom you have the 15$ for a cgpeers invite. pls do yourself a favor.

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Anonymous No. 912595

I’m using Blender for its animation tools. My 3d knowledge is fairly basic at the moment, but after using a bunch of animation softwares (including ToonBoom and Animate) I found that blender actually has some surprisingly good tools for traditional animation, plus I’m sort of developing an animation technique with Blender I haven’t seen anyone use yet. I’m going to do a couple animations, and if I can refine the technique and people take an interest I plan on releasing some videos on it as well.

Sculpting isn’t much of a concern for me, I’d like to get a LOT better on scenery and environments, but animation is the big focus.