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๐Ÿงต Comparing 2D art to 3D art

Anonymous No. 909502

As a 2D artist, recent developments in machine learning have spooked me a little. I don't want to beat a dead horse when it comes to "AI" but I bring it up because it made me think of the many obstacles that I will/could face as an artist in the future. So, it makes sense to want to diversify my skill sets. The question is, would I find artistic satisfaction in learning 3D skills, or even transitioning towards it?

For context, I do a lot of character drawings. Nothing too high brow. Just stuff that would be considered cartoons/anime/comics that serve an entertainment purpose rather than a technical one. Are these interests something that'll transition into 3D art? From my limited experience, the bulk of it looks "industrial" for lack of a better word. You have modelers who make the models. That's handed off to the animators. Then people that handle stuff like lighting work on it, and etc. I never get this sense that there's an audience for "solo-generated" 3D art in the same way a 2D artist might upload character designs on social media, or fanart of the latest flavour of the month, or just a dumb relatable comic. Well, I suppose there's a lot of 3D porn artists out there, and while I'm not above that, I wouldn't want to be stuck doing nothing but animating models banging each other all day. My creative urges would want to pull me into something more varied.

Again, my interests aren't too high brow, but I like the flexibility of 2D art when it comes to being able to work on longer projects but also being able to whip up something in an hour or so that crosses my mind after watching a movie or a show, and then sharing it to the internet/my friends. Is there an audience for a 3D equivalent of this? I guess 3D animated skits have an audience, but I could also go down 2D animation as well. Then again, I suppose I could do both. Maybe get in 3D commercially, but just draw all the dumb memes I want when the urge strikes.

Sorry for the wall of text.

Anonymous No. 909503

Just kitbash, matte paint then AI everything. Easy money.

Anonymous No. 909509

Take the pablopill and speedsculpt waifus. Minimum effort maximum social media traction.

Anonymous No. 909543

3D will be "AIed" as well. Music and probably even sound design too. Don't bother, there's no escape.

Anonymous No. 909572

I choose to live despite knowing I'll die. AI is the same. Though I'm not going to pretend I like it either.

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Anonymous No. 909580

There is no escape. This is dalle 2

Anonymous No. 909582

Whole bunch of flaws that wouldn't be present in anything man-made. AI will never truly replace people.

Anonymous No. 909671

I think AI eventually will if left unchecked. There'll be a boiling point where people will eventually threaten to go on a jihad against the machines if there's no universal basic income implemented.
As much as artists feel the burn of Dall-E on their heels. OpenAI isn't just after artists. If machine learning eventually has the power to do art perfectly then that means OpenAI cracked the "diminishing returns" problems of ML and EVERYTHING can be automated.
I don't think full automation will happen as quickly as some people think, but it'll happen sooner than we don't want it to.

Anonymous No. 909673

schizo post

Anonymous No. 909679

Maybe a little.

I just think machine learning won't arrive as fast as people think it will, but by the time it starts to really take jobs away from people is when there'll be lots of social upheaval.

Anonymous No. 910078

You dumb niggers do realize these stupid fucking ai can't make shit without horrifically blending human made stuff right? They can't make anything and will always be bottlenecked by human creations it can scan a billion times using 999999x the power a human does to put out a subpar product.

Anonymous No. 910420

The seethe is abundant
Just accept it and enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 910426

1. they look bad
2. they aren't 3D models but drawings shaded to pop out

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Anonymous No. 911293

There is definitely an audience for solo 3d; Twitter is full of them, people do their models and light their scene and post, just like drawing.
I do both 2 and 3d, and, gotta say, they are both incredibly fun. When I get stuck or tired in one, I do the other. It expands horizons, which is the base of creation.

The thing is, your dilemma is void. You never have to choose between doing one or the other, installing blender/maya does not uninstall photoshop. You can just do half an hour of blender for a few days, take a break, do it again, take a break, then by the third time you do it, you actually get ideas and can move around the program and try to execute them. Then, you'll be exited, and things are smoother from there.

Take the dive. You'll be bigger

Anonymous No. 911310

>elbows too pointy 2/10

Anonymous No. 911312

do you really think ai wont ever develop the idea to push vertices?