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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909589

Hey newfag and young impressionable guy here, just recently finished a couple of associate degree courses and I'm working on a robust portfolio under my name to soon join the rat race, but my question as a newbie is related to porn art niche and the industry, Should it be disclosed during hiring process that you work and even have earnings under pseudonyms, reaching niche communities with it or nah?
How does the industry deal with their professionals that decided to cater to the adult niche whilst also seeking professional career, I know most people hide it under pseudonyms but still eventually retards dedicated enough to find you end up spewing the beans on forums and people find out your legal name, is it acceptable or shunned to have that content in your portfolio, how does a company or HR deal with it?
Or perhaps not shunned at all if you go so far as keeping it vanilla and not doing weird furry/loli/snuff/etc stuff?

Anonymous No. 909591

>Should it be disclosed during hiring process
absolutely fucking not.
no one wants to risk hiring a coomer who's going to take their assets and put futa dicks all over them.

Anonymous No. 909659

I hope they report you, pedo pig degenerate tranny swine.

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Anonymous No. 909702

I hope they report me too Anon

Anonymous No. 910655

>still no in-game nude mods for bioshock infinite
somewhat on-topic:
gamedev retard here, is it possible to make your game coomer-proof? im not talking about preventing coomers from ripping your models, but instead preventing them from injecting moded models into the game. bioshock infinite seems like one of those "imposible" to mod game with huge coomer potential. even though i thought that bioshock infinite is an unreal engine game (i might be wrong tho).

Anonymous No. 910662

The easiest way would be to make the characters so unappealing that nobody would even think to make mods like that.
On a more technical level, you could implement a whole bunch of checksums to make sure the models being used are the ones you explicitly put in the game. What happens when any checksums fail is up to you.
There may be better ways, but I’m going to sleep right now. Goodnight, gamedevbro.

Anonymous No. 910664

Yes, make a text based game. Follow Chris Crawford’s path.

Anonymous No. 910667

i do understand the concept of checksums and the similarly related hashing, but whats stopping crackers from altering the checksum value to always read as correct? if crackers can crack videogames drm and expensive dcc softwares whats stoping them from cracking a game into full coom mode? somehow i think its not impossible to mod after all and perhaps nude mod for bioshock infinite do exists but being hoarded by coomer crackers for their own personal, obscure enjoyment that no one else had.

Anonymous No. 910958

I do not find enjoyment in seeing my beloved character coom moded.
That's why my niche of choice is rape (of ch i despise or hate) videos and ingame things.
I have a crawler bot that searches for every video or bit of content related to rape of a list of characters, mostly females and faggots. Ex list:
>Ellie and Diana TLOU2 cus dyke and dyke kike
>Tammy Aberdeen RDR2 cus she grosses me out
>Fish and flying fish SMB on NES cus fuck them fishes
And many more.
If you hapoen to need some good rape porn or leaks, hit me up.

Anonymous No. 910960


Anonymous No. 912243

What the?!
motherfucker saw me write impressionable on the thread and came in drolling with his honeypot, fuck off with this shite

Anonymous No. 912326

Not unless you're being employed specifically because you're [Porn Artist Name Here]

Anonymous No. 913138

I wonder what would happen if one was to send their NSFW content as portifolio and demoreel, specially those guys who have pristine animation and rendering quality in their animations.
Would love to be a fly on the wall seeing the reaction of HR, and if the company is small enough like many gaming companies are I bet even the CEO and other founders would get to see the content and question should they get that person or not hahahahah