

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 910226

How good does one have to be at drawing to be good at 3D modeling and animation?

Anonymous No. 910229

You don't have to know how to draw. It helps, but not really.

Perspective and shadows are solved by 3d being 3d. Learn anatomy, the left (animu) is a simplification of the right (anatomy sketch).

Anonymous No. 910231

U don't need to.. because u are a nigger OP, that posts the same shit every month.

Anonymous No. 910241

I don't think you need to know how to draw, but understanding the principles of 2d art can be incredibly beneficial. The problem with a lot of YouTube tutorials is that most of them teach you how to use your software, but not how to be an artist. This is particularly true for Blender tutorials because basically anyone can download Blender and pretend they know what they're doing. Understanding things like observation and construction can make things like studying anatomy, or really anything, a complete breeze compared to copying references until you magically sculpt a model that looks right.

Anonymous No. 910290


you dont, you need to do both. Sculpting helps you draw the correct forms in 2d, subsurf in 3d helps you get lighting details in 2d, 2d coloring helps you make your textures in 3d, 2d helps you with composition in 3d, painting fabric will help you sculpt fabrics. Details you add to 2d will start to be details you add in 3d and vice versa. It just goes on in a loop like that