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๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 910303

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- DALL-E-dition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>907726

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

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Anonymous No. 910309

Working on another wip, really just getting into substance so I'm still learning a lot so I'm making some more props.

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Anonymous No. 910310

bit of a close up here, again very wip but crits welcomed

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Anonymous No. 910311

and there just a bit of a close up on some of the detail on the sides, getting these to properly get some decent topology and bakes was a challenge for sure.

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Anonymous No. 910313

This is a lion from the Assyrian civilization btw.
so trying to at least somewhat stick to their design language.

Anonymous No. 910314

Holy fuck those look incredible

Anonymous No. 910315

Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 910317

Alright, everyone can go home now, this one is probably the best that will get posted

Anonymous No. 910331

I'd go a bit easier on the discoloration on the face. On the tongue and the flat side of the face it would naturally wear off a bit more than that even though the tongue seems to be slightly covered. Just add a bit more noise into the discoloration on those areas or something at least.
Aside from that it looks great.

Anonymous No. 910349

very nice. mask guy?

Anonymous No. 910441

what programs did you use? was that a sculpt or a retopology-ed model?

Anonymous No. 910442

>a sculpt or a retopology-ed model
huh? those aren't mutually exclusive

Anonymous No. 910444

I mean in that pic, did you retopology the statue yet? Or was it still a millions vertex scuplt?

Anonymous No. 910446

i'm not the guy who posted it

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Anonymous No. 910447

How do you model pic related, with a clean topology? I could do it, but its embrassing shitty topology wise. Iam thinking a mirroed cylinder, with merging enable, for a start?

Anonymous No. 910448

couple issues before I smooth things out and start modeling the art
1. The anchor points for automatic weights are actually only on the highlighted orange dots, meaning the mesh arms in particular won't move with the bones
2. The bones are stretching when I move them in pose mode, making animation nearly impossible/ridiculous
3. The mesh doesn't stick to the bones when I bend the elbow
4. I keep having to reset the pose using clear transform, it gets messed up when I go into object mode randomly

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Anonymous No. 910449




๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 910451

Just finalizing and tidying up my unique final artwork for my new game.

Anonymous No. 910456

Fuck off

Why are you not hired yet?

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Anonymous No. 910465

groomin. missing the braided bun. not looking forward to it.

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Anonymous No. 910466

I'm not done yet, I got more projects coming
got it yeah, I'm really just getting into substance but i'm surprised it's basically like photoshop on stereoids. really working on observation skills and layering up details and stuff.

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Anonymous No. 910467

better shampoo

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Anonymous No. 910469

it's the usual high poly sculpt, then low poly then baking. for this one it's just a decimated version that has been tweaked a lot to get the uvs to unwrap properly. I'm using mostly zbrush and maya.

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Anonymous No. 910470

>Why are you not hired yet?
Honestly I haven't tried applying for jobs yet, I do want to but I've never feel like I'm ready, it's a bit daunting too. been coming here for a long time tho.

Anonymous No. 910485

You're ready retard

Anonymous No. 910486

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 910514

You either are larping or incredibly dunning kruger. Your interviewer will de cide if you are ready. Not you.

Anonymous No. 910519

>incredibly dunning kruger.
lol this doesn't mean anything

Anonymous No. 910520

Make a new throaway discord account, post it here and wait, seriously it will work

Anonymous No. 910523

Why not just post my artstation, I'm gonna put all this stuff in there anyway, or will people blacklist me for posting here?

Anonymous No. 910526

Depends where you from, higher ups who like 4chan won't blacklist you for sure, they might actually become friends, but HR in some places is very corrupt and nepotistic, will 100% be iffy towards you for being on 4chan

Anonymous No. 910528

bro that shit is awesome, how many polys and udims you got there?

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Anonymous No. 910532


Anonymous No. 910533

No dingus. You make 2 artstation portfolios. One with your 4chan projects with a made up name, another for serious projects with your real name.

Anonymous No. 910534

already flagged your work at mpc and sent them over to a friend who works at dneg as well. blacklist 4 lyfe.

: - )

that sinking feeling?
imagine how bad it would be if i wasn't lying.
stop posting on 4chinz.

Anonymous No. 910535

Ohhh brilliant kek

Monster hunter/dq anon, you were always ready, you donโ€™t have to doubt yourself.

Anonymous No. 910536

Not the sculptanon, stop fearmongering and larping words you don't understand, Cris

Anonymous No. 910537

>wanting to work at mpc
Doesn't that place treat their employees like literal slaves?

Anonymous No. 910546

You got me there pal

Anonymous No. 910548

Do people in the industry really care if you post on 4chan?

>tfw no qt rich anon to make a studio exclusively for 4chan chads

Anonymous No. 910549

yes they do care and you shouldnt even _think_ of posting work on this far-right, extremist site. I only post on artstation, despite any amount of baiting and "pyw" begging

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Anonymous No. 910552

Making a low poly human, what do you think, /3/?

Anonymous No. 910553

learn anatomy

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Anonymous No. 910554

>tfw living under the boot of HR

Anonymous No. 910575

Are you aware of how many artist are posting their work online everyday?
And you're telling me that out of the hundreds of artworks that get posted everyday on Twitter, artstation, discord, etc, some hr person is gonna come to check what is essentially the least popular board on 4chan where 99% percent of the work is being posted by beginners and trolls and tell me that they will even take the time and go to the trouble to track who's posting here just because it's associated with the far right? Who even really cares that much? Even if you post something here now, people will most likely forget it by next week.

Have you noticed the state of this board? It's dead, it moves at a snail pace, I wholly understand not posting here if you're a professional already working in the industry but for anyone else I just don't see what the big deal is.

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Anonymous No. 910579

day 40 in blender and touch of photoshop for contrast

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Anonymous No. 910590

whats wrong with this?

Anonymous No. 910593


Anonymous No. 910594

That's not how it works anon, it usually goes like this instead
You post art, art goes viral, you go viral, you get famous.
Nice you are famous now, you let it get to your head and start proselytizing whatever social/ideological issue you care about, eventually someone who dislike and disagrees with your ideas find out you are proselytizing and complains about it to their own little community, in their profile.
Word goes around people notice the beef and eventually one of the people that happen to see the complaints is from this board and has seen someone post things similar to your style here, and for some reason decide to fuck with the artist cuz why not?
Checks board again, see if artist still lurks, screengrabs, send it to the ppl that dislike the artist, it gets shared around, eventually someone decides to do the good ol' classic "Hello company X did you know employee A does Y and Z on 4chan, here are some pictures of it"

HR gets a hold of evidence, have a discussion on how deeming it is, if it's bad Anon gets the axe, if it's not anon only get grabbed by the loins by HR and plays ball as to not give any reason for them to let him go, if anon is a really good boi, a goody two shoes HR will likely see if he browses 4chan in company computers through logs and tell him to stop and nothing happens, or if HR lady is crazy enough she lurks here as an anon herself and checks up on anon(Hardly doubt about this one tho)

This "Never happened" example is brought to you by discord/twitter drama, for it is how it goes on those platforms, and I can easily see it happening here too.

Anonymous No. 910607

How is Substance anyway? Good? I have shitload of years of professional work with Photoshop, but only just starting with 3D and I was wondering how to make texturing easiest for me.

Anonymous No. 910613

Can i have the object file please?

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Anonymous No. 910615

bro you just take the top cylinder, extrude the middle face, keep extruding until you can connect it with the middle face on the back, now you have 2 rings on the sides which you can extrude

Anonymous No. 910619

Substance is pretty close to Photoshop in terms of the layered workflow. They're obviously different programs entirely, but if you're skilled with image manipulation and working with masks and stuff, you should be able to pick up SP pretty quickly (like within an hour or so). It's incredibly simple to jump into.

Anonymous No. 910620

Nice, I'll look into it. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 910621


Anonymous No. 910660

Not all companies are fucked with HR, usually the most mainstream ones.
This reminded me of that right wing recruitment agency that advertised as a non-political HR recruitment company, getting jobs for ppl that were not interested in following the mainstream government views, what was the name of it again?

Anonymous No. 910661

That sounds like a such a lazy honeypot.

Anonymous No. 910671

Ikr, I want to see if they are still around or not, but I'm failing to remember the name, they paid for ads on a bunch of right wing sites and I remember seeing it on the daily wire once

Anonymous No. 910682

it's like around 50k polys and the head, mane and body are separate meshes with 1 udim each
thanks man, glad someone here remembers my work, i'll probably be gone now for good, if I ever make it i'll come back and let you guys know, I've been coming to this board since 2017 so I do feel a bit nostalgic about this place, and even tho yes there is a lot of bad reputation around it a lot of people helped me along the way and I wouldn't have the first clue about 3d without their help. so there's that.

Anonymous No. 910683

Or just use the skin modifier.

Anonymous No. 910684

This reminds me of Mesopotamian engravings of Tiamat. I wonder how She would look like as a statue in a similar style and quality to this

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Anonymous No. 910687

Another day another tale of HR being an absolute totalitarian hellscape:

Be wary of those demons

Anonymous No. 910699

Why do this when you can just make a bent cylinder and extrude out the middle of it?

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Anonymous No. 910746

I'd love some criticism on this.

Anonymous No. 910750

Arm proportion seem slightly longer than the anatomical averages it's too far down the waist line. Hands are too big too

Other than that I like what I see

Anonymous No. 910752

Nice ginger girl anon. Are you following yansculpts?

Anonymous No. 910753

Thank you, the hands and feet are temporary but I'll shorten the arms.

No, just reference and Anatomy for Sculptors.

Anonymous No. 910754

Clavicle / sternocleidomastoid area looks a bit wobbly
The top inside of the booba also arcs inwards a bit too much
Hands an feet a little noodly
Back feels a bit flat and would like to see more of the back wall of the arm pit

Imo of course, could be wrong. Just give it a second look.

Anonymous No. 910755

Don't just shorten it, do it properly, remember to check a book or google on the avrg measurements of the humerus, ulna and radius.

The way I see in this pic is the ulna and radius are too elongated compared to the humerus

Anonymous No. 910756

Perfect, I'll work on those areas.

Good shout, I wouldn't have thought to do it that way.

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Anonymous No. 910757

not that anon re:proportions, but this is from artistic anatomy by paul richer.
but check out loomis' proportions as well because he thinks the average 7.5 head measure "dumpy" and prefers slightly different proportions - the type you see on fashion models etc (b/c he was a fashion illustrator). you'll probably want something closer to that.

Anonymous No. 910759

Face is fucking weird man, especially the lips. Unless it's a style you're going for.

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Anonymous No. 910760

here's the other side

grab yourself a pdf tho, it's well worth having as reference.

Anonymous No. 910761

>more fucking coomer shit

Anonymous No. 910762

How does it feel to get mogged by talented coomers Cris?

Anonymous No. 910763

Face is fine man, she's just not your type

Anonymous No. 910764

Don't change too much Anon you got smt good going already, change things very slightly and slowly, don't destroy your model

Anonymous No. 910765

Lol a character model being naked doesnโ€™t make it coomer shit. The model will likely have clothes added to it later, or at least thatโ€™s what most people who model naked characters plan on doing. Nudity is just a part of art and it always has been, and you would know that if you were an actual artist and not just a tourist with a donut.

Anonymous No. 910766

>coombrain tries to justify his shitting up of a blue board by saying its art
You're that guy from the last thread, aren't you?

Anonymous No. 910768

>Tfw you've never opened a Jeffrey R. Watts or a Jon Demartin book in your miserable life

Seethe all you like son, Anon Is gonna make it and you won't

Anonymous No. 910770

I'm one of those guys. Sexual acts or even a suggestive pose are one thing, but nudity by itself isn't always NSFW. Even in a school environment, nudity isn't always NSFW because I remember seeing a good few Greco-Roman and renaissance statues in history and art class, butts, balls, boobs, and all. You're just projecting your own coomerism onto other people because you used to be a porn-addicted degenerate who can't get his weenie up anymore.

Anonymous No. 910771


Anonymous No. 910776

>n-no y-you're the coomer!
You got me. Excellent logic there.

Anonymous No. 910779

You're looking at it wrong anon, arm proportion is fine, it's the placeholder hands throwing you off,

The bones in the arm need adjusting tho Humerus is smaller than it should and Ulna is too long

Anonymous No. 910780

I didn't say you are a coomer, but that you were a coomer. The only thing preventing you from being a coomer is your limp dick.

Anonymous No. 910781

It's a work in progress model, I'd say something if there was detailed genitals but there is none.

Anonymous No. 910793

Seething about coomers are one of the most assured way how to spot a newfag. Fucking election tourists I swear.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 910802

Chud, stop pretending you're not q Donald Drumpf tourist from 2016 /pol/ yourself.

Anonymous No. 910806

>another false flag
damn this coombrain got butthurt real bad
Can some mods just ban his ip or something so he doesn't keep shitting up these threads?

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Anonymous No. 910829

Woke in progress.

I have to say i begin to love Eevee. That thing is fast as shit, and no fucking noise.

Anonymous No. 910830

>Woke in progress

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Anonymous No. 910831


Anonymous No. 910832

>gays being silent

Anonymous No. 910833

>That thing is fast as shit, and no fucking noise.
because it's like a vidya render engine from 2014 - and looks like it.

Anonymous No. 910835

Yeah you keep making shit because you can't light properly.

Anonymous No. 910836

All this irrational homophobia here.

Anonymous No. 910837

u hittin on me, bro? cuz if u are we should take this to pvt if you know what i mean

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Anonymous No. 910838

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Anonymous No. 910842


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Anonymous No. 910891

>>910309 Looks great, might give substance a shot after after i been very disappointed by Quixel Mixer, with their "smart materials" that are worse at box projecting shitty texture maps than blender. And if i have to bake color Id maps i might as well bake my procedural materials to a texture...
Maybe for the next project.
>>910552 Maybe some eye sockets, to make the face look less flat and you are well on your way. Maybe Look up what deep rock galactic does and you are well on your way to a cool model!
>>910829 Don't worry, with big enough textures and glass materials you get some damn noise and slow ass renders. I currently average 24-ish seconds a frame.

Making first moves. Threw together some keyframes on the Body Rig so i can test / tweak all them IK chains for the robotic parts. Looking at my old base mesh this way too long project stated with, it for sure does not hold up anymore. Still good enough to have something other than the not yet weight painted suit.
Some advice for anyone wanting to do Robots / Exoskeleton stuff, leave some extra degrees of freedom and some places to hide stretching. This makes the faux mechanisms work a lot better if you can cheat your way out of inaccuracies. We do art not engineering after all.

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Anonymous No. 910946

So I'm working on my next anime-sque tank.
I'm trying a more complex project this time.
It took me a while to concept what shape this guy would have. Initially I wanted him to be like a mechanical worm that tunnels through the ground, but it ended up lookin too goofy.
I'm getting more and more used to using anotate to block out my proportions and sketch out complex shapes, but it irks me that I can't assemble rough "cages" of my parts and have to stick to traditional front/side/top .
Is there any way around this?
Use grease pencil?

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Anonymous No. 910961

AK. I just want to git gud.

Anonymous No. 910968

Hell yea man, you got a distinct style that bleeds cool. I've been on the grind a couple years less but I feel ya, seeing the work of anons (like you) illuminated so much more than any YouTube tutorial. But yea, for you, it's time anon. We'll miss your posts, or I know I will, but you're ready. Now go out there and get that money and recognition, you deserve it bro. Godspeed you magnificent bastard!

Anonymous No. 910970

>Anon makes it
>Leaves his bros behind

Many such cases. I don't hate you for it anon, I hope we all make it in the end and I begrudge no man from his perseverance paying off. Don't forget us though.
Just remember when you're having cigars and cognacs with the big cheeses in the industry and you feel like you need to talk with people who "get" you, we'll still be here for you.
For me, it's a case of seeing your work and not getting downhearted that I have such a long way to go, or even that I'll never reach your level at all. Rather I'm going to look it at the way a real man should and see it as something to aspire to.
I wish you only the best.

Anonymous No. 910978

>its a false flag!
I didn't know /3/ had this much of a cross section with /pol/. Is anything you disagree with just not real?

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Anonymous No. 910980

Making a kind of ancient city buried in the desert. Built a tower blockout and pulled in some quixel assets to set the mood.

Anonymous No. 910987

Anor londo?

Anonymous No. 911000

No dex builds allowed.

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Anonymous No. 911002

Being working on this ogre guy for a bit on my phone. All his body is split into each individual piece and I was wondering if I should work on the anatomy a bit more in t pose or pose it and rework the anatomy.

Anonymous No. 911009

No dex build? i cry ToT

>Watchu mean I can't be a naked katana wielding genocidal untouchable demigod anymore?!

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Anonymous No. 911020


Anonymous No. 911021

>N-noooo! It can't be!

Anonymous No. 911022

Now is not the time for tears, our brother has been welcomed into the land of the gods, and he strived for it. So should we anon, so should we.

He head lookin' a bit small there.

Anonymous No. 911033

Right now your Orc is looking like a transwoman. Scale the upper body more so that the silhoutte is a inverted triangle. Oh yeah that's right you are using a phone to sculpt. Nevermind anon you are on your own.

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Anonymous No. 911043

I am a beginner trying to learn. I started with this character sheet I found online, and nearly ruined everything while using the knife tool. Any criticism, please?

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Anonymous No. 911044


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Anonymous No. 911058

A few lazy sculpting hours later

Yes, leyndell ashen capital looks is a main reference here, almost involuntary

Anonymous No. 911064

Impressive, very nice. Maybe we don't even need to see Paul Allen's modeling. I know it's a WIP and you probably has already fixed it but im gonna say it anyways.

Materials on a face and legs has different scale, even blurring out a bit. Not sure if you've mapped texel density as you would do for a character, with a quarter of UV space dedicated the face. But it just breaks the illusion here.

Reference has some sharp medium-scale cast imperfections (near the tail, handle, and on the rear leg) They add a lot of variety to flat surfaces and help bring model's material together being same scale and sharpness everywhere. So you know it's a cast metal all over the place.

Green oxidation gives a nice contrast between metal and non-metal and gives warm-and-cold paintery vibes when combined with yellowish dirt. Also showing the age of an object.

Anonymous No. 911065

>Right now your Orc is looking like a transwoman
So pretty spot on so far.

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Anonymous No. 911079


Anonymous No. 911083

Two extrudes instead of three look much better on that lower battlement by the railing

I'm going to try that more often on my models

Anonymous No. 911095

You're better off sculpting it which would take less time then retopologizing afterwards since your topology sucks and it won't deform properly when rigged.
If you don't want to sculpt and are sticking to poly modeling, look up body topology reference and follow it.
Try to keep a mindset of using the least amount of subdivisions for the most amount of detail.
It's okay if the ass looks blocky at first, that can be sorted out later with a subdivision modifier.

When you're starting out, most people constrain themselves to just orthographic view when using reference, try not to do that.
Notice the way it almost looks rectangular in some places?
Try to make a few changes and check if they look good from all angles, remember this is 3D, the model has to look good no matter the angle you look at it.

Also, since it's an organic form, try not to focus too much on moving around singular polys, use proportional editing and you can make it look much more organic and dimensional that way.

If you want to learn more, try Daniel Kreuter on YouTube, he helped me a lot with understanding the workflow to make characters.

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Anonymous No. 911116

Big progress this morning.
Very pretty. How did you do all of that ornamentation around the archways?

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Anonymous No. 911128

Made his head a bit bigger and his neck longer. Looks less like an orc though.

Anonymous No. 911129

It looks like the teeth come through the lip rather than coming out of the mouth and pushing the lip forward. Unless that was what you were going for. I'm not sure how these fantasy characters usually get designed.

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Anonymous No. 911131

you ruined the aesthetic of an orc. They're suppose to dominate you in different positions but have an obsession for Bruce Willis or what??? Stop projecting damnit.

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Anonymous No. 911135

I dont know what to do with this sculpt because I dont know if he should look more human like or I'm being gaslit into making bad changes when it should be a bulky monstrous orc.

I have no idea what the right advice is.

Anonymous No. 911136

Not scruffy enough, they're supposed to look like the pinnacle of testosterone, and that means folds nigga. fuck off with this soft skinned tender forehead orc.
Fucking nu-orc looking mothereffer

Anonymous No. 911137

I'm just trying to get the proportions right before I start on secondary details. Want to make sure it looks correct enough to start adding folds, dirt, scars and dirt.

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Anonymous No. 911138

Go watch Strongman and Powerlifting competitions and look exclusively for the largest fattest or bulkiest guys

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HeadIk (1).webm

Anonymous No. 911139

Another day another Rig.
A question for all you Rigging wizards. How much IK is too much IK? Can i make up for a lack in animation skill by just throwing more constraints and drivers at it so almost anything moves itself?
really not looking forward to weight painting that face... Does anyone have some resources on how little i can get away with? When looking at stuff from open3Dlab and coomer equivalents they all got almost a grid of bones covering the face. Or is just doing shape keys the better idea ??

>>911116 Looks very neat, but i bet there are some dudes from /k/ who will point out all sorts of historical inaccuracies and what not. The only thing that jumps out to me is that this looks an awful lot like my old models where you try to fix your problems with more subdivisions. Like on the sight leaf you can see some funky edge normal which can be fixed by more subdivisions but working in a slightly higher mesh resolution and subdividing less might work out better.

>>911128 Pretty big forehead for an ork.

Anonymous No. 911141

The only bad decision you made was giving him this elongated top, when anon said the head looked a bit small he meant proportionally to the rest of the body, It would've been a better decision to lower the thickness on the thighs and calves slightly, instead of changing the head. the head was ok initially, look at that warcraft orc face, and compare it to your first head, they look much closer to one another than this brucewillis looking weirdo

Everytime someone here tells you there's smt wrong with part X, don't immediately change it, not always it's that part that is the problem it's just when looked at the big picture it looks weird because smt else is wrong.
Zoom out a bit on the model and see if it wasn't another part of the body that is throwing ppl off, Like the waist and thighs making the mentioned part looks bad.

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Anonymous No. 911142

Noel Deizel is a good model for an orc body, he is perfectly symmetrical, and the body fat is practically nonexistent

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Anonymous No. 911144

Last minute progress before work. I'll stop spamming these so frequently. Lower handguard needs a rework. Bad shading. Inconsistent topo density. Not entirely happy with the overall shape.
Thanks for your feedback. I try to keep subdivisions at 1 or 2 levels tops. And I agree with the rear sight leaf. It needs to be reworked. It's actually not subdivided or beveled at all. I just threw smooth shading on it. It's like 30 quads lol. BTW, your rigging and models are always extremely impressive. One of these days, I will master anatomy and sculpting. Stuff's inspiring.

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Anonymous No. 911145

and the subdivided model.

Anonymous No. 911146

Post your references We'll tell you if it's bad or not or are you fucking sculpting from imagination? If that is the case then you are WAY too early to sculpt from imagination anon

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Anonymous No. 911155

Made his face more monster like, I'm going to rework his eyes and his mouth

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Anonymous No. 911158

Here's one of them for the body I wanted for the orc.

Anonymous No. 911162

Looks like my dad, and my dad looks like an orc, so I guess it's better hahahah
I like it.
I wonder how it would look like with a less monstrous nose tho, just the nose, and just slightly less monstrous.

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Anonymous No. 911172

I'm not >>911033

But here is what he was talking about in regards to triangles, it's basic fundamentals of drawing, get your construction and proportion right from the start.

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Anonymous No. 911180


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shronk_proportion .jpg

Anonymous No. 911184

Thank you for the diagram and explanation. I've tried to match the proportions to the refrance using it as a background. Hopefully it looks a bit better.

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Anonymous No. 911200


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Anonymous No. 911208

Small head anon here, my looks like my original advice took you further away, it was probably a neck issue rather than a head issue. Hereโ€™s what I can fix from the image using liquify tools. Something closer to that maybe.

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shronk (3).jpg

Anonymous No. 911210

Okay, fuck this is driving me fucking delirious with the constant edits but holy shit just please tell me on the right track this time.

Anonymous No. 911211

Ye, just gotta fix th muscle placement and fix a few proportions, I couldn't get it exactly right because it's just a flat image I'm editing, but look at the >>911131 this ref and this one >>911158, those were the ones that caught my eye as most correct. But ye, he looking much beeger than before which was main the issue with the overall proportions.

Anonymous No. 911212

Congrats on making that guys work more generic and up to your own personal style. Your feedback sucks and that X heads tall thing is a meme.

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Anonymous No. 911214

Making blendshapes for facial expressions and visemes

Anonymous No. 911218

The issue I see in most of your work is that you have a great understanding of anatomy, but not a great understanding of proportion. This one's face looks nice, but the faces in most of your work look vertically squished. This sculpt you have made now looks like it's almost there, but the pectorals might (->might<-) not be big enough, and the lowest ab muscle appears to be too long. The lowest ab muscle is long in anatomy diagrams, but on the surface of the skin, the lower half blends in to its surroundings making it look shorter.

Anonymous No. 911220

>The issue I see in most of your work is that you have a great understanding of anatomy
He doesn't

Anonymous No. 911222

By "great understanding of anatomy" and "not a great understanding of proportion", I meant that he has a good understanding of musculature and how those muscles are shaped, but not exactly where those muscles should go and what size they should be.

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Anonymous No. 911224

I'm relatively new to sculpting on my phone as apposed to zbrush. I'm trying my hardest to learn everything with anatomy (I'm not great at it). My last zbrush thing before a blackout broke my pc is this.
He's right.

Anonymous No. 911239

Anon who gave the 8heads. Youโ€™re blind if you cant see 8 by 4 heads on his first reference. Itโ€™s not a meme when itโ€™s tried and true method for hero characters. Had a nice chuckle when orc anon attempted my advice. Not crabbing him or anything but he really needs to work more proportions than anatomy.

Anonymous No. 911240

So you're just some dumbass who crabs instead of wanting anons to make small steps to fix their shit. Moron

That's what I'm getting at with the fix, not supposed to be what he should've copied exactly but the extension of the upper torso and whatnot was what he was supposed to look at. Muscles are well defined in the other pics so he can fix that up no problem, but the general size of everything leads to some Hobbit looking orc instead of some wongo 8 foot tall beast.

Anonymous No. 911244

the only thing that 'broke' your pc is you because you didnt have a surge protector, idiot

Anonymous No. 911245

Ok wait, anon, do you do any drawing? I think the issue here is that you're doing this on the phone (if its on a tablet this might apply if it's really small), so while you zoom in and work on the individual bits and details they look great. But, because you weren't building them in context to each other, when you zoom out, it's mismatched to your vision by the end. I think this is just the zoom out problem 2d artists face but for 3d. We're just trying to take guesses, but you already know what you want your boy to look like, just actually need a physically bigger workspace to build your parts in relation to each other.

Anyways, I think only you can decide what your guy should look like, but if you wanted some generic orc advice, I think most anons filled it out pretty well. Otherwise, be happy with the midget orc, it's still really cool.

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Anonymous No. 911252

boott haha :3

Anonymous No. 911257

Nice green ass anon im tired of seeing tall buff orcs and midget orcs to be frank.

Anonymous No. 911259

Woah, cool it with the orcism

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Anonymous No. 911261

I'm pretty new to designer but you guys think I've taken this far enough? all of that detail is not even visible unless you're up close inside unreal. or should I exaggerate the details and brick height to make em read more?

Anonymous No. 911262

From afar, the issue I would see is the pattern seems a bit regular (big small but always the same size) Other details like how much the brick is inset, plaster height variation would be icing on top though not really necessary if people won't be up close and personal with it.

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Anonymous No. 911264

so earlier i was watching this arrimus vid:

i decided to give a similar thing a go in blender since i'm already learning topology

obviously the mouth area is still a problem, i think i've done decent with the rest of the design. mostly i've practiced adding in details to curved areas (the indents on the temple for example)

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Anonymous No. 911265


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Anonymous No. 911268

Anonymous No. 911270

It's alright for a first try. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's anatomy skills can't actually sculpt an anatomically accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.

Anonymous No. 911274

Wow, more coomer shit -- and it's furry shit too. Furry stuff belongs in /trash/.

Anonymous No. 911275

Sonichu is looking good

Anonymous No. 911282

Okay massive twat, I'll remember to get a surge protector when some dickhead knocks out the street power. I'm getting compensation and a new pc so I'll be back making stuff on zbrush you absolute prick.

Anonymous No. 911291

I think it's just a schizo shitting up the bread, always explicit, no explanations beyond schizo rambling and obvious stuff. Safe to ignore I'd say.

Anonymous No. 911292

this board is full of failed blendertards that know they can never make it and just try everything to drag anyone down with them and sabotage every attempt to have some kind of actual discussion here.

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Anonymous No. 911296

Now I slap characters on top of it for scale and narrative.

Didn't even knew building parts had specific names. I was aiming for regular big-medium-small relations instead of 3 equal repeating elements.

Thank you. I used zbrush, displacement map from quixel assets and Jonas Ronnegard ornament brushes.

Anonymous No. 911300

Yea it's part of the reason why I hardly come back anymore. Nice to help people out if I can and look at some pro anons drop by, but some idiot anon always comes by to take a shit.

Anonymous No. 911301

Aw yea, that's gonna be sick anon, clothes all flapping about in the wind.

Anonymous No. 911311

i have been sporadically coming here for years and literally the only piece of useful advice that I ever found here was that someone namedropped arrimus3d.

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Anonymous No. 911337


re-worked the textures so it's more like the original model, also fixed up the mouth and a few other areas. gonna try and add some seams next

Anonymous No. 911339

you really should separate the different colored areas into separate objects

Anonymous No. 911343

Looking good, quite retro

Anonymous No. 911344

Hi, one question.
I am still making modular assets but I am kinda troubled since I want them to look a very specific way.
How? Either cel shaded or strong contrast, anyone can help me on chatting about shaders and rendering and texture work? I really don't know how to do this.
Like cel shading low poly models would suck right?

Anonymous No. 911349

Very cute! Can you explain why lips for simple one-line moth require so many polygons that isn't visible at all? I see that in any anime model.

Anonymous No. 911354

There's only one person in /wip/ who consistently does that. He never posts any of his work and does nothing but shit on people, doesn't matter who it is. Everyone else is nice.
I don't believe you should tell someone they're doing well when they aren't just to spare their feelings. You encourage them by telling them to keep at it and, if you can, explain how/'where/why they're going wrong. Telling them they're doing good when they're making clear mistakes is much more damaging in the long run.
Not that the anon you're talking about gives constructive criticism, I think he's just a cunt. That's why I never respond to him.

I can't speak about the rest of the board because I only really come to /wip/
The truth is you'll find some jealousy in every subject, it doesn't matter what it is. A lot of the time the ones who are most jealous are the ones who do shit and get nothing but praised for it. It gives them this false confidence that they're the best there is. Then they see someone who isn't shit they get butthurt because they're being forced to accept they aren't actually as good as they believed they were. So they lash out.

Personally if I think something is good then I'll say so. If I think something is bad/done wrong and I know why, or have an idea that I know why, then I'll say so. But if something is bad/done wrong and I don't know why then I don't say anything. Even when I give advice I always tell them to get a second opinion because taking the word of one person is just as damaging as telling them they're doing great, especially if that one person has a misplaced confidence.

Anonymous No. 911356

probably. i've been keeping it together for now since it just makes everything a bit easier. once i'll get to proper texturing i'll have to start making things more seperated

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Anonymous No. 911360

I somehow managed to sculpt a woman face this time.

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Anonymous No. 911364

Finished the basic blocking of my next robot , wormy-guy . He shoots rockets.
Tomorrow I plan to add detail and start shading.
I am going to try using Grease Pencil to add some paneling and defined the shapes a bit more

Anonymous No. 911376

For me, /3/ is great for ego checking and getting the most honest impression of what of your own work. You always be reminded that everybody needs to learn, grow and evolve because no one here is going to hugbox you unlike Reddit.

What's bad about /3/ is that the board is also filled with a lot of beginners who beilieve themselves to be pro. I'm still fairly new to 3d sculpting/moddeling and I have a lot to learn when it comes to anatomy, musculature and proportions and I'm doing this on phone (though September time I should be kitted out with a new PC)

I know my sculpts aren't good, but everyday I try to persevere, get some work done and post something even if I get shit on because I'll get a little bit better than the day before.

Anonymous No. 911381

Maybe you should go to /trash/ instead if everything you see bothers you.
Or just fucking model something and stop being a whiny little bitch.

Anonymous No. 911384

That's true. It's why I've always preferred 4chan over reddit, or pretty much any forum where you have a name tied to you. When you're anonymous people are much more honest, it's no different to how the "silent X" voter base works. Being confronted on the street by someone asking how you're going to vote isn't anonymous. Putting an X on a ballot is anonymous, and this is when they give their honest opinion and when the forecasters start coping that they didn't get it correct.

Your right that there are a lot of begs on /3/ too. I think their heart is in the right place but an amateur giving advice to another amateur rarely works out. I mean I'm an amateur, that's why when I give advice it's only something completely basic and I only do that if I'm 100% sure I know I'm right. Even then, like I said before, I still tell them to get a second opinion.
I couldn't imagine doing anything like 3D on a phone btw. I bet September can't come soon enough for you.

I like your attitude anon and I try to do the same. I know I'm making slower progress than I should be and I know I've left it way too late in my life to ever make it. But I enjoy modeling, it's fun. Every day you practice you're one step closer than yesterday to achieving what you want to achieve. That's all that matters.

Sorry for the lengthy posts, I have tendency to ramble. That apology stretches to everyone in the rest of the thread too. I waffle instead of posting something I'm working on. I don't mean to shit the thread up.

Anonymous No. 911386

Faggots who cares, you don't have to jerk each other off about how civil and humble you are lmao. I might or might not be the same, but consider that every virtue is always lessened by people's talking about and congratulating each other about it. Be like you are without fucking talking about it.

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Anonymous No. 911388

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Anonymous No. 911393

It's so the silhouette isn't visible. For example take a look at that model I did last month.
It's very jarring when you're able to see the straight lines from the polygons in the mouth, eyes, around the eyes. Especially with anime-like style.
I don't know if I'm doing it properly, but I tried to increase the definition without increasing the overall polycount because it can't be too unoptimized, it's for vr chat oculus quest.

Anonymous No. 911395

NTA but bricks are usually made to a uniform standard, I don't see the issue

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Anonymous No. 911405

Picking up blender to make a scene that came to me in a dream. Slowly putting together the effects I need to make it.

Anonymous No. 911406

Manufacturing and construction isn't perfect, take a look at the reference image again. Treat it as an exercise to understand why the real one differs from the anon's work. People don't apply the same amount of mortar between layers, nor do they place bricks 100% correctly. The bricks themselves should have variation on how in/out of the wall they are and different types of wear on individual bricks instead of a more uniform pattern across the whole thing (example weathering is uniform but the guy who chipped off a piece of the brick last week with his heavy suitcase? That's on an individual basis). Of course this is a pursuit of perfection, so if I were anon, I'd just throw some noise into the perfect lined bricks (some height variation too if possible) as that's the main issue. If stretched over a big plane, you'd see the repeating texture pattern problem from ps2/GameCube days (though it's in modern titles like BoTW too).

Anonymous No. 911408

on the bottom image there is some depth variation, but it'd be good to see some more. the paint on the top image seems really layered on so in some areas entire breakers are hidden behind it. just my two cents

Anonymous No. 911412

Very pretty anon, keep us updated. The dither adds a nice flavor to the whole thing.

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Anonymous No. 911464

Making a pitstop to make an audio visualizer for my friend's music. Needs another pass but it's 3am. Can't host audio here though and I don't want to get bullied for using imgur.
I'm blushing anon!

Anonymous No. 911477

you may want to animate that noise map a bit.

Anonymous No. 911478

This feels nice. Sometimes I see a duck in the pond quacking and making circles around it like this.

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Anonymous No. 911480

I wish I was better at characters but here we go.

Anonymous No. 911482


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Anonymous No. 911485

What can I improve here?

Anonymous No. 911486

I know it is fantasy art, but in real life, shamsir/saif type of swords were never carried with edge up, or at least I never heard about it. If you think about, you would have real bad time pulling it out.

Anonymous No. 911497

Thanks. I forgot that mouth should be animated too.

Anonymous No. 911500

Seethe more, coombrain, I just want a clean board.

Anonymous No. 911501

>maybe if i act like a retard and pretend to be offended people take my side and let me shitpost my degenerate fetishes
just fuck off instead, you butthurt coomer

Anonymous No. 911502

pick better concept art next time.

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Anonymous No. 911507

Just wanted to post something.
I've put materials on some things but they aren't textured. Just trying to practice scale more than anything. It's coming along okay though I think.

Anonymous No. 911524

Forearms too long
Hands slightly too big
Keep up the good work

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Anonymous No. 911530

tweaking in 160 dynamesh resolution

Anonymous No. 911531

the area that connects the asscheecks and the thighs is noticeably weird
the boob shape gets a little bit weird in the center, I don't think they're supposed to curve inwards so strongly
arms are a bit too spindly (this is more of a personal taste)

other than that it's not bad

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Anonymous No. 911534

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Anonymous No. 911537

fixed ears

Anonymous No. 911549

Goddam those clothes are fire anon, awesome job capturing that windswept feeling. Honestly, the character bits read fine so I think you're good.

Ayy nice nice.

Anonymous No. 911555

pretty nice, but feels a bit squished in Z

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Anonymous No. 911564

Texturing in progress

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Anonymous No. 911595

Downloaded nomad after being inspired by phone sculpt guy. Here's is shrek

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Anonymous No. 911598

Currently trying to make the Aloha Oe from Space Dandy

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Anonymous No. 911601

Today's stopping point, made the body wider from the side, worked on the arms, hands, feet and hair.

Anonymous No. 911607

Thanks anon, that's a good idea!

Anonymous No. 911651

Teach me your ways. Where did you learn this?

Anonymous No. 911677

Fuck man that's amazing. What courses did you follow to learn texturing/Substance Painter? I've gotten to a comfortable level with modeling but I'm lagging behind when it comes to texturing

Anonymous No. 911678

Seconding this question. Also in same exact spot in regard to modeling/texturing.

Anonymous No. 911680

What? Which part? I'm not even sure if I'm doing it properly

Anonymous No. 911681

Modeling in general. Do you do this with poli modeling? Sculpting? What about non-super deformed characters? Do you follow a method? How did you start?

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Anonymous No. 911694

Why didn't you make face features on alpha planes to make them independent from head topolpgy and easier to work with?

Better concept is a good advice. But if you want to go with this one, work first on the important stuff โ€” make a great looking meat and force a warm cozy feeling. All the other stuff is just a backdrop.

This character is a criminal offence.

I would say take a good reference and match shilouettes to it. From every side you can. I picked photo buy you can take anime reference instead.

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Anonymous No. 911709

New update for my Orc geezer.

Anonymous No. 911717

nta, what the fuck are you talking about

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Anonymous No. 911722

Glad you like it! I'll keep him as he is then.

If any of you want to play with the assets here's the blend file:

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Anonymous No. 911733


Anonymous No. 911744

He has schizophrenia

Anonymous No. 911746

thighs are waay too thick and the forearm is a bit messy

Anonymous No. 911748

learn anatomy you idiot

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Anonymous No. 911752

Made some adjustments.

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Anonymous No. 911754

If you not going to offer any meaningful criticism, don't comment twat.

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Anonymous No. 911766

>Why didn't you make face features on alpha planes to make them independent from head topolpgy and easier to work with?
You mean planes with transparency? Because the platform doesn't support shaders with transparency.
Also I did it this way because that's how I know how to do it, simple as. I think it would be pretty noticeable from up close if I had planes floating above the mouth area like I did with this blush mark.

That's just poly modeling, have front and side reference pictures of a super deformed figure and make a character.
Characters have pretty standard topology with loops. Honestly just learn how to model in general.

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Anonymous No. 911781

replying to this since it's my original post.

anyway i've decided to start seriously learning 3DS max. i've switched since some of the features of blender are starting to frustrate, and max has a better quality of tutorials. it's also required for a job in this industry.

i've done some basic modelling before (maybe i'll post it) but this is the first 'proper' thing thats based on a real life object. it's based on a koppaberg pint glass. i plan to re-create the textures and render it eventually. UV unwrapping it should be simple, i'll create a basic texture in substance and then use that to power a glass shader. i've done other product render in blender, so i already have a bit of experience. i might make a can as well to go with it

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Anonymous No. 911782

reference object

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Anonymous No. 911805

hello nude dude brother

Anonymous No. 911808

t. permabeg taking out his frustrations on people who are actually trying and making progress

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Anonymous No. 911813

>>911564 Nice looking Wheels. But i cant get a sense of scale. The smooth brain just thinks toy car...

>>911337 I know the Arrimus 3D doctrine is preached everywhere that quads are the only thing allowed, but that very dense geometry in the circular areas
seems unnecessary. I ripped about 60k vertices out of my model by just deleting all the quads that are no longer circular and replacing them with tris to a center vertex. Also the best tip i got on topology. Loop tools; go to your circualar cutouts and the loops around it and circularize them as well with like 80%, 50% , ... falloff, helps a lot to keep it form getting to messy.

>>911144 Looks very clean. Something i did find out lately, is that for holes where something goes into in 9/10 cases you just need a dent for ambient occlusion to do the rest. For example the metal plates at the front of the handguard, just need some circular topology roughly around the part clipping into it in the middle with the center just moved back a bit. Makes stuff that is just clipped together to look a lot better.

>>911214 Nice Blendshapes. Been relearning them cause i did not need them in ages. But i think the classical face rig with a million bones and way to much weight painting is unnecessary. been experimenting a bit and it also works decently enough for less stylized characters to just do blend shapes, and just mix a pose library.
>>911393 Question on vr chat: Are there any people running vowel/consonants setups where the face is driven by speech snippets. Or is it just the mouth open / closed based on volume? Not sure how much Vtubing tech has trickled down into vr-chat.

Did some more face rigging so i can drive the eyelids in an attempt o make the face look less dead.
Still not perfect, but good enough for now, with the interpolation still being a bit scuffed. But now i know how to set up drivers the right way to get stuff done so i can move on to the rest body.

Anonymous No. 911814

I love your work, what are your references for this?
Anor londo? Burnt Leyndell? Ending of the Ringed City DLC?
This also has a "The Second Apocalypse" vibe.

Anonymous No. 911815

Something about the face and eyes make it seem very unnatural.
Might be the lighting, eye specular contrasting with the skin specular or the lack of shadows

Anonymous No. 911817

when she blinks her eyelids oscillate like springs, it looks very weird.

Anonymous No. 911818

Lack of shadows may be the very uniform HDRI i use. Maybe I should do a proper specular map and not just colorramp the main texture...
Still not sure if I should attempt more realism or stuck to the social media filter face look...
Could also be the subdivision making things too smooth.

Anonymous No. 911819

I am making progress, you're the one whose not even posting anything trying be reductive by offering no advice and being a cunt to those who are actually putting in the work. Put up or shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 911820

I think you misunderstood me

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Anonymous No. 911822

My bad, I thought you were responding to my posts. I jumped the gun because I thought it was just another remark.

Anonymous No. 911823

Itโ€™s understandable. If I had that many people crabbing on me like that, I would also be quick to be defensive. If it helps to know, itโ€™s usually the people who are the worst at things who talk the most shit and do the most bullying. In video games, the people who talk the most shit and blame their teams for everything are either the worst players, or the players who are only good because theyโ€™re tryhards constantly on the verge of popping a blood vessel. Art also has an equivalent dynamic of envious permabegs and people who never enjoy what theyโ€™re doing and just want to get good. Anatomy is hard to master, and thatโ€™s one of the reasons anatomy critics can be particularly aggressive.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 911826

did some more work to make it accurate based on reference.
i'm a bit suprised that this thing takes 1+ gigs of ram with just a simple model like this. i guess its all the extra stuff.

Anonymous No. 911838

Great job champ. Only thing I can recommend, seeing him in context, is that he could be facing the massive structure more to help guide the viewer. Though that might ruin his silhouette, which might be more important here. Great work though anon, very quick turnover too!

You take what you can get, after a while it becomes obvious who the idiots are and you can learn to filter those out accordingly. /Ic/ also has the same issue, but it always seems worse on /3/, for some reason.

Anonymous No. 911844

VR Chat mouth tracking is sound based, same as some vtubing apps, but they actually have a lot more visemes than just AUIEO
You can also use that complex face rig to generate blendshape in blender. It might save time if you're doing the ARKit mocap setup up, 52 blendshapes. It's just overkill for a chibi model when I can just use sculpting tools or edit mode.

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Anonymous No. 911853

holy shit that looks so good! I'm gonna download your blend and steal how you do things

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Anonymous No. 911889

Is my retopology ok?

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Anonymous No. 911898

Thanks. Here are my refs. Names are Pablo Carpio, Quentin Mabille, Ali Eser.
Never read it and I doubt I will read fiction in this economy but I'll take a look.

I agree. This actually means I should do more thumbnails so I don't leave important stuff for the last second.

Awesome, that's why I post it.
But you should know most of the result comes from graphical read and not actual 3d work. 3d is very secondary, it just happens to be a best tool for this, for now at least. I look towards Dall-E for thumbnail brainstorming and assume ILM has already trained their own AI and using it in TV production.

Anonymous No. 911928

i agree. im tired of seeing this shit here, please fuck off kindly furfaggots

Anonymous No. 911945


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Anonymous No. 911963

modeling clothes
can you tell whose clothes are these?

Anonymous No. 911964

No one's topology is ever ok on this board

Anonymous No. 911971

This is really interesting feedback and it got me thinking about how I plan on doing my detail.
Normally for sense of scale, I'd do human-usable things like.... a ladder on the side, a cockpit with windows a door. But this is a robot, so it makes no sense to do those.
Right now I'm thinking the density of the paneling might help? The smaller the panels making up the hull the bigger it must be right?
That and whatever decals I decide to add on this thing, their scale would clue people in.

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Anonymous No. 911991

I made some tanks for VR use.
Took 3 hours for each, each one is around 30k triangles, a majority it in the tracks unfortunately, even though they're so low detailed

Anonymous No. 911992

Pretty neat tonks. Strange you didn't went after big cats instead.

Anonymous No. 911993

I have a render in mind and wanted to use the more common types since the Big boys show up everywhere in media.

They'll get their shine eventually

Anonymous No. 911994

The panzer III looks quite good, but I think you should work a little bit more on the T-34's turret and side skirt. If you already have tens of thousands of vertices, it probably doesn't hurt to add a few more to round and bevel things out.

Anonymous No. 912002

The hips are bad. You don't want horizontal loops there. Go get naked in front of the mirror and lift your leg like walking up stairs and you should see how the crease forms between your Thigh and Pelvis. Its more of an upward diagonal. Saves you a lot of pain when rigging if you get this right.
And the shoulders look a bit weird with the extra patch. I'm not sure if that is going to deform well. But this is a general gripe of mine. Why the hell still work with t-poses. A-Pose is superior in 9/10 cases.
Your Arms don't look to aligned with world axis anyway so why even bother then. The rest looks fine but overly smooth.
>>911694 Question for Both of you. Why no belly button?

Anonymous No. 912003

What also could help is if you do an environment for a render to put something of know scale in it, like a building, a road or similar. Banana for scale.

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Anonymous No. 912004

Made some adjustments
Those look great!

Anonymous No. 912053

>samefagging this obvious
why are you still seething, its been like a week since youve been banned

Anonymous No. 912070

furries should be permabanned

Anonymous No. 912138

Is this one of those positive remarks of the gra


Anonymous No. 912142

What does that mean?

Anonymous No. 912150

Nothing sir
Tell the grand jury of ngmi i said hi
Also that his buttplug fell off

Anonymous No. 912155

Pls tell me a horse walking trajectory is not a bouncing ball.

Im not hoffa but you can paint my house No. 912186

This place practices less of everything. Goodbye.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 912206










Anonymous No. 912218

Everything's bouncing balls.
Always has been.

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1659362591413547 ....jpg

Anonymous No. 912226

With as thickly built as he is, I would think that his thighs touch. As he is now with the prominent thigh gap, and wide hips, his lower half looks quite feminine in the way an anime character is. So I would make the inner pars of his thighs more boulbous, and shave down the outer parts slightly to bring the hips in.

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Anonymous No. 912229

Work on the front end of the gun. So close to being done with the model; just a few more pieces to go. I can't wait to start on the real materials and replace the placeholder ones.

Dang. That's amazing for 3 hours

Anonymous No. 912230

Worse: everything is waves. The balls are just simplified representations of wave movement.

Anonymous No. 912277

Friend finally posted the finished version! Excited!

Anonymous No. 912284

hello kindly make tutoreal i want to learn this thanks

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Anonymous No. 912295

For the dithering, I'm basically following this guy, then feeding the entire black and white image through a color ramp node that looks like picrel.

The ripple is a sine wave that takes the distance from the origin and frame number as inputs. I use trigonometry to figure out what the angle is and separate the possible angles into 8 bins. I then multiply the perceived difference based on the loudness of the corresponding frequency band in the music. You do this by making a keyframe for one of the values in your node network, and hitting the 'bake f-curve' option in the curve editor and selecting the music you want to use. When you are in the music selection screen it'll let you select what frequency ranges you want to use. The frequency ranges should approximately double in size each time. For example the first one will be 20-100, while the next one will be 100-260.
If you prefer visuals, here's the best tutorial I could find on this in blender. It's giga scuffed, but the rest of them do weird hacks or only vary with the music's volume.

Hope that gives you a good starting place! You should be able to figure out the rest yourself.

Anonymous No. 912299

Also forgot to mention, but the sin wave's results are fed into a [greater than 0.985] node, so it's black and white. There's probably a better way to do this that doesn't give jagged edges, but the dithering and low resolution hide it so I didn't bother fixing it.

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Anonymous No. 912300

man why'd you put this much effort to replying to my racist shitpost, now I feel bad.

but t-thanks...

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Anonymous No. 912301

You asked me a question :(

Anonymous No. 912305

this is great anon, I have a question about substance: how do you avoid the clipping effect when baking meshmaps?

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Anonymous No. 912357

Bunny grill.

Anonymous No. 912371

Nice! She looks barbie-sized. I think it's because skin feels plastic and hair clumps are very even. Looks really cool though!

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Anonymous No. 912486

thoughts? I was going for photorealism but I don't know why the giant wheel looks off.

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Anonymous No. 912487

this was kinda the feel i was going for

Anonymous No. 912488

Lacking variety. Wheel stopped in a perfect positions, all cabins are same, with closed doors and no destroyed windows. The rust and damage is not visible enough to make them stand up. Also needs more detail.
Your grass is also too super tropic green for the autumn season.
Also get a denoiser, bru.

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Anonymous No. 912489

>The rust and damage is not visible enough to make them stand up. Also needs more detail.
make the rust have more rust? also details in the sense? more objects? the noise is on purpose, i just really love noisy photos

Anonymous No. 912490

hips aren't good, fingers aren't visible and I can't see anything for the elbow, but I think topology is less of an issue than anatomy here.

Anonymous No. 912491

No, the issue is that all the rust and damage you made is not strong enough to make the object stand up on these alone, especially from this distance. Details in a sense of your photo. I can see small holes on the right lower side after I expect was probably some electrical box. Doors of a different color than the cabin. Door and locking mechanism boxes. Bars across the door window. Rust eating through previously white construction.

Anonymous No. 912492

Pipes are all too bulky and the materials feel like you dropped in a preset and called it a day.

Anonymous No. 912502

got it
is there any way i can reduce the thickness of the pipe without messing its position and length? most of the textures are procedurally done and i am not sure what else to add to these textures

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Anonymous No. 912504

forgot pic, i knew i should have used curves instead of cylinders

Anonymous No. 912507

>select some edges
>delete the rest
>convert edges to curve

easy as that

Anonymous No. 912508

It's not much work to redo it with curves. It's a circle and an A shape repeated around the central axis.

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Anonymous No. 912525

Yeah, I intend to place this thing in a anime-sque city and have it fire rockets.
Meanwhile I finished the model

Anonymous No. 912534

Yes, ALT + S

Anonymous No. 912535

Can any of you answer this for me please?

Anonymous No. 912537

Photoshop > hue. Or replace color, if you need to be more precise.
If you don't have Photoshop, then what are you doing, nigger. Luckily for you, here is Photoshop in browser:

Anonymous No. 912538

Is that the the only way? If it is I'll stick with the link because I hate having multiple programs open, especially because this computer isn't great.
Thanks though fren.

Anonymous No. 912539

I don't know, maybe you can fuck with it in blender somehow, no idea.
But you should learn basics with Photoshop anyway fren, it will serve you greatly in the long run.

Anonymous No. 912540

I keep meaning to get a copy of photoshop and never get around to it. Partly because I'm waiting on getting a new drive and doing a fresh install as well as few other upgrades.
I fucked around with photoshop years ago, but put it to one side. When I picked photo editing back up I stupidly just used gimp, which I admittedly did get pretty proficient with, but it's no photoshop. I'm not sure how well a transition is between the two or if it'll be like starting from fresh again.
I bring all of these problems on myself desu. I will get it though, it would make a lot of things so much easier.

Anonymous No. 912542

Just use photopea

Anonymous No. 912543

Yeah I'll do that for the time being. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 912544

Np, it will be more than good enough for you, even I use it for some pro work when I don't want to pay a photoshop license, it has lots of photoshop stuff and almost the same UI. You may very well never need photoshop in the first place.

Anonymous No. 912545

Don't worry, I am the opposite - I have about ten professional years of 2D graphics behind me, most of which with Photoshop/Illustrator. Started "refreshing" (first time since out of the school) with 3D just about half a year ago. You gonna make it, bru.
Also you can just use Photopea for time being, no reason to install anything. Like other anon said, I also even used it professionally few times just fine.

Anonymous No. 912555

Based. Thanks for your encouraging words and advice bros. It's always appreciated.

Anonymous No. 912559

i still cant scult shit, all i can do is make a Minecraft character and sctizo anon ball thing mess.
How do i make pyramid and a pentagon.

Anonymous No. 912560

who that

Anonymous No. 912562

>How do i make pyramid and a pentagon.
for pyramid just scale the top face of cube to 0 and for a pentagon take a cube and put a loop cut in the middle and grab one of the middle points forwards.

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Anonymous No. 912566

fixed the grass and gave some more detail
fixed the pipes being too bulky, made it thinner.
this could have saved me a lot of time

Anonymous No. 912567

Nice, makes shitload of difference.

Anonymous No. 912568

anything else I can improve on/?

Anonymous No. 912569

I would probably play more with angles of the camera/viewport. Also tried to put some shadows in the scene - your light seems okay for the hard surfaces, but it seems weak around the trees. Also if you sometimes watch nature, you can see that rarely all leaves are of the 100% same color. You did that with grass already, which is neat. If you have any way to randomize texture/translucency, you could play with that.
Speaking of grass, maybe try to play with distribution of it? To make it more uneven, yours currently seems too bunched up in those classical cg stalks. Finally with nature, don't forget middle/understory layer - bushes, shrubs, shit like that. You are doing some abandoned shit, it applies to nature as well, no humans around to take care of it and middle layer usually makes bulk of the flora. There should be some drier trees, maybe dead ones, some fallen trees, overgrown stumps. Maybe some stuff like moss or simple grasses growing on these containers or from those broken cabins - where you can get rain/water, nature will soon start growing something. Even if it should be just something already dead/dried.
Then of course more detail clusters (important it is clustered, google it) are always good, there is still plenty to add if you want.
And finally, maybe add some secondary piece in front of the camera? Like that no trespassing sign? Make it rusty and fucked.

Also brah, do I see it correctly you did not beveled those cabins? If not, do it. Everything must be beveled.

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Anonymous No. 912573

>>912295 always love people sharing techniques!
>>912229 Looking very good so far. For materials throw on some dirtier ones to make things look less flat.
>>912525 Will also have to think about environments soon. As people in these threads finish 3 times more models than i ever will at my pace! looking forward to another cool animation!

>>911815 Found the issue, had some outdated cube maps that fucked up the lighting. I also added some more shader stuff like a subdermal map.

>>911813 Also for anyone struggling with Eevee render speeds. Noise maps are the enemy. Eevee precalculates all the shaders into some screen space textures and the more dimensions of noise the longer the computation. Idk if this is fixed after 3.2.1 but clear coat on transmissive materials on alpha hashed is fucked. Causes buggy results and a lot of render time or crashes. Cut my render times form 40sec a frame down to 16sec by reducing noise form 3D to 2D where possible or replacing noise with imperfection maps. And for Animation playback stuff like bevel modifiers are the worst. Hide 'em all for frames.
But now i got a 95% done rig. Maybe another correction bone here and there. With some more weight painting to fix some problem areas. Next up animation and rendering. To finally finish this project that started half a year ago. But this is how long it takes when you got about 5-10 -ish hours a week.

Anonymous No. 912575

Or just add a circle with 5 verts.

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Anonymous No. 912590

Made some more detailed arches and modular parts to integrate them into some of the existing buildings and will use them to make some trims for the environment.
Also made some changes to the lighting, textures and vertex painting
Some of the shadows in certain places are very harsh and I'm trying to find a way to reduce their intensity.
I will also need to fix the cliffs in order to fix some of the weird normal issues as well as add in some greenery and foliage to the scene.

Anonymous No. 912599

>Took 3 hours for each
Bullshit, cool tanks though

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T-34 wires.png

Anonymous No. 912638

It's true

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Anonymous No. 912642

So I have this inside of the cube. I need to extrude (?) it to roughly the shape shown in red. Am I retarded/missing some crucial tool, or is this beyond Blender, because edges are not same? Regular extrude obviously starts producing clipping artifacts nearly immediately, extrude along normals is just lmao tier of fucked. I could probably build it from extruding the edges, but that seems rather messy.

Anonymous No. 912644

Can't speak for blender but this should be a completely basic extrude.

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Anonymous No. 912645

I thought so as well. Seemingly it is not. Or I am missing something to make it right.

Anonymous No. 912646

Select Faces > Mouse Right Click > Extrude Faces From Normals or some shit like that. Only issue with that is that geometry will intersect at that corner there, it'll require some fixing on your part, you'll have to merge some vertices here and there and delete some internal faces.
Maybe another anon can suggest a more elegant solution

Anonymous No. 912647

Produces this >>912645
Isn't there a tool to prevent geometry intersecting?

Anonymous No. 912650

I thought this might be what was happening. Just don't add meaningless loops where they don't belong. If you need higher resolution add them after you've got the broad strokes shapes down.
Alternatively, just slide those edges to where they intersect and weld them.

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Anonymous No. 912652

>Then of course more detail clusters (important it is clustered, google it) are always good, there is still plenty to add if you want.
i tried to find out but couldn't find much on the topic. i added some vines and the cabins are slightly bevelled but I guess i need to do a bit more. also, when is it a good time to move on from a project? i am not really a perfectionist but after seeing that i am not getting to that photorealism level, i feel like starting another project but i feel like that is a horrible mindset especially since i am aiming for the 3d industry.
damn it took me about an hour or 2 to model and texture the giant wheel, how did you do it so fast?

Anonymous No. 912655

Nice job, kid.

Anonymous No. 912656

>but i feel like that is a horrible mindset
Not as long as you have new ideas to try and you are learning new things during the process. You can (and you should) reuse your old models anytime.
>detail clustering
Watch this (whole channel is great)

Also your latest version is miles better from the initial one, bretty gud.

Anonymous No. 912659

>Just don't add meaningless loops where they don't belong
This helped a lot. Thanks anon, it is working now.

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Anonymous No. 912666

I got a problem: see those grey faces? I'm unable to select them in Edit mode, all other faces are selectable except those. It's really weird, I deleted them previously but now they reappeared and trying to click them only results in selecting the faces that are behind them. What the fuck.

Anonymous No. 912669

thanks, anons, also wanted to ask if you guys were working in the industry and would these types of renders be good enough to be put in a portfolio?

Anonymous No. 912670

They are faces of God, appearing to check those satanic trips.

Anonymous No. 912673

If you click A and select all and they're still not selected, they're part of a different object.

Anonymous No. 912674

I thought the same, but that's the only object I have in view right now, there's no overlapping objects. Just what the fuck is going on

Anonymous No. 912675

Oh my fucking God ok I understood the issue, apparently it was some weird fuckery with the Mirror modifier: I had joined previously objects that had the Mirror modifier applied with objects that DIDN'T have the Mirror applied. It was an easy fix: just delete the half of the Mirror-applied objects so that the current Mirror modifier doesn't have Mirror-duplicates

Anonymous No. 912717

Why is there so much detail but you half assed the head and hair?

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Anonymous No. 912722

I think it looks better now that there's some textures on it.
I can't seem to get that sandstone-esque shit around the windows right. The displacement and normal maps are all turned way down but they still seem too over the top. I'm sure I'll figure it out though.

Anonymous No. 912736

Its just a shitty simplified preview for viewport performance. Could you pls elaborate what is "half assed" on this >>911813 ? Other than the dogshit demo animation? I agree i still need to learn a lot about animation.

Anonymous No. 912861

New thread: >>912860

Anonymous No. 914476

right here bitch
https://discord com/invite/FGcAtYdCfS