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🧵 Dall-e will take over your job

Anonymous No. 911213

It’s over

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Anonymous No. 911215

Anonymous No. 911243

thats not disney style, thats pajeet freelancer style

Anonymous No. 911250

Couldn't have said it better myself

Anonymous No. 911253

dall-e can only make a picture, but not an object
is a complete nothing

Anonymous No. 911286

>idiotic AI schizo got tired of getting BTFO on /ic/, so he comes to /3/ instead

Anonymous No. 911313

Fucking this lmao

Anonymous No. 911316

You’re a south american, aren’t you?

Anonymous No. 911319

Post a link to a model made by AI then. Not a gay picture, a model that you can look at from every angle.

Anonymous No. 911323

The minute someone finds a similarity to their work they will be sued into the ground. No way the ai got this good just using creative commons work.

Anonymous No. 911326

Expected answer lol. Do you think I’m insulting you? It’s just a genuine question because I see this way of writing being used a lot by brazilians (is instead of it is/it’s) so I wanted to see if I got it right again. It has nothing to do with the topic.

Anonymous No. 911333

The AI does renders or 2D stuff, though. 3D with proper topo, animation, rigging etc is waaaaaaay beyond what an AI can currently do.

Anonymous No. 911346

Can they animate it though

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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 911352


Anonymous No. 911377

>It’s over
Yeah, maybe if you're a concept artist. Modeling and shit are safe (for now?).

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Anonymous No. 911401

i put in hyper-realistic dragon man and why do i feel like it gets more racist with every variation?

Anonymous No. 911403

Adobe will buy this shit and shut it down.

Anonymous No. 911416

So first they took my software engineering job with automated code writing, now AI is taking my modeling job as well? Fucking Christ. Might as well flip burgers unless that's also been replaced by robots.

Anonymous No. 911422

>muh AI terk muh jerb
Have you ever actually used GitHub Copilot or seen how it works? It’s useless for outputting anything other than basic shit. You can’t use AI alone to make complex programs that actually work the way you or your client wants. It’s really more of a tool to help speed up the trivial parts, so you can save your time and your energy for what really counts.
Same thing for shit like DALL-E. You shouldn’t see it as anything other than a tool for generating inspiration and concept art. AI-generated art has a ton of visual flaws, they’re limited by what they’ve been fed rather than the human imagination, and remember: they’re just PICTURES. They aren’t models. You can’t animate them or do much with them at all.
But if you want to keep crying and shitting your pants every time there’s a new application of AI in your field of interest, then I can’t stop you. You clearly have no skill, talent, or motivation if you still feel threatened after reading all of this. Oh, and there are burger-flipper bots too, but with their own drawbacks of course. Either get a grip or live on NEETbux for the rest of your life.

Anonymous No. 911426

It's not over yet, but... how long is it going to be? 10 years? 20? How long before 90% of the work is done by AI and only the top ten percent most talented artists are required by anyone?

I think *everything* is over, honestly.

The elite are going to automate everything, turn us all into welfare dependent bug-eaters who weigh 90lbs, and then they automate the military, and 99% of the world is slaughtered, leaving only few dozen elite families to inherit the entire planet.

Anonymous No. 911433

Well, the current high-end models have 20 billion parameters, the adult human neocortex has 16 billion neurons. I guess it'll all be over whenever OpenAI migrates their stuff to a bigger datacenter, maybe next December?

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sweating cloud.png

Anonymous No. 911435

fucking hell the 3rd one from the left looks like too official

Anonymous No. 911440

I genuinely don't believe supposed AIs like this actually work I think it just takes random images and slightly fucks them up to make them look like they're being made by an ai that doesn't truly know what it's doing
I have no evidence I just don't believe an ai can make coherent images like this yet still fuck up the smallest details

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Anonymous No. 911444

nobody is losing their job anytime soon

pic related....had i seen any of these as a child i would have been scarred for life. dalle's only ability is to create nightmares

Anonymous No. 911447

Take your third world ngmi AI shill group away from /3/ AI is not sentient unless you believe it is like that ex-google fatman.

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Anonymous No. 911499

thats not dalle you nigger
THIS is dalle
say bye bye to your job you faggot

Anonymous No. 911505

it will probably go the other way with AI companies suing you if they can find inputs to recreate the few original pieces of art that still exist

Anonymous No. 911515

Now rotate it. Can't? Oh, shame.
Well, at least animate it. Cant? Oh, shame.

Guess we'll be keeping our jobs.

Anonymous No. 911517

Now such my peener, Cant?? Oh shame.
Well, at least you can lick my asshole clean. CANT? Ohh shame.

Anonymous No. 911526

This is /3/ not /ic/

Anonymous No. 911633

if ai can generate concept images do you really think they wont be able to generate 3d models in the future ?

they only went after images first because its more comprehensible for normies.

if ai can understand how to make an astronaut riding a horse on the moon in the style of davinci then it can understand how to set vertices to a volume resembling a penguin

Anonymous No. 911650

Can an AI please retopo...

Anonymous No. 911654

how the fuck do i get in this shit, i literally have 120k+ twitter account and they rejected me

Anonymous No. 911657

Sure, AI can already generate models since at least the 90s. Look into the work of Karl Sims. However, 3D art obviously involves more than just 3 dimensions. There's all kinds of problems to be solved, such as topology, rigging, texturing, animation... there's so much complexity involved in 3D art that it will be a very, very long time before AI is capable of making something that isn't either extremely basic or an eldritch horror.
Also, keep in mind that AI systems such as DALL-E work by absorbing tons of images. There's a lot less freely-available 3D models than images to work with.

Anonymous No. 911658

>early 2000's
>"the 90's internet has radio and tv!"
>"lol who needs this shit, just get a real radio and tv
its not about what it can do right now its about what it can do in the future

Anonymous No. 911783

its just fed a ton of data and comes to understand concepts . like weve been filling out captchas telling ai what crosswalks and stop lights are for years . so it has some huge conceptual database and then you give it some text prompt and it creates a noisy image and refines it to look more and more like the concepts it was trained on

Anonymous No. 911784

good points but if it can effectively grasp volumes from 2d images then it will have a lot to work with

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Anonymous No. 911831

This shit can't legally make lolicon+shota porn so is fucking useless.


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Shahriar Shahrabi....webm

Anonymous No. 911841

Someone using DALLE to fix a photogrammetry scan.
I guess it isn't AAA yet. But with things like Microsoft's NUWA here. I give texture artists another two years before they have to kick the bucket. Whose next though?

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Anonymous No. 911854

I don't need DALL-E to put blendlets out of a job

Anonymous No. 911883

It still sucks for most things, trust me I tried it recently and even spent 30 bucks to get more images generated. It can only do common animals in wacky situations but it’s very limited and rough for everything else

Anonymous No. 911884

> tool for generating inspiration and concept ar
Got access to it and it’s not good even for that, at least to me Pinterest is 10 times better