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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911459

Zoomers will never know the magic of learning how to make everything by scratch and falling in love with the process. Nowadays they just abuse add-ons to generate generic models to impress their normie friends

Anonymous No. 911460

My dad works at Nintendo and I can assure you Blender is being bombarded by add-ons by Autodesk.

Anonymous No. 911493

neither will you, you use blender.

Anonymous No. 911498

Did you code your own 3D modeling package and your own 3D renderer?

Anonymous No. 911508

He's making his own art. You're talking about making your own tools.

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Anonymous No. 911539

would you really trust them with actual modelling when they've been taught to model like this?

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Anonymous No. 911542


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Anonymous No. 911593

Did you write your own fucking compiler you glowie?

Anonymous No. 911618

I can make it better and with working doors and windows. All without autodesk or Blender. I don't know why anyone would use Blender or other 3d software when actual software were build to design and make buildings, exist.

Anonymous No. 911622

Unless you're low poly models why would someone trying to learn how to properly model objects do this? No wonder Blendlets are so retarded when you have people making tutorials like this

Anonymous No. 911625

>be open source
>attract the most retarded normies possible bc it's free!
>discover 3D modeling is actually hard and it takes actual focus and patience
>"nah fuck that famalam muh inset add ons lol"

This is why the Autodesk Jews don't give a shit about Blender and were more concerned about Softimage

Anonymous No. 911627

I'm new to 3d modeling. Is the problem that it looks nothing like an actual house, the weird topology, or both?

Anonymous No. 911629

did you cast your own silicon wafers

Anonymous No. 911637

>inconsistent vertex density
>multiple ngons
>permanent bevels
>all one object

Anonymous No. 911639

Thank you! What are rigons? When I google I can't find anything about that
If you say rigon this dick I'll cry

Anonymous No. 911647

i put ngons. an ngon is a mesh face with over 4 polygons. they are generally discouraged because they don't work with smoothing / subdiv well, don't deform well and add more work for the computer trying to triangulate them

Anonymous No. 911695

Honestly ngons aren't as bad as topofs

Anonymous No. 911697

>be SWE
>MFW I HATE HATE HATE GAME DEV INDUSTRY and refuse to work as a grunt there. At most I do hobbyist shit
I got into Amazon before, I know if I tried I could get into Nintendo just for the memes. Upsets me I can never say "I worked for Nintendo" and it be real.

Anonymous No. 911699

pro tip, if you want to make houses use, get some CC0 models to download for house rooms and you got yourself a house in just a few hours of work.

Anonymous No. 911777

Art vs tools. Get with the times or get obsoleted.

Anonymous No. 911832

To be fair, the context of this video is that it's the first actual modelling video in a series of tutorials for people who are starting from zero. For your very first 3D model ever, I don't know that it does the beginner much good to stress over quads and even topo density so much. The exercise is meant to solidify and apply the knowledge of the interface and hotkeys learned in the previous video, not to make a masterpiece of a model. Yes, the density of quads is bad, and that arched window is horrifying, but again, that's just not the point of this particular modelling video and that's very obvious, and I think you represent it in bad faith with your post.

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Anonymous No. 911836

No rules, just tools.
Even as a 3d oldfag, that's always been the truth. No one gives a fuck how you arrive at a final product, just that the final product is good.
Sounds like someone got jelly upon seeing another instagram post that got more likes than you, and you decided to rant about it here like a whiny bitch. It's pic related all over again.

Anonymous No. 911840

>No rules, just tools.
true. your average normie doesn't give fuck whether you modelled a tree from scratch, took all the texture photos yourself, and rendered it in cinema4d or drag and dropped something in unreal engine.

so he thinks girls go to conventions in sexy cosplay.. and don't like when people to pictures of them? it's the whole point isn't it?

Anonymous No. 911876

Why do you faggots care so much about what others think? Unless you're working for a studio with tight deadlines it makes sense but if it's just as a hobby then you should have fun creating something from scratch and not for social media clout

Anonymous No. 911877


Learning how to do things the hard way leads to creating more unique stuff.

Anonymous No. 911885

it's an intro for complete beginners you fucking virgin. although I agree a better video would be the donut one.

Anonymous No. 911981

you should commit suicide, stat

Anonymous No. 911986

Why won't you people stop giving bad advice?

Anonymous No. 912011

That's because you learn the wrong way which in turn causes people who do want to learn professionally to pick up the wrong people and then waste time learning bad 3d program and wont change to a better program because bad 3d artist encourage bad behavior in 3d program.

This is the problem currently in 3d art, it's not about the program, it's about bad artist encouraging bad practice.

Sweet 3d can make a house in perfect accoerry in both professional and looks, i fail to see your point.

Anonymous No. 912431

>ngons are fine on planar surfaces that won't be deformed
>sure-ish, everyone should be using a nondestructive modeling addon like hardops or fluent, but destructive bevels have been used by professionals working in VFX and games for decades and will continue to be used by them
>depends on the distance, the resolution of that archway speaks hero prop, but everything else being basically cubes says LOD7

Anonymous No. 912623

ngon this dick

Anonymous No. 914829

>so he thinks girls go to conventions in sexy cosplay.. and don't like when people to pictures of them? it's the whole point isn't it?
The left side is old and for years no one knew if that was true or not. In the last 2 or 3 years, someone finally found the right image which made it worse since it was nothing like what the author was talking about. The guy taking the picture is in fact that girl's bf.

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Anonymous No. 915892

>>all one object

This is bad why, exactly?.