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๐Ÿงต Where do I start?

Country Seeker No. 911580

I wanna learn Blender, any good tutorials you know?

Anonymous No. 911586

What the fuck is that image

anyways 7 year blenderfag here

Controls aren't hard
Middle movie for moving, shift-f to fly around.
E for extrude
W for context menu
cntrl-s for saving

I'd recommend you try maya first, if not.
Learn the fundementals, model something basic from a tutorial, like a chair or the anvil, watch ammirus3d, you'll learn the fundementals of topology from him.

Beginner tips:
1. Try to model to scale, use the little unit things at the top right, don't make the origin point the head if you're making a character, always the feet.
2. Learn how to use the grid-snap tool
There are a few different scap types, you can turn on rotation and scaling for snapping, which are very useful, you can also press A to multi-select on vertex snap mode, which is useful for symmetry
3. Learn photography and composition when rendering, don't use eevee, learn how to make materials with nodes.
Mess around with lighting too, don't

Anonymous No. 911587

Fuck, messed up the control part.

E to extrude
W for context menu (may be irrelevant since I use 2.7 controls.)
Ctrll-R to Loop cut
G to slide loop cuts.
Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v to copy and paste
Z to bring up the shading rotation menu
Whilst dragging
Ctrl for snap
Shift gives you precision
combine them for snap precision

Anonymous No. 911589

The blender UI is also quite shit and doesn't quite do a good job at explaning how to do things.
Here's some post-shit, like rendering and lighting.

Cycles by itself is a pretty okay renderer, you've gotta know what you're doing though or all of your objects will look like rubber if your using principled, atleast for now, it's getting fixed in 3.3 with the new updated variant that fixes the energy conservation issues.

Atleast for now, try to use the diffuse/glossy nodes, combine them together with mix and add types, you can do a lot of shit when them if you know what you are doing.

You can also apply nodes to lights, most of the important options are in here for some reason, you can use a light falloff node + multiply to control how far your light reaches, you can also use IES nodes for texturing lights in a physically-accurate way.

Anonymous No. 911590


This anon gets it

Anonymous No. 911591

Addons are also a nice feature of blender, there's the photographer addon which allows more precision on how you can edit lighting, and animation layers which allows you to layer animations.

Boxcutter and Hardops are really good addons for hard-surface models (like car components, household items, sci-fi, etc)

Different renderers like Luxcore also exist, but lux is primarily dedicated to indoor clean renders, Octane for blender is free however as long as you aren't making money with it.

Country Seeker No. 911602

Thanks but... what's wrong with the Donut?
+ I don't even know how this image got to my device

Anonymous No. 911603

The donut tutorial teaches you some shitty tactics and how to do things the lazy way

Country Seeker No. 911604

huh, good thing Blender crashed before I dived into it.

Anonymous No. 911605

Use LTS builds

Anonymous No. 911683

>I'd recommend you try maya first
Not him, what is "maya"?

Anonymous No. 911684

Autodesk Maya. It's another generalised 3D package like Blender (generalised meaning having tools like modelling, rigging, animation, texturing, etc)

Anonymous No. 911685

tools for*
me too sleepy

Anonymous No. 911689

Are there any particular tutorials you would recommend? Preferably video, but written would also do.

Anonymous No. 911965


Anonymous No. 911969

Anonymous No. 911973

Pick something i would like to make, and just make it, don't expect to be good right away, play with it until u dont want anymore, start a new project do the same... each time u finish or partially finish something u get better, thats all there is to it.

Anonymous No. 912203

I'm going to do the donut.

Anonymous No. 912261

Do the 87 step donut
3d print it
Fuck it

Anonymous No. 912262

>shitty tactics
Like what?