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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911793

How do I make a model of this statue? I really don't know what would be the best process to start doing something as elaborate as this. Photogrammetry is not an option for me.
I asked this already in the stupid questions thread but i didn't get that much help. Please give me a step by step guide of how a pro would do it. My end goal is to use it as a map asset for a fps game.

Anonymous No. 911795

>Please give me a step by step guide of how a pro would do it.
you get more reference of that specific statue
you sculpt it
you retopo it
you bake the textures from high poly to retopo mesh
you texture it

Anonymous No. 911797

not op but adding on:
>sculpt the organics, clothes etc
>hardsurface things like the jewellery and crown are better to be modelled manually

Anonymous No. 911798

i have enough reference of it already. can you go into more detail about the first steps? how the hell do you even start sculpting something like this? do I i start with a basic mesh of it?

peasants No. 911807

>i have enough reference of it already.
wow. SERIOUSLY fuck you. the only reason this thread ever had a right to exist is if you only had a single ref picture and tried to educate us on how to extract as much information/data from it as possible.
your thread boils down to "hurrr guess i have to learn a new skill (basic entry level sculpting, can be done in 5 minutes) so spoonfeed me, peasants".

literally die in a fire, except get saved at the last second and have painful unnecessary skingrafts attached so your suffering extends for more than is necessary.

i reckon this board is beyond garbage, but if i had made this thread I honestly couldn't live with myself. please someone torture OP to death.

Anonymous No. 911816

You open zbrush and sculpt it.

Anonymous No. 911892

you didn’t help in the slightest. You basically said: “just sculpt it”. Don’t reply to the thread if you’re just going to shit all over it

Anonymous No. 911910 you really need precise steps?
>sculpt the head/face
>sculpt the body
>sculpt the clothes
>pose, then refine more

You can "cheat" a bit and use physics in order to make sure the clothes fold into place.

Anonymous No. 911947

Ngmi, just give up and kys

Anonymous No. 912307

That is all you need to do. If you're stuck then you're a beginner who needs to work in his sculpting skills

Anonymous No. 912321

>Download Daz Studio
>Find a character that looks decent enough
>Find a pose pack that looks close enough
>Apply a vaguely similar outfit, most players won't notice
>Export to blender
>Ctrl j to merge it into one mesh
>Decimate modifier to remove excess polygons or don't because with UE5 you don't need to do this time wasting crap anymore
>Run smart UV project to create a UV map instantly
>Export to fbx and import into substance painter
>Load a marble smart material and export that
>Import into UE5, make sure to enable precise complex collision so you have perfect per-polygon hit detection for your shooter game



🗑️ Anonymous No. 912332

Ok chuds, sculpt the statue and post work image then let's see whos NGMI.

Anonymous No. 912366

if you had a super tight deadline this is how you should do it

Anonymous No. 912386

Moar liek Queen THICCtoria amirite?