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๐Ÿงต How do I pick myself back up?

Anonymous No. 912165

So, a couple of weeks back, I made my first likeness, and was really excited into getting to learn more about 3d. As for today, my studio has started training for highly realistic characters.
However, I seem to have lost my motivation which was really high about a week back.
From the past week or so, I've jerked off almost once everyday, which has definitely fucked up my focus and motivation.
I've been delaying assignments to the last possible minute. My assignments are coming out pretty good, but they could be 10 times better.
I haven't been able to get motivated even after seeing art station, not as high as I used to be before.

Someone who has been here, how did you manage to break this loop?

Anonymous No. 912167

No industry professional shits on 4chin. You are larping. Gtfo.

Anonymous No. 912169

>my first likeness
>my studio
yeah I agree with the other guy, this reads like a larp

Anonymous No. 912176

professionals don't work on motivation, they do what needs to be done

Anonymous No. 912180

stop fapping and exercise lol

Anonymous No. 912196

wish I got paid for training

Anonymous No. 912257

>I've jerked off almost once everyday
Those are rookie numbers

Anonymous No. 912267

You are putting your effort into making your studio money and they are not paying you as much as they are making from you. What reason do you have to be motivated?

Anonymous No. 912275

if you have no motivation then you need to make the workload manageable by doing it in sprints of like 20 minutes with short breaks in between if you need. youll know once you have motivation again because youll stop needing the breaks. but you have to regard it like not doing the work at all is not an option