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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912309

What's the best rendering engine for semi-stylized works/general animation?
I want good looking results without much shit.

(excluding cycles and luxcore)

Anonymous No. 912310

Create your own

Anonymous No. 912318

Ignore this guy.
Marmoset/Unreal engine are your best options

Anonymous No. 912406

I'm looking for a path-tracer, I'm doing shit that involves a lot of mettalic envrionments

Anonymous No. 912429

Metalness isn't predicated on pathtracing, it's just how much the albedo is mixed into the roughness. More metalness, more color at low roughness. Any PBR renderer will work for this purpose, so unless you really need GI or raytracing, just use something fast and easy to work with.

Anonymous No. 912558

>Any PBR renderer will work for this purpose, so unless you really need GI or raytracing, just use something fast and easy to work with.
'nuff Said

Anonymous No. 912574

Lumen (especially when combined with ray tracing) might work well enough + UE5 also has a path tracer.

Anonymous No. 912653

>PBR for stylized stuff
good luck getting colors that aren't washed out by the dogshit "filmic" tonemapper
>that's a nice RGB value you got there, be a shame if something happened to it

Anonymous No. 912700

base color input -> power node -> 2.2

Anonymous No. 912701

Not even close to correct. Gamma correction hasn't been done like that since the early 2000s, nowadays we handle RGB channels differently for a start. Even if your sRGB calculation was correct it wouldn't undo the other horrors of the ACES tonemapper, like removing all saturation on high values.

Anonymous No. 912720

-1 in AA

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Anonymous No. 912726


Anonymous No. 912727

Doesn't work

Anonymous No. 912728

yer doing it wrong