

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912338

>no place to spend time but 4chan
>is there a goodwebchat to study 3d
Whats the book/summary on running 3d/graphic biz ness so to always make sales and uh... confidently sail in the market.
Like what makes this stuff 2k in views https://youtu.be/kjLxTQD4fpY
Like What are the variables and how do you add them to sort of guess how your "niche" will fare then?

Guess i just wanna hear more than just "it's good"... or however your provide market and running your cg biz, confidently

Go go

Make wild guesses
Dont forget to add citations so i dont call it BS

Hope this my last thread but uh
Who kno- who cares!



Anonymous No. 912340

i recognize your drawing style - no wonder you have AT LEAST 5 (five!) active threads, none of which are intelligible.

Anonymous No. 912341

None of you here are anymore intelligible either... otherwise you d be in facebun or some japanese blogging sige...

Anonymous No. 912342

>None of you here are anymore intelligible either...
then leave.

Anonymous No. 912343

Already. See me bumping my own stuff? wait till this thread done. I recall there are more useful unintelligible opinions here than uh... someone.

Anonymous No. 912384

God, I'd almost prefer Cris over this schizo.
Not one fucking post of yours is 3d. This isn't Yahoo Answers, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 912417

It's cg tho

Anonymous No. 912438

Dont cry like a fag too. You almost read the thing but i guess thats your max IQ