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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912397

>artist can't get a job anywhere
>decides to start their own company instead
What's the correct ruling on this? Would they have officially "made it" as a professional, or is starting their own studio for no reason other than not being hired by anyone technically freelancing? I can't help but notice a lot of popular people on art sites/forums have their own company, or are a high-level executive at a company one of their peers started. I see this more with Blender users than with other DCCs.

Anonymous No. 912398

the only relevant question is whether or not you are making real money

Anonymous No. 912433

It's better to have "freelancer" than "unemployed" on linkedin. I know many young freelancers who have zero contracts and work part time in retail to pay rent. Coincidentally they are either blendlets or women.

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Anonymous No. 912499

the trend you describe has probably more to do with genuinely skilled artists getting squeezed out with 20$/h contracts while getting way more on their own (given that they ARE skilled) than it has to do with "not being able" to find a job.

there are people out there that have years of experience and might just as well flip burgers doing nightshift at mcdonalds next to shaniqua and not notice a major difference on their bank account.