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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 912860

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Upside-Down Edition -

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>910303

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

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Anonymous No. 912868

Rigged my new pacifica character. Looking in to further improve my experimental, unique artstyle.

Anonymous No. 912875

we don't welcome your kind here

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Drill Seargent.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 912878

reeskinning a universal female into a black army sergeant from hell.

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i mean Sergeant.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 912882

and yes, it is for porn

Anonymous No. 912885

This is a schizo thread now. Uh oh. Time to stop posting.

Anonymous No. 912892

what an odd and unappealing art-style. still would

Anonymous No. 912904

this is one of the things you watch for the disgusting pleasure, not the beauty.
>>912878 those eyes...

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Anonymous No. 912905

My first attempt at making a somewhat realistic bust

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Anonymous No. 912906


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Drill Sergeant cl....jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 912910


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Anonymous No. 912913

>>912860 new thread, first full blown animations. Still a lot to learn.
Like not accidentally key framing the legs so the cycling does not work, well too late,its already rendered.
Some critique would be welcome, and some animation suggestions.
Still some clipping issues here and there but i'll want to get some more animation practices before i'll throw more drivers at the problem.

Anonymous No. 912914

First time posting on this board - Are there people who are fluent with ZBrush here? So far I've only really learnt the basics and smashed things together like they were blobs of clay but know there must be a faster and more professional way of doing things yet I have a dozen questions and don't know where to begin.

Anonymous No. 912915

There you go.

Anonymous No. 912920

Thanks, I've actually been watching this - The number of videos is daunting to begin with but I'll sit and watch through most of them.

If I were to post images of my WIP and what I want to be able to do, would you have to experience to point me in the right direction of what I should do?

Essentially I don't know what I should be doing next, but I know what has to be done eventually. If I could get help figuring out what should be the workflow and when I should move on from one thing to the next, that would be great - Also anyone to catch me doing something horrendously wrong.

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THICC amogus.png

Anonymous No. 912921

just sent this off for 3D print

Anonymous No. 912940

>Some critique would be welcome
Best advice I can give is to actually physically perform the same action irl and make note of how you're moving. Look at yourself through a mirror when doing the actions if you can, or even better yet, take a video which you can reference and/or copy the key poses from.

Anonymous No. 912971

This is an amazing advice. Also if you want to animate stop doing your own rigs, download character and focus on acting out a scene or remaking a 5-10 sec scene from a movie. From what im seeing now maybe you even should do weight lifting and walking cycle.

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Anonymous No. 912975

Working on this Parasaurolophus, finally discovered Shift+R and CTRL+R in Blender and now I like sculpting again

Anonymous No. 912976

the venus of sussendorf

Anonymous No. 912981

I been aimlessly tinkering around for years, with most of the stuff rotting on my hard drive. The project started out with just the goal "trying to make a space suit a again, but this time with some effort". Which morphed to "going full pipeline" as the project ballooned in scope. Now its just looking for purpose in life, what trying to find the fun in 3D again. After this on is done, a short rig demo reel, some static renders + turn table, i'll do a postmortem of what was fun to do and what had the biggest impact on output quality to find a balance in making "Art".
But the tl;dr: Started form a cube, and i'll wanted to see how far i can get.
Some CC0 textures, the rest is 100% mine.

Anonymous No. 913015

anyone else glad the furfaggots are temporarily gone? please just stop posting here

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Anonymous No. 913020

looking for some feedback/advice on improving my sculpt.

Anonymous No. 913023

clavicles look odd, too sharp
love handles don't look very appealing
too muscular compared to face style
boobies at too far apart

Anonymous No. 913053

NO need for a mirror, u can record urself with a phone.

Anonymous No. 913056

Mirrors are insanely helpful anon.
Recording yourself doesn't let you look at yourself performing an action. I mean it "does" but it's not in real time. Having a mirror is useful for watching how your joints move WHILE you're moving them.
Lifting up your arm in front of a mirror and moving it around is a different experience entirely than watching a recording of yourself doing the same thing.

A recording is not a replacement for a mirror, it's a way of "saving" an action/performance. Both things have an important place in animating, and don't replace the other.

Anonymous No. 913067

>real time
>has to wait (distance to mirror*2 / speed of light) before getting any feedback at all

come on anon

Anonymous No. 913096

not accounting for slower light speed in an atmosphere. You need the refraction index of the atmospheric composition in anons room with the mirror.
And you have to measure which image is more distorted, the one by the camera or the one by the imperfect mirror.
>come on anon

>>913056 Camera is always superior cause you can import the footage into 3d and match move to get the timing of the key poses right.

Anonymous No. 913111

Camera is almost never superior- Have fun match-moving your keyframes after logging/importing your well-lit reference shit-fog footage. Meanwhile, I, with a humble mirror, have already laid out all of my keys and, without thinking , with the way of the warrior, the eye of the tiger, have moved onto my extremes and am starting to scope breakdowns. All while you are on keypose 2 of your hack-matched shit-timed video "reference"

Anonymous No. 913113

Just bantz btw Camera reference is Okay too and useful in a lot of situations. But I'd argue that a mirror is an indispensable tool for the animator

On an unrelated note Thanks to the Janitor that drove by /3/ , slowed down to 15 mph, Quickscoped all the Schizo threads, and sped off into the sunset

Anonymous No. 913139

Reminds me of old Egyptian paintings, model some makeup and a pharaoh's headdress onto it and it would look amazing

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Anonymous No. 913144

Phone sculpter here been practicing female anatomy. Want to make it more appealing but I'm stumped.

Anonymous No. 913147

Love your stuff, but please for the love of god get a pc already

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Anonymous No. 913161


Anonymous No. 913164

Wow dude I lived like that. Then looked at all my skillset, how can it be used in market, chose one direction instead of 5 and now im unemployed wannabe concept artist.

Anonymous No. 913166


Anonymous No. 913168

Hey Anon, I would recommend you look at the 10 animation principles by Disney--I think your movements could benefit greatly from that.

Anonymous No. 913169

Thanks. It's shitty but at least I did something today

Anonymous No. 913175

typical quality of a coombrain
go to a red board

Anonymous No. 913176

Will be this September, got a £2500 budget for parts and a tablet.
>anatomy Practice is coombrain
Bet you've never seen a woman naked before have you anon.

Anonymous No. 913182

You only put a coombrain sticker on phonefag's work because he sucks at it. Bet if it was sculpted like an accurate sexdoll you would coom your nether region and turn a blind eye.

Anonymous No. 913186

youre quite possibly one of the worse people here, not as an artist, but as a human being (but yes as an artist too)

Anonymous No. 913188

I would throw that shit into mixamo and get the automated animation and bone positions and then i can fuck around.

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Anonymous No. 913189

His style is unique and his skill is evident even in the face of your distaste for his personal way of creating things

His subjects fog your vision- you are letting your ego get in the way of seeing the work of a master right before your very eyes

You will never have a style as distinct. You will never match him in skill.

You will wish him dead, only out of jealousy and spite- Lashing out at another's raw individuality speaking through their work


Anonymous No. 913200


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Anonymous No. 913216

Not really a render but whatever
Learning animation

Anonymous No. 913220

Ah, I see you're attempting to animate a horse's walk cycle.

On a serious note, lookin bretty good. Though the fact that it keeps bouncing makes me think that it's moving under its own force rather than physics and gravity.
There'd be a more tapering off of distance just like height if it were purely physics. That and the bounces would get more frequent and small until they're imperceptible, the ball would roll a bit, and then stop due to friction.

Anonymous No. 913226

Yea but this is literally after like the first introduction to animation in the tutorial lol
I'm sure the more complicated stuff will come after.

Anonymous No. 913243

the difference for me is that i have no pressure. I do this as a hobby. I got an engineering job. But sometimes its a bit too much to stare at a screen for 3d for way to many hours after coming home of an 8 hour shift on EDA / CAD software.
But the electricity bill for rendering + the hard drive cost to store all of it is still cheaper than any of my other hobbies.
But i stop tinkering around with electronics cause thats my job now and it sucked the fun out of it. I would not want to do 3D as a job.
It sounds overly idealistic or pretentious , but i wanna do art not for money likes or followers. Just wanna do art to put some of the way to many ideas i have out of my head into some medium.

Get an easy job. And do your passion for fun. Or else you loose a passion.

Anonymous No. 913246


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Anonymous No. 913248

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Anonymous No. 913304

You need to keep the volume with squash and stretch.
If you squish the object in XY axes, you also need to stretch it in Z for same amount to make it actually deform with the same volume instead of morphing the ball into a pill.

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Anonymous No. 913310

I did do that but it's probably too subtle to see.
Do you have any suggestions for techniques to keep the ratio? What I did was this for example:
Default scale 1.0
Z to 1.2
X and Y to 0.8

Anonymous No. 913312

Oh another thing, I've been trying to get the deformation when it hits the ground to be flat against it, like the leftmost sphere in your gif but I can't seem to figure out how to do that.
(I'm still really new to all this)

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Anonymous No. 913314

Lesson 1 : always use motion capture for the ball bouncer exercise

Anonymous No. 913318

this is what will help you now

Anonymous No. 913321

Hey that works really well, thanks!

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Anonymous No. 913344

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Anonymous No. 913345

Gone through some animation tutorials and key poses seem to be the most important factor.
Instead of just winging it i made some key poses that look decent enough on their own. I got way to caught up in timing and interpolation.
I will take some reference footage to get the timing / speeds right. For now i just got constant interpolation and a camera move to see if the framing works.
I'll still have to see if separating out the steps like this helps or not.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 913403

almost done with this personal vr avatar. just need to add some facial emote blendshapes

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Anonymous No. 913404

vr avatar. just need to add some emote blendshapes. vertex colors only

hi im riverface No. 913412

finished this today here's everything leading up to it too

Things are kind of loosely bound but there's context, some of which will be revealed in the cave

Anonymous No. 913415

why is his tail so fucking big
also he looks kinda grumpy

Anonymous No. 913418

It's clean, you should be able to use that as a custom fallback for the quest if you get your materials right.
How well does it deform for that amount of polys? You have some faces to spare, maybe add loops and structure where it breaks.

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Anonymous No. 913424

slightly updated

he's a rare good-rated (would be great if not for physbones) on quest. geo is sparse but placed for good deformation

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Anonymous No. 913426

arctic foxes are ultra fluffy

here's the topo

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Anonymous No. 913430

First attempt at this, can I go into retopo now, I'm seeing some things I could fix but then again, I just want to get my stylized drawings made into low poly

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capture this.jpg

Anonymous No. 913432

Remodeling the chair turned into remodeling the bridge. Now...

Anonymous No. 913439

Jack, how do you manage to put SOUL into literally anything?

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Anonymous No. 913443

Going to try again with face. Been working on the full anatomy.

Anonymous No. 913451


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Anonymous No. 913452

A rough sculpt of my body, I'll do the arms and feet tomorrow.
The plan is retopologize that and use it as a base for a stylized character, but I might scrap the whole thing if popping on an anime head on that body doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 913453

nice ass

Anonymous No. 913464

Hi, anyone, I just want to get pic related

Anonymous No. 913467

Holy kek just stop. Find a real 3d svanned woman and import it as obj then fuckin copy it.

Anonymous No. 913472

Genuinely bad advice

Anonymous No. 913478

I genuinely pulled that advice from a wingfox tutorial made by a based chinaman. It's the same as looking at a real statue in any angle you want. You clearly don't know what you are talking about and god forbid the anons here with half a brain would have eureka moment by now.

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Anonymous No. 913515

After watching the Splatoon direct I wanted to try making my own Idol, so I drew up an idea yesterday and began modeling today. I don't have a name for her yet, but the main theme for her is Egyptian Raver. She's based on the Purpleback Flying squid in the Red Sea.

Anonymous No. 913543

not ugly enough to be a real idol, sorry anon

Anonymous No. 913575

>coomer pedo shit
bitch has a head a like a football too, get off my board

Anonymous No. 913578

Ok groomer

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Anonymous No. 913587

I think it's around 80%

Anonymous No. 913589

not enough blur, add like 150% more.

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drillseargent boots.webm

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 913594

this is why i love u all
And now, boots.

Anonymous No. 913595

3dguy, you are the best

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Seargent boots sc....webm

🗑️ 3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 913602

u guys deserve a better render
a better render

Anonymous No. 913620

Neat. I love decayed/neglected scenes.

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Anonymous No. 913641

played with the face a bit. happy

Anonymous No. 913642

This is the first time I've felt genuinely unnerved by your work.

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seargent dances b....webm

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 913643

u guys deserve a better version.
a better version.

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Anonymous No. 913645


Anonymous No. 913662

Ay that's the dancing baby animation

Anonymous No. 913663

delicious. do you have a name for this style?

Anonymous No. 913676

Is this rigify

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Anonymous No. 913693

Man, I hate my gaming damaged brain.
This is only chapter 3 of the course and it took me 3 days to force myself to get this far since >>913310

Anonymous No. 913698

I think at the end when it goes in the straight line looks unnatural, like it speeds up.

Anonymous No. 913699

Yea, it's supposed to slowly roll there, I'll fix the timing tomorrow.

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Anonymous No. 913701

I've been practicing hard surface modelling and made this 40k-style machine pistol. Booleans are pretty cool, but holy hell are they also finicky.

Anonymous No. 913702

Don't forget to have the ball rotate even while in the air.
Because there's some forward momentum to it, friction will pull a bit on it in the opposite direction when it's in contact with the ground, causing it to rotate a bit (in this case, clockwise).
It might just be that you haven't gotten to that point yet though, so carry on.

Anonymous No. 913710

Any of you chads use quixel bridige with blender? For some reason I can download things, but when I export them it says export successful but they aren't actually imported in. It used to work fine and the files still download to the folder they just won't export.
Every "fix" I've seen relies on there being an error code which I don't get.

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Anonymous No. 913725

kindly do the needful

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 913734

chacha.bip, from character studio 2.0, 1998
nope, amalgamation of techniques trying to use GPU renders to a decent result, pic related

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Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 913735

Did you try this?

Anonymous No. 913736

kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 913742

So I've been working on this little by little. Feeling a bit under confident about starting the face properly incase I get clowned on here for messing it up. I am going to be buying a new pc this September so I'll be using zbrush soon.

Anonymous No. 913743

Looks good, but those shoulders are looking way rectangular for a female character.

Anonymous No. 913747

Idk why people are getting mad at what you made, it's not a terrible model. My only gripe with it is that the drawing is better than the model, and the model doesn't quite capture the personality of the drawing. For the "pedo shit" part, the design is a bit childlike, but it doesn't quite register as a child to me. I think replicating the personality of the drawing and adjusting the waist and bust size to match the drawing would improve the model a lot.

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Female_WIP face.jpg

Anonymous No. 913748

Here's my second attempt at a face. Still not satisfied with how it looks so far.

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Anonymous No. 913755

Following a tutorial on a snake in Blender.

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Female_WIP face2.jpg

Anonymous No. 913759


Anonymous No. 913763

Yeah I use it. Never really had any issues with it.
I think there's an addon that you need to get from Quixel to make it work.
The way I go about using it is like this:
>make a collection to put the things in
>make sure the collection is selected
>hit export in Bridge

Should work the same way with materials, just make sure you have something selected while doing it.

Anonymous No. 913773

That face is very high poly for something that's getting subdivided.
Also what's that patch on the forehead?

Anonymous No. 913807

do you have a cycles render?

Anonymous No. 913816

I already have it installed and it was working fine. It's just shit itself all of a sudden since I updated it. I'll take a check of the video anyway though just to be sure it isn't something to do with the update.
Thanks though.

That's what I'm saying. It was working fine then it just stopped. It downloads the asset, the download is successful, I export it, it says it's exported successfully but it isn't in the scene.
I've tried it with both a collection selected and without a collection selected. I'll try it again tonight with a clearer head and see if I can work it out.
Thanks senpai.

Anonymous No. 913823

it was one guy and he's obviously not finished, thats why the drawing looks better

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Seargent goes BUM.webm

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 913841

No need, i can switch right in the middle of the animation and no one notices. Or care.

Anonymous No. 913845

I see it now. I guess I had too much to drink when I read those replies and interpreted "not ugly enough" as "too ugly". It's a surprise I managed to articulate myself.

Anonymous No. 913858

the BOOBIES are not saggy enough my guy
bags of sand

Anonymous No. 913874

I see. I think. So is this is a cycles render?
Also, damn, Sarge has some crazy moves.

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Anonymous No. 913882

Work in progress animation.

Anonymous No. 913883

Think you might want to revise the multiple camera angles for when he grabs the little dude.
At first I thought he was grabbing 3 of them, not just the same dude shown from different angles.
Even some quicker timing on the switches might work to fix that.

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Anonymous No. 913884

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Capture 3.png

Anonymous No. 913885

Anonymous No. 913887

I love it

Anonymous No. 913890

He actually is grabbing 3 of them. Maybe I should change it to show him squishing each one he grabs. The reason I only showed him squishing the last one is because I wanted it to be a bit of a surprise, up until this point he is portrayed as friendly in the full animation.

(Personally I despise the "show the same shot from multiple angles" technique, I guess I should probably try storyboarding to avoid accidentally recreating that look.)

Anonymous No. 913891

Nice. Love the uniform. Is there any reason why the arms aren't connected to the body?

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Anonymous No. 913893

>Is there any reason why the arms aren't connected to the body?
I wanted to turn it into one of those garage kits that you buy in parts then paint and assemble yourself but I'm not sure how to do it or where to split the model exactly, where to put all the holes and keys, where to even start now that I have a mostly finished model, so I'm very afraid to start dynameshing things together.

Anonymous No. 913895

Ah I see. Do you plan on printing it?

Anonymous No. 913897

>He actually is grabbing 3 of them.
Ah, well I guess you don't really need to change it then.
Though I think maybe between shots do a tiny shot of him doing another grab, like left hand (cut to a grab), right (cut to another grab), then left again (cut to the final grab), and then showing the squish, might read better that he's grabbing multiple.

Anonymous No. 913900

You're better off working with a fully merged model and cutting it into parts later. Choosing where to cut it can be tricky, you basically want the seams to be where they won't be too visible but some other factors can play into it too. For example if you're planning on casting your model then you should try having mostly straight/flat pieces.
If you're using zbrush it has decent tools for doing booleans, otherwise Meshmixer can do it too.

Anonymous No. 913905

What if, at the end, when he squishes, he has a stack of 3 of them in between his fingers and he squishes them at the same time?

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Anonymous No. 913909

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Anonymous No. 913926

So I've decided on a concept and I'm going to give this my best attempt.

Anonymous No. 913932

Fucking sickkk
I remember seeing the first part of the preview. I really love the designs and animation, awesome work man

I do think the other anon is onto something, you need to show the picker crushing each one afterwards, or you could go with the camera lingering a little longer, followed by some sound effect or light flash slightly off screen to clue us in. I did initially think it was one of those same shot, multiple angles type shots at first.

Anonymous No. 913933

Damn that guy got some really severe gyno, i feel sorry for him.

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Anonymous No. 913940

Everytime I try I to make a female charcter it looks like this. I follow every tutorial step by step and its always come out the same. What can I do to fix this?

Anonymous No. 913941

Because you are subconciously projecting your sexual preferences into your work which is a man just like the phonefag.

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Anonymous No. 913942

Fuck you.

Anonymous No. 913943

Just push "her" massive germanic chad chin back, by a lot lmao. I don't know how to say it in English, but especially part around mentalis muscle (under mouth).

Anonymous No. 913944

Have you tried looking at a picture of a woman. Sculpting is just observational skills.

Anonymous No. 913945

Your just acting retarded right? Your sculpt looks nothing like the reference picture but your technique is pretty solid. Just make her more rounded like the picture. Soften the features. Put some fat in the cheeks, shorten the ends of the eyebrows and upturn her nose. Oh and most importantly reduce chin.

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Anonymous No. 913946

I have, I've looked at the speedchar/ industry tutorials, I got image references from /s/ and I have a anatomy books and posters all over thr place. Still can't get it to 'click' un my btain and get it right.

Anonymous No. 913947

Your character's head is too tall. You're also over defining the features which is making her look older + more mannish. The philtrum is too long, the nostril corners are pushed up too high, the corners of the browbone are too well defined, the laugh lines coming off the nose are too defined, the chin is too defined the lips are straight and lacking the bow in the middle, etc etc. You need to take a step back and get the big proportions down before you get more specific.

Anonymous No. 913956

I think you're staring at your monitor too long. This happens to me all the time: I become blind to something that is right there in front of me. Perhaps you can rotate your lights around your model to cast different shadows? I know you can't turn your monitor upside down but you get the idea. Also, your burnt out on this. Move to another model, you have your whole life in front of you, stoke it with happiness and joy.

Anonymous No. 913957

I think the issue may be that you have spent a lot of time sculpting male heads and the things you learned from those male heads developed into habits, so when you sculpt a female head, those male features you learned instinctively find their way into your work. Like what >>913944 said, it may help to analyze female heads more closely, and maybe act like you've forgotten what you know about male heads so those habits don't reappear.

Anonymous No. 913959

chin is too puffy and lips are to niggerish for starters. take your finger and cover both the lips and the chin, and it doesn't look so bad

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Anonymous No. 913961

I've gone onto a backup save, trying to smooth out the face and round out the cheeks a bit. I'm using a new reference just to get to something closer to a more Feminine look.

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Anonymous No. 913962

Trying to replicate this model from someone else, I want to make a 1:1 copy first.
>How do I get the vertices right?
>How do I retopologize this for rigging?
>About the above, I sculpt everything before, even if it basic?

Anonymous No. 913963

if that's sophie turner under all that make up get some better reference of her with less make up on and some shadows on her face so can see shapes better. also watch out for focal length. red carpet photos can be okay and their lenses tend be longish 70-80mm i think. also protip: women will often have extra lipstick to make their top lip seem larger that it actually is

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Anonymous No. 913964

This is turning into coom.

Anonymous No. 913967

modeling a car is hell.
matched all the beziers to the blueprint and every single thing doesn't match.
If I move one to match one view it becomes wrong on another view

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Anonymous No. 913971

Did some more work on her today. baked some normals onto her top, skirt, and midsection. still gotta figure out a decent way to do alpha poly fur for the boots since it's flat for now

Anonymous No. 913974

Already looks better than the two abominations they showed off in the direct.

Anonymous No. 913977

Please can someone help me do something like this? How?
I am just waiting to get a gun and blow my brains out

Anonymous No. 913979

the questions you're asking are so broad, it would be a waste of anyone's time answering. You'd be much better off watching a tutorial.

Anonymous No. 913980

I already tried many tutorials, I can't. I think I might have zero spatial intelligence.

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Anonymous No. 913982

Like someone else said all your features are too sharp. Study a skull and how the bony landmarks shape the face. Those bulges you have beside the eyes dont exist it's a much smoother transition. The eye bags are too small vertically and too sharp. The mouth corners are too small and too puckered. Don't make lipstick lips and ignore makeup. Nostrills and nose bridge are too defined. Jaw is tapered too much and has no underlying neck muscles, even a very thin person isn't just a skull on a stick.

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Anonymous No. 913987

It's done

Anonymous No. 913990

Awesome work

Anonymous No. 913991

I found out a while ago that a lot of blueprints will have different views at different scales. Seems weird to do it that way, but it is what they seem to do. Some of them don't but I've notice quite a few of them do.

Anonymous No. 913992

use female reference retard

Anonymous No. 913999

No one wants to help me, no one.

Anonymous No. 914005

because your question is bad, and you didn't post what you have so far. You didn't even try.

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Anonymous No. 914007

I can't model, for 3 months I've been busting my ass with near daily practice.

Anonymous No. 914013

>for 3 months
ah, I recognize you now. Yeah, I'm not replying to you anymore, and I suggest anyone else reading to do the same

Anonymous No. 914016

You could break the cycle by helping me but no, you continue. You keep on not helping me at all. Why would I stop then?

Anonymous No. 914020

How do you want me to calm down when you're denying me help? I was more than willing to learn so I could have the models I want, I have refused to cheat and rip models. I have.

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Anonymous No. 914021

Last attempt for tonight. Might just see if I can get my old pc to do zbrushing at this point. It's too fucking exhausting getting shit on here.

Anonymous No. 914023

You are the best argument for learning how to draw on /3/ right now. Go through keys to drawing, learn some basic observational drawing, and then come back.

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Anonymous No. 914025

You don't need to know how to draw to 3d model/sculpt. It helps sure, but isn't nesscarry. A lot of great illustrators and 2d artist are usually dogshit at 3d modelling/sculpting.

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Anonymous No. 914034

I got a short curve to take the array of scales. The head needs to match the body. Tonight I will apply the modifiers on the short curve then go sculpting the head. Doesn't need to be too detailed. Put girl in a sitting pose, standing would be harder to compose a shot. It's going to be a long night.
I don't mind your posts. It's a slow board anyway. My 'progress' is going slow af. There was one guy on this thread a long time ago who could just. not. let. go. Spent years posting his busts, he never changed. I figure he was just picking away at his hobby. Don't be like that. It looks like you're using a Internet based sculpt application. If so, fuck man, must suck. Get Blender.

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Anonymous No. 914035

Going to finish this model as quickly as I can and move on. The shit flinging on here has made this feel like sliding razor blades through my dickhole.

Anonymous No. 914036

thanks mang, i followed the advice of another anon of saving the image as EXR and processing it with with LuminanceHDR.

Had it saved as PNG it would have looked pretty bland.

Anonymous No. 914038

if you were to post this anywhere else you'd be quietly ignored. it hurts, but it's a sign that something is wrong.
I personally don't post early wips since I can trust myself to filter out the wonky attempts. I do think you're lacking in observation skills.

Anonymous No. 914043

Maybe work towards getting that gun then.
At least you're doing something at that point. Seeing as you can't be bothered to work towards learning 3d.
You shouldn't need "help", do literally anything, post it ask for critique and learn from that. You won't learn anything being spoonfed. 3d isn't a fucking lego set you zoomer.

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Anonymous No. 914044

first attempt at modeling, with NURBS because i like NURBS. 100% smooth surfaces so no hard edges. this is just a gunbarrel, the rest will be added later.

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Anonymous No. 914045

hi-rez frame

Anonymous No. 914050

Of course I need help, I can't do it on my own. After 3 months of trying, nothing.

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Anonymous No. 914056


Here is your starting point. A donut tutorial for a person, like yourself, who knows nothing about Blender:
If you make it through this then you're on your way. You can thank me later, years from now. PSA: this is a WIP progress thread, not a BFH (beg for help) thread. You have no WIP to post you should not be on here. People around here take this shit very seriously. I'm sure your a good kid and all, but you're not in a BFH thread. This is a place where you come when you have a Work in Progress that you just need to get off your chest.

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Anonymous No. 914058

Work in progress 1400s knight im making, trying to be as authentic as i can, still some blocking in to do and onto details. C&C more than welcome!

Anonymous No. 914060

Don't know if it is some specific weapons you are modelling, but generally speaking longsword's grip should be bit longer, while hammer has the opposite issue. Longswords were prevalent in 14th and they usually had longer grips (to nearly two hands). That is if that is supposed to be a longswords and not an arming sword (which were pretty much a sidearm), in which case grip is fine, but blade should be shorter and wider.
War hammer on the other hand, was most often solely one hand weapon and were generally shorter and in case of full metal ones, a bit thinner.
Also why no gauntlets? They had articulated fingers back then. You can make it easier on yourself by doing mittens, they look very cool too.
Otherwise I like it, it is rare to see medieval stuff being posted here.
t. did medieval fighting

Anonymous No. 914061

Thanks, great points! its supposed to be an arming sword, i used Oakeshott typology as reference, but i think the scale is a bit off, had to make it slightly larger to accommodate the hand on the grip without clipping, but ill see if shortening the blade works. The hammer is also from a reference but i agree with you, especially scale a bit off, probably reworking that later, the weapons there are just for fun, later ill give him a proper pole axe. Gauntlets are coming but like a noob ive been putting it off heheh, shouldnt be that tough though, have made gauntlets before.

Anonymous No. 914092

You're refusing telling me how to make that model? I've had enough if the way /3/ treats me, I'll fuck you to death.

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ugly reference is....jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914101

Shall we...?

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914103


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914104


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914105


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Anonymous No. 914106

I'm just going to take a break from posting WIP phone sculpts and try an work on zbrush for a whilebl now that I got a pc sorted.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914110


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Anonymous No. 914114

Here's a quick ten minute render.

Anonymous No. 914115

Fucking based

Anonymous No. 914125

Those breasts are gonna need more uv space.

Anonymous No. 914127

Why are you sculpting if you're just reusing your base? Am I missing a joke?

Anonymous No. 914128

Trust the process.

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Anonymous No. 914150

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914151

reference size manequin, not animatable (utterly broken btw)

Anonymous No. 914164

I love you 3dGuy.
In a strictly platonic, bro way.

Anonymous No. 914171

I love you 3dguy.
In a romantic way.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914174

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
my body is ready

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Anonymous No. 914205

Re: BFH shit

Total and complete shit. Boobs are all that matter. From the empty mind of a ten or twelve year old. What would Michelangelo or Einstein create in 3D software as young men? Not this crap that screams to a complete lack of cognitive function. Observe! You are living on just enough brain cells to fire your organs. Minds that are so void of intelligence to even know they're running on empty. You have only one objective in life: to crawl back inside your mamma where you can be safe from all the struggles of a world in conflict. I suppose you deserve to be conquered and controlled. You're not doing yourself or the world outside any good, might as well be somebody's slave, might be good at that. Enjoy your life of meaningless labor. Had to get that off my chest.

Anonymous No. 914208

Michelangelo would have modeled big buff naked men

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 914209

Work in progress

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Anonymous No. 914211


Anonymous No. 914233

Fuck. Off.

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Anonymous No. 914241

Answer me
How do I get pic related?

Anonymous No. 914243

Stop giving it attention if you want it to go away.

Anonymous No. 914245

>Stop giving it attention if you want it to go away.
Give me how to make my model or I'll continue, I am Slippin Jimmy

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914280


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Anonymous No. 914295

What's the best way to do fine panel lines like pic rel? I've tried painting them on, but with such fine lines, even the most minor distortion on the UV seems to make it look awful, especially when crossing a seam. I don't want to go excessively high resolution because I want it to be low-mid poly.

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Anonymous No. 914296

Games like Ace Combat 4 seem to have extremely clean panel lines despite having very low res textures and low poly models, and I don't understand how they did it. Sorry for bad pic. Good close up screenshots of planes from the game are hard to find.

Anonymous No. 914300

You are the best thing to ever happen to this board.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914316

-(๑‿ #)ᕗ
around and around

Anonymous No. 914325

can you animate her twerking

Anonymous No. 914373

keep UV seams on the edges and unwrap it so a one pixel horizontal line is always parallel to the seams and straight without that diagonal blocky pixelation. also texture for the roughness not necessarily the diffuse to get very subtle panel lines in lighting.

Anonymous No. 914384

>prince, i´ve cum for you

Anonymous No. 914386

i take back everything bad I've ever said about you, 3DGuy

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914395

oops, she´s angry

Anonymous No. 914463

>singlehandedly exorcises the ghost of the autist who's been haunting the thread and board for a while now
3DGuy, you're not the hero we deserved, you're the one we needed.

Anonymous No. 914468

Post WIP, please no drama-rama

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Anonymous No. 914469

Alrighty lads, new project i guess.
Did a tub of acid and sat on the toilet shitting so hard Poseidon gave me a lil kiss on the ass cheek and i then i knew what the next project should be.
Fishtank mech!

Lemme know what you think of the idea!

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 914471

What the fuck are you talking about? Tell me how to make my model

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Anonymous No. 914477

Blockout with placeholder hair

Anonymous No. 914480

He does look kinda Egyptian. It's probably because his eyelashes look kinda eyeliner-y. Modeling a headdress and other things would be good practice for me since my hard-surface skills have been falling behind.

Anonymous No. 914481

I would like to see the tentacles actually going into the appendages of the mech and the extra tentacles on some controls, levers n shit

Basically, flesh it out a bit more. Could be quite fun.

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That fucking cape.webm

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914489


Anonymous No. 914494


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Anonymous No. 914516

bit of basic rigging and a little more work. Still gotta rig the face, gonna try to emulate the way they do it in Splatoon, which has the lower part of the face switch between models, seems cool

Anonymous No. 914517

>the butt clips trough the cape
based squid, move her now

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Anonymous No. 914529

Work In Progress

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Perfectly Mirrore....png

Anonymous No. 914533

Question about UVs, how does one go about making a layout as seen in pic related?

Anonymous No. 914534

GMI work right here, keep it up

Anonymous No. 914537

make seams like you see in the picture, mirror the limb UVs with the mesh, center the face and body UVs by setting their x coordinates to 0

Anonymous No. 914541

Really nice.
Only a few things that I can see;
-Vision slits should be longer to give better peripheral vision
-The bit that attaches the aventail to the helmet should go a little further up to just over the eyebrows
-Gauntlets should have more of an hourglass shape. Right now they're too flat to allow for full movement of the wrist
-Top of visor should fit closer to the helmet. If you look at historical examples those things sit on really tight
-The little protrusions on the elbow and knees cops that defend the inside of the knees and elbows are usually only on the outside of the joint
-Maybe add some more breaths to the right side of the helmet?

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Anonymous No. 914560

>flesh it out a bit more
Still in the blockout phase.

Also the interior is pretty much planed out plastering it full of joysticks, switches and screens.

Got enough abandoned projects to kitbash something together really quick for figuring out what works and such.
Most critical phase for me to move as fast as possible to not loose interest in the idea.
If i got something interesting to look at the 'Tism starts to kick in and its relaxing modeling form there cause the macro creative stuff is mostly done and the micro creativity of coming up with connecting shapes , solving topology problems is more fun in my smooth brain.

Anonymous No. 914561

I really like where this is going.

Anonymous No. 914573

Many thanks, great points, will work to fix these once i have a break from work

Anonymous No. 914575

coming along really nicely anon.
did the fish-folk make the mech to take over the surface, or did humans make the mech so their fish friend could help em on land?

Anonymous No. 914594


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Anonymous No. 914612

Glad someone likes my dumb ideas
I was more thinking about uplifted animals in the work force to help with colonizing the solar system. Still need to put on more hoses and crap. But the squid is going to space!

Made some good progress on the interior.
8 ball fight stick and an and fighter jet joystick + keyboard and some screens.
Will probably add more clutter later.

Anonymous No. 914637

Have you tried putting water inside of the octocockpit?

Anonymous No. 914643

have you guys ever wondered why a cockpit is called that? Is it because it's a cock pit?

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Anonymous No. 914644

A simple Google search indicates you might be obsessed.

Anonymous No. 914645

It comes from the Age of Sail, from a coxswain's (later cockswain) station. Dude who navigated and steered the ship. Cock in question here is not from English, but from French coque. There is probably some convergent etymolog with cock fighting, I am too lazy to search for it.

Anonymous No. 914646

Obviously there's huge parallels between engineers and perverts.

Anonymous No. 914649

suque my coque won't you

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Anonymous No. 914651

the body looks like shit but oh well. then my software officially shat the bed so i guess i won't work on this again for awhile.

Anonymous No. 914653

That only applies if he was correcting someone. He was literally just answering a question, you obnoxious coquehead.

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Anonymous No. 914658

Harder than one might think. for the correct water IOR and it looks like a distorted mess.
Cycels handles this just fine. but stacking transparency in eevee has always been a pain. Been messing around with refraction depths to find a middle ground.
But shading is not really my focus right now.

Anonymous No. 914661

What about you cheat it by just adding an effect of water surface somewhere near the top of the glass? I think it would work better in general to not make it completely filled.

Anonymous No. 914662

So I've tried to import a Rigify-rigged character into Unity, but it's like the character has two separate sets of spine bones, with the front attaching to one of them and the back to the other.
Did I import it wrong? Is there any way to fix this?
I can kinda work around it by selecting the two spine bones that match if I want to create or tweak an animation in Unity, but it seems like a pointless hassle.

Pic related, what happens when I bend DEF-Spine_002 and Spine_fk_002 in different directions.

maybe add a few air bubbles?

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Double spine prob....png

Anonymous No. 914663

Actual pic related

Anonymous No. 914664

Recommend shading the glass itself as blue but then blend into clear near the top.

Anonymous No. 914665

The area looks too tight. I don't think anon can pull this one off.

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Hanna and snake r....png

Anonymous No. 914666

No rest for the wicked.

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Hanna and snake c....png

Anonymous No. 914667

Anonymous No. 914669

you're right, we're in dire need of a new command & conquer game

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Anonymous No. 914670

Quite based.

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Anonymous No. 914698

Anonymous No. 914700

Jesus Christ this whole thread.

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Anonymous No. 914702

Tempest Rising is a very promising C&C clone that might carry the torch from the dead franchise.

Anonymous No. 914712

Hey, has anyone else notice that you can add as many bones as you like to a model? Like, I'm still learning how to rig, right? And I see these tutorials that have very simple bone set ups. But you don't have to be that simple. You can add a shit ton more bones to move the mesh around however you like. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to build a rig that moves the body in a realistic way. Well... semi realistic anyway. You'll see.

Am I tripping, or is that topology actually good? I mean, you shaped it into something horrific. But I imagine the same topology in more capable hands would actually result in a decent model.

Anonymous No. 914719


Anonymous No. 914722

>Am I tripping, or is that topology actually good?
This topology is spot on, and >>914489 is the SAME topology but with the armor morph plus some hair and proper teeth, not mentioning the texture.
Is a simple 3D actor, to be blunt, and the difference from a more commercial model would be the armor version having a different, more precise mesh than that.
> I imagine the same topology in more capable hands would actually result in a decent model.
What´s stopping you?

Anonymous No. 914723

dem dsl's

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Anonymous No. 914726

Looked up some similar projects and this one was the best.
have a similar water ripple + bubble setup.
looks more like water now.

Anonymous No. 914727

Decent. Good study.

Anonymous No. 914728

very nice, i think the bubbles could be a bit smaller

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Anonymous No. 914729


Starfleet No. 914731

Again, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you to fuck off to all ends of the Earth. I have no interest to save or even give iotas to the cummers that dwell there. No. If you didn't fucking realize it, I'll clue you in: there are all software's in WIP. You want to think you're doing the 'community' a favor? Then kill yourself, mommy's boy. Fucking Jew. (sipping coffee) Does being in the vicinity of a man make you feel uncomfortable? It should.


Anonymous No. 914735

>tfw trying to create a game ready bonsai tree
>tfw hard

Anonymous No. 914742

>Am I tripping, or is that topology actually good? I mean, you shaped it into something horrific. But I imagine the same topology in more capable hands would actually result in a decent model.
3DGuy is extremely skilled.
He's also an extremely skilled shitposter.

Anonymous No. 914747

Is this your first time seeing subdivided topology or is this board just that full of nomodellers? I love 3DGuy as much as anyone else, but that topology is completely average.

Anonymous No. 914761

Neat, that's how I imagined it.

Anonymous No. 914768

Cut me some slack. I'm still a beginner myself. I don't know what what optimal topology looks like. All I know is from google images, and a few months of practice. And I'm not saying it's the best topology in the world. I just said it's "actually good". As compared to the bizarre shape he sculpted it into.

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explicit polygons.webm

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 914769

Please take off your clothes and expose your polygons, my pretty.
>Y-yes, master.

Anonymous No. 914793

Don't be rediculous. I've been here years and years enough to see 3DGuy at work. It's not just topo, it's the fucking speed and consistency that gives off an air of experience. Dude completely looks like he's been at it for 20 years.

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Anonymous No. 914794

I'm getting used to sculpting

Anonymous No. 914797

>make retarded sculpts on a standard basemesh
>wtf this guy is a master!

Anonymous No. 914798

Nothing you make will ever be as kino as what 3DGuy makes

Anonymous No. 914799

I completely believe you're not the same person.

Anonymous No. 914800

You guessed right

Anonymous No. 914804

cool. now you should make a snorkel for him or maybe some scuba gear. underwater goggles, oxygen cylinder etc.

Anonymous No. 914805

how many verts?

Anonymous No. 914806

That's dumb.

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Anonymous No. 914808


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Anonymous No. 914813

Anonymous No. 914828

It’s funny you’d be going around insulting people's models and telling them what they shouldn't be modeling when your final render looks like >>914666. >>914731 Seems like a troll pretending to be you for whatever reason, but that model does look like you just pulled it out of DAZ. I don’t care what you do in your free time, but you need to get over yourself because you’re not in a position to be judging people who are trying to learn how to make their own characters instead of pretending they're hot shit because they used a program to make one for them. A lot of those character models aren’t great, but that’s just how it is when someone is new.

Anonymous No. 914830

bitch got bags of pudding in her backpockets, god damn

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Anonymous No. 914841

Learning to sculpt hair in Zbrush.

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Fuck You lores jpg.jpg

Starfleet No. 914884

I will call out shit when I see it. And it's not just my personal observation, it will be a fact. I will not hide behind an Anonymous post. If I tell you your work is shit I will post my own WIP or I will put my handle in the name field. You will know it's me.

As a young boy I always yearned to get a peek at the Playboy's and Penthouse's behind the counter in every 7-Eleven. I was not sure why I was drawn to those covers. The women were displaying their nude bodies to the world and I could not help but imagine what that would could convey to me. Was it a step to becoming a man? To see those women give their beauty to the camera for the world to appreciate? What I might learn and know. I would never get to those magazines. The clerk was always right there. But one day when I was about ten-years-old I was looking through a book on photography. And there, on a page somewhere in the middle, was a small black and white photo of a woman who was without a top. I felt so much for her. I took that book into the garage and stared at the page for hours, on more than one occasion. A beautiful Burnette. And I felt that she displayed her essence as a woman just for me alone. That picture was my quiet secret in the garage. There was something about her. She was so beautiful and her womanhood was a majestic song, calling to me.

I am one of the last men in this age who has not been initiated to porn via the Internet. A woman's body is of a sacred meaning. Not the trash implications that you get on your phone and post the same garbage on this board. It's not learning, it's trash. A woman is not a hole to stick your dick into. And the nigger-speak that goes along with it is juvenile. It does nothing to promote learning one iota. Quite the opposite.

Hanna is a DAZ skin. So is James. I've spent years working on the rigs and finally gave up and made new ones via Maximo, Human Generator, Rigify, I've tried everything to get these to work inside of Blender.

Starfleet No. 914885

So kindly fuck off. If you want to learn character modeling there is an appropriate, mature was to do so. And don't ever come preach to me about morals.

Anonymous No. 914886

>nameniggers creating retarded drama
many such cases.

Anonymous No. 914887

Even just two threads ago it seemed like just people posting a whole lot of random wip stuff.
Now it's 90% drama and bottom of the barrel coomer shit.
How the fuck did it deteriorate so fast? Just because of one guy pointing out we didn't want to be spammed with coomer cancer?
Did they organize a raid or is it just one or two extremely autistic coomers?
Sad to see either way.

Anonymous No. 914891

Not only are you talentless, but you are a schizo. Those models were not made by you, you used multiple programs to hold your hand with rigging, and the only thing you have made is a fucking particle system. Even cris provides more value to this board because at least his shitty models are entertaining. There's been like 2 coomposters in this thread, one of them was fucking Simpsons porn, and the other one was 3DGuy which you would be able to get a laugh out of if you weren't a newfag. Trying and failing while learning how to model the body literally is part of the process, and you would know that if you weren't a DAZlet. Please keep using that tripcode so people can filter you.

Anonymous No. 914893

He has no trip, it is just a namefag. Same cancer, but different.

Anonymous No. 914924

>quality of wips going downhill
>crickets everywhere
Ohnonono. It's over......

Anonymous No. 914937

summer's almost over, we'll be knee deep in furry porn before you know it

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Starfleet No. 914943


Anonymous No. 914952

You should've just kept your head down and posted wips, mate.
>A woman's body
Nobody cares, nobody asked. You're making yourself out to be a manchild who gets easily riled and has a philosophy based on a pair of tits he saw as a little tyke. Let this be a lesson to you.

Starfleet No. 914966

This is not general population, fuck-o. Are you a badass? Are you a gangster? Hip, toking on your vape while browsing anime material? Yes, there is a lesson here. Plain as fucking day.

Anonymous No. 914967

Take your meds and post more WIPs.
Currently phoneposting so I can’t contribute yet.

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Anonymous No. 914968

I need a new starship and this is all I got. Going to town.

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Anonymous No. 914977

had some time to work on my sculpt a bit more, the hair ist just a placeholder

Anonymous No. 914999

Good, good.
Hope you´re planning to animate it once it´s finished.

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bot again.webm

Anonymous No. 915047

Still playing with my silly robot, had to rework the arms. I should have made something easier to animate.

Anonymous No. 915061

cute. make a game out of it.

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Anonymous No. 915065

What's the best way to deal with disjointed limbs?

Anonymous No. 915066

when 3d printing*

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Anonymous No. 915068

Great sense of style, very cohesive anon.

Aquatic broder.

Working on some mecha crab jelly, or something like that.

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Anonymous No. 915080

Clear peg-and-hole stands from figure kits, a 3D printed clear resin stand with vertical pegs or somehow adapting them to be connected to the rest of the object are all the options you have, and you probably don't want the first one if you want your parts in a specific position

Anonymous No. 915081

many thanks, anon

Anonymous No. 915083

Why did you give him a big robot dong?

Anonymous No. 915085

get off my blue board, coomer

Anonymous No. 915094

yes I intend to animate it later
I´m sorry if I offended you in anyway, I will try to do better

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Anonymous No. 915145

follow up on this, ABS 100-500 micron
exactly what I thought when I saw the concept art lol

unrelated, found out somebody in my apartment complex posts neotare threads on /vg/

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Anonymous No. 915154

>>915068 Hell yeah brother form the sea!
Are those bubbles just some spheres with a particle system?

Thinking about robot human interaction, i thought about putting some soft paneling on, so this guy does not bang everything when bumping around in the human world. Current scale the whole suit is 2m tall.

Result of some cloth physics shenanigans is an absolute granny ass...

Nah, just some more aquarium gear maybe.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 915157

45000 polys each character. Hair and other stuffs count around the same.
No federation ships around, nothing. Boring.

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Anonymous No. 915167

anon ur beautiful, lmk if u want my amogus sculpt 2 print as well

Anonymous No. 915169

>Are those bubbles just some spheres with a particle system?
I created a small patch of bubbles at first and actually manually placed them, you get a lot more control over the flow and whatnot. But now you've got me wondering if making some bubble shapes and applying them to curves wouldn't be easier next time haha.

Also nice block in for the mecha, squid is lookin' like he can beat me up kek

Anonymous No. 915170

Same anon.
Also, if you've got some cash to burn, fluent powertrip does those poofy cloth animations really well, but I think your cloth portions are readable now so it's probably fine.

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Anonymous No. 915176

I just did a quick block out for a portfolio piece I'm starting on the Character Manny Pardo from Hotline Miami 2. I am going to be trying to do a few characters from that game and place them into scenes.

Anonymous No. 915186

God's speed.

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Anonymous No. 915189

Can I find a sculpting job even as a Nomad Normie?

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night 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 915193

Just the radio doing detail. Trying to quit smoking. Damn, it's late, got to run to the store for smokes and I know there will be cops out in their places. Truck stop isn't too far, stills will take me 20 minutes. I'm a little high right now. I'll make it.

Anonymous No. 915194

What's up with that, anon?

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Anonymous No. 915201

Checking in is all, not really anything to show, working on flaps. That is the last pack I will buy. And it's not like the good old days when you could actually steal your cigarettes. I miss those days.

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Anonymous No. 915224

lil guy from penguindrum

Anonymous No. 915272

love it

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Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 915296

Light shader for impulse engine which I believe to be a ion engine.
I kept to my word and did not buy another pack. I got around it with purchasing a carton.

Anonymous No. 915297

omg yes, my friends actually wanted a keychain of mine because they liked it so much
they're going to blown away at this

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Anonymous No. 915317

It's nice tweaking in details. Relaxing. Quiet thread. Weekend is coming up. I must finish this ship because I need to get back to characters. All right, she's all yours now... PSA: if you play Walk-about Mini Golf on Oculus then try the Labyrinth course, it's pretty nice. It got me wondering how one could present a comic in VR. I have seen some, I think I should give it a shot.

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Anonymous No. 915323

Almost finished with this one.

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Robo attack.webm

Anonymous No. 915347

I tried to follow some references of how a spearman moves. Now for the effects, the jetpack should have actual jets coming out of it.

Mirin' the squidmech.

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Anonymous No. 915353

Made a granary inspired by Stronghold 1. About 6 hours starting from zero. Need to make the rest of the scene now and rig the doors.

Anonymous No. 915354

what renderer?

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Echuilles .png

Anonymous No. 915356

Reminds me of a boss from Final Fantasy 10. Your model is extremely impressive. So clean.

Anonymous No. 915357

Cycles using a Nishita sky. Exposure of 0.1 with filmic color. Made some adjustments to the levels in post to emphasize shadows a bit more and decrease the overall brightness.

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Anonymous No. 915360

Summoning the three-hour tank anon...

How did you git so good at tank modelling? Would you be willing to a real-time or timelapse video (with or without commentary) showing your process?

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Anonymous No. 915364

Lol so it wasn't just me, I noticed the same thing after I made the head. Plus now the colors are a bit reminiscent of the ffx-ii airship. Thanks anon, I tried to mind the topology this time around.

You might have better luck finding him in /ic/.

Guru Guru Mawaru, nornir always on my mind.

Soul af, reminds me of building models from old rts games.

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Anonymous No. 915366

>Lol so it wasn't just me, I noticed the same thing after I made the head. Plus now the colors are a bit reminiscent of the ffx-ii airship. Thanks anon, I tried to mind the topology this time around.
Wow. New pic is extremely aesthetically pleasing. A low poly version would not look out of place in FFX at all.
>You might have better luck finding him in /ic/.
Thank you, I'll check there.
>Soul af, reminds me of building models from old rts games.
Thank you! It's based on exactly that. It's going to be used for a Gondola meme once I finish the rest of the scene. Still working on my Gondola rig (pic rel). Not completely happy with the deformation yet, but it's getting there. He'll be inside the granary in the final image

Thank you for replying to so many of my posts. Some times I just start scrolling through the thread and reply to people and accidentally spam lol.

Anonymous No. 915370

Kek, the bread is on the verge of death so I don't think it matters much now. Thanks and best of luck the search and on the gondola broject, ebin :DD

Anonymous No. 915385

Cute. Can you introduce some imperfection into the roof tiles? Have some of them sticking out at slightly different angles.

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Anonymous No. 915386

Fugg stronghogg, ebin :DDD

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Anonymous No. 915387

>beat me up kek
Not skipping leg day with this fella.
Blender cloth sims work good enough for now. I wanted to use these fancy cloth sculpting tools too, but i have found no settings that worked, they just mangle the geometry, no tweaks to falloffs, sim scales, strengths and what not.
So i will stick to sims as waiting for bakes is slower than sculpting, but not 3fps one miss click 2s wait slow.

Anonymous No. 915388

Looks really dope. This needs to be a diorama!

Anonymous No. 915389

Very neat.

Anonymous No. 915393

That's some thermal insulation foam?

Anonymous No. 915398

Not really sure.
It supposed to be cloth. Like the cargo bay of the space shuttle, i guess that was mostly for insulation.
But the main function on this robot is just soft paneling so if operates around humans, like getting in and out of vehicles to not scuff up everything.
Also going for a space suit look.

Main reason for this. I wanted to try something different than just hard surface greeble as all the other hard surface artist do.

Anonymous No. 915399

I'll tell you what it is. It is inflatable material to quickly get out of the depths of the sea. Robot's exoskeleton is for sure titanium (considering its matte silvery material), which is very light, so it would work wonders. When squidbro needs to quickly get to surface, he just inflates it and air inside quickly takes him up.
When not in use, it could either stay deflated. Or filled with some liquid (for insulation), so you have an alibi to not model deflated version.
t. scifi smut writer

Anonymous No. 915441

pretty cool, I do think you should clean up the eyeshadow a bit, and shrink the iris just a bit

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Anonymous No. 915442

Wib in brogress :DDD I really like the way the sunlight glows and radiates inside the granary.
>Thanks and best of luck the search and on the gondola broject, ebin :DD
Thank you. It's coming along.
>Can you introduce some imperfection into the roof tiles? Have some of them sticking out at slightly different angles.
Yes, I've tweaked the particle system to exaggerate the imperfections more. Good call.
>Fugg stronghogg, ebin :DDD

Anonymous No. 915443

>that light
Berfegtion fuggg :DD

Anonymous No. 915466

Lookin' good champ! The chosen elements are coming together nicely.

Thanks anon, maybe I'll try to work on a printable version.

fugg sunlit gondola :DD

Anonymous No. 915467

i like this a LOT less than the previous one

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Capture 3.png

Anonymous No. 915654

I confess I have been playing video games and entertaining company over the weekend. Tried Blender in Oculus (it sucks.) However, DCS with an Oculus is (what's the word I'm looking for?) Dope?

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Anonymous No. 915655

I've got 4 words for you:

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jetpack attack.webm

Anonymous No. 915713

Particles are great for little puffs of dust, (props to the gunbot guy) but the cloud kicked up by the jetpack looks awful, i think i'll get rid of it. I'm not sure how to make it look more cartoonish, sprites maybe.

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Anonymous No. 915714

I would finish my project months ago if I wouldn't play underrail all the time

Anonymous No. 915719

NEW THREAD: >>915718