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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912943

Im trying to make models and designs for MMo so i guess as they say "varry the size, shapes" but then i tried using basic shapes but they look lame and unorganic... so my only options are... making different sizes... which also looks uninspired so... is there any existing philoshopy,
Theories i can use to
"Create interesting varieties" in its microscopic integers of the design construct?

Anonymous No. 912949

How can we critique your design if we don't see it? We don't know what is wrong with your design.

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I feel peaceful and empty in bali at the same time No. 912950

>>912949 i m not sure im asking for crits but here im still in the designing and concept things so no color nothing

But the key is to be able to make alot of variety and make it interesting

Anonymous No. 913002

>1 person MMO
>Asking "how do I design a character"

Hmmm No. 913004

It s just practice and studying so i could use better more specific direction using whatever philosophy in design idk

Anonymous No. 913006

Learn 2D or 3D and then just mix different shit you think is cool

Hmmm No. 913008

Whatever is cool to me could be wrong is that the best direction ever after all this

Anonymous No. 913009

>1 person MMO
>Can't properly construct a sentence
>I feel peaceful and empty in bali at the same time
>How do make character it is quantum physics to me

Hmmm No. 913010

>No fault in asking the better
>no no not actual mmo but whatever
Hi pls rip

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Anonymous No. 913012

stop giving this sneeding schizo pajeet replies. anything to do with made up math concepts

Galalab No. 913022

Ha racism
See you in ban