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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912947

I'm trying so hard to make a model but I'm new and even at featureless models, I fucking suck, I am crying right now.

2 hours on attempting this over and over.
This is the 3rd attempt, everything else I can manage, starting from a cube, cylinder. But not the lets.

Anonymous No. 912959

Just stop looking at the fucking clock.

Anonymous No. 912964

And spend a decade on a model? I don't have a decade.

Anonymous No. 912966

All people who can do a decent looking human model in 2 hours had to spend a decade to learn how to do that and be good at that. What makes YOU so special that you just expect to pop a model every hour after trying for a few months?
Don't have time? What, there is a world to save? Is there a nuclear bomb that going to detonate if you don't finish your shitty model in time? Did mafia asked you make models in Blender and if you don't do it on time they'll come and shoot you?

Anonymous No. 912967

A decade for a model? Then it's over. I can't do it. I told reddit and I told polycount that I am going to kill myself over this, now I'm telling you /3/.
You think I am joking? I'm not scared, I will blow my brains out or burn myself, I am pissed off, yes.

Anonymous No. 912968

You think I won't do it? That I am not serious? No, you're right. There's nothing special about me, a person is just sentient packaging for shit. Nothing good about this. You think I give a fuck?
What? Got a family? Wife and kids? The whole combo? Huh? I don't give a shit, you'd never kill yourself, I'll burn myself on NYE, dead.
Think I am even one bit scared? No, fuck you and your mother.

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Anonymous No. 912972

If you're just looking for an excuse to off yourself find a better one than "I can't instantly be good and fast at something that other people spend years practicing". By your logic, everybody should off themselves because they also fail your arbitrary challenge "make a model of human in under 2 hours and under 3 attempts". Do you think I could do it? No, this low poly shit took me few DAYS, not hours, and I never finished it.
Now you're calling me a pussy because I didn't kill myself. Wow, you're so brave, you must be so proud of yourself, so much better than all this pathetic scum that neither can make a human in one microsecond nor they badass enough to burn themselves alive.
> You think I give a fuck?
If you didn't, you wouldn't scream on 3 fucking different websites "look everybody I'm gonna kill myself over this and there is nothing you can do about it, I'm dead serious look at me guys look".
If you're going to kill yourself, at least have a decency of not being an attention whore.

Anonymous No. 913058


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Anonymous No. 913060


Anonymous No. 913063

Associate degree schizo here to remind you to go fucking take some tuition and stop sabotaging yourself

Anonymous No. 913064

use reference images, no one can do it just from imagination as a beginner.

don't be too harsh on yourself in the beginning, everyone's first model looked like utter garbage. focus on using the right tools and using reference images that are high quality (shot with high focal length or possibly even orthogonal).

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Anonymous No. 913101

It's not my first model retard

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Anonymous No. 913105

>ask for help
>mention that you are literally crying about your lack of skill
>get well-meant advice
>call that guy a retard
you know what? I take the "don't be too harsh on yourself"-part back. you didn't even post in WIP like any civilized person would have, then you insult people that are taking the time to lift your talentless, inconsiderate ass up.

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Anonymous No. 913107

You literally have a 360 model viewer as reference. We didn't have none of this shit back in the day.

>2 hours
lol, this is your life now.

Anonymous No. 913108

OP yeah

You should Kill yourself on NYE



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Anonymous No. 913114

Kill yourself.
It's not still, can't study from it.

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Anonymous No. 913116

why does it look like a first attempt, then?

Anonymous No. 913117

It was one of many attempts after willpower ran out

Anonymous No. 913172

are you too dumb to take screenshots?

Anonymous No. 913201

Imo if you're new you shouldn't even try to make characters. Too many concepts you should learn first. Go do some tutorials on other stuff until you understand the program and process better

Anonymous No. 913233

2 hours is nothing in terms of modelling. i've spent the past week and a half modelling a single weapon. i've chucked away an hours work multiple times.
but at the end of the day time and patience is everything. once you can do it in a 3 days, you can do it in 2 days, then 1 day, then a few hours. the old masters didn't just pick up a paint brush and become an expert painter in a day