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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 913204

It seems that most of /3/ wants to have a job working in 3DCG, with a lucky few having actually achieving that, either through freelancing, contract work, or full-time employment. For those who want that kind of job but don't have it...
>do you have a job that isn't 3dcg related?
>what do you do?
>if you were offered a 3dcg job that paid less than your current job, would you still take it?

Anonymous No. 913205

Considering what I read on this board there are some really fucking professional ppl that lurk here once in a while

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Anonymous No. 913212

anyone with half a brain lurks and gatekeeps the knowledge. i purposely don't answer questions that aren't very simple and blender related

Anonymous No. 913213

I don't have a job but I'm learning to do IT stuff. Like servers and networking, etc.
I'm trying to teach myself animation stuff when I'm not in school.

Anonymous No. 913217

Gatekeeping aint gonna help you get outsourced in the future anyway.

Anonymous No. 913218

if you never open your mouth other's won't ever notice that you don't know shit. Good play

Anonymous No. 913222

i understand why you're angry. but put in the hard work and you'll feel the same way about spoonfeeding

Anonymous No. 913225

Not true. People that put the hardwork and achieve stuff usually end up wanting to share their knowledge, that applies to anything basically.
Maybe your "hardwork" isn't as hard as you think it is? Maybe if you can't actually share anything without being called out?

Anonymous No. 913227

i've been doing 3d for a while and i can tell you that 99% of the people on here are beginner blender users. once you start getting decent you realise that there is no good knowledge here, just sneeding pajeets and the ocassional schizo. want to learn something? go somewhere else. i have not learnt a single useful thing here. this board is solely good for shitposting

Anonymous No. 913235

I absolutely agree about that, it applies to 4chan as a whole (or at least the boards I've used in my years here).

Maybe some general threads contain good info depending on the board and subject but outside of them the boards themselves are a complete timesinking garbage filled with schizo rambling and pointless discussion, not worth anyone's time. It does make me laugh a bit so I do visit this website ocassionally, not as much as I used to, luckly.

Anonymous No. 913239

some good stuff gets posted ocassionally, I've seen it a few times over the years, but those anons usually stop posting once they get good or when they realize the threads are mostly about furry/schizo/beginner shit, after I started coming here just to laugh at the crazies (3dguy, chris, vr guy, you know the ones).

Anonymous No. 913241

Add scribbler to the list.
Also, I wonder if the guy posting /3/chuds (which hilariously enough are 2D) even makes something or is here just to shitpost.

Anonymous No. 913242

Can I get by with learning BLENDER

I am a drawfag who just wants to use blockouts

Anonymous No. 913245

if you just want basic models, don't need topology, textures, good renders etc then definitely. focus on your main skill (drawing)

Anonymous No. 913250

so you're the same guy who made the boolean thread huh?

Anonymous No. 913265

> i purposely don't answer questions that aren't very simple and blender related
It's better to be thought as a fool than to speak out loud and erase all doubt

Anonymous No. 913266

It's always sociopath Boomers saying shit like this. You treated life as one entire zero sum game because you can't simply accept you're outdated and instead of sharing knowledge you hold on to it to rot along with you.

Anonymous No. 913269

SWE. The pay question is loaded and misleading.
>What are working hours
>Is it remote? If not how close is it
>What benefits?
>Insurance pay
>What is the future projection of 3DCG
>What is the sustainability of the company
In my position at least, taking a 3DCG job would fuck up with the momentum my career would have. But I do have conditions: if the pay is good, remote, hours are short and it's for something good I might consider it, and find some other SWE work to do full time.
This is /3/. You think anyone is gonna get gud? KEK. Even if a magical guide were to be made to be best 3dfag, only a fraction would read it. Rest of us are larpers

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 913272

You can get away with these coding practices if you do 3d

Anonymous No. 913313

you have the world's best knowledge database in front of you but still get mad when people won't spoonfeed you?

>a magical guide were to be made to be best 3dfag, only a fraction would read it
this is already happening with the amount of schizos who come on here demanding help only to be rude dickheads when given it. also they always happen to be ESL, never seen a white schizo on here

Anonymous No. 913328

Also add woll smoth and animation guy on the list. I agree 100% though, I stopped posting as well. Actually I still sometimes do when I'm very early in some prototype I might not ever share, but yeah, I don't want to be associated with degenerates on wip anymore.

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Anonymous No. 913339

Chud, you questioned me? Ohhh hooh, I do alot of work, chuddy chud.

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Anonymous No. 913340

Btw, the 3d model of the 3chud is in works to portray this entire board as.

Anonymous No. 913343

Good luck, I want to see it.
May I ask why you post it in random threads?

Anonymous No. 913352

He's a new board schizo

Anonymous No. 913391

Well its both. I for one am pretty keen on helping people out with advanced stuff in my field. But in my time in the industry Ive seen plenty of quite brilliant people that dont go out of their way to help others and teach their knowledge. They simply come to work, do their job and go home to develop their own stuff or just enjoy their free time outside of any work related activity. I presume those specific people wont even bother coming to a place like this tho.