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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 913281

3 months of trying to get a model going, nothing
I should have bought a model from day one

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Anonymous No. 913282


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Anonymous No. 913283


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Anonymous No. 913284

All i got is this runespace looking fella

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Anonymous No. 913285

I give up, I can't model, not even the most basic character.
Saw this girl making cute models and they are very basic but I can't.
How do I embrace the sleaze and just rip a model similar to what I want and tack on shit to it? Where to get them? Some are too complex to modify
Help me embrace my inner Saul
I am done doing things the right way I want only short cuts from now on

Anonymous No. 913286

is this that schizo that spams scribbles on /ic/ or is this a whole different schizo

Anonymous No. 913288

Why do you call me a schizo?
Anyeays, how can I cheat and get good models out of it?

Anonymous No. 913316

your the same guy from yesterday, couldn't even spend a solid hour on a project before giving up? atleast give it a proper try before stealing, which i guarantee will not work out for you. i'd recommended spending a solid day or two on a good base mesh, find concept art you like, and edit it.

it's possible it's the same guy, similar M.O. which is spamming threads with the same bait post. this guy can spell though

Anonymous No. 913336

>spends 15 total minutes on a model
>gives up
What did you expect nigga? You're doing shit more short than a timelapse.

You can't get fast from the getgo, you can only get fast from working slow the right way initially. If you're focusing on speed from the start, then you'll only get good at getting fast with making barebones models.

Cut the dopamine and take your time.

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fruit face.png

Anonymous No. 913356

>Select object
>shift click your rig
>select bone for your individual objects
>if your a noob you can auto weight flexible area's like hands
Rigging can be frustrating sometimes but I would suggest not giving up. Here's my first model

Anonymous No. 913626

If you want to do anything else not just modeling, you will give up again when it gets too hard. Stop looking for the easy way out and study and practice.
Or ask data miners how to rip. You can easily get models at runtime with the right tools just by clicking a button, but they won't be T posed

Anonymous No. 913627

I've been spending a week just making feet because I've never done it before. I'm about 20 hours in and I'm almost done with something basic. Nut up, get hard and do the work

Anonymous No. 913772

Is this a troll? I learned to make better models in a few hours from never attempting to model a character before.

Anonymous No. 913886

Yea it's the French monogatari schizo, always spending 5 minutes on something and wah wah cry cry. And then these types of anons ask, "where are the pros who can give advice". Maddening.

Anonymous No. 913965

Post them.

Anonymous No. 913968

He's a GPT-4 test demo

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Tony Shawk.jpg

Anonymous No. 914392

>spams scribbles on /ic/
isn't that just normal for /ic/? also this guy was spamming like every board for a little while. he was all over the place.