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🧵 /si/ Softimage general

Anonymous No. 913488

Because just the name of it still makes Autodesk Jews seethe

Anonymous No. 913495

Why? There's like 4 people here that still care or want to talk about it

Anonymous No. 913496

You can't even use this software anymore lol

Anonymous No. 913500

Tell that to Vitaly Bulgarov, Redjuice, or the Japanese studios like from Guilty Gear this

Anonymous No. 913501

>4 people

That's practically the amount of active users on this board

Anonymous No. 913511

Just let it rest, dude.

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Anonymous No. 913615

>various softimage installers on
Is that legal?

Anonymous No. 913638

Does anyone have a link for the Xforce keygen? I tried downloading Softimage 2013 but I need to crack it

Anonymous No. 913659

Some time ago for nostalgia I went through all the hassle installing it on a virtual W2000 machine. But somehow clicking through that clunky UI just wasn't the same anymore. That said it's still better than Blunder with NURBS or rigging, even the seperate Particle3D has more features.

Anonymous No. 913753

What can it do that Maya can't?

Anonymous No. 913757


Anonymous No. 913769

Newfag here. What's the difference between SI 3D and SI XSI?

Anonymous No. 913780

SI 3D (Creative Environment) : 1988
XSI : 2000

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Anonymous No. 913860

The history SoftImage has in the retro game dev world is pretty cool. If you're making assets for a homebrew and you want to be super authentic, use it. One notable example that wowed people back then was the Silent Hill FMVs, which were made in this software by one man.

Anonymous No. 914417

That's actually impressive

Anonymous No. 914486

I believe the artist had experience in College as a sculpture. He just applied those fundamentals into the program. He apparently chose Softimage because it had the best UV editor at the time

Anonymous No. 914764

Started messing around with Softimage and realized right away how light it is compared to Blender and Maya

Anonymous No. 914930

Sato, I believe his name was. Heard he stayed at the Konami office overnights to learn the software and practically lived there. For 5 months, under high stress, he managed to learn it to avoid being left behind in the industry, since he was working as a pixel artist at the time. He was so good, he went on to direct SH2. Remember this story bros, never give up.

Anonymous No. 914938

>heroic wagie goes above and beyond, reward is more work

Anonymous No. 914944

Pretty sure being a game director pays better than an entry-level job

Anonymous No. 914945

You forgot the part where the Boomers stole credit from him and when he finally stood up to them they made him live in his wagey cubicle for 2 years working

Anonymous No. 914946

Light in what way? Performance-wise?

Anonymous No. 914947

can you explain more? I recently started to mess around with softimage after learning on blender and quickly realized how much superior it is

Anonymous No. 914975

10 days of this thread and once again nobody seems to have actually used it to do anything.

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Anonymous No. 915150

Am I better off learning Blender or the last version of Softimage if I wanna get good at 3D modeling?

Anonymous No. 915518

just use what you want

Anonymous No. 916586

Since XSI is discontinued, can you be sued for using it commercially?

Anonymous No. 916622

Just use Modo

Anonymous No. 916641

What do y'all think about this:

It's obviously nothing remotely useable yet but the guy making it worked on Softimage back in the day, amongst other stuff. Though obviously it's more inspired by the old Lisp stuff (S-Graphics/N-World/Mirai or whatever).
Think it will amount to anything?

Anonymous No. 916663

I’ll be keeping an eye on it since it looks interesting, but Wings 3D is actually complete while also being inspired by the same software.

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Anonymous No. 917568

Getting this while trying to install 2015 r2 sp2 on windows 11, what do? I'm using the most popular torrent on cgpeers.

Anonymous No. 917576

just had to uninstall visual c++ redist 2012 and everything went fine. Is there any way to no have to drop the tools after I use them? It feels a bit cumbersome a la mode like this.

Anonymous No. 918338

Anyone? Is there any way to not have to drop the tools after I use them? Or at least to do it using any key other than the tool's hotkey itself?

Anonymous No. 918369

What's gonna get you good at 3D modeling is practicing with successful modeling projects each progressing in difficulty.
The program doesn't matter, just try a few, follow some tutorials, then stick with the one you liked best.

Anonymous No. 918449

Read the goddamn documentation, it's there for a reason zoomzalot.

Anonymous No. 918603

I read Psionic3D tuts for fuckin Milkshape, bro.

Anyway, you and I are talking about two different things. They asked "which program should I pick to get good at 3d modeling". You're answering "how to know the inside outs of the program?"