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Anonymous No. 913671

>tfw Blender is already comparable/better than industry standard software in almost every way
why would you pay for 3D hahaha

Anonymous No. 913672

>tfw Blender [...]
>related image is about not caring
checks out. using blender past your first year is an utter embarrassment and a sure sign that you'll never make it.

Anonymous No. 913674

I want to map a texture to a fluid surface...

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 913675

>paying 2000$/month to goldstein schlomoberg... le good

Anonymous No. 913677

How is this an issue when is the companies that pay for it?

Anonymous No. 913678

>industrykeks will always be only a cog in the wagie cagie machine
>meanwhile, blenderGODS are winning life

Anonymous No. 913679

Imagine making 3D your whole life. It's just a job.

Anonymous No. 913680

>It's just a job

Anonymous No. 913681


Holy fuck Cris, you need to stop sticking a dildo up your ass and face the truth

You don't even make money with blender. You can't even create a half decent artstation ready portfolio. You can't even publish a game on steam. What the point on living Cris?

>cog in wheel
There is nothing wrong providing your services in exchange for money. There is nothing wrong with the company shouldering the expenses so you can be productive. Why are you making a big deal of things that does not concern you? Are you one of those faggots who think they can FIRE in this economy? haha, those dreams are pixelated just like your gamedev shenanigans.

Anonymous No. 913684

>There is nothing wrong providing your services (wasting time) in exchange for money (taking scraps instead of working for yourself)
ngmi + post your work

Anonymous No. 913687

A lot of the users on this board are boomers who've been doing this stuff for a third to a half of their lifespan. They know Blender has come a long way since it started, but they aren't quite aware of how significant those advancements are. They're still used to the idea that Blender is still some shitty piece of software that can barely do the basics. Blender has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that make it better or worse than other programs depending on your preferences. There are programs like ZBrush that are quite simply better for sculpting, but there are other cases where anons like to claim "This program is better for animation.", "This program is better for modeling.", but won't say why. This board claims there aren't any pros who use Blender, but if you go on to Artstation or some other website, you will see that ZBrush>Blender>Photoshop is a common chain.

Anonymous No. 913689

I mean... plenty of companies use blender now, even though i personally don't like it. The reality is that if it is "good enough", companies would rather cut cost. Of course, it is still not comparable to maya for the top industry giants (who also have their own workflow and plugins too deep into it to make the switch cost-efficient), but newer studios have all been using blender in one way or another (never as a complete all-in-one dcc solution of course, but again, not even maya can do that). So, as much as I hate to admit it, blender is really gaining a foothold, but only for low-mid tier companies, though if one of them rises then they will establish blender as a top dog i guess (since they also wont be likely to switch to maya).

Anonymous No. 913694

sounds like cope to me

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Anonymous No. 913695

I agree with this anon. Disney shared one of their scene files from Moana, and it was able to run just fine on Maya but on Blender, either it crashed or ran at ~1-3fps. Between the "jack of all trades, master of none" feature package and little tolerance for high-quality production scenes, Blender isn't ready to be used by any of the big studios. Smaller and mid-size studios might have zero issues with it though, since they typically don't make highly detailed scenes and/or can't afford the same software the big guys use. One of those smaller companies who use Blender would need to make a smash hit to put Blender "on the map", which includes updating the program to the standards of the top dogs.

Anonymous No. 913697

One of the reasons why Blender is gaining hold in the industry is because Autocuck is so bad with innovating, improving and bugfixing their software. They just haphazardly churn out a new version each year slapped on with some 3rd party addons that introduce new bugs.Rinse repeat. Add to that subscription BS.

Anonymous No. 913700

>bad with innovating, improving and bugfixing their software. They just haphazardly churn out a new version each year slapped on with some 3rd party addons that introduce new bugs.Rinse repeat.
sounds like blender to me

Anonymous No. 913703

Blender's modelling and sculpting is closer in quality to zBrush than its animation is to Maya. Double that distance again for fx and Houdini. Blender is a great little swiss army knife of a tool and I love it for personal projects. But the industry needs heavy lifting tools and Blender simply can't keep up in that capacity. It's literally not designed to. If you're just talking modelling (which let's face it 95% of people on this board are) then Blender is fantastic for a free tool.

Anonymous No. 913705

>Disney shared one of their scene files from Moana, and it was able to run just fine on Maya but on Blender, either it crashed or ran at ~1-3fps
Would animating in UE5 work?

Anonymous No. 913708

me when I want to do basic things without installing an addon

Anonymous No. 913709

And nobody really does poly modeling anymore, you just block out on wathever you have and export to zbrush.

Anonymous No. 913712

Same here. Installing a free addon that might not even take a minute to finish is so much work.

Anonymous No. 913717

the fact that blender could just recompile for apple silicon and be done while maya is still being ported, shows blender can't be that optimized.

Anonymous No. 913756

we have other 3d software, no one overpays, autodesk, adobe and blender are not the only 3d softwares.

Anonymous No. 915197


Anonymous No. 915206

Couldn't you have come up with an actual retort instead of being antisemitic?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 915209

stop being a jew

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 915232

shut up jew

Anonymous No. 915254

You do realize there's a thing called pirating?

Anonymous No. 915271

I've only ever used Blender, I feel bad for people working in the industry if they don't have significantly better tools.

Anonymous No. 915278

Autodesk, Substance and Adobe are the best tools in the world. There is no second best in 3d software, Blender is place in dead last because it sucks in so many levels of professional [add job here].

Anonymous No. 915338

>Blender is place in dead last because it sucks in so many levels of professional
How does it suck since 2.8?

Anonymous No. 915352

nah bro, I'm good

Anonymous No. 915367

This is a moot point anyway, X should be up
Hear me out:
When you enter a building, do you move to the exact latitude and longitude you need to be on the ground floor, then ride an elevator up? No, you ride the elevator to get to your floor FIRST.
X should be up

Anonymous No. 915369

Every math professional and geek will disagree and point out how wrong you are, i just happen to tell you first.

Anonymous No. 915402

Z is usually up in the CAD space.
So clearly you're no CADchad.

Anonymous No. 917053

frog 1

Anonymous No. 917060


Anonymous No. 917076

Yeah but Blender does it for free.

Anonymous No. 917114

every developer updates for free, except add-on developers who sometimes charge the upgrade and makes it incompatible with blender. Don't talk to us about free updates on blender when the community wants you to pay for add-on upgrades.

Anonymous No. 917117

Code a shader.

Anonymous No. 917123

so i can deduce them from my taxes.