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Anonymous No. 913781

Autodesk went after an indie dev for using Maya trial version for a commercial project. They had to pay 60,000 dollars in legal fees and forced Maya licenses.

Go to 13:28.

Anonymous No. 913782

You explicitly cannot use the trial version for commercial under the terms of use. They could just have paid $270 / year and saved over $60k

Anonymous No. 913784

That's what you get for recording stupid "making of" videos. Just make the fucking product in silence and then show it when it's complete. I hate this modern mentality of having to show everyone every step of your workflow and letting people talk into what you are creating.

Anonymous No. 913786

Autodesk is a dick for sabatoging an indie project like that. They can stay afloat regardless if they pay or not, but it is life or death for indie projects.

Anonymous No. 913787

it is a kickstarter project and clients are paranoid about transparency

Anonymous No. 913788

the footage of the "game" looks like complete trash. ADSK is correct to protect their IP over this trash game

Anonymous No. 913790

i don't believe them.
that game has been a massive scam from the beginning and the
>actually we were indemnified but we chose to fork over $60k because lol
reeks of bullshit

Anonymous No. 913793

>this guy was a freelancer thus it's is his problem not ours
>here's $60k please don't take us to court


Bullshit. No one is this retarded.

Anonymous No. 913795

its the companies responsibility to check everyones license that they hire for any degree of work, freelance or not.

Anonymous No. 913799

What a fucking retard, if you can't pay for it, just use a cracked version, or simply use Blender and avoid all legal stuff
Fuck the "transparency" and the "making of", you just show the final product or "WIP" builds you have, the pipeline and everything else should be closed doors. Autodesk might be fucking dicks, but these guys are retards and totally deserve it, they aren't students at all.
Based, for the shit quality they delivered, could have been made on Blender and would have saved their asses 60K, or better yet, don't be a retard using a trial version ON A LIVESTREAM, crack the damn thing, and just before publishing it, get the actual damn license because Autodesk DO SEND representatives to check on your commercial projects and that they are registered accordingly, specially on an Enterprise use, im not fucking kidding.

Anonymous No. 913800

Maybe autodesk should check on what dick slid into your wife's stinky pussy last night you cuck

Anonymous No. 913812

>>never show the version you're working in
every tutorial maker and streamer knows this, always hide the top bar and claim it's to increase screen space

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Anonymous No. 913813

>Autodesk went after an indie dev for using Maya trial version for a commercial project.

Anonymous No. 913819

>its the companies responsibility to check everyones license that they hire for any degree of work, freelance or not.


Then why have I never once been asked about the license of my software at home?

Anonymous No. 913825

Because you haven't raised over a million dollars in crowdfunding and have an army of angry backers snitching on you

Anonymous No. 913828

how they possibly sucker in so much moolah for that drivel is beyond me

Anonymous No. 913834

When I worked at lambo I was given a usb with the cracked version of SOLIDWORKS the whole department was running on

Anonymous No. 913835

it's 1800 per year or 220 per month. >>913799
>or simply use Blender
blender can't get the job done.

Anonymous No. 913836

Its 270 per year and if your working on a huge project worth over a million they pay for your full licenese

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nigger nigger pan....jpg

Anonymous No. 913838


Anonymous No. 913839


again, to reitirerate, maya is 270 a year and you only pay high prices if your in a huge project in which case license fees are written into the project and you dont pay anything and your employer pays everything

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Anonymous No. 913840


Anonymous No. 913842

why can't it?

Anonymous No. 913847

>stops using #maya3d when posting 3D models and make no comments on what programs i used for making my game

Anonymous No. 913863

>make work in maya
>paste in blender to film making of
is it that hard?

Anonymous No. 913872

Lol. Man, what kind of a fucked up indie dev uses Maya?
BLENDER! always Blender.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 913873

https://discord com/invite/beTwDNgv2P

Anonymous No. 913930

If you make a coomer game they aren't

Anonymous No. 915464

Holy Shit Maya Indie actually does exist a full Year for ~300$

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Anonymous No. 915493

I was wondering about this a few days ago, I'm still a baby in the 3D industry and I wondered how a company can know if someone use a cracked/wrong version for a commercial projects.
On this case, the dev showed that he worked on a trial version but are the any other way for them to discover?
Also what prevents someone to work on a cracked version of a software, buy the licence at the very last minute and just release his shit.

Anonymous No. 915512

Simple as. In my view this is a dumb normgroid getting what he deserved for his stupidity.

Anonymous No. 915513

>but are the any other way for them to discover
No. Beyond some experimental/research like vertice signatures and shit, there is none. This is simply a case of a retard showing his workflow for no fucking reason other than being a retard.

Anonymous No. 915529

>how a company can know if someone use a cracked/wrong version
Autodesk has a signature on every fbx you export that says the software version or something like that.. just re-export everything in blender and you are good.

Anonymous No. 915550

Okay but is there a department at Autodesk that's responsible for checking fbx files from games and shit to check if they used a valid licence? It seems impossible to me but I don't want to underestimate corporate's greed.
> New studio
> Kickstarter
> Firts project
Yeah this one was doomed from the start. But I still consider that to be fucked up. I mean it's kind of a marketing strategy to showcase your game's progress. But yeah it was really stupid to live a dev session on a cracked software.

Anonymous No. 915557

they only go after you if:
a) your employees snitched you
b) you were retarded enough to show "trial maya" live like that retard dev
c) you are massive enough fish to warrant manual checks
like lads above said simply wash your assets in asset laundering software a.k.a. blender if you are that paranoid

Anonymous No. 915636

>But I still consider that to be fucked up.
It is. Then again, we live in a pseudo-cyberpunk dystopia. Adapt or die, simple as.

Anonymous No. 915646

>Autodesk DO SEND representatives to check on your commercial projects
lmao what? You actually believe autodesk send their ninjas to check on every single 3d game project prior to release? How stupid are you exactly? There is zero legality in doing such a thing. You clearly understand nothing about the industry.

Anonymous No. 915663

until there's a statement from autodesk about it, there's no reason to believe these grifters.

Anonymous No. 915664

Autodesk, a $45 billion dollar company, isnt going to "release a statement" addressing this terrible "game"

Anonymous No. 915665

then i have no reason to believe the claim.
it's just as likely they've pocketed the money.

Anonymous No. 915667

you do the same then and report your findings. Start a kickstarter, get some followers, use a trial copy on stream. Report back, senpai. Then you will believe lol


Anonymous No. 915669

I'm not retarded so I won't do that. And for the same reason I won't believe a group of liars about anything without independent verification.

Anonymous No. 915671

again, a 45 billion dollar company isnt going to "verify" a offense as "small" as this, you manchild.