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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 913966

3 fucking months
Not a single working model

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 913969

Reported for spam. Stop opening the same thread over and over again. I tried to help you, you attacked me and other people and don't listen. Maybe you should just stop and do something else, this probably isn't for you.

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Anonymous No. 913970

Please help me, I need to get good at this or I will kill myself.
Literally no one helped me, an anon gave me his discord tag and ghosted me.

Anonymous No. 913972

Just fucking end it already.

Anonymous No. 913973

Why do you need to get good at it? First explain that.

I told you to finish the goddamn thing because it was going in the good direction. And now for some reason you're trying to sculpt it. Didn't you aim for a low poly originally? It's hard when you don't have a CLEAR goal of what you're trying to achieve, I sometimes struggle with the same thing as well due to my indecisiveness.

Anonymous No. 913976

It's all I have, I want to make my ideas a reality, I am more /tg/ but I want to, hell my setting is simply too unique and I like making things. In my "practice" with no results I come across people, their models, their art. I like it. But then jealousy and envy can take a toll on any man. I hate them for being better than me. I might as well have done nothing for 3 months, I know I have to kill myself, I'm depressed I don't mind. I can't do it without doing this first. I need help, I can't learn anything on my own.

That anon posted his tag and I was full of hope but he ignored me.

Anonymous No. 913994

Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 913997

Why give me false hope and betray me?

Anonymous No. 914000

>3 months
3 months of putting in a half hour and then doom posting and seething for the rest of the day. just follow along with tutorials and find a clear goal

Anonymous No. 914001

Fuck you, how about 3 hours a day, many many fucking models and tutorials

Anonymous No. 914002

but all you've posted is half-finished base meshes. why? also 3 hours a day is nothing in terms of art

Anonymous No. 914004

A base mesh is the first step. I can't do more.

Anonymous No. 914006

stop being picky. alot of the shit you've posted looks fine, just half-finished or has issues that could be fixed. then you throw it away and make another post. all you have to do is keep pushing on with one project. take a base mesh, add some accessories, UV unwrap and
paint a basic texture, then rig. you've got a finished character. copy existing concept art or characters if you want. it's better to push forward then get stuck on the same step

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Anonymous No. 914008

Fine? Are you blind?
No one will play pic related, my game has to be good looking.

It's a pipe dream, suicide isn't that bad when you think about it

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Anonymous No. 914010

you've put not much effort into it, it's all just basic colours and a lack of style. no environment either.

if you look at PS1 era games, they put all the detail in the textures. what you need is a specific style and goal, not just a blobby dark character. you want something you can look at and instantly tell what is going on

Anonymous No. 914011

Because I want what the post I linked to shows.

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Anonymous No. 914012

what i'm saying is that it needs some type of visual interest, all the colours are dark and don't work together, i can't really tell what its meant to be. the presentation / lighting needs work as well

if you look at picrel, it's easy to tell that it's an astronaut for example. it has visual interest and design features for the viewer to look at

Anonymous No. 914018

True, at least I got the same lesson from it as you did, I have redesigned many things. But I can't make the fixed designs now because I don't have a base mesh, I don't have anything at all.

I want to make a base mesh first, then I can start with characters.

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Anonymous No. 914019

find some concept art
make a super simple base model
Unwrap and texture

here's some concept art. all you need to model is a basic human male body, i'm sure you can do it. after that you just need to do some low-poly texturing which is easy and quick in blender

Anonymous No. 914022

I don't want that, I want this >>913579

Anonymous No. 914024

same shit with more polygons
it's all basic primitives with a bit of sculpting ontop for details (cloth for example)
then add your colours and cel shader

but spoonfeeding this won't give you good design skills. do you just want to copy that image, or come up with your own design in that style?

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Anonymous No. 914026

Because I can't, I've been trying to retopologize this model and I can't retopologize anything. Good flow? I can't do it, I'm a failure.
Bullshit, we are talking 5K polys for the shader to work, it's a mid poly mesh.

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Anonymous No. 914028

then just subdivide. also, why can't you retopologise? look at an example image and copy from that

Anonymous No. 914031

nta but this exact post is why people are sick of trying to help you
>because i can't
>i can't
>i can't do it
>i'm a failure
You obviously don't know shit and are trying to refute what others are saying? Even you yourself know you're fucking garbage and you think you have the right to know what's correct and what isn't? Do you see how fucking retarded that is or no? Either listen to your seniors or kill yourself because at this point perhaps that's all that will get into that thick fucking skull of yours you stupid chucklefuck.

Anonymous No. 914033

Please man. Put the game on hold. Forget about it for now. Forget about this project. Start from scratch with some low poly character creation series on YT. Stick with tiny goals that you can achieve, take it step by step. Your mindset isn't letting you improve at this point, you can't think clearly. You need to work on your attitude first before anything else. Fuck, idk how to help, I'm not a psychiatrist, but I see you're suffering and you need to take care of your mental health first. Nothing else is important, especially not some game. It's just a game, it's just 3D, feeling jealous of others is normal, we all feel it at times, I'm working in the industry for a few years, I """made it""" according to some people here, doesn't mean shit, I struggle with it myself all the time as well. I'm gonna be honest, I posted some of those dumbass crybaby threads here myself recently when I was feeling down. It takes a lot of sacrifice to get good at anything, a lot of time, for some people more for some less, but still a shitton of time and pain either way. 3 months is nothing, I remember spending a similar time period at the beginning when I was just getting into 3D, I was obsesively tweaking my shitty foliage and lighting in Unreal and posting it in here in WIP thread. I spent a ton of time like that on various things, trying to figure out how to do something. It's a process, you can't get it right from the first time, you're not a failure.

Anonymous No. 914037

I'm not a machine, it's not exactlt a copy, I fuck it up.
Subdivide? How? It will be messy.
I am thinking about shelling out 100 bucks for a base mesh of that quality.
No I have to do it, I have to, I can't but I have to. Otherwise I only have suicide left.

Anonymous No. 914039

Yes then kill yourself so we don't have to see your stupid threads ever again, literally kill yourself RIGHT NOW

Anonymous No. 914041

learn to give up

Anonymous No. 914049

I'll post on this board until I end it then

Anonymous No. 914053

No just kill yourself right now, I'm not joking just kill yourself you're so useless and worthless please kill yourself

Anonymous No. 914057

Criticism is good to recieve, there are people who take it in the opposite extreme and constantly go "woe is me I suck". That is just as bad as refusing to take criticism since both mindsets make you think that you can't do better.

Anonymous No. 914062

The worst part is that I think this OP said he was like 21 or 22. He's barely even started all around.

Anonymous No. 914063

fuck off cris

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Anonymous No. 914064

>dumps multiple threads on the board
>desperately begging for help in every single one of them
>says he's already done multiple tutorials, three months of daily hours of effort
>apparently nothing has worked or stuck, he is at his wits' end
>all of this drama just to copy some basic bitch flat-shaded wind waker looking ass swordman that you could comfortably replicate in a weekend if you have even a tiny modicum of experience
I do believe we're all taking part in some form of elaborate troll but you can just never tell with these things, I guess...

Anonymous No. 914065

OP has been accused of being French, and he hasn't disputed that claim. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Anonymous No. 914080

It's clear you are missing fundamental skills. And I don't mean fundamental 3D skills. Rather fundamental artistic skills. You have zero fucking talent. But you know what? You can actually train yourself up from zero.
Nothing is hopeless. However, you're attempting a medium that is very unforgiving to those with lacking talent. What you need most right now, is to exercise your ability to visualize. Right now, you're doing the equivalent of symbol dawning.

Symbol drawing is when you draw the idea of what something is, rather than the reality of what you see. I see you doing this in 3D. you're forming the idea of what something is, rather than what you actually see. And of course the outcome is not to your liking, because it's not what it should be. You have to learn how to "see", before you can ever hope to get good. And in order to see, you have to mercilessly force yourself to COPY the shape you're seeing. And in copying, it may feel like you're cheating or whatever. But squash that feeling. The purpose of the exercise, is to uncompromisingly observe reality, and convert that observation into your motor functions.

With enough repetition of copying what you see, you will learn how to properly visualize. A good exercise to start with, is basic shapes like blocks and spheres. But again, you're copying reality. So try drawing real blocks, or photos of blocks, or bowls of fruit. Another good exercise is to draw your own hand. Because it's sitting right there in front of you, it's a great reference.

>b-b-b-but I don't want to draw! I want to be a 3d artist and make games!
Again, it's about exercising your ability to visualize. You appear to be struggling to do that in 3D, so you have to learn the skill in 2D first, then apply it into 3D.

I actually want to see some sketches from you later. I swear to god if I come back to a bunch of bitching and whining and excuses, I'll give up on you. Make it work.

Anonymous No. 914093

Well, where is my model then? Where is it? I can't see it.
I can't do it.
If it's so simple why can't I do it?
I'm not a good artist but I already know how to draw, I got to observational and such before quitting.

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Anonymous No. 914094

I have been trying for a week now.

Anonymous No. 914096

>I'm not a good artist but I already know how to draw
I'm calling your bluff. Prove it. Something real. An apple or a hand.

Anonymous No. 914099

You cant do anything just take my advice and kill yourself. Right now. Throw yourself off a building and end it all right now.

Anonymous No. 914102


Anonymous No. 914107

>he also spams ic with his abomination of a """drawing"""
Your life has no value. Kill yourself right now.

Anonymous No. 914111

Humans never stop learning, they can teach themselves the right way or the wrong way. I don't want to be mean, but you have only taught yourself how to give up and make shitposts with one project that you haven't tried your best with. You've been doing the exact thing for 2 years now, do you really want to be doing this for decades?

In contrast, those better than you started at a lower level, but constantly trained themselves for 2 years straight by doing gestures, finishing anatomy books, doing studies, life drawing, applying their knowledge into personal pieces, etc. Furry artists can do it and discipline themselves, why can't you?

Get ripped models of your favorite games and try to to copy them.

some of the resolutions are fucked up from people demanding credit but all of those textures are arranged in 2 squares

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Anonymous No. 914122

I won't do this for decades, I'll kill myself soon. I'll be free of failure, do I have regrets? Many. But nothing can be done now.
I just want models like
My game needs visuals like that. I don't care about anything else other than some enviroments and props.

Anonymous No. 914124
This video goes through one way to make a base mesh. Slow it down to .25 and you should be able to tell what's going on step by step.
Try and copy the workflow. If you work 3 hours a day, you'll probably be done in a week.
Chill out. Art's a marathon, not a sprint.

Anonymous No. 914131

Are you sure this will lead to
A week? No way, I already wasted a weekend tried to get that model, I need it ASAP

Anonymous No. 914133

I'm sure it won't. That model is already rigged, textured and animated, and learning how to do any of those things could easily take a week.
You might get there in a month if you're diligent.
If you absolutely need it within a week, you'd be better off finding a professional to do it for you, or at least tutor you.

Anonymous No. 914135

It won't so just kill yourself now

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Anonymous No. 914138

I have animations, I know how to rig a model, I need a model now.
>pro to do it for you
And then I wasted 3 months of 3D attempts? Sunk cost fallacy stops me. Same reason I don't get a sketchfab model and modify it, sunk cost fallacy.
An anon already trolled me like that, told me to add him on discord he could teach me, cunt ghosted me

Anonymous No. 914141

Then go look up some 3DS or gamecube models on models-resource to use as topology reference and get started.

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Anonymous No. 914142

I'm just going to fail, do you expect to believe this time will be any different? Sure, now I'll get better.
No one believes in me, they can tell I don't have the spark, talent.

Anonymous No. 914143

I don't know where in the world you got the idea that failure is unexpected or harmful when you're learning.
"Talent" is usually just being stubborn enough to keep failing over and over and over without being blind to your mistakes.

Anonymous No. 914146

Dude just die already

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Anonymous No. 914147

Bullshit, how come others had better models in hours than I had in months.
Talent is real.

Anonymous No. 914203

attention whore, I'm chewing your bait, here's your (you)

Anonymous No. 914220

if you wont even bother trying then whats the fucking point

Anonymous No. 914227

If no one believes in me, I can't do it.
No one encouraged me

Anonymous No. 914259

That's actually not bad for 3 months. It's not what I told you to do. But still, that's a fairly competently drawn face for a beginner. And make no mistake. After 3 months of grind, you are still a beginner. You might even have better growth potential than me. I count myself fairly average talent wise. Owing most of my skill to diligence. As even though I never studied as well as I should, I simply never gave up either. Never even entertained the idea of giving up. Drawing is just what I do. It's who I am. I won't give it up for the world.

You don't need to convince me that talent is real. Because I believe that. I don't subscribe to the weirdo /ic/ mindset that everyone can make it though sheer practice and grit. However, by what you've displayed, I do believe you have talent. Even if you don't believe it yourself. You can dispute me all you like, like the self loathing loser you are. But I won't be swayed. You have talent. And thus, potential.

Now all you need to do is apply your observational skills to 3D. Literally copy tutorial meshes. That's your next assignment. Don't respond to me unless you have visual evidence of you having followed a base mesh tutorial. I want to see your work next to a screenshot of a tutorial. A TUTORIAL, you hear me? Don't post some other bullshit.

Anonymous No. 914260

Also, I don't give a shit about how soon you need it done. So don't feed me that bullshit either.

Anonymous No. 914262

I did, 2 times, and yet you pretend it didn't happen. There is no way to help you with this attitude, it's a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 914263

I am looking for a base mesh to modify into the art style I want, I have a very specific artstyle in mind. Reason I wanted to make them on my own.
How can I modify a base mesh into what I want?

Anonymous No. 914264

You keep asking the same question over and over again, ignoring every advice. Complete madness...

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Anonymous No. 914266

I have no talent, fuck sunk cost fallacy. I'll force my art style out of a base mesh instead of trying to make a mesh myself.
Only reason I wanted to make it myself was out of pride.

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Anonymous No. 914267

Modifying a mesh is very technical. It's more geometry than artistry. Like trying to solve a rubik's cube. There are many solutions to your goal. And no one can tell you for certain exactly what vertices go where. Since every job is a little different. However, by practicing mesh building, you can learn the skills required for you to figure out the mesh you need. Think of it like an algebraic work sheet. You solve equation after equation. So that you come to understand *how* to solve. Therefore, you can solve any equation using the skill you've acquired.

We want you to follow a base mesh tutorial, so that you can acquire the skills to make the mesh of your dream.

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Anonymous No. 914268

Fuck you for calling me talented, I am not. I am inferior.
This was my one of my first attempts, I failed.
I am going to cheat, I am a changed man, I woll find every single shortcut and take it. That's who I am, you and the rest of /3/ can go fuck themselves. The model I wanted to make can go ruck itself too, I will cheat at every single chance. Fuck talent. I have no talent trying to compete in a world ruled by it. No, I have to double down and be vicious.
I wanted to make my own model to feel pride when it finally clicked, to trabslate my unique visual ideas into 3D, a game. But I have no talent.
I just have to find a way to modify a base mesh into what I want and I finally have the result I want. Apply subdivide and get that nice shader. Fuck you and fuck your board. No one here ever truly wanted to help me, never.

Anonymous No. 914269

Wah, wah, wah. Copy a base mesh tutorial, bitch. Less typing, more modelling.
Notice I say "copy". Because I don't want you to do your own thing for now. I want you to plagiarize someone else's work. That's how you're going to learn.

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Anonymous No. 914271

Fuck you, it's as simple as scaling loops.
Fuck you.
Now you want to help me, help me? Help me with what? Learning? Fuck learning, I have never gained a thing from learning.
3D is useless, learning that is useless. It's my fault for wanting to feel pride instead of being focused on my project. Who gives a shit if I use a mesh and change one thing or two? They are free and menat for that. I won't waste my time making a body ever again so you can go fuck yourself. I don't want to learn anymore, I can take a mesh, modify and paint and get what I fucking want out of it
Pic related.
No one helped me before, I refuse to be looked down like this.

You have the audacity to insult me calling me talented, eat your own shit fucker. I am not talented at drawing or 3D.

Anonymous No. 914272

>I can take a mesh, modify and paint and get what I fucking want out of it
No you can't. You don't have the skill to modify a mesh. How can you hope to "scale loops", if you can't even do a basic mesh tutorial. You'll just fail at modifying the mesh, and then return to cry more. Follow the youtube tutorial the anon gave you earlier this thread.

Anonymous No. 914273

Woah, jealous much?
You know I can easily get a model like that now. It makes you mad. Someone like me getting a chance at making his own models, you're a sad pathetic person.

Anonymous No. 914274

I don't care if you take other people's models. You'll never be able to modify it to your liking though. You'll be back here soon enough, crying about how you're a failure because you can't even modify a preexisting model. And then I'll tell you "I told you so". And you'll say you're going to kill yourself. And then another anon will tell you to do it. But then you'll just cry more. And I would have given up by then, and closed the thread. And then you'll make a new thread to try and get more attention, and the cycle will repeat.

All because you're too lazy to do the work.

Anonymous No. 914275

Quit hating on yourself, you're gonna fuckin get good at it when you get good at it. It's gonna be a fucking while before you get good at it because you're new. You're sticking with it through your own suicidal behavior on top of everyone's bullshit, criticism, etc. You're going to be ok. Please calm the fuck down and understand that you're a good artist and you're learning a new medium and you're going to be good at it when you get good at it.

You're going to be ok! I'm the same fucking way with literally everything. I've come up accept for myself and my own sanity that what I make is good enough if I fucking like it so I can show myself some respect while I get better at what I want to be good at. I hope you find some similar self love because you deserve it, anon!

You're going to be ok! You're going to get better. Remember that through all of the hate and remind yourself that your haters, even if you admire them or if they're someone you admire, can go fuck themselves for trying to pressure you into suicide.

You're gonna be ok,

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Anonymous No. 914276

Lazy? 3 fucking months of studying and practicing modeling and I'm nowhere close to my goal, that's lazy?
It's as easy as cutting the model in half, apply mirror, scale up or down, move around, fill in loops, rig.
Now it works, and you hate me. For finding a shortcut. If you had it your way I'd make this
"basic bitch wind waker weekend model"
This board has been calling it that, cheap, fast, all day long. When I finally find a way to get my own. Now, turns out it's handicraft passed from generation to generation. You're pathetic.

Anonymous No. 914277

3 months is nothing. Get over yourself, noobie and lurk moar. Ive been doing this for 11 years and only recently have i become able to produce close to what i want.

Anonymous No. 914278

>Lazy? 3 fucking months of studying and practicing modeling and I'm nowhere close to my goal, that's lazy?
You have never finished a base mesh tutorial. Yes, you're lazy. 3 months is nothing when attempting to learn a new skill. You can't spend a few more days copying a tutorial?

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Anonymous No. 914282

How hard could it be to modify a base mesh I find into a base mesh for me to replicate this?

No one ever helped me, no. People have always looked down on me for everything out of my control, you just don't want me to make a model, you're afraid of me.
I won't make a base mesh myself. Know what I'll do? Customize the mesh into looking the style I wanted. Know what else? Look up clothing tutorials and make some forum characters. If I listened to you, I'd have this "weekend cheap lazy character"
>>914064 in a decade.
Better than experience, I have a base mesh with proper topology fuckers. I can subdivide and make a shader work, .

Anonymous No. 914283

>Customize the mesh into looking the style I wanted
Whether you import an existing mesh, or copy a tutorial, the results are functionally the same. In either case, you end up with a base mesh from which you can modify.
However, if you import an existing mesh, you don't do the work, and thus you gain the skill to modify well.
If you copy a tutorial, your experience will translate into skill, and you can modify well.

It's really basic logic. Well, I'm no psychiatrist. So I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you to do something that you don't want to do. But when you come back telling me that your modifying attempts aren't going well, then don't be surprised when I laugh in your face.

Anonymous No. 914286

I have no words at the level of hubris I'm seeing here.
Answer me the truth, taking a mesh and changing proportions, will I get to make a model like that one?
The answer is yes. You know it, so why are you so interested in me not doing that?

Anonymous No. 914288

Why aren't you doing it if you're so confident it'll work kek

Anonymous No. 914289

The answer is yes. However, the question isn't that simple. The question is can *you* change the proportions of a mech to suit your specific tastes. And the answer to that is "probably not". Because you lack skill. Thus, I inform you how to gain said skill.

All you have to do is take another few days to follow a base mesh tutorial. If you still don't have the skills after that, then what have you lost? A week of your time at most.

Anonymous No. 914290

Why not? I only need to mirror and change to my liking, it's a solved issue.

Anonymous No. 914291

I've seen your sculpting >>913970
Even with a kajillion polygons, you can't get the shapes you want.

I've seen your modelling >>913966
With a limited amount of polygons, you still can't get the shape you want.

How the hell do you think you're going to make it work? I can see it already. You move a little bit here, a little bit there. Nothing looks too far out of place at first. But the more you move, the more wonky the mesh gets. Until eventually your modified mesh looks like a twisted and distorted version of the mesh you started with. You'll come back to us with your mangled thing and cry more. Come on. You're entirely predictable.

Anonymous No. 914292

Minor details, have you seen Wind Waker's models? Basic stuff. Shouldn't be hard.

Anonymous No. 914297

OP is what happens when you don't study anatomy

Anonymous No. 914298

Not interested in it.
Seriously, I need anatomy for wind waker? Imbecile.

Anonymous No. 914302

>Says he's making wind waker
>His actual goal is women with 7.5 head tall proportions, and defined facial features, among other fine detail.

Anonymous No. 914303

Wind waker looks and somewhat normal proportions? What's hard to understand about that?

Anonymous No. 914304

My friend. You're breaking the illusion of sincerity by asking such a dumb question. You've already shown me that you can draw a half decent face. So you should know the difference between drawing simplistic ovals for eyes compared to the complex shape of a detailed eye

Anonymous No. 914305

When have I ever mentioned detailed eyes?

Anonymous No. 914307

You have posted this image numerous times as an indication of your targeted style. >>914276 There eyes are detailed. Multiple folders. Head shapes that are semi-realistic. Sharp jaws with connective tissue from neck to chin. Ears with defined lobes. Thin ribbon hair. Brow creases. A bunch of details that require a little more skill than simply adding flat eyes atop of a oval head.

Anonymous No. 914310

Is this about the model I keep posting or the pic with the two girls?
There's only one thing I want from that pic and it's the color.

Anonymous No. 914338

OP is playing us all for a fiddle and goddamn do we sound good