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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 921875

/wip/ - Works in Progress Glory Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>918686

List of free resources:
/3/ Discord for those interested:

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Anonymous No. 921961

Practiced a hand pose. I'm not sure if the anatomy is good, some pointers would be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 921963

>some pointers would be appreciated
Looks like they're all there to me.

Anonymous No. 921964

Bump for this question

Anonymous No. 921966

you need a temporal stable gpu ai neural network denoiser thats trained on long frame sequences

Anonymous No. 921967

Prepare yourself because I'm about to blow your mind
When drawing or modelling hands...use your own hand as a reference

Anonymous No. 921969

I know this is retarded advice, but the first time i heard it I legit questioned my sanity due to not thinking about something so simple

Anonymous No. 921970

this is literally the best advice for portraying hands.

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Anonymous No. 921974

Is this better?

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Anonymous No. 922018

How does it look bros, would you stab someone with it (preferably not me)? There's supposed to be a rope braid kind of thing on the handle so it doesn't look as odd, but I was too lazy to do it.
What I really want to know is why it looks so pixelated? I'm useless when it comes to render settings, but they normally always look sharper than this one does. I even boosted the samples and the resolution size to more than I normally would, but it didn't seem to make any difference. Maybe I'm just a brainlet.

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Anonymous No. 922020

I'd say you're missin an arc in metacarpals. They're laying more like on a cylinder rather than on a plane, on both axis.Try looking from extreme angles (like from the bottom) and compare sihlouette. Depth perception is a bitch. Also adding few sharp edges wish standart brush and alpha 35-39 can go a long way

Anonymous No. 922021

I remembered a nice tutorial for you

the chair nerd No. 922023

Not a blender user but search for anti-aliasing on your renderer settings.

the chair nerd No. 922024

Or something called "pixel filtering"or "image filtering"

🗑️ the chair nerd No. 922025

Found it this may be your problem

the chair nerd No. 922026

Found it this may be your problem

Anonymous No. 922028

Based I'll try that. Thanks a lot.

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Anonymous No. 922066

Working on the hair now

Anonymous No. 922074

If you keep working you will succeed.

Anonymous No. 922081

I'll keep going, thanks anon!

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Anonymous No. 922116

Ok So I tried sculpting for a change and I dont know if this is supposed to be good or bad

Anonymous No. 922121

I see it as good and a start, but hold onto your samosas, there's going to be 4 motherfuckers that can't make a teapot tell you it's shit in the next 3-4 business days.

Anonymous No. 922122

Its shit

Anonymous No. 922180

Don't quit your day job.

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Anonymous No. 922231

Attempt at anime male head. Why does it look bad? Any obvious things to look out for / ways to improve?

Anonymous No. 922286

plan the shader, anime heads will look fucked without it

Anonymous No. 922287

not bad for a first timeR

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Anonymous No. 922296

Blender Hardsurface exercise

Anonymous No. 922300


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Anonymous No. 922310

Finished the Squid Mech, sometimes i just gotta call things done instead of endlessly tweaking things. Its impossible to reach perfection anyway and something that is done is better than something that never sees the light of day.

Some feedback appreciated.

very nice!

Anonymous No. 922319

Damn this looks pretty sick. How did you texture it? Inside Blender it seems?
As for critique, it seems properly finished to me.
Only things that come down to personal preference that I'm gonna point out are:
1) those brown pouches on the left thigh, their color clashes a bit with the rest because it isn't seen anywhere else, no continuity, seems out of place color-wise. I'd change it to either orange, blue or black. Can't ever go wrong with black.
2) the glass of the water tank might be a bit too clean, no grime, no scratches, nothing, but then again the rest of the suit does also look brand new pretty much. Think you could apply a gradient on that water tank? Dark below at its bottom and getting lighter as it goes up, so as to increase the focus on the squid guy. Also are those monitors inside the tank? HUD stuff? Maybe you could add stronger emission and have some light of those HUDs reflect onto the squid guy and maybe even onto other parts of the suit as well, like the arms.
Anyway, at this point we're just talking about final touches, nitpicks

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Anonymous No. 922373


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Anonymous No. 922377

damn, thanks a lot for a lengthy critique.
Just noticed the missing gals imperfections. The material has some scratches but the damn Optix denoiser smooth them right out. A thing to remember for the next project to dial up the imperfections to counter the denoising.
Color is debatable. My excuse is that i cut the project short as i grew sick of it and did not make more accessories like a gun + holster and so on.

Anonymous No. 922378

Also for the textures, those where a mess form procedural and masking maps to mix it all, and baked down into one horrendous 12k texture.
Next time i'll do udims.
I tried to use Quixel Mixer for an other project buts its just clunky and and my hatred for adobe is so great i did not even pirated substance.
Also node knowledge reaching back to the 2.7 days, why bother learning something new if this works.

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Anonymous No. 922437

Blocked this rabbit in today, trying a new way of doing faces and figured I'd do a body too. Kind of hate this way of doing hair though. I think I'll poly model over it later anyways, or at least remove some of the bends on the shape.

Try making the skin over the cheekbones near the eyelids sag more. Also general sculpting tip, remesh more often, your poly density is all over the place.

Like the other anon said, it's honestly hard to tell without the shader, but I think you probably want more of a brow ridge regardless.

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Anonymous No. 922453


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Anonymous No. 922473

Guess I'm done

Anonymous No. 922474

Looks good, I think if anything needs a second look it's probably the hair material. It kind of clashes with the level of detail on the clothes as part of the outfit.

Anonymous No. 922480

Looks cute, anon. What will the textures be? Plush or plastic?

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Anonymous No. 922481

Dunno exactly how I'm going to use it yet so I'm not sure. I've just been looking at it with a toon shader on for now. If I wind up putting it in a game I'll probably try to make an Animal Crossing sort of material.

Anonymous No. 922491

no tats or piercings?

Anonymous No. 922505

I agree but have no idea how to make it better. Will take another look in a day so. Maybe xgen is my only option.

Awesome idea, I'm gonna make another texture set with tattoos and some piercing.

Anonymous No. 922506

Sounds kind of dumb but maybe try adding plies to the brown part like you did for the back of the pants

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Anonymous No. 922510

hi fidelity Actor time

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Anonymous No. 922517


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Anonymous No. 922519


Anonymous No. 922525


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Anonymous No. 922528

Continued working on the face

Anonymous No. 922529

A little derpy but i love it

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the chair nerd No. 922561

What is it? Does not match a classical definition.

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Anonymous No. 922585

Maybe next time. Gotta move on.

No piercing but some tats

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Anonymous No. 922591

The hind leg is kind of fucked, but does the rest have good topology at least? First time I'm doing this in a serious way

Anonymous No. 922592

also my shrinkwrap had the wrong settings so thats why you see the outline of the "high poly" model

Anonymous No. 922594

you're an inspiration

Anonymous No. 922599

Too dense on the hind leg but good job otherwise.

Anonymous No. 922601

More of a general question, but is there some secret way to find the backplates of the HDRIs on hdrihaven? Every single one that I click on doesn't have any and I need them.

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Anonymous No. 922604

i guess i made him between a lindworm and a wyvern
its basically a dragon just without hindlegs >>922529
thanks man
why does it look derpy though?

Anonymous No. 922613

He does look toked out, make his upper eyelids more aggressive maybe. Change his smile from derp to sinister if you can.

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Anonymous No. 922642

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Anonymous No. 922655

Anonymous No. 922663

oh damn that's pretty nifty. you managed to transfer the design and style into 3d very well here

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Anonymous No. 922669

Anonymous No. 922671

here's my advice a few days late, feel free to apply/disregard any but they are all things I would change
>need a brow ridge, larger skull, especially at the back and temples
>nose should have a slightly higher bridge at least because it sinks in like a u shape from profile which reads as more of a mexican/black? than it is a cute asian animu nose
>move ears toward front and make slightly bigger.
>Redo Pupils because they are basically kirby pupils inside an almond eye and it looks dumb
>make the mouth less wide, by a significant amount
>build and raise the cheekbones
>shorten distance from lower lip to chin tip and push chin tip forward slightly instead of being such a downward pointing cone

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Anonymous No. 922689

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Anonymous No. 922717

THanks for the advice, gonna keep it in mind for next time
did the rest of the body

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Anonymous No. 922758

One of these days I'm going to do hand topology correctly but that day is not today. At least the feet turned out alright.

Something I learned from /fit/ activities is that the tricep is the muscle that gives the upper arm almost all of its volume/shape. Right now your model's bicep is too dominant. You'd probably benefit from sculpting just some disembodied arms a few times, learning the muscle groups and how gravity applies to it and etc.

Anonymous No. 922802

Thanks anons, feels good to do something even a bit belove average. Now I'm off making trench candles and stockpiling gas canisters in case of total energy system collapse. See you soon with a new character blockout.

Anonymous No. 922856

this is dope, id like to see your other work and give it a follow

Anonymous No. 922881

godspeed anon, we'll meet again

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Anonymous No. 923025

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Anonymous No. 923031

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Anonymous No. 923035


Anonymous No. 923043

oh no

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Anonymous No. 923110

Any tips about improving the render? First time rendering in cycles, it's not as terrible as I expected it to be. Textures are also heavy wip.

Anonymous No. 923113

Do yourself a favor and post on twitter instead. This place is for stagnating blender schizos only.

Anonymous No. 923172


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the chair nerd No. 923174

The plane is ok yeah the paint needs a little love The background still needs work. From what I've seen from good fighter jet renderings the background always tries to blend in with the ambient light that the plane recieves. This helps the pallette and compo of the scene. The brain is very good at determining if an object belongs to a background or not.

the chair nerd No. 923175

Also try to make some cg clouds and make sure they reflect light to your plane's body. That would help a lot. Normally at cruise altitude planes are pretty well lit up from above and from reflected light from below.

the chair nerd No. 923176

Oh and also make sure to edit your images at least on a 32 bit space you can see 8 bit color banding/dithering on your blue sky backgroud.

the chair nerd No. 923177

16 bit I meant

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Anonymous No. 923186

Working on a lowpoly basemesh.
Some feedback would be helpful.
Currently this is all quads. Not so happy whit the ass, still to jagged.
Will most likely add Tris for better deformations and maybe a face. Not too sure about the face geo, Maybe just painting one on is better??

Anonymous No. 923215


Anonymous No. 923217

Wdym? This place is no better than any begshit blender discord server I’m on. If anything this work deserves better interaction on a blog like Twitter.

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Anonymous No. 923276

I need some materials for my portfolio, can I get some feedback on these? do I keep them all or only show one?

Anonymous No. 923284

try and smooth out the overall face, even if you're making a normal map most skin details should come from your textures otherwise she'll look like a burn victim, especially if it's going to be for such a part of the body that won't be that big on the final shots

Anonymous No. 923285

damn it's pretty kino, what did you make this in?

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Anonymous No. 923334

zbrush, substance designer and painter to throw some dirt on there.
I think the zbrush part can be skipped cause most of that detail ended up being lost

Anonymous No. 923335

they are all exactly the same, anon. the difference between them is like switching on/off 2 or 3 nodes in designer

Anonymous No. 923336

well yeah, but do I show them all or settle on one?

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Anonymous No. 923454

been a while after my blame! inspired render and my laptop ended up dying but got a new one and thought i would try an anime bg without having any skills in painting. wish me luck anons

Anonymous No. 923457

Show them all and mention that more variants can be generated easily by switching few nodes in the designer ofc, that's a good thing, is it not?
Good luck!

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Anonymous No. 923478

I have made volumetric clouds (barely visible in the render) and played with things for a bit. there's a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the lighting, I know. right now I'm using simple fill and key lights with slight hdri ambient light.

the chair nerd No. 923480

1000% better. Great job anon. Keep it up nicest shit.

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Anonymous No. 923488

yeah i need serious help, any anons who are good in painting? any good resources to pick up painting ?

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Anonymous No. 923489

I like where this is going but something about it still feels really fake. Take this with a grain of salt as I am not a plane historian specialist but compared to
it kinda looks a bit like an inflatable rubber plane. The wings aren't as sleek and the very tip of the plane is too rounded, plus there's no funny straw at the end to make it look cool.
Also that is some seriously reflective material. Ain't planes supposed to be painted or something? Your fuselage looks like it's made of pure chrome or something...
I think you could be a bit bolder with the clouds too, you have something of an in-between of fair skies and overcast which looks a bit weird.
Keep up the good work, friend.

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Anonymous No. 923509

I assure you that the plane model is 99% accurate, it's just focal length of the render camera being maybe a bit too high. The surface of the plane is supposed to be bare aluminum. I will be making more paintjobs/liveries for it, for now it's prototype skin.

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Anonymous No. 923536

I would suggest keeping the long lens.
In my opinion the sky is too dark and the image overall too flat. Not sure if you're set on a pristine surface but I think surface imperfections would go a long way

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Anonymous No. 923541

what's up with the weird diagnoal crinkles and how 2 fix em?

the chair nerd No. 923544

Post wires. There can be many reasons.

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Anonymous No. 923555

here I think.

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wire 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 923556

another angle idk if this helps though

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Anonymous No. 923564

Get rid of the tri and the ngon and see if it improves.

the chair nerd No. 923565


This >>923564 and also this as long as you don't subdifide toue mesh you'll have that shading aetifact one way or the other.

Anonymous No. 923568

Thanks anosn
helped a little I guess, not particularly noticeable though. Oh well
I am going to subd it, but I wanted a clean looking low(ish?) poly.
I guess I'll just have to retopo it after I do the high?
idk honestly
Cars are kinda hard

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Anonymous No. 923582

gotta keep it all quads

Anonymous No. 923583

he's probably still going to get shading errors on account of not having geometry to properly define the curvature esp where you've put the big trapezoidal quad.

Anonymous No. 923599

it's gonna keep looking like that, you need a highpoly for cars

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Anonymous No. 923601

how about this?

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Anonymous No. 923667

what to do when 0 progress is made in 2 days? Do you guys start something new or take some time off and come back to this project after some couple of days ?

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Anonymous No. 923672

update, feedback is destroying me
what should I do with the colors? they either feel too dull or in places too saturated, I can't quite put my finger on it

Anonymous No. 923673

iirc 'composing pictures' by donald w graham was good

Anonymous No. 923677

This is strictly theory based and more about composition, great book but i am looking for learning digital art techniques to paint more details like chipped walls, different variations in color for walls etc

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Anonymous No. 923678

Anime faces are symbolic and minimalistic. For reference, Sakaki's anime head makes the zbrush one look like a joke.

Anime heads at their base look alien. You're still trying to eek out a baby boy face with realistic elements. Nose would be sharper and nostrils even more subtle or painted while cheeks less volumious. Same goes for the lips. More male face will look sharper/angular with thinner eyes. Look up anime figurines for reference.

Anonymous No. 923687

Very nice.
t. Czech

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Anonymous No. 923696

Anonymous No. 923729

I kneel

Anonymous No. 923756

that's rly good anon

Anonymous No. 923772

>if only you knew how bad thing really were

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Anonymous No. 923773


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Anonymous No. 923785

Are there guides on making anime male faces? All the tutorials I find are ones on female faces.

I want to specifically know how the facial planes work on males, since cheekbones are different in females vs males.

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Anonymous No. 923787

example of what kind of tutorial/guide I'm looking for. I'm trying to look on youtube too but I haven't found any that meet my mark.

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Anonymous No. 923796

Worked on these two shaders, metallic and non-metallic paint for the past couple of days with MaterialX Lama in Houdini. The shading was much much smoother in Hou than in Maya

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Anonymous No. 923799

Haven't posted in long time. Thoughts on base mesh foot? I'm shooting for realism, but also efficiency, and good edge flow for posing.

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Anonymous No. 923802

Pretty neat. Looks like a christmas tree ornament.

Anonymous No. 923809

I'm half decent at painting. But I'm not sure what you need help with exactly. The problem I see here, is that the edges of your brush are very obvious. I can see exactly where you stroked, and which direction. This is not a terrible thing in painting. As brush strokes are often obvious to the eye. But there are ways to make the strokes blend in such a way as to not make them too jarring. And it's pretty basic stuff like making multiple small strokes offset from one another, so it looks like just a jumble. Or dabbing the brush to make splotches.

For digital, you also want to soften the edge of the brush.(assuming the program you're using has that option) Using a soft brush makes the transition between the stroke and the surrounding area less obvious.

But regardless of all, here is pretty good tutorials to help with color variation.
Understanding color relativity is the pillar of all painting. Physical or digital. You will need this in combination with everything else you do.

I don't know what program you're using, and what it's capable of. I use photoshop, and it has an option called dual brush. And what that does is mix two brush types together using a blend mode like multiple or subtract or whatever you choose. And so if you fit two texturesd brushes on top of each other, they further obscure your brush strokes.

Applying a slight amount of scatter will make your strokes appear random and blotchy.

Learn how to make your own brushes too. Because the default brushes can only take you so far when it comes to creating chips and breaks.

Anonymous No. 923820

Thanks anon, that color relativity video sure was an eye opener. As for what i am going for is a question i am still wondering. I am currently doing style or look dev tests to see what kinda style i can make for a final project i have to submit by April. So far i have been referencing anime backgrounds and a short film called windshield wiper by Alberto meilgo which I adore for its style. But i know it's very over ambitious to think i can figure out painting in 3-5 months so i am trying to comprise and find a style that looks good over my 3d renders.

Anonymous No. 923826

You'll probably have to go to 3d learnong material for that and apply the general principles to that.

Anonymous No. 923827


Or just observe references. I can easily see the planes on your male. The ones below the eyes are the same as nikolay's witcher esque course model from a few years ago and it was female.

Anonymous No. 923863

Guides like these become obsolete if you can draw heads in any perspective. This is why I advocate practicing drawing along with sculpting. Only a few anons will appreciate this advice.

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Anonymous No. 923865

Anonymous No. 923866

Man I've been searching for this for a long time but your ony chance is watching timelapses and analysing them.
Most of the "anime" looking tutorials are about the most basic type of anime faces or they're straight up ugly. I have a style similar to that pic you posted and finding tutorials on that kind of style is pretty much impossible. It's either exteremely realistic or extremely stylized. The inbetween in non-existent.

Anonymous No. 923881

Pretty sexy.
Not a furry btw.

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Anonymous No. 923894

look at these set of teeth.
proper lad innit?
colgate marketing right here.

sure m8, and I'm the bloody queen of aussie land.

Anonymous No. 923899

Looks really nice! But if I could critique it a little. I think her lack of pussy mound is odd. And I don't mean that in a coomer way. But stylistically. It's like her abs are going all the way down to her pussy. I think it would look better if you smoothed the ab crease near the groin, and gave her a little lump where her pussy would be. Of course I'm not talking about a cock bulge. So don't get any weird ideas. But a pussy mound. You know what I mean.

Also, she would probably be cuter if her shins weren't so long. Is it is now, her boot cuffs seem to begin where her ankles should be. And that's making her shins look elongated. You could argue it's just part of the style, and I wouldn't disagree with that necessarily. But I would say that allowing her boots to overlap her legs by a few inches would make her more squat in a cute way.

And lastly, speaking of cute aspects, the muscles of her hands could be softened a little. She has basketball player hands. Again, not bad. Considering she looks well muscled. But it just could be cuter.

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Anonymous No. 923932

Dang that's unfortunate. Must be hard for fujos and gays who just want to make our animu pretty boys. I guess I'll just look at drawing tutorials and maybe even buy a cheap male figma on amazon to study the faces.

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Anonymous No. 923942

Here's an attempt I did. what do you guys think?

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Anonymous No. 923953

Why it's a Gromnus, of course.

Anonymous No. 923954

cranium to face ratio should decrease with age. just looks like a big baby with a sloped face

Anonymous No. 923958

I'd punch in the inner side of the big toe a bit but it's looking good anon.

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anime caliou.png

Anonymous No. 924004

I tried fixing it, how did it go?

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Anonymous No. 924010

Considerable improvement confirmed. Heading in the right direction. Would experiment with shortening the trapezoid area. You'll likely want to raise the mouth in the case as well. It will help out with the Michael Jackson nose before you have to widen it. Either way you have an eye for it and are actually trying for it be authentic.

This is the sort of blasphemy you're up against and it's in no short supply:

Let that be your fuel to keep running in the right direction.

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Anonymous No. 924011

Woops here's what I meant by Trapezoid area.

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Anonymous No. 924014

Insectoid biomechanical coffin

Anonymous No. 924015

How did you get such smooth lines? I tried with my mouse and it was very pixelated even tho i subdived and multimeshed it 4 times. Will it be smoother if i use a pen tablet over a mouse ?

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Anonymous No. 924019

Thanks fren, your words encouraged me and I'll keep going at it. My next step is making the nose a bit thicker and maybe refine the eyes. And I'll look into the cheekbones too since it seems like they're often more thinner like pic related.

Like you mentioned, the hardest part for males is trying to find that balance where there's some anime deformation, but the details "aren't too realistic" to the point where its western.

Anonymous No. 924032

Pen tablet,
a lot of dynameshing with polish activated(and no smooth), work on the general forms, dynamesh with polish, and repeat ad nauseum using some polish brushes on the areas that are still blobby.
Trim dynamic and trim smooth border are some other useful brushes for smoothing everything out.

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Anonymous No. 924036

If someone has an idea for a background, feel free to tell me

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Anonymous No. 924043

It'll be very rewarding. 2D to 3D anime is challenging because even though there are many variations in 2D it can be so easy to fall off balance especially with volume. 3D I'd say is uncharted territory compared to the original medium of drawing. On the other hand despite what some say the proportions given age and sex don't need be strictly adhered to since there's isn't just one anime style. It's just understanding the principles and minimalism regardless if the jawline is higher or lower or the lower half counted in thirds or eighths. Just start watching anime with your finger on the pause button and studying manga panels intensely and juxtaposing it all and your references in both 2D and 3D and it will click, That and you'll probably end up painting your own shadows.

Just in case this helps you or anyone else, the trick to creating the surface for painted anime eyes is polygrouping them then use the smooth by groups brush (sakaki made one)

I'm seeing more and more that improvement involves not under utilizing polygroups and being inventive with them. Animus respond well to them. Explore polygroup it plugin as well. It's better to utilize that with the use of paint than masking in terms of control and making many groups at once from borders all at once on a single object.

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Anonymous No. 924047

took a few days break, i hate myself but now i am really hooked on learning how to paint and i want to do more paint overs. any more tips?

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Anonymous No. 924067

can you link me some tutorials because i have no clue waht nauseum and polish brushes are? i am tryna design this bridge and bake it into a low poly mesh for unreal but it looks non sharp and pixelated

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Anonymous No. 924097

Back to Zbrush, freestyled without reference, ended up with this.
Does it feel too "clayish" ? I don't know, I tried to make it not look like a statue but I don't know how I should proceed.
My characters all look the same too and that pisseds me off but I know what to do for this.

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Anonymous No. 924107

There are tons of Japanese/Chinese 3D artists who post works in progress on Twitter, pay close attention to the face shapes they make and try to reproduce it, I think it's a good way to learn. But you're already on a good path, keep going!

I learned from Sakaki Kaoru to just polygroup everything

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Anonymous No. 924112

What's causing my big fuck up here? It looks fine before I subdivide it, but after that, well, you can see. I just want it to be connected smoothly. There's something similar happening elsewhere too, but it's more of a shading issue.

Anonymous No. 924114

>looks fine before subd
Make sure you merged your vertices in that center point properly and didn't just sorta moved them really close together.
In Maya the edgeloop wouldn't move apart on a subdivision operation like that but maybe it's different in blender idk

Anonymous No. 924115

They're merged together properly from what I can tell. I used vertex snapping just to be sure and then merged by distance to clean them up.
There were some extra faces I forgot to remove initially and that seems to have made it looks a bit better, but it still doesn't look like a smooth connection.

Anonymous No. 924123

Never mind I managed to fix it.

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Anonymous No. 924126

I'm not sure how I'm going to do the stained glass

Anonymous No. 924151

thin glass cylinder, color changes texture based, just make a color texture in photoshop or something

Anonymous No. 924153

I meant designing the stained glass. Yeah I could paint something and generate the came procedurally but that's a lot of work and I'm not very good at 2D art.

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Anonymous No. 924165

Sorry, I don't have any more good tips. I'm mostly self taught myself. So my knowledge is sporadic and poorly defined.
But I can say that it looks like you're avoiding the edges. All the blobs of paint are center of each plane. It's odd.

The clouds look like they don't have a light source. Clouds are effected by light and shadow just like everything else. Determine which direction the sun is coming from, and paint in shadows accordingly. Shadows on the clouds tend to be on the bottom, because that's where the sun can't reach. Except that clouds are not very dense, so light is capable of shining through. So you have to keep in mind that low density areas will be lighter than high density areas.

Speaking of shadows, I would suggest matching the temperature of the sky more closely to the temperature of the shadows. By that I mean you have blue in your shadows, which is fine. Except that it's not the same kind of blue you used for your sky. Which, could be said to be a stylistic choice, and that would be valid. I just think matching the blues of shadow and sky create a pleasing cohesion.

Think about it like this: How would you shadow your clouds? The clouds are the whitest and brightest color in your image. So their shadows would have to reflect blue the most out of anything. Go google some clouds. You will notice that they all have blue tinted shadows. Some say it's due to reflecting the sky, other says it's reflecting the water. I really don't get it, I'm not into science. But their shadows tend to be blue when the sun is out. Less blue when the sky is completely covered.

Anyway, whichever shade of blue you shade your clouds with, should match the sky's shade of blue. And that shade should match the shadows of the buildings. Keeping color relativity in mind of course. You shouldn't make the shadows literally blue. But just skewed toward that blue.

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Anonymous No. 924166

Been playing Worms again for the first time in years so I'm trying to make a Holy Hand Grenade.
Not happy with how the cross looks and I have this weird angle elsewhere that's sharp instead of smooth but I'm sure it can be fixed.

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Anonymous No. 924168

Hair not done yet and is still need a lot of mech details on the body.

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color stuff.png

Anonymous No. 924174

I made what I hope is a helpful visual aid.

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Anonymous No. 924175

Want to make it pixel-art-y for a project

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Anonymous No. 924182

There are a lot of issues I should have fixed with this one, but I think I've worked on it too long and decided to call it finished.

Anonymous No. 924207

Very cool. My only complaint so far is that the eyelashes and eyebrows look quite basic and wobbly.
>I think I've worked on it too long and decided to call it finished
This is how it should be. Don't feel bad. In the words of gambino, this isn't sparring practice - once you feel like you don't know what else to do with the model, or you feel like you worked on it for long enough, kill it and move on to the next. Wrap it up and take what you learned to the next model.

Anonymous No. 924208

>i'm not very good at 2D art
unironically use that stable diffusion shit to spit out a bunch of stuff out and bash it together in photoshop

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Anonymous No. 924211


Anonymous No. 924224

Woah that's pretty cool, how did you do it?

Anonymous No. 924231

very cool

Anonymous No. 924272

>I learned from Sakaki Kaoru to just polygroup everything
Based and lsd-pilled

Anonymous No. 924278

very cool, give him some battle scars or wounds
how many polys overall? The scales and skin details look very crisp

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Anonymous No. 924283

Am I looking good ? uwu

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Anonymous No. 924291


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Anonymous No. 924296

Starting to look a lot better. Crazy what adding a little fat there and there and the move brush can do.

Anonymous No. 924299

The whole model with it's full body wings and what not is like 40 mil
And thanks bro I haven't thought about scars weirdly
I want to pose him on a giant rock with some skulls laying about

Do you have any good tutorial on how to retopo in maya?

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Anonymous No. 924402


Ayy lmao, didn't notice that shin thing m8 but I fixed it. Should probably post full body idk.

Yo dawg, how long did this take you?

Anonymous No. 924418

'bout 3 fiddy

like two months but i really worked on it for like 2 weeks i just had a hectic time at job and in life in general so i didnt work on it everyday

Anonymous No. 924423

Retopo in maya is pretty easy
just use quad draw, or a zbrush addon like poly group it to make it even easier

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Anonymous No. 924441

Sculpt is almost done

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Anonymous No. 924447

Update, just adding rocks n stuff around him now

this looks awesome anon

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Anonymous No. 924543

my god i suck at texturing, how can i use quixel mixer to its fullest potential? also drop some uv unwrapping tutorials because i still dont get how to do it

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Anonymous No. 924546

Been procrastinating super hard on this but I think she's most of the way there at this point. Just needs some new eyes and some touchups on the hair to make it look good in the engine. After that I'll just sculpt on whatever expressions the script calls for. Guess I'll give her some clothes too at some point.

Looking good! But I'd pinch those glutes in some.

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Anonymous No. 924548

Pfft, will keep that in mind for the next piece.
I've learned what I can from this trip, onto the next.
Nice bnnuy btw

Understandable, this is why the NEET life can be quite advantageous.

If you're using Blender, the basics of UV unwrapping lie in marking seams, get your head around that one-step process and you should be 80% done with it.

Anonymous No. 924549

>If you're using Blender, the basics of UV unwrapping lie in marking seams, get your head around that one-step process and you should be 80% done with it.
i have watched dozens of videos and all they say is that hide your seams, look at reference to find irl seams which i don't completely especially for this abandoned dish i am doing.

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Anonymous No. 924553

Time to Retopo and UV

Anonymous No. 924556

those knuckles jfc also your ears are pinching at the base

Anonymous No. 924559

I see you got motivation to continue, im glad

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Anonymous No. 924562

Another character wip

Anonymous No. 924569

Damn this looks fucjing awesome my dude
Seems like some indigenous artifact

Anonymous No. 924570

Thanks the advice really helped

Anonymous No. 924583

Thanks, its called The No God, an ancient artifact built by the remnants of a dead alien race that does not know how it functions. Its presence on a planet causes all births to be stillbirths and every living being can sense its presence on the horizon.
It`s from The Second Apocalypse book series

Anonymous No. 924586

>fell for it
/sffg/ got another one

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Anonymous No. 924608

I really love SGI-style renders and anything toy-like. I'm just trying to capture that feeling.

Anonymous No. 924628

Height based map should help you separate pieces and the rest is gonna be easy. There is even an addon for that

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Anonymous No. 924827

Thoughts? the shipping container building looks rather empty and i am not sure what to add.

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Anonymous No. 924834

It looks like a scale model. In your previous post, I thought the satellite(?) was a fan. And it's still difficult to not see it that way. So to my eyes, the camera is really close to the ground, and looking at a fan, and a tiny model building.
I get the grass is supposed to be tall, but I just can't see it that way. Maybe some kind of depth of field effect can help? idk. Maybe more variety in the grass? Leaner grass? I forget the name, but that effect where things become more washed out the more distant they are.

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Anonymous No. 924838

I'm taking my simple automaton further. I'd like to make an anatomy diagram of sorts, showcasing first plates, then exoskeleton and fleshy organs inside.

Anonymous No. 924840

I wonder if it's because i haven't added in the sky and color correction yet. Not sure about the washed out thing is it Bokeh?

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volumetric lighti....jpg

Anonymous No. 924841

Not Bokeh. I still can't remember the term I was looking for. But I guess it's called volumetrics in 3D graphics?

Anonymous No. 924843

Atmospheric scattering is probably what you're thinking of. And that scene could use some.

Anonymous No. 924844

That's the idea I was going for yea. But still not the exact term. I remember that googling the term use to pull of photos of mountains and skies showing the effect. REAL photos. Googling atmospheric scattering pulls up 3D renders.

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Anonymous No. 924846

I did try it out earlier but it just ended up making the scene more darker lol

Anonymous No. 924847

I wouldn't worry about that now anyway, this can be done later or even in photoshop. I'd move the shed closer, scale it up, and add a bunch of shit - oil barrels, boxes, cartons, cables running from the solar panels, a small windmill, a shovel, box with tools, half a tarp hanging from the roof. Clear the grass directly near it, maybe cut a path going from the camera to the shed.

Anonymous No. 924862

i like it anon

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Anonymous No. 924889

First pass at textures, the low poly model is around 40k triangles, but i baked everything on the same model but subdivided once.

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Anonymous No. 924890


Anonymous No. 924897

It's kinda cool in a deep-fried sorta feeling, anon. You should do more. I'd only sort out the hat texture on this one, as odd as it sounds it seems a little out of place.
Very interesting, love how clean and crisp all the creases are, nice creases in a render are like candy for the eyes.
Do you have any plans for its little hands or manipulators or whatever? Seems strange you put all this nice detail on the body and feet but the hands remain very basic.
Did you work on Scorn? Be honest...

Anonymous No. 924898

I would add a background ASAP to this, I think the lack of one is causing some misgivings about the scale of objects in your scene, everything looks flattened and pushed up front without one.

Anonymous No. 924899

No, I just really like grimdark and the Giger/Beksinski aesthetic

Anonymous No. 924900

aerial perspective?

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Anonymous No. 924957

added a few more props and the sky. my god its fucking hard to find a sky with the correct lighting might end up going with the hdri for the next draft. i tried paving a path from the camera but it just looks ugly so instead i made a path perpendicular to the camera but not sure if its noticeable.

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Anonymous No. 924959


Anonymous No. 924960

Can't you just use some kind of sun simulation in Blender?
Also why not use bit of depth of field?
And finally, your sky/cloud angles do not correspond with your scene. Clouds like this would have to be way higher than that.

Anonymous No. 924962

Defnitely better, i like it.

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Anonymous No. 924965

if i add the sun simulation then there will be three light sources, the hdri, ,my sun lamp and the sun atmosphere thing. these are my depth of field settings it should give me some dof but it isnt working lol. still looking for a better sky to add.
do the water barrels look like water barrels and are the wires even visible?

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Anonymous No. 924970

The barrels are fine, i can't see the wires though. I don't want to sound like i'm telling you what to do, it's your scene, but i had in mind something like this. Closer, bigger. No one wants to look at endless crops like it's the end of Gladiator, especially when it's the easy part. I want to see the part you actually worked hard at - the props and textures. Sorry for the piss poor quick shoop.

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Anonymous No. 924980

i love the background thanks for the quick shop tho. I will try adding some rocks and see if that makes the ground any better. i will try learning mist pass for the bg

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Anonymous No. 925011

fuck i hate it now

Anonymous No. 925044

I feel like there is a bit too much grass and the grass is also kind of low res/does not fit with the shacks style.
The shack and the background elements feel like they belong in the same environment but not the grass

Anonymous No. 925047

Peak, I think a slight haze would be nice

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Anonymous No. 925063

Finished with this one and why do I never get any critiques?

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Anonymous No. 925071

They're supposed to be cutting blades, like those of a praying mantis, but that's kind of basic. I will remodel them as manipulators when i get to them, plus mandibles and mouth.
I never did any flesh nor organic shapes, like brain or intestines, i need to read up on that for the insides.

Anonymous No. 925073

it looks ok, but you really should use industry standard texturing workflows

Essay writer No. 925074

Despite this board’s reputation, most people will hold back unless you explicitly ask for critique.

To me it seems like you don't quite know how the body looks underneath the skin, mostly because the uppermost set of abdominal muscles that go under the pecs are absent. The books that the Modo schizo recommended (>>915722) could be a good solution since you can download both of them for free. Pictures off of the internet work fine too, and you can look at some ecorches on Sketchfab as well.

The upper part of his ears look fused to his cranium, and his cranium tapers inward too much, making it look egglike.

The last big flaw I see are his eyes. The eyes are one of the most important things in character design, so you have to get them just right. If you’re ever seen those creepy police sketches that people like to meme about, then that can give you an idea of the absolute worst that can happen. Your guy’s eyes don’t look creepy, but they definitely don’t look right. Studying emotions more would help. Be sure to pay attention to where the center of the pupil is in between the eyelids, and how much the eyelids cover their respective halves of the eye.

Of course, there are other flaws, but those will go away with more study.

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Anonymous No. 925079

Thanks m8.
Yeah now that you mention it, never realised the two first upper abs were so high.
> the ears
Yeah the ears I didn't put any effort on them, just extruded that shit. I didn't study ears yet that's why I don't do them in any character training.
> his cranium tapers inward too much, making it look egglike
You mean vertically ?I don't reallysee the problem with that but I'll edit it right now to see the difference.
> the eyes
Hmmmm yeah I went for a stylized look obviously but didn't think the eyes would be a problem. I forgot to do the eyelashes. But can you please elaborate more on what should be fixed cause all the other critiques, I get the point but not the one on the eyes. Got the thing about the pupils center (I half assed this part too cause I'm just learning polypainting). But what would you modify?

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Anonymous No. 925085

Think i'm done with this model, going to start setting the materials up inside of unreal and making the environment he is in

Anonymous No. 925086

How much tris? Did you retopo or using nanite ?

Anonymous No. 925087


Did retopology

Anonymous No. 925090

nta but can you show the untextured mesh, would like to know wich part are extruded and how the vertices are organized

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Anonymous No. 925091

There are a lot of places i could optimize and probably reduce the polycount,

Anonymous No. 925093

I think it's fine mate, for a static prop at least, considering the amount of detail you shoved into your bakes. You could probably spend a few hours and get it lower but who really cares? If there's one thing GPUs are really good at doing nowadays, it's apparently crunching through polycount fast anyway.

Anonymous No. 925095

yea, thats why i didnt reduce it more, its only going to float/hover, no complex animations or anything.

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Anonymous No. 925124

anyone with experience selling 3d models in sites like turbosquid and cgtrader? i have some generic models that i thought i could polish up and sell to get a bit of side income. any views or thoughts would be helpful.

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Anonymous No. 925125

done with it, while i was modelling the props i realized that I couldn't model a shovel's handle with proper topology and felt utterly disgusted by myself. i am going to create full farmers essential pack with dirt sacks and shit and level up. might even transition from quixel mixer to substance painter

Anonymous No. 925127

Is that an AC on the right side of the shack?

Anonymous No. 925128

this is the calmest tutorial I have seen.
yes, I forgot to account for the bar extrusions.

Anonymous No. 925129

>yes, I forgot to account for the bar extrusions.
That is the least of the worries, brother.
You thought how would that AC work in pretty much open air shack like this? It wouldn't. It is why you can always see signs to keep windows/doors/etc. closed when the AC is running. It doesn't make sense to have an AC on such building.

Anonymous No. 925134

>You thought how would that AC work in pretty much open air shack like this? It wouldn't.
my bad, i will look more into it before i make and slap some props on the scene next time.

Anonymous No. 925142

I made this in blender the other day,
How'd I do?

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Anonymous No. 925143


Anonymous No. 925151

What would it taste like if I licked it?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 925153

Off-topic. What is a good pentablet for sculpting under $50-$60.
Wacom is expensive in my country. I have Huion - HS610, HS611. Gaomon M1230, M10K Pro shortlisted. Which one should I get. I am going to be doing sculpting.

Anonymous No. 925168

this is a literal sex demon from beyond the far reaches of space, i dont think you want to lick it nor be anywhere near it.
sulfur, slime, cum mixed with blood and shit, cunny, (he also has a massive dong that i removed due to this being a blue board)

Anonymous No. 925171

hands are still disgusting

Anonymous No. 925176

Look into Smart UV Project to unwrap/texture complex hard-surface models, or at least I heard it's the more popular method for models of the sort. It should work basically as an "auto-seamer/unwrapper", so it calculates the angle of the edges and unwraps the model accordingly. Again, I didn't look into this stuff yet, been busy with other shit, but it might be worth checking out. Remember, Smart UV Project

Scale looks off, the dishes look like massive fans. I suggest adding "scale indicators", so things human-sized like doorways or windows or ladders to the dishes so that the viewer can better gauge their size, or put some cars next to them.
The grass also looks way too big, it really looks like you just upscaled grass models instead of taking plants that actually exist in real life of that size. Perhaps you can either make the grass resemble its true size (so downscale it) or replace it with other plants that are that tall in real life?
Other than that, you have potential as an artist, it's just the scale in general that's an issue. You did use references correct? If you did then all you gotta do is follow them a bit more closely

Already much better, only issue I have personally is that the world kinda seems to just "end" abruptly after the grass field. Personally I'd put some more hills in the back, just 2 or 3 and pretty far so that the atmospheric fog makes them fade a good bit

For some reason this render DOESN'T have the "world ends abruptly" visual impression. Odd.
Anyway, it's a good final render, the only problem are the dishes which have the unfortunate tendency to look like giga fans, unless dishes of that design actually exist irl

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Anonymous No. 925178

thanks anon, i can see why the dish can look like a giga fan. the design was a mish mash of my references.

Anonymous No. 925221

Sounds hot! Time to lick away!

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Anonymous No. 925251

Anonymous No. 925256

the goodest boy

Anonymous No. 925269

Getting there, I like the composition

Anonymous No. 925272

The scale of the walls and the floor are off, try adding a different texture to the bottom of the walls

Anonymous No. 925274

What exactly are you going for ? Photorealism something cartoony? Also shade smooth on the chair. Collect some references as well

Anonymous No. 925283

Note that at the end of that thread Netter was neutered. And please don't neglect surface anatomy. The purpose of ecorche is to understand the relationship with what's underneath through deconstruction mainly when you don't know or see (wrong lighting and surface) what form you're looking at. It's not cram school and bulding a skeleton mindlessly because some woman decided to become an art professor and post on quora all day.

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deer slut.png

Anonymous No. 925290

Modeled some deer looking whore. Not really looking for criticism (just saying it in advance as I don't wanna waste anyone's time), just wanted to share some shit, yes the procedural bump is cheap, yes the polys are low, yes the shading is pretty bad, but eh I don't like spending too long on any given piece be it art or a 3D model, I'm willing to sacrifice some quality for speed and quantity

Anonymous No. 925292

That's a cris-level attitude.
You should strive to make things that you can be proud of, even if it's hard.

Anonymous No. 925334

can you elaborate?

Anonymous No. 925336

You will learn a lot more taking an asset from start to completion than making 10 half assed models in the same time

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Anonymous No. 925339

Love it, nice colors and vibes.

I recently made one, too.

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Anonymous No. 925345


Anonymous No. 925354

Damn, this is true. Because I've been working on a handful of models for months now, and I still haven't learned to texture or anything. And I swear I'm getting worse at rigging, not better.

Anonymous No. 925382

I learned uv's and texturing through downloading free 3d models and unwrapping and texturing it through quixel mixer with texture sets. Just take some references and put the seams where you can see em on the reference.

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Anonymous No. 925384

A fat mutant

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Anonymous No. 925424


Anonymous No. 925425

North Atlantic Furry Organization?

Anonymous No. 925426

Snout too long or whatever you call it. Other than that pretty swell.

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Anonymous No. 925428

almost there

Anonymous No. 925430

Don't listen to the other anon. The snout is nice and stylish.

Anonymous No. 925441

You will pay for your crimes.

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Anonymous No. 925531


I want to make a short involving a pissed off carrot. This is pretty much showing what I've learned so far from blender.

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Anonymous No. 925539

>local furfag attempts modeling human
don't spare me.

relaxed boyyy
I like it anon.


I agree with this fag >>925292, don't settle for less anon, that's just gay.

Anonymous No. 925581

proportions are a bit wonky if she's not supposed to be a dwarf, but pretty good otherwise
did you attempt the feet? I'm curious what a furfag's human feet look like.

Anonymous No. 925627

No I did not, I'm staying away from feet atm.
I guess I have to work on those proportions cause she's supposed to be a bit tall. Got any tips for that?

Anonymous No. 925633

gj, but why this disgusting globohomo shit?

Anonymous No. 925634

What's the easiest way to rotate an object that has many different parts that aren't joined together and have unapplied modifiers?
Can I just link them all to keep them independent and rotate that way or will it knock them all out of whack anyway?

Anonymous No. 925635

I would just parent them to another object and rotate the object, ie empty, dummy or whatever else it's called in your soft

Anonymous No. 925639

Oh yeah I didn't think about just doing that with an empty. That'll be much easier. Thanks.

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Anonymous No. 925653

took a break, but I think I'm finally done with it
the graph is already laggy so I wanna move on

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Anonymous No. 925666

Been playing too much Stalker recently and want to take a break without taking a break from stalker, so I decided to model one for a diorama im planning, gave him a AKS-7UN with 1P76 scope, my first firearm ive modeled, pretty difficult to keep it as low poly as i can
Stalker himself is just a rough block in, he needs plenty more gear and tweaking
C&C more than welcome!

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Anonymous No. 925668

Hey i love it. Has that comfy feel to it. The challenge will be keeping polycount/details and style consistent between firearms and the character i guess.

Anyway i'll slap some colors on this automaton and be done with it, it takes way too godddamn long. That way i'll have at least something to show if someone asks what i've been doing in my free time instead of living it up.

Anonymous No. 925670

Thanks! yeah itll be a fun challenge balancing the level of detail throughout, but i cant wait. Love the bug robots! the mandibles look very real like but still incorporated into that robot look, nicely done!

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Anonymous No. 925672

Picrel has what I was getting at with the cranium (I’m not good at drawing btw and that’s not my model either).

For eye stylization, Disney eyes are a good thing to take a look at. I’m not experienced or knowledgeable enough to know why, but having less white space on the inner parts of the eyes makes it easy to create a stylized eye that doesn’t look off. Anime does the same thing. Even when I make “realistic” characters, I like to make the outer part of the eye have slightly more white because it’s easier to do. The eyes that you have designed have about an even amount of white (maybe more on the inner part), so his eyes look unfocused. Adding eyelashes is also an easy addition that can make a huge improvement.

Anonymous No. 925690

Impressive, very nice.

>huge tiddy in a corset
I like this.

I like that a lot. Although, isn't that stuff on buttstock supposed to be that classic Soviet rubber turniquet and not a sling?

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Anonymous No. 925708

archtkually it's a dirndl like augh

stay off the radiated doughnuts stalker

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Anonymous No. 925748

I tried the rubber tourniqet but a traditional AK sling works better imo, i like the contrast between it and the bakelite magazine

More progress, still lacks some detailwork and added gear but dont want to overdo the amount of gear he has, thinking theres room for maybe one thing more, trying to finish him tomorrow and get to posing

Anonymous No. 925764

Dang, nobody replies. Well of course it looks great. So there's really nothing to say about it. Enjoy your bakker-shit anon.

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Anonymous No. 925773

Ima working on uhh umm somthin ill never tell tee hee :0

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Anonymous No. 925795

Anonymous No. 925796


Anonymous No. 925797

Nothing to reply to. The man's reached Ultra Instinct. He clearly outpaces a lot of us here, if not in skill then in inherent understanding of software and workflow. All we can really do is stand up in contemplative respect. We could praise the finished piece but we were already praising it when it was by all accounts unfinished, so...

Anonymous No. 925806


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vampire robot dilf.jpg

Anonymous No. 925808

I need advice once again /3/ frens.

I'm making a figure on Shademan.exe based on the picture/primary reference. For secondary references, I'm using concept art and anime screenshots to get his other angles.

What I'm struggling with is the mouth placement. One one hand I want to follow the primary reference and make it close to the picture, but it also makes him look goofy in other angles. The other way is to sculpt it with balanced proportions.

I'm looking at anime figures that had 2d concept art as their starting point (I'll post an example in the next post). They seem to balance the face too while doing their best to replicate the concept art.

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2d to 3d.png

Anonymous No. 925809


Anonymous No. 925812

Yeah, in this case I think the second mouth placement is more appropriate.

Anonymous No. 925835

ribbed for his pleasure

Anonymous No. 925840

Second face is a lot better, with a lot of stylized 2D designs you need to step away from the 2D artwork and change some of the anatomy in order for it to make sense in 3D

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Anonymous No. 925842

Finished the stalker and all his gear, some additional details and tweaks ill do when ive posed him, such as the fingers, as i feel too many details there will just hurt the posing process, how´d i do? Sketchfab test render, diorama assets next

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Anonymous No. 925843

Pretty sweet, not like i'd do any better. If you want to pose him, like kneeling down or aiming the gun it may be beneficial to modify the geometry near joints a bit.

Anonymous No. 925846

Thanks yeah that was the idea, ill look into it, lucky i havent started with UVs, was already planning it for the fingers but totally disregarded the big joints, cheers

Anonymous No. 925847

now post her naked

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Anonymous No. 925868

Thanks anons
These are some of the final Renders I ended up with

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Anonymous No. 925869


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Anonymous No. 925870


Anonymous No. 925877

Bro stop posting here and on discord at the same time

Anonymous No. 925884

do you expect people in the thread to also be in the discord and vice versa at all times?

Anonymous No. 925893

You will understand why he did that if you ever model anything good in your life, or at least something you care about.

Anonymous No. 925907

Different people frequent the AGDG discord and this place

Anonymous No. 925909

That explains it. That general has an even bigger crab problem than this board and /ic/ combined..

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Anonymous No. 925920

Hello anons, this is the end of my week WIP on my Zaku 2

Anonymous No. 925922

>using trannycord
both of you kys

Anonymous No. 925923

Nice. Would love to use to develop a VR experience

Anonymous No. 925927

thats my intention

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Anonymous No. 925931

follow me on this hopefully soon-to-be-over journey as I model the weed cat evolution.

Anonymous No. 925939

very cool, but looks a bit too wide in some parts? The head for instance, also missing the downward movement in the cables around the head, that mouth/vent needs to be longer perhaps? Idk, rest looks nice

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Anonymous No. 925956

downward movement in the cables around the head? What cables

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Anonymous No. 925992

hit me.

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Anonymous No. 926003

My dragon render - the qetzacoetl

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Anonymous No. 926058

I've been working on this model sporadically. Yesterday I reshaped the head and worked some more on the ass. Should I keep the old face? I kind of like that one too.

Anonymous No. 926066

Old face has an expression, so it looks more soulful than new face, which is blank. I would have to see new face emoting in order to compare. Otherr than that, there faces only differ by a few pixels. Not worth commenting on. Does the new head have better edge flow for deformation?

Anonymous No. 926071

yeah, if the old one is on the left then you've taken a step back.

more general nitpicks: neck's too thick, hands are a bit chunky, torso needs some definition
the legs, arms, and tits are pretty good though.

Anonymous No. 926076

pretty good, mask and sleeve on the right hand dont make a lot of sense though

Anonymous No. 926077

old is better because it has an expression compared to the new one, try making some expressions on the new face and go from there

Anonymous No. 926093

this thread really didn't need a discord server.

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Anonymous No. 926126

Sorry for spamming.
I spent too long on this one.

Anonymous No. 926127

hands are really really bad

Anonymous No. 926152

No need to lie.

Anonymous No. 926159

Ignore this dried piss-stain>>926127

All you need to work on are the folds on the end of those shorts and maybe accentuate the pose a bit on your next model. Something to better capture the female form. (out extended hips, pigeon feet) it's just a bit dry atm but nothing that's just a nitpick on my end. It's still better than 99% of the stuff posted here and I've seen worse things from official studios.
Keep it at it, bro.
I must compliment your hair work, especially the tufts on those ears. Simple and effective.
Was this based on a pre-existing character? Or is it your own design?

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Anonymous No. 926160

thanks but I hate it now lmao.
I went too far off-script.

Anonymous No. 926161

There is a /3/ discord ? Are there any other discord severs which give good critiques and shit ?

Anonymous No. 926171

stay off the discord, it's already infested with unironic trannies and fags, as is the case with most Discord servers. Some faggot is actually posting transition memes.

Anonymous No. 926215

That's nice enough, anon. My one complaint was that the tips of the uhh... leg... skirt... bit? Were too rounded and you should probably sharpen those up a bit but you went and did that already.
Well, the whole model also has a bit of a lumpy, uneven surface feel to it but that's just something you learn to deal with the more you pump models out so that's okay, I guess.

Anonymous No. 926235

that's not why, schizo. it's because having a discord server for a thread kills its traffic and speed.

the discord is full of coomers but if anything that's a positive (it becomes a containment zone for them)

Anonymous No. 926257

image limit reached need a new thread

Anonymous No. 926267

Make one yourself bitch

Anonymous No. 926269

New thread