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🧵 How are salaries in the 3D world?

Anonymous No. 923088

I'm pondering whether I like programming or 3D more and was thinking about the salaries. I assumed 3Dfags salaries were close to programmer ones or at least high paying. Talking about remote jobs mostly

Anonymous No. 923092

depends if you do porn or not

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Anonymous No. 923093


Anonymous No. 923120

Combine both and be a TD for the 3d industry (film, not games), programmers who understand the needs of artists and 3d in general are always in demand

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Anonymous No. 923139

> 3d
> good salary

Anonymous No. 923161

I think the only way to get a programming salary in 3D is if you're from a poorer EU country or further towards the east, and you work for a western studio or a smaller outsourcer working for AAA clients. But then that's comparing with local programmers. If programmers work for westerners as well then it's game over.

So in my case, from what I've seen I make a bit less then people at Ubi in Sweden for example, by working about 100 hours a month. That's still a local programmer salary for me, but for them it seems to be pretty average for Sweden.

Anonymous No. 923185

Damn, then why the fuck did I think that 3D fags had good salary? I remember reading on reddit or something that some people were making 80k+

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Anonymous No. 923188

reread >>923092

Anonymous No. 923189

this doesnt mean anything, p*rn is despicable

Anonymous No. 923190

porn is based

Anonymous No. 923191

>this doesnt mean anything
it literally shows how to make money with 3d which is what OP wanted, whether it's ethical or not is something completely different

Anonymous No. 923192

you can make money by selling crack in the ghetto or crystal meth in the suburbs, doesnt mean you should do it

so, shut it

Anonymous No. 923193

Why are some people so against porn? Porn being so demanded it's only the result of human nature

Anonymous No. 923194

it literally shows how to make money with 3d which is what OP wanted, whether it's ethical or not is something completely different
crack or meth isn't 3d related
so, shut it

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Anonymous No. 923195

>porn is le bad..
I hate christcucks and poltards so fucking much holy shit

Anonymous No. 923196

>crack or meth isn't 3d related
crack, meth, and porn are the same exact thing in terms of being wrong and elicit the same response in the brain

Anonymous No. 923197

crack and meth still isn't related to 3d

Anonymous No. 923198

it is, its wrong, and something you cant reccommend your children to do.

get out of this thread

Anonymous No. 923199

yeah good thing that OP isn't a kid
money is money, your ethics don't matter to anyone else

Anonymous No. 923200

you dont stop being a kid until you're well past the age of consent. Money is not money, remember that Pharma Bro? Hell, I bet you dont know anything about anything, pathetic coomer

Anonymous No. 923201

still making porn, sorry buddy

Anonymous No. 923202


Anonymous No. 923203

kill yourself retard

Anonymous No. 923204

I really hope you don't masturbate at all otherwise you are a hypocrite shit.

Though honestly, the people who seem to have a crusade against porn like you, are literally porn addicts in rehab. Not everyone has the same issues as you

Anonymous No. 923205

>make porn for money
>don't consume it
It's that simple; literally cheat codes for life.

Anonymous No. 923207

Kill yourself foreskinless christcuck

Anonymous No. 923209

You made 2 assumptions and both of them were wrong. I don't consume porn because cooming makes my head tired, that's it. I also can't set my limits, so it's easier to just don't do it at all.

Anonymous No. 923211

>thread goes from 5 to 25 replies in a few hours I've been away
>come back to /3/ and see it, expecting interesting discussion
>this happens
>every time

Anonymous No. 923214

>I assumed 3Dfags salaries were close to programmer ones or at least high paying.
Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 923216

3d fags have no skills that contribute to society in any meaningful way.

Anonymous No. 923218

children have to be entertained when they grow up or else they turn feral. This is where we come in

Anonymous No. 923220

damn what the fuck. I thought things were good for 3Dfags. Literally remember reading about some fags on reddit earning 80K, I think they were not generalists though, more like shading and VFX

Anonymous No. 923221

80k is nothing these days, especially with inflation

Anonymous No. 923224

Brit here, I earn £26k as a junior arch-vis

Anonymous No. 923225

jesus man

Anonymous No. 923226

Half of those aren't 3d. Also, those are game(porn game) devs, while 3d might be a skill they know and use the dev side is more why there earning money.

Anonymous No. 923231

>Half of those aren't 3d
how come?

Anonymous No. 923237

Salary list, enjoy

Anonymous No. 923240

the europoor meme is real

Anonymous No. 923242

How is making 3D Por unethical? It's not like you are abusing naive girls, you are literally creating competition to the abusive real life porn industry without doing any harm to anyone (Except to the coomer's brain maybe).

Anonymous No. 923243

it insists upon itself a negative view of women and also men. It needs to be outlawed along with strip clubs and various clothing that shows the female midriff

Anonymous No. 923244

Do you really not understand that there are differences in living costs across the world?

Anonymous No. 923246

Yeah, but that doesn't mean much when the other side of the world earns 5 times more, come on. Even despite costs differences America is not 5 times more expensive than Europe

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Anonymous No. 923249

I make 108k a year before taxes as a mid-level character modeler in the US.

Anonymous No. 923250

never really got the character modeler mindset, but cool.

Anonymous No. 923260

What are the hourly rates for 3d art (props/ environments) in US? I see very different results when I google it. Some say it’s in 20s, some say it’s 50+.

Anonymous No. 923261

Which state? Inb4 california.

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Anonymous No. 923263


Anonymous No. 923264

Okay, but I'm really interested because I'd like to know just how much does my US based employer underpay my europoor self. On one website the hourly for the state they're in actually mirrored my hourly, but I kinda doubt low 20s is actually an average hourly anywhere in US.

I'm almost certain they modify the wage based on country of the outsource contractor and almost everyone working for them is from EU or Asia.

Anonymous No. 923266

If you have a programming background going the tech art, TD or software engineer route should put you in a good position. You only need to look at the job adverts for VFX houses, they can't hire enough engineers or programmers. I'm on 180k (USD equivalent, I'm not in the US) now as a senior engineer with 10 years experience.

Anonymous No. 923267

can you please answer my houdini question my fellow TD, >>923241

Anonymous No. 923271

I work from home though so I'me thinking of skipping the country all together.

Anonymous No. 923272

>negative view of women
Lmao even

Anonymous No. 923274

Because they're 2d? What's the question. Exactly?

Anonymous No. 923327

Guys I got a decent portfolio now, how should i go about getting a job remotely if i'm living in Me*ico, do companies let you work fully remote or is that night impossible? I literally know 0 people who work in 3d in this country.

Anonymous No. 923577

I'm a 3D artist at a game that works with companies that makes AAA games. The salary isn't amazing, but it's not the worst aswell. I can live on it and save up each month. and I get help from the gov lol so i'm ok. Honestly the salary is in relation to the work, the place I work at is awesome, not strict, and it's a cool job so cant complain

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Anonymous No. 923622

maybe you should make a studio in your own country that can employ other people from your own country and stimulate your own economy and become Mexican king of 3d instead of just another disposable peasant wagie in the US. Also FYI they usually don't hire people to work remotely from out of the country, at least any studio I've worked for or applied to.

Anonymous No. 923624

Drop the passive aggressive bullshit and just tell him to fuck off and kill himself instead of being a pussy
>hehe stay in your country and live a shit life
>hehe don't take opportunities working remote hehe

Anonymous No. 923629

>hehe just be a king in your own shithole bro hehe :)
>just change your country and work on yourself hehe, go to the gym bro hehe :)

Anonymous No. 923642

I wasn't being passive-aggressive, nor implying he should kill himself. Yes, he should stay in his country, as should all the fucking third-world leech faggots. They should try to prosper there where it should be easy if there is so little competition (unlike in the US). Bet you faggots haven't even been to an internship or recruiting event for an American company in the past 10 years. I've seen it in both tech and animation. They are (and especially the web-chat portion if there is one) full of ESL third-worlders asking if/how they can apply and then inevitably whining about how unfair that is when sheepishly told "no." Even Americans are USUALLY not allowed to work remotely for a US company whilst residing in a foreign country. Suppose that guy could land some kind of freelance/contract with a US company, but as far as getting a "job" it is not likely at all.

Anonymous No. 923654

So easy to spot passive aggressive retards, had to be called out to actually state what you wanted to say, pathetic faggot. Firstoids are so disconnected and talk as if they knew shit. You don't know anything.

> leech faggots.
He isn't leeching if he's working.
>it should be easy if there is so little competition
lol no, economy is shit, there are no opportunities, and the pay is shit. Getting a remote gig for US will pay much more than anything you can come up with.
>freelance/contract with a US company, but as far as getting a "job" it is not likely at all.
Yes, a proper "job" position is impossible because American employees require signing you up in something that I don't remember now, which if you're not resident is impossible, so people work as freelance/contract. I know programmers earning from 2K up to 6K and some crypto schizos even more, along with some 3D retards.

As I'm not a passive aggressive faggot I can openly tell you to go and fucking kill yourself you foreskinless mutilated faggot. Half of your country is already ESL and built by immigrants, you're not Europe so don't try to play like you have some heritage to protect

Anonymous No. 923699

I wasn't being passive-aggressive lol. IT is kinda gay to assume I have a penis and think about what it looks like though. You do realize that you (royal) don't HAVE to be an argumentative asshole. Why would I be mean to someone asking for advice instead of giving them advice? Nothing I said originally was wrong or mean. Maybe you should go back to /pol/ to argue about your wrong opinions and pick up a fucking dictionary to learn what passive-aggressive means. While you're at it maybe move to Mexico and marry that guy if you're so about defending him like this. Taking our jobs is dumb. How about we and all our little immigrant friends come to your shithole and do all your jobs without normal pay and benefits so that your companies are incentivized not to offer that to you anymore? eh? also while sopping up govt resources you pay for eh? you don't actually give a fuck so sew your fucking mouth shut so some cartel guy can saw your head off and fuck the hole. Also, I said to start his own thing which is definitely not impossible in Mexico lmao but ok. You're the one resigned to calling it a complete shithole like it should just be disregarded and escaped from and not contributed to / fixed. Personally, I don't think it's that far gone, but god forbid the people actually do something about it. If only they had oil our zogbots could go help them get rid of the baddies. Anyway, keep being illiterate and angry over good advice and enjoy being a wage slave.

Anonymous No. 923700

>something that I don't remember now
well, I do and that is why I replied to the guy saying it is a fruitless endeavor because he said "job" which is not the same thing as being an independent contractor. Starting your own studio or crypto bullshit is not hard or geo restricted, like look at how many projects are made by fucking jungle asians. IMO it's better to be in control than disposable. Anon shouldn't have asked about jobs if he was interested in freelancing, which is a different process, and if he needs to be spoonfed that much then I really don't give a shit. byeee

Anonymous No. 923724


yeah I know right, and heroin being demanded is only the result of human biology!

Anonymous No. 923725

>gooner detected

Anonymous No. 923726

the gooner brain-melt is real, he already forgot the context lol

Anonymous No. 923735

Some of just don't like human nature, especiallly in its artificially amplified form (der cumbrain hypersexuality)

Anonymous No. 923753

We know you're a terminal coomer in rehab and you hate yourself but we are not you nor we have a problem with porn

Anonymous No. 924016

Guys, are these salaries real? 30-35k pounds a year for environment art? Please tell me they're not real. I make more in a 2nd world country by doing 120 hours a month. I thought this is a chad studio as I've seen a lot of "famous" 3d artists with tons of followers working there.

Anonymous No. 924018

if you want to get Paid you have to put in the work pushing the industry forward by developing new 3d based technologies with programming and scripting

Anonymous No. 924144

LMAO. I thought 3D salaries were really great.
What the fuck bros?

Anonymous No. 924150

If you do porn unless youre in the top 0.5% youre making borderline minimum wage or less. Whats with the meme that doing porn = big bucks. The vast vast majority of 3D "animators" who do porn are literally on food stamps if thats their income.

Anonymous No. 924152

>If you do porn unless youre in the top 0.5% youre making borderline minimum wage or less.
That's the same as in any industry. There's no job that's gonna pay well unless you're top 1% or your dad owns the company.
>The vast vast majority of 3D "animators" who do porn are literally on food stamps
Engineers and doctors are on the stamps too. Just stop complaining and start doing porn.

Anonymous No. 924154

>There's no job that's gonna pay well unless you're top 1%
Doctors, unionized professions in general.

Anonymous No. 924162

I like actually making money, putting more job experience on my linkedin, getting better paying contracts every year or two, and having the ability to look back in life and not say that all I did was make porn for some internet porn addicts.
Doing porn is retarded. But it seems like a good way out people who want to feel like they have any sort of talent though.

Anonymous No. 924173

>Doing porn is retarded. But it seems like a good way out people who want to feel like they have any sort of talent though.
Why are you taking it so personal? God forbid people have other interests, projects different than yours.

Porn artists like making people happy by making them cum, as much as you like spending 6 hours adjusting some shadow settings. Simple as

Anonymous No. 924187

>Porn artists like making people happy by making them cum
"artists". 95% of them are people with no artistic merit whatsoever. I have little respect for them. Its like me having respect for "artist" who use honey select or koikatsu

Anonymous No. 924209


Thing is, anyone who can make decent money in the professional scene, can reach that top %, if they're not complete idiots with marketing themselves. Good quality stands out in the sea of mediocrity and re-used smutbase models. People do pay for it, especially if it's something more niche that is not necessarily readily available. I went from a roughly 4000€ monthly wage, to making around 12000-14000 per month, something I could never get as an employee. Granted it took several years to get there building the following, but I was making around 5K within a year, so only the first 6 moths or so were a loss compared to continuing as an employee. Add to that better hours and more importantly less worked hours, there's no way I would ever go back, unless I was forced to.

Anonymous No. 924212

What makes you think you're so much better? Because you spend more time polishing some lighting for a more "mature" or "serios" scene for some company? You're no different anon. In fact a lot of people would consider you less artistic than them since you don't really have freedom to express yourself like they have.

Besides, the whole who's artist or not is such a trivial thing, people that hand draw may not consider you an artist at all

Anonymous No. 924213

>they're not complete idiots with marketing themselves
how/where do you market your work? asking for a friend :^)

Anonymous No. 924220

Communities relevant to your content, especially if fetish related, and mostly high traffic tube sites that allow adult content. Pornhub used to be great for that, less so today unfortunately, and people are more scattered between several websites.

As for how, I just release everything for free, and keep slightly better quality versions of those free videos behind the subscription. Add a watermark to it, with a link to your paysite, and if the content can hold its own, people will also probably spread it for you. Release both the free and paid version at the same time, so public is more likely to see the free version first, thus spreading it, instead of the paid version, although some people use early access as a perk, but I've found it's not worth it, since someone will leak it anyway. Better to take advantage of the perks of having some control on the leaking. Also gets you some good will, since people see you as generous when they can get your content for free, even if it's a slightly lesser version. That way, your product kind of just markets itself. Of course what works for me, might not work for you, and depends on the community around your subject.

Anonymous No. 924247

Not competely related, but since you mentioned having both free and paid versions - do you think that would work for tutorials as well? To have some general info articles for free and then a more in-depth paid video course covering everything step by step in realtime + some 3d files that go along with it. I'm trying to figure out how much they should differ in the first place / how much info should I provide in the free version and how much and what should I "hide".

Anonymous No. 924255

I make 3d porn
i do about 6 figs per annum

Anonymous No. 924282

I also dedicate myself to making 3d porn but I earn 54k per year, it is enough where I live, even so it is already very obvious that the hatred of 3d porn is pure envy and jealousy, it was really easy to enter the industry and get a job unlike those who are dedicated to other areas.

Anonymous No. 924292

Any tips guys? I want to make pregnant & futa porn (pregnant as well).

Anonymous No. 924320

Resolution or framerate differences really only work with entertainment, and isn't that important for a tutorial, so the perk on the paid version would need to be something like what you suggested. Personally I'd just go with providing the scene files at multiple stages or something, since it's also important that your paid perks don't cause you too much extra work. If you release your tutorials in parts, you could also try providing a sort of WIP "early access" advantage, and then only do a free release once the entire tutorial is finished. But overall it's definitely going to be harder to incorporate what I mentioned, in your use case, and you likely know what works better for your target audience than me, since I've never done educational content.

Anonymous No. 924638

If you are not in one of the 3d hubs of the world AKA, Vancouver, Montreal, LA, London, give up. if you are in Canada you start at 20 to 30 an hour. A senior artist will max out at 40 to 50 an hour but that will take 10 years tops of job hopping unless you like getting your knees dirty, expect ridiculous six figure salaries for sup positions in 6 years. Of course portfolio matters. If you only did sculpting or 3d modelling, expect minimum wage offers.

Anonymous No. 924701

She should wash my car while wearing a bikini and a shock collar this week.

Anonymous No. 924702

>giving up when you can just do porn from anywhere
is this satire?

Anonymous No. 924718

You talk as if making porn is easy. pyw or body.

Anonymous No. 925971

Yes I know. Ive tried it out in the past. Quickly started getting 2k while doing some simple stuff in between one of my contracts, Then a new job came up and I ghosted. Sure within 6 months I recon I could of been making more than I do from my typical contract work at the time. And another 6 months to make much more than I do now. But I figured the future me would hate my choices of chasing money instead of doing some genuinely cool shit. Shit I could show friends, family, future children, my future self and be proud of.
And after my old teacher just a month ago shot me an email asking if I'm interested in a position at Imageworks when a new position opens up, I'm happy I made that choice a couple years ago. Sure im not gonna make big porn money (for however long any of this lasts). But I feel as an artist, I've gained something far more valuable in the long run.

Also theres a reason why I said "artists" are on food stamps making 3D porn. Actual artists can easily break 1000 patrons at an average of 4 dollars per patron to make it a basic but livable source of income. But the vast majority of "artists" are literally incapable of doing so. Sure they can quickly rise into the few hundreds, but then I constantly see them hitting this invisible barrier, incapable of growing any further to make good money.
Only 40 or so 3D porn artists are above 1000 patrons and some of them have dirt cheap tiers, so its probably not even much money.

Anonymous No. 926259

I'm a third world starving artist, I also program and I'm paid the misery of 7.5 USD/hour
With the skill I have I think at least 15 USD/hour would be fair. Will most likely quit next month if I don't get the raise I'm going to ask.

Anonymous No. 926281

if you want to make money, just emigrate to the first world. Forget your amigos

Anonymous No. 926283

>just emigrate
the ameriturds brainrot is real.

Anonymous No. 926285

I know so many people that just emigrated from the third world into the first. This can be you, too, pandejho

Anonymous No. 926290

15 dollars is not enough for a skill that you learn over the course of your whole life. Dont give in to their exploitation. Do something less complicated to get money from capitalists and do it with minimum effort.

Anonymous No. 926291

tell them to do it legally, retard.

Anonymous No. 926300

they are all legal

Anonymous No. 926305

I'm a no friends schizo loner lol but I'm really not thinking about emigrating anywhere. My country is cheap and I like it. I just need some more money.

Idk I'm not great. But I'm not bad either. Asking more than 15 usd is a bit frightening. I would have to back it up.

Deport them all

Anonymous No. 926309

the only thing that they are legal for is abuse.

Anonymous No. 926315

anon, they all carry green cards meaning they are legal.

Anonymous No. 926419

Your salary is literally in line with europoors. Kek

Anonymous No. 926610

What exactly did you gain? Did you work on a famous movie? Do you think you were irreplaceable? Do you honestly think, that the movie you were a part of was made better thanks to your presence, or that the end user noticed the minor parts of the massive production you were a part of? You'll never hear the opinion of the end user on the work you personally did, unless you're an actor or a director. You'll only hear what they thought of the whole. The only thing you've gained, is a name in the credits, some bragging rights and some extra coin in your employer's pocket, and maybe the respect of your peers, but did the end product of *your* work, not the production as a whole, truly have any meaning? At least with porn you made yourself, you can be certain that your work specifically has some meaning, even if it's just that you made thousands of people cum. The users will tell you as much, for better or worse.

Of course, we all allocate worth and meaning differently, so if you're happy with what you get out of industry work that's fine, but thinking that people are just clamoring for some big porn bucks is a bit narrowminded. It's a bonus, I wasn't hoping for anything more than a livable wage when starting. The biggest draw for me at least is the freedom working on your own comes with. Would I be happier doing something non-porn related on my own instead? Possibly, I don't know, I'm happy enough with what I do right now, and have no regrets about switching. Either way, doing the same with non-porn work, is a much higher wall to topple.

And as mentioned earlier, less work hours. Work to live, not live to work. Sure, I won't be showing off my creations to most of my loved ones or friends, but as a tradeoff, I have more free time, which can be spent with them, instead of slaving away so some exec at Disney can afford another car. It's all about freedom, a way out of the grind, not money specifically, even if it is nice.

Anonymous No. 926611

Hopefully you can evolve away from porn just like Ed Boon did with the bimbos in the MK series going from FFF cupp strippers in the beginning of the series to covered up B cups in the latest entry (11).

Respect women.

Anonymous No. 926620

Are living in the United States of America? If you are, how are you dealing with health insurance? I've always heard they take an arm and a leg if you want to get an insurance plan worth its salt, is that the case? Or are you skating by without buying any health insurance?

Anonymous No. 926622

I live in Europe, so I don't need to worry about that. Although, that's also one additional reason for my switch, since the industry projects where I live tend to be pretty unambitious and uninteresting, so landing an actual cool project is a pretty rare occasion.

Anonymous No. 928519

not good