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Anonymous No. 923142

What are some arguments against being a "3D generalist", where you try to develop a much more wide skill set instead of specializing in a select few and really mastering them.

Is it only really advice shared here in relation to getting a job in the industry?
What about people just doing it for fun, in a similar way to people who paint in their free time?
Or the people who want to do their own small multimedia projects?

Anonymous No. 923143

>What are some arguments against being a "3D generalist"
None, besides people saying shit to sabotage you because they are still retarded enough to consider other 3d artists competition

Anonymous No. 923153

the only viable way you can be a generalist now is if you are expert in nearlly all areas of houdini, maya, zbrush, substance, nuke / fusion, photoshop, and a game engine

Anonymous No. 923182

the amount of time and effort required to reach industry level in everything is simply unreasonable for virtually everyone. remember: 9x.% never even manage to finish a single industry-standard asset (they will nonetheless defend blender vehemently and shit on superior software). focus on what interests you most and see where it gets you.

oh and don't get your advice from here, this place is probably (and i am sincere when I say that) the very lowest skill board to discuss 3d modeling on the entire web. random youtube comment discussions, reddit, fucking autodesk forums... ask ANYWHERE but here.

Anonymous No. 923183

You answered you own question....its wide vs deep knowledge.
Specialists know their area of expertise very well (assuming they're good), generalist usually don't acquire enough deep knowledge to compete with specialists, so they either don't reach the level of quality or need much more time to get there.
I am a generalist, it suits my ADHD brain better since I am driven by novelty seeking and holistic thinking.
Lack of depth is the price I pay for the ability to be highly versatile.
I've done it long enough that I can say it goes both directions - wide and occasionally pretty deep.
>Is it only really advice shared here in relation to getting a job in the industry?
Most advice here is coming from blind leading the other blind, but the industry as a whole is pretty welcoming to generalists.
>What about people just doing it for fun, in a similar way to people who paint in their free time?
They should just do what they like.
>Or the people who want to do their own small multimedia projects?
Becoming a good generalist is no easy feat, probably takes much longer than a specialist until one is able to produce good art.
It's the long game, you'll need determination, endurance, drive and passion - without any of it you'll probably fail.

Anonymous No. 923184

>(they will nonetheless defend blender vehemently and shit on superior software)
the "superior software users" never post their work so they may as well not exist

Anonymous No. 923187

>the very lowest skill board to discuss 3d modeling on the entire web.
you dont know what you're talking about. Reddit is far worse and even blenderartists is pretty bad too

Anonymous No. 923236

Post your work

Anonymous No. 923299


Anonymous No. 923306

>3d as a job
>art as a job
>muh creativity

This is one of the most cringiest jobs . I respect the janitor cleaning the office more than the 3dfag who sits on his computer everyday shitting out forgettable assets that only lasts 10 seconds in a 2 hour movie.

Anonymous No. 923320

he's not wrong, those communities went to shit with roblox kids, NFT shitters, and AI artists

Anonymous No. 923331

still better than /3/.

Anonymous No. 923340

I can taste the salty tears from You.
Dont give up Kris.

Anonymous No. 923346

>forgettable assets that only lasts 10 seconds in a 2 hour movie
This is why I prefer game art

Anonymous No. 924079

3d generalist pursuit ruined my already mediocre life but this also reinforces me to dig deeper.

Anonymous No. 924109

For a job ,you gotta have one area where you are a bit better. Where I work I was hired to do the rendering and lighting but I learned the 'generalist way' by doing everything for my portfolio, so I have lot's of little knowledge in many things, but most of the time theres gonna be a team for each art part where ppl will be better than you, and you want to get hired right. The surface level stuff is easy to understand and learn, but it's pretty hard when the difficulty gets higher.

I was actually surprised how many people have no knowledge but at what they do. One girl tried to explain to me how to open the texture editor lol I had to stop her quickly. Likewise I tried to explain to someone how to put a directional light and they had no idea how to. Mind you they work on the software the whole day. maybe it's just where i work, theres quite a good number of junior

Anonymous No. 924167

>AI artists

Are those like COD soldiers and onlyfans models?