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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923252

the first internet meme was made in 3ds max
blendlets BTFO

Anonymous No. 923253

i always thought the first meme was goatse but maybe i am getting too old

Anonymous No. 923265

>asspulls about being the "first internet meme" just so he can plug his scam nft project
I thought industry software would guarantee you a livelihood? Why the desperate need to make money off scams at such an old age? LOL

Anonymous No. 923404

baby chacha is older than goatse

Anonymous No. 923444

i dont think it was popular enough to become a meme, it just kind of existed. Goatse however was a real meme

Anonymous No. 923517

It was a popular as it could possibly have been given the spread of the internet at that time.

You have to remember, this was still a time when 90% of people completely ignored the internet's existence. Your boomer parents that are now addicted to facebook didn't give a shit about the internet in 90's and thought they'd never ever use it. Even most people under 30 weren't using it and most didn't have it at home. The only people posting online back then were nerds.

Anonymous No. 923520

anon, I'm almost 40. I grew up in that era and used the internet all the time as my dad was/is a staff member at one of the biggest and most renowned colleges in the country and always had lots of computers in the house

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Anonymous No. 923552

Then you remember newsgroups, the places baby chacha was getting shared in years before goatse-man showed the world his disgusting b hole

My grandparents knew about 'that dancing baby', and they were those folks who had over 9000 toolbars installed on Navigator. It made it into those awful email forward chains.

>FWD: FWD: fwd: You must forward this email to all your friends! Hilarious!!!

Anonymous No. 923560

I'm glad the creator is a disgusting sellout. What a terrible, forced meme. Even Pickle Rick and Big Chungus are infinitely better.

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Anonymous No. 923643

The real first meme, also that S logo thing is way older.

Anonymous No. 923663

newsgroups were breeding grounds for pizza and gore back in those days anon. Those were the real first memes.

Anonymous No. 924214

>Pickle Rick and Big Chungus are infinitely better
way to out yourself as a retarded zoomer.
no one over the age of 30 thinks either of those are funny.
go back to tiktok or whatever meme media bullshit you came from.