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Anonymous No. 923665

This isn't 3DSMax. You will stop this bad youtube teacher inspired habit of polymodeling in Zbrush more than sculpting and now spend the week sculpting all your hard surfaces without the use of zmodeler and booleans. Use of project primitives deformation gets a pass. Take the challenge.

Anonymous No. 923670

your edges will be wobbly mush.

You're better off using blender, desu

Anonymous No. 923675

Not enuf motor skills. 100 boxes every morning before you touch that stylus and do circle squats

Anonymous No. 923749

I used to jump back and forth between Maya and Zbrush whenever I needed some oddly specific hardsurface thing done quick since I knew I could get it done way faster in Maya.
That got kind of annoying though, especially if you have a super special mysterious version of zBrush where GoZ doesn't work and you have to do the software hop manually every time. So I tried zModeler and it's not as good but it gets the job done fine.

Anonymous No. 923788

IT is not bad in the slightest, it is just designed for tablets and it works well with it
use polygroups

Anonymous No. 923813

its badness is amplified by being utilized in a 2.5D space where you don't have a viewport with three other default cameras ready to have complete control and awareness over whatever you're moving.
Ever run into any unnecessary time consuming moments with the tool?

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Anonymous No. 923829

>Ever run into any unnecessary time consuming moments with the tool?
Yes. But maybe it just comes down to a relative lack of experience with zBrush.
The biggest problem is that being Softimage's unholy spawn and on sharing a bed with 3DS Max, Maya's tools for working with geometry of all types - vertices, edges and faces - are well-developed and ripened to a fault, so much so that they needed to streamline things a bit with the modeling toolkit. As a result, it's very, so incredibly easy to select geometry, isolate it, and work with it in any kind of way you want. For example, it's trivial to isolate a set of faces or a polyloop in Maya so you can extrude them, but zBrush will probably require some extra accuracy in the form of masking and making polygroups. It's trivial to set and preview crease intensity in Maya (and you can do it to edges, faces, vertices even), whereas you must fiddle with CreaseLv and go back and forth between subdivisions in zBrush. It's easy to select and bevel the exact edges you want in Maya, whereas it's a bit of a hassle in zBrush due to the fact you can't just 'select' all the edges you want in the traditional sense.
But hey, these are just little niggles here and there, it hasn't stopped me from weening off of Maya for polymodeling entirely, and again, it might just be from a lack of experience in my part.

Anonymous No. 923847

it could be better but it works fine, it is just a tablet centric maya

you get to chose different options depending if you're on a face, edge, or point. You can choose different options by holding space

further more, you can toggle dynamic subdiv on and off by pressing d and ctrl+d