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Anonymous No. 923859

I can finally go into the 3d world and scape sexual inadequacy

Anonymous No. 926626

Yes, sell a 3D scan of your asshole as a medical model on turbosquid.
3D is not profitable in my experience, you’re competing with 3rd world workers.

Anonymous No. 926641

>I didnt have the skills so you will not too
snib snab its a crab

Anonymous No. 926651

Making it profitable isn’t about skill, it’s just something normies think. I know blender inside out. You need to find a niche that isn’t already undercut by 3rd word labour. But even if you find it, because you need to know some python you quickly find out that being a software engineer if much more profitable.

Anonymous No. 926655

Bruh software engineering is also overflowing with cheap labor from all over the world, the only alternative is to stand out from %90 of the rest of the people your field

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Anonymous No. 926657

>they don't know
enjoy being poor I guess

Anonymous No. 926659

>I know blender
like I said
>I didnt have skills so (You) will not too

Anonymous No. 926660

>I know blender inside out.
and blender isn't industry standard software. it's perfectly fine to be angry about the wages in the field (there aren't many jobs with such an unfair ratio of skill to income) and the amount of pajeets, but it is also unfair to spread negativity when you aren't even using a state of the art workflow.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 926673

also, i would add "knowing" some piece of software doesn't mean you have any artistic talent. if you make generic tasteless stuff, then of course you will be a fungible labor unit in some guy's spreadsheet.

Anonymous No. 926677

Making a payment 3D model doesn’t require good spoken English and understanding of the domain. It’s a far more viable thing to outsource.

Anonymous No. 926726


Anonymous No. 927646

>sell a 3D scan of your asshole
If I knew how to do that, I would.

Anonymous No. 927649

nta but what are you talking about? making avatar for vtubers or have a patreon to make porn animations?