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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923898

Someone got paid to make garbage worse than cris 3D.

Anonymous No. 923900

No, that's better by a huge margin.

Anonymous No. 923902

Why is zuck driving his company to the ground? It's like watching a very long, very gory webm of some dude castrating himself at home with scissors and a kitchen knife.

Anonymous No. 923903

He is not some genius businessman, just merely lucky to be in the right place at the right time with the right tool back then. What you are seeing is his actual acumen. He is getting fleeced for low effort shit and everyone around him are too much of a yes-men to tell him otherwise.

Anonymous No. 923905

I thought jews r smrt

Anonymous No. 923907

you don't understand the metaverse until you've invested in it and are developing for it. I, too, thought vr and the metaverse was stupid but then enough people told me that the experiences they were having within it were incredible that I ended up buying a quest 2, setup a dedicated playspace, bought grips, a battery pack, third party facial interface and headstrap, a couple games and then started developing my own experiences. Bear in mind that I have many many years experience with 3d as tech person. Horizons Worlds is incredible, way way better than zoom and it can only improve.

Zucc is right to be persuing this. You just dont get it if you're looking at in 2D. Apple wants their own metaverse really really badly, and Zucc knows this so he wont let go.

Anonymous No. 923909

They should get rid of 90% of the workforce there.

Anonymous No. 923912

Watch youtube and f5 the catalog while office roasties yammer on about whatever.

You VILL vatch ze slides. You VILL NOT remove ze headset for ANY reason. HR VILL analyze your eye movements and brand your a sexual predator for looking at stacys butt for too long.

Anonymous No. 923913

>Watch youtube and f5 the catalog while office roasties yammer on about whatever.
you dont get it. Horizons Worlds is next level. It's far better than zoom.

Anonymous No. 923916

>horizon worlds
horizon worlds is dogshit, it looks awful and being immersed in it doesn't help with that
even vrchat mogs it in every way

Anonymous No. 923917

vrchat isnt for serious meetings anon. Accept it.

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Anonymous No. 923924

I don't see with good eyes how this is a product meant for people to meet virtually, when there's already, you know, Reality.

It's like millenials are inventing a way to stay away from each other, when we are of a generation that's increasingly lonely, picrel. Zoomers are even worse

Anonymous No. 923926

On a technical level, yes, I agree.

But it's corporate garbage made by someone who didn't give a shit about anything other than getting paid.
Cris is talentless and lazy, but you can ateast tell that his creations, crude as they are, mean something to him.
What I'm saying is that even Cris's hideous shit has more SOUL than this.

You *know* it does. Cris' terrible work is still uniquely Cris and it says something about him - even if what it says is that he's an autistic incel manchild weeaboo who will never get the athletic brown skinned girlfriend he craves - that's STILL saying SOMETHING about him.

All this work says about its creator is that they don't give a shit as long as they get paid.

Anonymous No. 923929

Can't argue against that.

Something of note: The models on OP are way too similar to some stock 3D models I saw some years ago. I dare even say that all the corporats did was change some of the textures, if even that.

Anonymous No. 923934

Don't care. I'd rather see the art in the OP for the rest of my life than see anything from Cris again.

Anonymous No. 923941

This is a terrible take

You are going to meet in the virtual space and there is going to be things better than zoom going forward. Apple is ridiculously thirsty for this space

Anonymous No. 923943

Metaverse might be the right play, but Zucker does not have anything to draw the masses in there.
You would need something absolutely massive to get people to buy your headset and flock into your virtual world. Some sort of persistent seamless mega world. Games, sex, interaction etc. I'm talking VRChat + GTA style shit, but on crack.
They have nothing. No good IP, no good games.. Just nothing.

Anonymous No. 923949

I assume you havent experienced horizons nor played the quest 2 exclusive re4vr

All they have to do is make the headsets far lighter and make it so they can be exposed to sunlight without damage

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Anonymous No. 923951

Only people calling for this habbo hotel virtual ball pit shit are the nonproductive #myday basedlatte faggots who have been FOUND OUT after WFH became mainstream. Just cut the workday in half already, pretending to work is exhausting.

Anonymous No. 923956

No, you are dead wrong. Billions of people need to communicate with their families, friends, doctors, prospective future employers etc without having to buy a plane ticket and getting to visit only once every few years. People already communicate in a digital space, but its flawed - either digital text only with email or more likely text messages or zoom - flat, 2d, no prescence, no shared space. Meta realizes the potential and went all in. Apple is holding their cards close to their chest right now but from what ive read they want this space incredibly badly. But heres the thing - i dont really like Apple as a company nor do i think one company should control the future of tech

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Anonymous No. 923985

You just know Zucc will get desperate and spend 5+ billion on VRChat

Anonymous No. 924023

You don't understand how this works, do you?
It wasn't just someone. Likely a entire firm was paid a few million dollars to do this.
It's the exact same thing when a company redesigns its logo, only to arrive at the exact same thing just slightly different. It wasn't just done by a single guy, it was done by an entire firm and millions of dollars exchanged hands.
Companies and design are beyond fucking retarded when it comes to this shit.

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Anonymous No. 924028

>attempt at making an universal 3D world where people are supposed to dump their free time and money into
>basically the "universal game" that is supposed to have all activities and is basically supposed to replace individual games as we know them
Absolute shit future but I can understand their intention here

>another main feature or maybe potentially THE FEATURE will be basically the normal internet, shopping included but in ... LE 3D~~
Top retardation. There were numerous attempts of that going back to the fucking 90s and it failed every fucking time. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN BUY SHIT WITH ONE CLICK INSTEAD OF HAVING TO VIRTUALLY CRAWL THROUGH SOME RETARDED FAGGOT 3D LABYRINTH TO PICK UP THE SHIT YOU WANT.
Maybe they just keep trying until at some point people are retarded enough to FINALLY accept this faggotry.

Anonymous No. 924038

Why are artists on this site still surprised by this? Even when it doesn't flop, the reality of consumer demand and the general population's preferences at large are so far removed from the OCD perfectionist nitpicking mindset on this site. And I can bet alot of you have skeletons in your closet of taste irl that market research data mines take it into account and so the cycle continues.

I'll never forget passing off a head crop of Genji - Bedouin as my portfolio piece and told left and right "NGMI" and "NICE FULL SAIL SCHOOL PROJECT LOL." Crabs are easy to out. Just look at the anatomy thread.

Anonymous No. 924049

I work as an "immersive" developer and I can tell you no one on my team actually gives a shit about the project, we just minimally do whatever the retarded execs want us to do, then we go home and work on our real pieces. I personally don't think the XR is the future, but it's good money for the time being (looks good on my resume too) so I don't give a shit. Meta's end product is a shame, since their hiring standard is actually quite high, so it's definitely Zucc and co. fucking with the lookdev. But hey, at least we're lowering the standards for you shmucks to enter the industry, so you're very welcome.
What's wrong with full sail? Not an american btw.

Anonymous No. 924051

He seems to be taking the Microsoft approach, just force it into as many markets as possible once it's ready. The old embrace, extend, extinguish, already destroying/buying up vr studios and startups.

In scared of the eye tracked ads floating in VR space positioned so they're always in your field of view. This is the cyberpunk future I didn't want.

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Anonymous No. 924274

You filthy plebs don't understand anything. This is what professionals do. This is why they get paid and you don't. This is industry standard.
These people spend 200k on their education and more than 6 years of their lives just to get an opportunity to assist in the creation of these masterpieces.

All of you lack the talent and skill to produce anything that matches the industry.

Their budget on tools is higher than your budget on life. Grind some fucking fundies before you criticize the industry.

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Anonymous No. 925092

if this is the industry then I refuse to work for them, ever

Anonymous No. 925110

He was able to anticipate his website wasn't going to stand the test of time as its userbase ages up, and as acquisitions continued to go down the tubes because he wasn't acquiring products that had the future of tiktok he's gone for a "hail mary" on creating and subsequently having sole control over a new industry.

Anonymous No. 925141

>had the future of tiktok
anon, tiktok is basically short risque "softcore porn" videos by female creators with a camera. This is literally all it is.

Anonymous No. 925144

Yes, let's sacrifice those plebs to our corporate overlords.

Anonymous No. 925367

Carmack said it best. It's better to build a major game / application first and expand the metaverse from there like Fortnite rather than immediately going ballsdeep into a metaverse that does everything

Anonymous No. 925368

Carmack never said anything about Fortnite being a killer app (which its clearly not), he said to build some unknown app that is incredibly good. But, he has a history of pushing out major garbage and crying "but i'm only the tech guy"

Anonymous No. 925379

>he has a history of pushing out major garbage
Now that you mentioned it, has Carmack made anything good since Quake 3?
Doom 3 was forgettable. Rage was bad. VR is, yet again, imploding. I get the impression he's a pseud that lucked out once and has just been riding the wave, his latest foray into AI is comical when you remember the infamous "I don't know calculus" tweet.

Anonymous No. 925380

the only things holding VR back is that it cant be used around sunlight and the device so heavy

Anonymous No. 925381

Oh, so nothing has changed after 2017. Beat saber still the #1 app?

Anonymous No. 925386

Carmack has been away from the games industry since Doom 3.

He is an amazing programmer, but he is a very shitty director.

Anonymous No. 925389

Anon.....he was all over RAGE

Anonymous No. 925391

Yeah, but Doom3 BFG Edition came after Rage.

And Rage sucked.

Anonymous No. 925411

Fuck off zuck

Anonymous No. 925414

>he cant accept that Apple wants a metaverse and Meta wont just abandon it
>tells "zuccerberg" to fuck off
the absolute state of this board

Anonymous No. 925501

Rage still had really good animation though.
Any time I see a game with 2 people standing still in front of each other like talking heads, I remember what we used to have with Rage and sigh. Games have "progressed" past that point, but developers still haven't seemed to figure out how to make dialogue between 2 characters interesting. Or at the very least they just don't care.
It's not the best by a long shot, but Rage still sticks clearly in my mind in regards to character animation. Mocapping everything was a mistake.

Anonymous No. 925511

It does not prevent it from being presented in the most unappealing way possible. Do you really want people see you as a character from a free to play mobile game? Does it inspire you? Do you now want to buy "digital goods"?

Anonymous No. 925523

>Do you really want people see you as a character from a free to play mobile game? Does it inspire you? Do you now want to buy "digital goods"?

Anonymous No. 925553

>It's like watching a very long, very gory webm of some dude castrating himself at home with scissors and a kitchen knife

Just since you brought this up

>Watch TV one night some years back
>Fall asleep
>Wake up
>TV is still on
>Look at it
>It's Bravo (the channel, stopped airing 11 years ago)
>Home video of some guy sitting on a stool
>Zoomed in pretty close to his testicles
>Testicle guy is giving a running commentary over the video (not in real time it was obviously recorded at a later date for the show)
>Next thing I know he has a scalpel in his hand
>"This is where I decide I have to go through with it"
>Starts slicing at his sac
>Whole testicle pops through the incision
>"Then this part is where I decided I didn't want to go through with it lol"

It was such a bizarre thing to wake up to. It would have been bizarre even if I'd been forewarned, but waking up to that is something else entirely. No wonder the channel closed down.

Anonymous No. 925559


Anonymous No. 927822


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Horizon Worlds ve....jpg

Anonymous No. 927824

36 billions for this.

Anonymous No. 927832

again, the metaverse doesnt translate to 2D Pancake media. You have to have your headset strapped ON to appreciate it. It's well worth price.

Anonymous No. 927833


Anonymous No. 927837

That only works with heavily modded Skyrim. Not with Zuck's Metaverse.

Anonymous No. 927838

nope. Skyrim isnt even close to being the best VR game.

Anonymous No. 927846

>This is literally all it is.
became the #1 social network among teens and young adults, while everything acquired by facebook died

Anonymous No. 927850

Maybe, but few other games allow for big titty elf sluts.

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Anonymous No. 927949

>tfw the meme was true

Anonymous No. 928575

vrchat at its worst is better than the metaverse at its best. The only thing it has going for it is that children are banned. but even then you could just go to pc only worlds since most children dont have gayming pcs and a 600-1000 dollar headset.

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Anonymous No. 928605

>Horizons Worlds is incredible, way way better than zoom and it can only improve.
>better than zoom
>multibillion dollar VR project is comparable to a regular telecom app by its own shills
I can't even lol this is just sad

Anonymous No. 930979


Anonymous No. 930985

Thanks Fubuki for reminding me that we are not getting EN3 this year

Anonymous No. 930986

Money laundering scheme

Anonymous No. 931567

He's a boomer who doesn't actually understand internet culture, he just got lucky with facebook.

Anonymous No. 931705

True but a savy person would know that the shit he's been showing is only pushing people away. OPs picture looks ok. What Suck has been showing looked like shit. VRchat is a better metaverse.

Anonymous No. 931706

Fucking retards why can't they add some self illumination to the skin shader. Looks fucking gray and shit.Suck Cuck fire your art director