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๐Ÿงต You're low IQ if you use vanilla blender.

Anonymous No. 924020

100% sure all the retards shitting on blender are clearly using vanilla blender and not using a single addon like retopoflow, voxel skinner, box cutter and BPainter.

It's like wow, no shit, vanilla blender is garbage.
Guess what retard, I don't use vanilla blender.

Anonymous No. 924021

my blender is strawberry cheesecake

Anonymous No. 924024

>addon breaks with each of the 9001 blender updates a year until one day the literal who dev just abandons it all just when you got used to the addon and started to rely on it
yeah nah, I'm good.

Anonymous No. 924025

I honestly don't find retopoflow faster than simply vanilla blender with the x-ray addon (which is amazing and free).
But I'm not a pro retopologizer, maybe it's good.

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Anonymous No. 924026

bUt It'S oPeN SourCe just fork it brah

Anonymous No. 924027

Which addon fixes the horrible viewport performance?

Anonymous No. 924029

The complete rewrite Ton has announced at the convention.

Anonymous No. 924030

>maybe it's good.
It's a pile of buggy misery.
The intention was good. The work behind it probably impressive but despite their efforts it won't work reliably with the outdated Blender viewport.

Anonymous No. 924034

I'll see you in five years.

Anonymous No. 924039

I know nobody knows this here despite the mean-spirited crabbing and arrogance, but when you get a job at a studio with software engineers developing tools and plugins customized for you, the vanilla software is so modified that it's not even the same thing anymore and you'll be paid 6 months to learn all the new stuff.

So yeah having a few extra add-ons doesn't make you hot shit.

Anonymous No. 924053

no, that's a strawman.

the usual progression/evolution of a 3d modeler is as follows:

(1) try out blender and understand the general tools needed to create a 3d asset.
90% don't make it past this point.

(2) blender starts to limit your ambitions. end up spending a low three-digit sum on gumroad.
(3) improve more. problem (2) reappears, except now there is no more "fixing" blender. choice between the pain of having to ditch your main program or the false comfort of becoming an apologist/fanboy.
most people (such as you) fail here by choosing the latter.
(4) grind your teeth, say "fuck it", install 3ds max and spend an entire miserable day trying to get it as close to what you already know as possible. struggle a bit with the new tools and slightly different workflows for a few weeks. end up making it.
you will never arrive here.

genuinely fantastic addon. in case you didn't know: it's a copy of the FREE 2015 3ds max addon "lazercut", which is part of keyhydra. in other words they copied a FREE max plugin and make blender chuds pay for it.

i bought that one, too. completely useless now. for sculpts i paint in the edgeflow in zbrush and use vertex paint for the density. for hard-surface i start out with clean all-quad low-poly-blockouts and just clone and then detail in those. have an ever-growing library of pairs of low/high poly details (rivets, screws, vents, pipe connections etc) to just place in. for extremely complex stuff, the built-in retopology modifier in max gives better results than pretty much anything else.

jfc dude. how stubborn of a blender maximalist do you have to be to use anything other than substance or mari for texturing? this is entering masochism territory.

in essence, buying addons for blender is like putting bling bling rims on a kiddy tricycle - you're supposed to grow out of it, not pimp and ride it forever.

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Anonymous No. 924058

>muh limitations
Without any examples it's just your personal opinion.
>i bought that one, too.
You bought a free plugin available on the author's github page. Congratulations.

Anonymous No. 924063

>You bought a free plugin available on the author's github page. >Congratulations.

it was 69$ a few years ago when I still used blender (version 1). not getting a free upgrade to v2 after having spent so much was one of the catalysts for me to finally switch to professional software, as I rightfully felt shortchanged. also it wasn't worth the money at all, at least not for v1. for instance it didn't even have backface culling, which meant vertices would constantly snap together. extremely frustrating for a high price.

just looked it up and it is now 86$ on blendermarket, so you are outright lying to artificially "win" an argument. an argument that only exists btw so that YOUR fucking work can improve.
it looks to me like you automatically copied my own argument (lazercut for 3ds max being free), even though you don't get to make it since your blender equivalent isn't really free.

link to the free max plugin with boxcutter functionality:

absolutely embarrassing: the fucking 86$ blender plugin meant for retopology "can not handle source sculpts above 1m polygons or target meshes above 20k" (directly from the blendermarket page). the very point of retopology is to get a handle on huge sculpts, and what good is a tool that i cannot even use to create a main character? the absolute state of blender...

Anonymous No. 924064

>you are outright lying to artificially "win" an argument
Anon, I know that reading is hard and all, but please stop shitposting for a lottle while. You bought a free plugin, which paid version is here only to support the developers.
You also didn't mention anything concerning the supposed limitations of Blender concerning modeling. Yes, we know that it's performance is dogshit at higher polycount, anything else?

Anonymous No. 924066

>You also didn't mention anything concerning the supposed limitations of Blender concerning modeling.
>Yes, we know that it's performance is dogshit at higher polycount, anything else?
in this very sentence you are repeating and agreeing to the point i made, then claiming i didn't make any point. wow.

performance issues alone completely disqualify a program. this is not some minor detail. the polycount it has issues with also isn't in the high, but in the medium range. 1m for a sculpt and 20k for a clean mesh are laughable values. other than that, blender is highly unstable and lacks tons of tools that other software has. max's modifier stack for instance cannot be replaced, and that is just very basic core functionality. like that other anon said, blender plugins often stop working with updates. mediocre core software attracts mediocre users and developers, whereas developers for professional software tend to be professional themselves. there are 10 year old max scripts that still work and major plugins are guaranteed to continue working in upcoming versions.

about the github thing:
it boils down to the following:
(1) you never want to become a professional, in which case it is both free and pointless.
(2) you are a pirate, in which case it is literally a form of insanity to use blender.

in general i am fucking baffled by the very idea that someone would fight against the improvement of his own work. if someone told me there were better tools for my projects, I would be highly interested and thankful, not full of hatred and spite. but even though you are a hopeless, bitter nutcase, your posts should be destroyed as I do, because you might bring others into giving up just like you have done.

imagine having a stronger love for the SOFTWARE you're using than for the ART you are creating/perfecting. it speaks a lot about how good it really is.

Anonymous No. 924068

>not full of hatred and spite. but even though you are a hopeless, bitter nutcase, your posts should be destroyed as I do, because you might bring others into giving up just like you have done.
The absolute state of industry cultists. Thanks for the lulz anon.

Anonymous No. 924069

>has nothing but a random insult that even directly contradicts what has just been discussed
my entire point was to stay true to your WORK instead of any particular piece of SOFTWARE. i am so much of an "industry cultist" that I would switch to any better tool immediately (aka zero affiliation).

i accept your concession, blendertard. now go back to "perfecting your pixelart" that looks nothing like actual pixelart from 25 years ago and keep spamming more threads.

Anonymous No. 924074

if you give a shit about what software someone uses or tells you to use you are retarded ngmi, fuck off

Anonymous No. 924076

>if someone told me there were better tools for my projects
>"better tools"
>"buy my thing"
Nigga fuck off

Anonymous No. 924077

use LTS retard

Anonymous No. 924080

compelling argument.

Anonymous No. 924085

Neither of these anons arguing ITT.
But what a fucking tool you have to be posting about "becoming a professional" on this board here?
Elitism is one thing, but elitism on the last place in existence actual professionals would hang out is genuinely schizophrenic.

Anonymous No. 924088

oh look, another insult!

Anonymous No. 924089

> I like to get paid to work
> (developer tries to pay bills and buy food for his children)
> nigga fuck off

Anonymous No. 924093

Booohooo so fucking sad nigga

Anonymous No. 924094

>not the heccin billionaire corporations NOOOO
do americans really

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Anonymous No. 924095

posting in a salty indians thread lmao

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Anonymous No. 924098

If my goal isn't working on a pajeet VFX montreal studio, but make professional assets for indie games, and like selling my services to indie guys on /agdg/

Do I need like full autism power?
I need more like FFXII on ps2 kind of level, not santa monica globohomo assets.

Anonymous No. 924099

I relly tried with 3DS Max but how can you work with that interface man. Ngl of all the 3D softwares I tried, it was the one I had the worst experience with.

Anonymous No. 924103

yeah I know. in a previous thread some blender apologist who obviously never opened max in his life argued that blender was "just as hard to learn".

you have to really want it. the thing that did it for me was that I searched for very specific topology/modeling problems and found arrimus3d, who mostly teaches in max and has many max-specific videos.

basically you get annoyed with not being able to do some of the tricks a much better modeler does and decide to power through.

Anonymous No. 924105

I'm using several softwares for different purpose (I rig and animate with Maya, sculpt with Zbrush and model with Blender and the addons talked in this thread). And exactly like you, I came across Arrimus3D and many people that said that Max was the best software for modeling.
But I seriously couldn't see it. I tried it only for a week or so (or even less, I don't remember). But the way you had to go for modifiers and how all the operations were in a list, damn man, it was unbearable.

I'm mostly in this for gamedev so what good arguments can you make for me to get back to try Max? Ngl BoxCutter and Hardops does it for me.

Anonymous No. 924108

it depends on what level of detail and precision you want in your models. learning in blender was perfectly fine until the models actually became complex and had to look a very precise way.

I remember making a realistic train aimed at a quarter million polys or so, and deep in, blender would frequently crash with no detectable errors from my side until it finally gave me a viewport bug (parts of the mesh became invisible from a certain angle) that wasn't fixable without going back to an old save.

the production stage that blender really sucks at is fine-tuning and polishing. max doesn't care how many polys i throw at it. accidentally go over the top with chamfers/subdivisions and nothing happens.
import a sculpted mesh into blender for retopology and accidentally click on edit mode and it will freeze.

control is also a huge reason to prefer max: in max, even edit mode itself is a modifier, so you can divide the modeling stages of a submesh into however many parts you like and go back to them way later. in blender you have "undo" (which will disappear with a save forever), in max you can name a modeling session "the part where i added the round holes" and quickly adjust or delete them later. imagine working on a highly complex part in blender, adding a chamfer early on (really annoying to delete manually) and then realizing hours later that you do not want it after all. one click in max, re-editing session in blender.

max also has more tools for precision - often found myself wondering in blender how to perfectly align things in various ways and found no uncomplicated tricks. ended up having to make compromises ("oh i guess that part where it intersects isn't *perfectly* round anymore, but you can't really see that anyway"), and I absolutely hate that.

I'd say as long as you don't want to create state-of-the-art models and you're not nitpicky about tiny details, blender is just fine.

Anonymous No. 924814

turning off viewport Anti-Aliasing

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Anonymous No. 925121

i dont like using addons becasue ill have to learn new shortcuts and they might not be there in newer blender versions when i get too used to them

Anonymous No. 925175

I think pointlessly squabbling over tools is counterintuitive to the artistic process

Anonymous No. 925306

dont give a shit, still using 2.79

Anonymous No. 925310

...are you a masochist?

Anonymous No. 925335

I just dont care about anything new added (nor do I care for what they removed, like "blender render", which still has a few uses), I can already make stuff I'm happy with in this version.

Anonymous No. 926693

You're a 100% retard if you only use blender at all.

Anonymous No. 927024

I use blender for 8 or 9 years, did numerous feature films in it.

This anon is generally correct, and completely destroyed you with arguments, salty retards. Destroyed by facts and logic (tm).

The demise of blender is retarded devs doing fuck all but features, that are actaully required and missing. That are industry standard. And insisting of doing everything they own unique snowlake way. But I already got used to that, so I don't notice it anymore, but I guess it should hurt development also.

Anonymous No. 927121

Bollywood production isnt feature film.

Anonymous No. 927197

>gets destroyed with arguments again
>ignores tgem and repeats one of his opponents attacks, except in his case it makes ZERO fucking sense
kys retard

Anonymous No. 927221

I see i struct a bullseye
no ESL on this board

Anonymous No. 927222

your own, apparently, because you're incapable of even the slightest hint of self-reflection.

Anonymous No. 927225

name your production film names with blender
or stay eternally pajeet

Anonymous No. 927270

????? you are so fucking dumb and confused you can't even tell when someone is arguing AGAINST blender!?!? jfc are you dense. you're GENUINELY mentally retarded, aren't you? like, officially?

Anonymous No. 927344

jeet, get out of this board.

Anonymous No. 927347

actual intelligent post on /3/, wow

Anonymous No. 927349

Could you elaborate on how Blender limits you, please?

Anonymous No. 927696

>any remesher ever

You don't need anything more than this.
All vanilla. Depends how you use the tool.

Anonymous No. 927748

Blendermarket is basicly like a patreon, all those addons are required to be open source so they are free and were free when you bought it

Anonymous No. 927779


If anything using any other faggot add-ons just reduce your creativity and make you develop bad habits if you're still learning

Anonymous No. 927998

using your own argument to its logical completion means you should stop using blender altogether, as it enforces bad habits, too.

Anonymous No. 928003

open source / free software != free of charge
The majority of FOSS is also free of charge but this doesn't mean you can't sell it.
Blendermarket does exactly that, sell open source software.
Some of the plugins are also available on github, but most aren't in the version sold on Blendermarket which often include addtional features or they are straight up only available there.
The difference to proprietary software is of course you can redistribute the software freely but since many people don't do that and most people prefer to download the software from the original source the author still can sell other copies.

Anonymous No. 928023

by that logic, I pay every year for the software to be developed in a way I want to see it go.
and i get my perpetual licenses so i can use it after i drop my support when I see them fail in that direction.

blendchuds discovered SaaS.

Anonymous No. 928037

Yes it means free of charge. You CAN sell it but you must provide it freely via the sourcecode. Actually it's more like donating than a patreon because with patreon you can still provide otherwise inaccessible stuff.

Anonymous No. 928154

Post work

Anonymous No. 928180

>there are 10 year old max scripts that still work and major plugins are guaranteed to continue working in upcoming versions
that's because they stopped developping max. Since years they haven't really added anything new. and the little they did, it was over the existing code, hence why it's such a bloatware.
Max is such a chore to work with, where it takes literally seconds that this dogshit of a software loads a new window like the material editor or even the F10 render settings. And that launching time, jesus, i long for the day it becomes obsolete so I can fully switch to blender

Anonymous No. 928181

>max's modifier stack for instance cannot be replaced
geometry nodes is already more powerful than your modifier stack

Anonymous No. 928200

I 3D model for fun and blender is free

Anonymous No. 928207

Same. And I just don't want to splurge on a $4k subscription ShitaaS when I could use that money upgrading my PC.

Anonymous No. 929113

Let me feel "your" modded blender then, I'll genuinely install whatever you mention and come back to tell you my impressions, if you're not gaslighting us then you should be able to tell what plugins and whatnot make blender so good for you

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Anonymous No. 929115

Every year I come back to blender to try something with it. Its usually a simple task. I never make it 5 minutes without getting too frustrated to continue. The people who designed this UI are actually satanic. The UI would be more intuitive if they randomly picked every UI element for a randomly picked action from a hat. As an engineer and someone who was interested in animation as a kid I have used:
>3ds max
>pro n/x
>various FEA tools

And I can tell you without a doubt that despite the incredibly complicated nature of these tools, none of them have ever given me the pure, white-hot rage I get when I use Blender. The people responsible for the Blender UX should have a museum built to honour their memories as the worst fucking designers in all of human history.

Anonymous No. 929117

I mean, there's nothing stopping you from fixing it. Legitimately that's the point of open source. You make it better. I guess you can always be upset at something that cost you nothing to use, but that's all you

Anonymous No. 929118

Even if I fixed it, no one is going to use my fork and there's never going to be enough inertia to maintain it. There are actually user interface replacements out there for blender for people who hate it, but they always die out because they can't keep up with the rapid development of blender.

>get upset at something that cost you nothing to use
This is a really brainlet point of view. I've written and given away open sourced software too, that doesn't mean its should be free from criticism. In fact criticism is how lots of things end up becoming better. Unfortunately for Blender the people associated with its UI are just completely inept beyond any measure. And every change they make also means its harder to learn as the resources available become more and more diluted and different looking to what the 'current' thing is.

Anonymous No. 929119

Pretty much all true but fuck EULAs and recurring bills. I don't want any legal and financial entanglements. At least with FOSS all your problems are purely technical.

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Anonymous No. 929125


...dumb people should never define the status quo! ... once you get into it, blenders "UI" is extremley fast and convinient! under the hood, yeah, there could be done more .-... but,.,.. why should i cry, its free, baby! ...

Anonymous No. 929135

Can you draw lines yet or do you still have to create a mesh and delete everything except a single vertex first lol.

Anonymous No. 929146

>draw lines
idk exactly what you mean, but you can draw with the grease pencil and then convert to a mesh or curve.
If you just want to extrude points with edges between them one by one, then it's probably fastest to add a new plane, merge at center, then control+click to extrude each point.

Anonymous No. 929212

You're a brainlet who filtered by a UI. It doesn't matter if it's Blender or a fucking Tax form website url. The fact you're bitching about a UI when there's other retarded designs and features like Zbrush tells me you're not even a real 3D artist and just another Zoomer who gave up after his first week

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Anonymous No. 929269

have you tried blender for artists?

It's a fork that makes the UI easier for noobs.

Anonymous No. 929382

You ever tried submitting a patch to Blender?

Anonymous No. 929394

Why do you think pirating exists retard?

Anonymous No. 929497

To be part of a russian botnet.