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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924485

Did this dirty fucking jew really removed all of his videos in order to promote his fucking udemy course?

Anonymous No. 924487

based arrimus paywalling plebs who criticized his content

Anonymous No. 924488

I'm perfectly fine with paying for his content. did he put it on patreon or straight out delete it?

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Anonymous No. 924489

>Did this dirty fucking jew really removed all of his videos in order to promote his fucking udemy course?

Anonymous No. 924490

that image does not apply at all. blender indians are the last ones to autistically study topology and difficult modeling problems.

Anonymous No. 924491

Embarrassing cope, idiot. Pajeets like you always seethe when someone dares not give something away for free.

Anonymous No. 924495

you would do the same jeet

Anonymous No. 924497

but I'm not seething, I just said I am perfectly fine with paying. are you seriously retarded?

Anonymous No. 924498

indians love jews, so he's not one if he's calling him a jew for doing that

Anonymous No. 924499

nope he set everything on private didnt move them to another platform or anything they are just inaccessible. The udemy course is in a similar nature, but are not the same videos in neither the quality, quantity, variarity, specifics nor dificulty levels. Even the design highlights videos are gone.
I guess people were finding him through udemy and from there moving to the youtube channel or he wasnt getting the amount of enrolled students he wanted and decided to pull the plug. Scummy non the less, he is doing some autodesk sponsored shit now and retopology shots..

Anonymous No. 924501

Why do pajeets get mad when they have to pay for what they consume?

Anonymous No. 924502

>high difficulty modeling
>in 3ds max

Anonymous No. 924503

since the "sponsored by autodesk"-stuff happened at the same time of the video deletion, I'm guessing they told him to clean up his channel as part of the agreement.

as long as he reintroduces high quality stuff i am perfectly fine with it. i also downloaded roughly 2 dozen of his important videos because judentube is an untrustworthy site in general.

Anonymous No. 924504

He has the right to delete his shit, I have the right to call him a retard for it. "Pay for what they consume" my ass, his Udemy course has like 1% of his videos.
Mind sharing them?

Anonymous No. 924507

this thread is about a 3ds max channel, einstein. go back to spamming your pixel garbage for the game you'll never finish.

Anonymous No. 924517

you should honestly just fuck right off. he started doing blender shit very recently and they were a very small percentage of his tottal videos.

Anonymous No. 924563

Removing past content seems to be the new in thing.

Anonymous No. 924573

as a beginner who found arrimus' tutorials crucial when learning max, this is incredibly disappointing. he was one of the few people who got straight to the point. even just idly watching it you'd pick up a tip or two. yet he's taken it all down for money i guess.

this is sadly why most people are sticking with blender - the free tutorial base is much, much better. half the time when i google a max question the results are all blender related shit.
it's a shame since max is the superior software in a lot of ways, but learning it is an utter mess. he's turned off comments too so you can't even discuss it. what about all those patreon subscribers who are paying $5 a month to support 'free content on youtube'?

Anonymous No. 924574

Always knew something was wrong with Arrimus and now he proved it without a shadow of a doubt. Fuck him

Anonymous No. 924596

his videos had comments literally yesterday. i think he disabled them because a lot of people were asking about the old videos and if they would come back. some guy even said he was a teacher and his students were following some of arrimus' stuff.

Anonymous No. 924599

>what about all those patreon subscribers who are paying $5 a month to support 'free content on youtube'?
just a few days ago I made a bookmark so that i would remember to gift him the 5$ again.
having a patreon with no other function than to show gratitude makes taking all your content down so much worse. that being said: without him I would have never successfully made the switch to max, so I'm certainly not angry - it's just that this world is full of opportunistic, shallow, moneyhungry pretenders, and one of the "no bullshit"-good-guys proved to us that he does have a price after all.

Anonymous No. 924612

How can he be a good guy when he takes all of his content away? He's a joke, always was.

Anonymous No. 924614

Now alĺ that's left is JL Mussi the benchwarming Muslim terrorist

Anonymous No. 924616

I'm saying in the post you referred to that he DOES have a price, aka that he isn't the good guy he seemed to be after all.

>he's a joke, he always was
that statement doesn't make any sense. his channel was the very best source for in-depth topology/hard-surface problems and professional workflows. even much more helpful than most paid tutorials. if he "has always been a joke", then who isn't? can you name a single comparable channel or tutor?

Anonymous No. 924621

For example, remember when Brackeyes "retired"? He didnt delete all his content like some child! Fuck arrimmus and fuck Daniel!

Anonymous No. 924622

This thread is glorios cope and seethe of people who wants free gibs.

Anonymous No. 924629

then provide a link to a site where i can access his old videos for money, because i would immediately do that. people are lamenting that his stuff does not exist anymore and everything he teaches is aimed at people that use non-free software. you are fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 924633

>says the guy that is in love with blender because it's free

Anonymous No. 924634

You don't understand. Every man for himself. Interest rates are an all time high. Can't blame the jew for taking care of his family.

Anonymous No. 924635

The pajeets seething in here is glorious. Based arrimus.

Anonymous No. 924650

Has anyone bought his Udemy course and can review it? Thinking of it, but heres the rub - I am poor

Anonymous No. 924651

the first one got pirated.

i'm sure the new one will as well at some point.

Anonymous No. 924653

If I download anything from CGP my internet literally goes down

Anonymous No. 924654

or any piracy torrent site

Anonymous No. 924655

sounds like something you should fix.

Anonymous No. 924663

its not fixable, i have the one of the top 2 ISPs with the fastest internet connection avaliable in one of the top 5 most expensive states to live in in America

Anonymous No. 924665

I have a shitty, unstable 1MB/s connection in a small town in Germany and it works fine. Have you tried changing your DNS to something like Cloudflare?

Anonymous No. 924667

No, and I wont do that. I will have to stop buying other things in order to afford other things. Arrimus wanted to sell out, and now we all suffer.

Anonymous No. 924669

>I have a problem
>there is a potential free solution that will take 2 minutes to try out
>nah, fuck it
Well, you do you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous No. 924671

the solution is not to start stealing when I asked for reviews of the paid official version

Anonymous No. 924674

wait for their release faggot

blender is garbage, and so is your work. i use at least 3 different DCC's for different stages productions

Anonymous No. 924676

people cry because he deleted them and wants money for then, you are fucking retarded for bringing blender into it.

Anonymous No. 924677

this lol, paypigs coping hard itt

Anonymous No. 924680

at this point you must be pretending to be retarded on purpose.

Anonymous No. 924684

at this point you are proven indian

Anonymous No. 924687

I remember years ago some Mudbox user nuked his channel and went on some paid streaming service that failed. What is it with Autodesk users.

Anonymous No. 924692

a simple "yes" would have sufficed.

Anonymous No. 924704

>First Daniel removes all of his clo3d videos after getting hired by Pixar
>Now this
God damn. I need to start making back-ups of content creators that I like since nobody is safe from the eternal jew apparently.

Anonymous No. 924743

>lololol glorious cope and seethe LMAO UGH UGH
Hi Ben. I see you've regressed further than your art style and learned some lingo more appropriare for your mental age. The issue here isn't entitlement to free stuff. It's that he retroactively removed stuff the older stuff of his that were free that was what got him exposure and reccomendation in the first place. Meanwhile Pavlovich has a course worth then some of material left up, Nikolay still pumps his stuff out that would make some of his courses seem redundant, Sakaki gives you free shaders, brushes, and base meshes updated on gumroad, and Sean Forsyth is a highly underappreciated troubleshooting god that get straight to the point about whatever esoteric problem users encounter.

It's okay Ben you can take down all your videos. No will be helpless without them. We know that's what you will do when you think Zbrush license holders with no industry-restricted skin in the game are lucky and should be greatful to Maxon for not revoking their perpetual licenses.

Anonymous No. 924745

addendum: arrimus pulling shit like this is a short-sighted move for short-term profit. It's part of a wider trend that people are sick of and can't afford to deal with fickleness in these times of uncertainty.

Anonymous No. 924748

wait..............pavlovich too?

Anonymous No. 924751

No I mean the Zbrush guys in their saturated space are content machines rather than furnaces

Anonymous No. 924761

you are not entitled to any free stuff chud

Anonymous No. 924766

I'm entitled to pirate your content and resell it as mine on multiple sites just to see it not taken down for years.

Anonymous No. 924778

I find this interesting - so selling some dime a dozen beginner modeling course on udemy is apparently more profitable than a YT channel with a ton of subscribers and videos that generate passive income with views? Either way, by hiding all the videos, he made it clear though that the course itself won't have anything new to provide that hasn't already be shown on YT.

No hate for him though, man's gotta make money. I had the same attitude like you until recently and thought about making some free tutorials for niche stuff people have been asking me, but at the end of the day, that takes a ton of effort to create and why not paywall the knowledge you worked hard to obtain? It still costs a fraction of an hourly wage after all. Support the creators if you like their work and invest in your skills.

t. someone who jewed out so hard he wasted a few days by trying to solve some issue because he didn't want to spend 20 bucks supporting another artist by buying their solution. Then he ended up buying it and it fixed everything perfectly in 5 minutes. Never again.

Anonymous No. 924779

>at the end of the day, that takes a ton of effort to create and why not paywall the knowledge you worked hard to obtain?
there are tons of reasons. For one, if you sell stuff online your insurance costs could skyrocket if you get it through the state. Best to give lessons out for free, get some _local_ clients, and have them pay you in cash under the table.

Anonymous No. 924781

People that complain about paywalls don't have anything to bring to the table.

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Anonymous No. 924782

>What's this a course that will supercharge modernize my workflow by 200 iq? He didn't mention that part...He cut corners here... he jewed out here.... he raised more questions than he answered... awww what did I expect he did take down a bunch of old videos after all to repackage as clickbait in an industry going shekel subscription mode

Anonymous No. 924802

>why not paywall the knowledge you worked hard to obtain
Anon, have you tried reading the thread?
Nobody has the problem with Udemy problem. You know what we have a peoblem with? The fact that the Udemy Course is like 1% of his YouTube videos. The remaining 99% are completely gone, you can't "pay" for them. This is retarded even from a business perspective.

Anonymous No. 924803

>Nobody has the problem with Udemy problem
Udemy paywall*

Anonymous No. 924808

the true pajeet

Anonymous No. 924815

so does no one has a backup of the vidoes of his channel?

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Anonymous No. 924837

>smell ya later faggots lolololo

Anonymous No. 924872

>Comments are turned off.

Anonymous No. 924874

I once checked his Patreon and he was making less than 400$ a month. It was pretty pathetic considering the quality of his videos.

Doing hard work for free gets old pretty fast.

Anonymous No. 924878

>Doing hard work for free gets old pretty fast.
And now instead of capitalizing on his hard work by publishing the video archive on Patreon, he just deleted them. How does that make any sense?

Anonymous No. 924879

Aren't there better, free, videos already available online? I seriously do not find his content useful.

Anonymous No. 924883

>going on vacation for the first time in 15 years since he started his 3d career
>posting autodesk sponsored videos
>started udemy course
>removed all YT videos

Did he make big bucks?

Anonymous No. 924902

could just be spite. years of being short-changed, big job at autodesk and then he deletes everything to show the people who didn't give him enough attention/money all these years. can't really blame him.

Anonymous No. 924907
>You guys don't think you can get the skill of 3D modelling without having to pay a price, do you?
>Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the price to be paid.
Hahahahahahaha, pay the price, faggots!

Anonymous No. 924918

It could always be in preparation for posting them there. Changing hosts is not as easy as pushing a button. It takes a while to set things in order.

Anonymous No. 924942


Anonymous No. 925130

He'd probably make way more just grinding out basic props and putting them up on turboshark or someshit

Anonymous No. 925155


Anonymous No. 925756


WTF Arrimus. Did you hit your head on the wall and became another person?

Anonymous No. 925865

He's still a massive faggot for taking down his already existing videos.

Anonymous No. 925889

Actually, hearing this and his last video is kinda scary, it doesn't seem like a joke. What happened to him?

Anonymous No. 925934

Yeh and nobody saved the zbrush stuff

Anonymous No. 926053

pretty much didnt got much money out of it I guess? this guy did so much for the community I can understand he wants to see some bucks now.

Anonymous No. 926157

Yeah, but some other guy named Mike did the same with Maya, saw even less revenue and just plain quit. There just aren't all that many people into 3D.

If he wants money, furries would be happy to shower him with money in exchange for his soul and sanity.

Anonymous No. 926167

did nobody archive any of his shit? surely it'll be uploaded on peers or something.

Anonymous No. 926168

>why can't people work for me freeeee
time to leave your moms basement

Anonymous No. 926175

>If he wants money, furries (...)
big money is in blender tutorials. there is an inverse law regarding the amount of money you can make and the skill level you teach: since 98% or so give up 3d modeling almost instantly but might spend 19.99$ on a "how to make a game character"-video series before they do so , everyone caters to blender beginners, fully well knowing almost all of them will not make it.

think of skill as a filter that reduces your target audience - for every obstacle (learning basic UI and tools, learning how to sculpt, how to unwrap,...,..., (powergap), proper topology etc), a certain percentage of your audience will just give up.
arrimus3d catered to very high difficulty/skill, so naturally there was next to no money to be made. also the further you go, the less likely you are to pay for a tutorial series as you switch over to looking up specific, singular problems, tools and optimizations instead.

just look at the most successful and well-known guy in 3d modeling: blenderguru, a fake marketing fag that reiterated the first 10% of learning how to model and then made a switch to giving useless talks about the meta-state of the field to the uninitiated and his horde of utter beginners.

Anonymous No. 926176


You have a good point, anon

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Anonymous No. 926248

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Anonymous No. 926261

Wish he didn't remove the lets play videos. they were super comfy to watch.