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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924602

With the new hair system introduced in latest version which made xgen obsolete, there is no reason to use Maya anymore.
Come home, white man.

Anonymous No. 924620

Link to showcase videos, bitch

> Maya
I don't think it's about picking the software with the best tools. People learn Maya because that's what the job descriptions ask for.
I'd think Autodesk does whatever it can, business-wise, to ensure schools and studios keep using their software, even if it's not their preferred choice. But that's just conjecture, I'm a hobbyist.

Anonymous No. 924623

>new hair system
pick one blendchud.

Anonymous No. 924632

>filtered by blender

Anonymous No. 924637

Still one of the worst vieports in 3D. Good luck looking at your hair system at 2FPS.

Anonymous No. 924639


Anonymous No. 924705

upgrade your pc

Anonymous No. 924706

>lmao spend a few thousand so my indian freeware runs acceptable MAYBE
upgrade your ambitions, blendertard.

Anonymous No. 924707

poor indian detected, go back

Anonymous No. 924709

trying to spin the usage of paid-for software as a sign of being poor has got to be the most pathetic, unfunny and miserable attempt at winning a discussion that i have ever seen.

Anonymous No. 924710

He's right, though. With Blender you still have to pay to develop new features in your time. And boy, do the new features ever get developed. This is a crushing blow to XGen and whats more, it will likely end up being more stable as far more deveopers can look why it crashes in its early days as the source is avaliable. Thats the big problem I have with a lot of my paid autodesk apps and why I wont pay again and renew - crash after crash, unexpected behavior leading to a crash, you name it.

Paid software means you are poor and cant spend the time with open source.

Anonymous No. 924713

what do you gain from purposely acting retarded on the internet?
>he's right though
also obvious samefag

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Anonymous No. 924714

face it chud, blender will probably better than whatever ur using in like 3 years top

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Anonymous No. 924715

>superpower by 2020

Anonymous No. 924716

you are the indian larping as a industry professional lmao

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Anonymous No. 924717

i know english is not your first language, prakeesh, but given enough hindi pixelart tutorials I'm sure your indie animu smut game will totally take off :-)

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Anonymous No. 924719

ahh, let me get this straight:
so for the next 3 years you are most definitely wrong by your own expression, and after that even if happened to be right (you won't be, blender is pajeetware) there is no possible criticism from your side if i just download a 300mb installer?

so that is the extent of your logic/reasoning?

Anonymous No. 924721


Anonymous No. 924725

>Some tech artist anon on an anonymous site wont "pyw", linking his real name to his real github and his real followers and his real linkedin
>He's a fraud

The absolute state of this board. Lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 924726

>bro I have 373847388 years of experience bro trust me
>can you show ANY proof that you don't talk bullshit?
if you can spend hours upon hours on shitposting here about your """abilities""" you can spend some time on modeling something cool; doesn't have to be your magnum opus
but no, all the shitposting retards like (You) don't post shit because they can't even make a subdivided cube

Anonymous No. 924727

if you want to bring out your credibility dont blame your jeet ways when someone wants to verify.

filtered by professionals.

Anonymous No. 924733

Im a tech artist, not a modeller. My work begins with the debugger. If you cant understand rhat, i dont know what else to tell you except to give up.

Anonymous No. 924737

So, not a real artist. Stop talking then.

Anonymous No. 924739

It does work. Still a bit rough around the edges, but it's not bad at all.

Anonymous No. 924746

I'm a tech artist which is 100% a real art.

Anonymous No. 924753

>tech """artist"""
lol! >>924717 is infinitely more artistic whan whatever fuckery you will ever do buddy

Anonymous No. 924754

yeah bro I'm an AI Artist as well xD

Anonymous No. 924755

There is an art in making tools. Go model a rock or something now, please

Anonymous No. 924757

That's called "programming" which has a set objective goal of being as efficient as possible, thus not being an art.

Anonymous No. 924763

Efficiency isnt the definition of programming, nor is being a programmer a tech artist. Just give up.

Anonymous No. 924764

>Efficiency isnt the definition of programming
It quite literally is. You have a specific idea in mind (for example, list every prime number from 1 to x) and the faster it completes without throwing an error, the (objectively) better it is.

Anonymous No. 924768

anon - hear me out :

you want to create a program so you dont have to do something by hand every time such as color an array of pixels based on a specific condition.

speed is a factor, but there are more factors at play such as which method or methods to use to determine that final colored pixel, how legible and understandable your code is, and how well it fits within your current pipeline. This is my job. This is the artistry of what I do.

Other people such as UI artists do similar things. They are also artists. When you program a 3d application and you are potentially open sourcing it and putting it up on github that "result" is a "work" of art that other people can judge based on its
>1) speed
>2)readablity / legibility
>3)ability to be placed in their pipeline >4)uniqueness

Take your prime number example and give up.

Anonymous No. 924793

9 year 3D modeller here.
Just use what you fucking want lmao.
Max is better for modelling
Maya is better for animation
Blender is good if you are indie

Anonymous No. 924801

These are still all purely objective factors. Programming isn't art.

Anonymous No. 924820

I am not a programmer. I am a technical artist. This is the title i and thousands of others have been given

Anonymous No. 924821

"AI Artist" has also been a given title among other retards to themselves.

Anonymous No. 924822

They are artists, too. Get with the times.

Anonymous No. 924830

no ESL on this board ser

Anonymous No. 924836

>Ad hominem

Give up and go polymodel a rock

Anonymous No. 924853

give up and make me my kebab

Anonymous No. 924871

>Does not address the machine requirements to make this work.
All i see are random lines and people getting angry on why their hair models are broken.

oh come on dont try to make blender something useful when everyone knows the main developers are lazy. This "feature" will just crash people's machine or program because it's making lines not optimize lines like in normal 3D programs that had them for years. Blender is still way behind on their features.

And i am a senior developer, no one calls us artist. You are a fake programmer, you can't handle basic programing. "Speed is a factor" my ass, anyone who tries to cheat with libraries instead of making it get's sent to PR to explain themselves why such junk is allow. Plot twist PR doesn't understand code and no dumb code is added. If you can't explain code to dumb people then you are not allow to break the company's computer.

Anonymous No. 924915


there is still no UV pin parenting in blender.
and thre is still lack of efficient interpolation between shapes

blender is behind years from cutting edge of industry
its just "good enough" for some indies, tthats all.

"but im just a hobbyist, i cant pay-"
if you are a hobbyist and dont want to/cant pay, you can get software like houdini for free and still produce non-commercial renders.

Anonymous No. 924928

You are a senior developer. No one calls YOU an artist. People readily call the thousands of tech Artists in the industry ARTISTS. Jesus fucking christ.

>Cheat with libraries
You are a hopeless /g/ reject

Anonymous No. 924929

>anyone who tries to cheat with libraries instead of making it
You are not a senior developer.

Anonymous No. 924933

I read github by "senior developers" from many many studios and projects and they all use "libraries". For example, the VFX Reference Platform

>The VFX Reference Platform is a set of tool and library versions to be used as a common target platform for building software for the VFX industry. Its purpose is to minimise incompatibilities between different software packages, ease the support burden for integrated pipelines and encourage further adoption of Linux by both studios and software vendors.

>OpenSubdiv, OpenVDB, OpenColorIO

You're re-******

Anonymous No. 925088

There is no such thing, if it's not on google and my years of experience and my corp overloads don't acknowledge the title, then it's not real. The title comes from Ubisoft developers who work on environmental and coding, not whatever you are saying.

First major problem is that this:

This is not ok with my Corp overlords I found an article explaining why:

>With that in mind, the decision was made that Blender will no longer stick to the VFX Reference Platform.

If blender couldn't find a way to use it then neither can my actual job or jobs around VFX.

No i don't care how you bully Blender to implant it again, No my company does not want to downgrade Python, you are crazy.

I dont know who these people are or what this program is, so i dig around and it was started in 2014 so ya it's a young unknown company. One article says only 60,000 respond vs 1 billion VFX users. Not a big number.

About this non-profit "Visual Effects Society", they just do dumb awards. Never actually heard of them from any profficanimal VFX artist i worked with. I hear the Academy Award is way better because you can on TV. Cant find anything saying they are legit non-profit, they do not release this information that they must do by law. So i'm not going to forcibly ask the IRS where the non-profit papers are and waste both our time. This is what i can only find on them:

You show me that you trusted a very suspicious company, if you were my employer you'll be under Incompetence.

Anonymous No. 925089

>He doesnt trust OpenColorIO, openVDB, OpenSudbiv or the rest of the VFX platform, all libs adapted industry wide, even by sidefx
you are a joke

Anonymous No. 925119

Blender reverted their decision for abandonment of vfx reference you retard.

Anonymous No. 925242

You mean Sony Pictures you dumb fk:

Then got brought by Linux community, ya you show how loved the project is to everyone. Dead project by it's creators.

openVDB dead project by Dreamworks, ASWF took it in 2012.

OpenSubdiv was O\owned by Disney Pixar, dead project.

Do you see the pattern, they are dead projects and were used as promotional "support". No common everyday folk is going to build these useless junk libraries.

- OpenColorIO useless color helper, oh boo hoo cant write your own simple code colors or you too useless to know why certain colors dont work in certain areas in your job. Do you job correctly not rely on one thing, my company wont hire useless people.

OpenVDB - useless old data math with a 50% of failure. That 50% is just enough to not be allowed to ever be used by any professional. I dont know much about the 3D arts since it's not my job but i never heard anyone use this useless thing. I'm sure someone at dreamworks would say many bad things about it.

OpenSudbiv again not something in my job because we only code not make films. Still it's straightforward to understand why pixar wants it gone. A useless liberty that removes models lines or faces which is almost what every company offers. The reason this is bad is because Disney license is attached to this project. No one is going to use it, no one.

Blender was bully by the people to reinstall it, as i said, the blender developers are lazy. They will not do research on why such a thing is bad.

This still does not address the scam company you fail to notice, you fail to give answers to why someone must give up security and other supported optimized code for VFX platform, fail to answer anything about why you should be called tech artist.

The examples you give and the job you talked about are called Video Technician.

Anonymous No. 925248

Quite literally kys

Anonymous No. 925255


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Anonymous No. 925313

artist, make me a sandwich.

Anonymous No. 927791


Anonymous No. 927806

Maya is the Pajeetware because they all torrent it. Pajeets are extremely superficial and view having expensive bloat ware like Maya as impressive

Anonymous No. 927816

Your not a 3D artist until you try Maya and hate it.

Anonymous No. 927827

ESL out of this board.
what does it make blender? even worse than pajeet ware huh.
no thanks go shit on a street.

Anonymous No. 927830

No one cares about you dumb americans, elected a dumb ruler and llow a crazy person to buy twitter. Ya you dumb americans are so smart to think your english was made in america and not in British.

Anonymous No. 927860

third worlder validation-seeking mindset
the white man simply knows he is great, he doesn't need hideous third worlders to care about his status

Anonymous No. 927903


Anonymous No. 927923

and that is why you are killing your own fellow americans, losing the ability to communicate because you let one rich buy twitter, losing money, high homeless, mistreat your veterans, etc. You american are not great, you are less than 3rd world, you are dirt and will be treated like such.

Anonymous No. 927950

in your Pajeet land, your social credit standing depends how white you are.

Anonymous No. 927958

that's in china, everywhere else is normal people doing normal things. We don't have credit card contract being tied to your life, we don't have to worry about losing money on going to collage, we don't have to worry about beating up some dumb american like you because our community is stronger than your american police. Keep saying credit cards are not Socal credit, i am sure that will help your credit card number thing from the only two companies that control it.

Anonymous No. 927963

what is caste system.
stop being retarded, we know how fucked up your country is.

Anonymous No. 927968

caste system is mostly in India, you have guess where i lived so many times your just becoming crazy american just as everyone knows it. Next time research what you type, dumb american. oh but it's too hard for you boo hoo.

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Anonymous No. 927978

>upgrade your PC even if you're already future proof hardwaremaxxing and running into the same performance problem at the same checkpoint from back when your new comp didn't exist yet.
Ah yes right on cue just like Maya users when you point out how their software can't handle retopology without soon becoming a chug boat in need of some speedy quick save settings.

Anonymous No. 928027

you will never be white, stop obsessing over americans.

Anonymous No. 928028

what is delete history, for 100.

Anonymous No. 928065

You are obsessing over my country, we don't have all the bad stuff you americans have. You need help not me. Go to an actual hospital and get real help, i dont care if it cost 10000000 thats something you claim you want in life..

Anonymous No. 928067

>shifting goalposts only for the ball to roll into the net
Jokes on you history was disabled ahead of time. Fix your chug boat. We don't have time for this anymore with industry standard crap going down further into the kosher shitter.

Anonymous No. 928074

oh, so it is Your skill issue. Thanks for clarifying.

Anonymous No. 928097

>you can get software like houdini for free
No you can't?

> With that in mind, the decision was made that Blender will no longer stick to the VFX Reference Platform.

Then they changed their minds and decided to support it again. Read the news:

Anonymous No. 928100

Houdini appretience is free retard.

Anonymous No. 928101

>just uttering random words now
Oh okay I hope I can get an extra 2 fps with a skill level up.

Anonymous No. 928103

Apprentice doesnt let you use commercial plugins or be used for commercial purposes

Anonymous No. 928108

the question was
Can You get it for free
answer: yes you can

if you want to make money, pay their indie license.

Anonymous No. 928109

In this case "it" isn't "It" since you cant use plugins or use it commercially

Anonymous No. 928110


Anonymous No. 928144


Anonymous No. 928193

Blender developers as I said are lazy and the community also unaware of the useless features. You all claim it's important but reading through it, i find little use on real world projects.

Anonymous No. 929024

>not modelling and rigging every single hair from scratch

Anonymous No. 929280

Particle hair or polygon hair?

Anonymous No. 929284

>muh industry
I stopped caring when they started making models deliberately uglier than real life.
Blendlets could crush the artstation-industry by just ignoring everything they fucking do.

Anonymous No. 929308

No they could not, programmers have a love/hate relationship with modelers. Armature people have zero experience on optimize models, blender is well known for many bugs and copyright problems, it will never become part of the industry.

Anonymous No. 932156

considering junior code monkeys get promoted to senior with just 2-3 years of tenure these days due to industry churn, saying "I'm a senior developer" doesn't really carry much weight I'm afraid.

That said, I agree that most TAs are pretty bad at programming, but they're good at what they do and their job obviously exists.

Anonymous No. 932157

>bumping a blender thread after 23 days of inactivity

Anonymous No. 932179

>tech artist
Then code me a fully rigged 3D model then

You can't... Keep coping faggot

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Anonymous No. 932180

Idk why but here are some news:
One of the code monkeys from the sculpt mode >Bystedt is working this week on Hair nodes
Some randon faggot >Xeofrios did this on blenderartist with geometry nodes too, he said that he'll put the nodes on gumroad 4 free

Anonymous No. 932205

There is no such thing has Tech artist, let it go. The guy has proven you are a fraud. You never talked about 3D or programming, you just talked about film related industry stuff.

Anonymous No. 932213

Freeware will NEVER be comparable to professional software.

Poorfags COPE.

Anonymous No. 932237

Good morning sir.

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Anonymous No. 932285


Anonymous No. 932325

I made this bait thread over 2 months ago and you guys are still replying to it lol