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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924903

Since Arrimus 3D has set all his videos to private, It's doubtful anything of his hundreds of videos have been saved.

Gems like this are completely gone now.

Anonymous No. 924909

Nobody cares about minute details like that

Anonymous No. 924910

Great. So you know how to do that thing then right? Oh, Wait you don't.

I do but for me to tell you, you will have to do my course since you didn't back up my video.

Anonymous No. 924911

>dude just give up and don't make it
i hate the very essence of what you are as a person

Anonymous No. 924912

it would be trivial if he implemented some of the hardest topology problems in his new course (which is what the point of a course should be), but afaik it's just a few hours of "lol just boolean together the most popular, soulless sci-fi look and then use the retopology modifier on everything".

i fucking hate destructive workflows and the polycount you end up with when you model the way he now advocates seems way too high to me. also in general there are tons of forms where retopology will simply not work, so you end up needing to be able to fix everything in the end anyway.

Anonymous No. 924916

I don't understand what makes his work special, all he does is apply basic workflows and topology rules.

Anonymous No. 924919

Because he shows the process for many people including my students it's a life saver because they can look up a question or issue.

For example he has a video on cylinders explaining how to avoid distortion.

Do you know how many sides a cylinder should be and how to prevent distortion on your cylinder with cuts and extrudes?

Anonymous No. 924920

if you are a teacher you should provide your students with answers not some indian guy on youtube

Anonymous No. 924921

I do, I also tell them that if they can't get a hold of me after class to google it with a large list of youtubers and class materials that should have what they need.

Anonymous No. 924922

Mind sharing the resource list, Anon? I'm a beginner and with Arrimus gone I'm not sure where to look for high quality stuff.

Anonymous No. 924923

I mean the Youtuber list*

Anonymous No. 924926

You should NOT be telling your students to "google it" when they ask you a question. Reminds me of my days in school. Thousands wasted! Fuck right off man!

Anonymous No. 924935

Your better off just joining 3d fast track if your an amateurism.

Anonymous No. 924949

Wait - so Arrimus just tells people to boolean and use the Retopology modifier now? This is the guy you looked up to so much for so many years?

Anonymous No. 924961

ha ha

Anonymous No. 924967

Does anyone have his discord?

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Anonymous No. 924983

When will the dumb fucking cattle finally learn that you have to download everything that is important to you?

Anonymous No. 925000

>picard reaction image
god i want to shove your goofy ass in a locker so bad

Anonymous No. 925004


Anonymous No. 925012

It's the most logical workflow. Imagine wasting your time with topology.

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Anonymous No. 925014

yeah there's basically no way you've actually ever worked with 3ds max retopology tools or quadremesher for more than 2 minutes - otherwise you'd know how limited they actually still are. working with them almost always (unless you are creating a clean first 100 polygon blockout) involves cleaning the mesh up, which requires the exact skillset that arrimus' work was all about.

your post is so devoid of knowledge that i am now convinced that spiteful, envious blender users are simply trying to shit up anything not blender-related in order to feel better about their failed low-poly-animu-porn attempts.

please stop posting if you're not even using the fucking software the thread is about (i don't post in blender threads). thx fag.

Anonymous No. 925045

>yeah there's basically no way you've actually ever worked with 3ds max retopology tools or quadremesher for more than 2 minutes - otherwise you'd know how limited they actually still are. working with them almost always (unless you are creating a clean first 100 polygon blockout) involves cleaning the mesh up, which requires the exact skillset that arrimus' work was all about.

so if this is the case, why is Arrimus advocating it? Is it laziness?

Anonymous No. 925100

Who else is there?

Anonymous No. 925101

His course is like 12.99$ on Udemy so what are you guys crying about?
I don't know if that kind of shit is there but it must be I guess.

Anonymous No. 925108

your question has already been answered here:

if his old channel was modeling difficulty 85/100 (how to get perfect shading on cuts through cylinders etc.), then the things you can still get access to by buying his new course is maybe 45/100 (how to do what every other teacher does). in particular, his courses have one GIGANTIC problem: all the shapes he teaches to create are RANDOM ("yeah i guess i like this kind of form, moving on"), whereas most modeling problems are the result of having to create something specific. the latter is exactly what he used to do, when he for example thought someone how to get weirdly curved exhaust pipes to intersect perfectly in exactly the same way they do in the reference picture.

"how to create random sci-fi greeble, but only the type that doesn't have stressful parts" is not what he thought all those years before.

the question now is: why are you here? you obviously don't know his channel and you didn't actually read through the thread.

Anonymous No. 925111

Nothing of what you just has anything remotely to his youtube channel.

Nothing in which this thread beyond OP has remotely came close to his youtube channel.

Did nobody here watch his videos?

Anonymous No. 925112

What are they supposed to do, sit on their thumbs and wait until they can bother their teacher again?

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Anonymous No. 925115

I'm the guy you just referred to and I watched virtually all of his 3ds max videos. what are you, a disturbance AI/bot? EVERYTHING i just said is related to his channel

Anonymous No. 925149

Says something you disagree with, therefore i must be a bot. You've got me, I'm a bot. I blindly obey trolls.

Anonymous No. 925205

>I watched virtually all of his 3ds max video
And now he advocates terrible topo and the retopology modifier. You followed the blind.

Anonymous No. 925208

i wrote a post full of arguments you ignored, and you're still posting like a bot. respond to the arguments or be silent.
I'm the guy that said that. imagine repeating what someone said AND SELLING THAT AS AN INSULT OR COUNTER. if you're going to fully agree with me, the correct answer is "i agree".

Anonymous No. 925210

>getting this worked up over someone being unable to "follow who you are and what you have said" on an anonymous site

Anonymous No. 925225

Why did he private his old shit though?

Anonymous No. 925226

Who knows, maybe he is Jewish and wanted to maximize his profits from his course at the expense of his reputation, or Autodesk made him take down his videos that would compete with Autodesk-sponsored ones.

Anonymous No. 925227

neither of those options make any sense at all

Anonymous No. 925228

Just accept that he doesn't have your best interest in mind. Its over.

Anonymous No. 925229

he's probably just retiring, at least from youtube. the sponsored vids have to stay up contractually, and he probably turned off comments to deter people from asking him stuff.

Anonymous No. 925230

Then why not leave it up? You can just abandon the channel without taking the effort to private it.

Anonymous No. 925231

Plenty of people retire from youtube and leave their videos up. In fact, its the norm.

Anonymous No. 925263

I'm not even getting worked up, I am simply calling out outright, senseless spam for what it is. why are you here if you obviously didn't know arrimus3d before this very thread?

Anonymous No. 925264

many videos obviously don't meet corporate standards: blender videos (~10-15% or so), critiquing other people's art, i think he even had a few lets plays or similar completely unrelated garbage.

once you have to clean everything up, there is a tendency to just be radical and keep a few things that you know will be ok with corporate - the alternative being to methodically view your own years-old material to check it out. i bet when he contemplated the latter he took a single look at his 300 patreon $, said "fuck these people", shrugged and set everything to private.

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Anonymous No. 925265

it is me, fucknut and i will fix this misunderstanding thusly,

past arrimus that everyone followed and watched:
hundreds of tutorials and tips ranging from simple and general to incredibly complex and specific tailored to a clean non destructive topological workflow for years

new arrimus:
privates all the useful old videos and shills low effort sponsored tutorials that work destructively just as an excuse to show off tools autodesk tells him to, now behind a paywall

Anonymous No. 925271

perfect summary.

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Anonymous No. 925273

>when she finds out you make $300/mo

Anonymous No. 925278

Why did he put it all on private? Is he selling them in a course now?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 925294

So did someone downloaded his videos or its lost forever?

Anonymous No. 925299

I was going to, but didn't have the space. I'm hoping someone will post it on CGP.

Anonymous No. 925307

You know since nobody has it that one person who does will likely be like "YO, 500 dollars"

Anonymous No. 925349

Arrimus is russian or ukranian
I heard him speak to his wife once
he's getting drafted, which is why he's leaving the scene
he has no choice

Anonymous No. 925352

doesnt compute

Anonymous No. 925353

one of his videos he forgot to cut out the bit where his wife was talking to him
he was either speaking russian or ukranian
he did delete and reupload the video like 5 minutes later so it's gone

Anonymous No. 925355

he's far too old to go to war, smoothbrain

Anonymous No. 925363

Nice meme, but he's from Faroe Islands AFAIK, which is pretty based if true.

Anonymous No. 925410

it's true, dumbasses
he's russian and getting drafted
>too old
not for the desperate russian army
that's why he says the new course is to support family and friends

Anonymous No. 925416

Post proof or frick off

Anonymous No. 925497

Why did he set them to private? what did you do to him?

Anonymous No. 925552


Anonymous No. 925567

it's irrelevant. I found videos on virtually all of the important/complex problems he did from other channels and am now systematically saving everything.
turns out he is 100% replaceable and I just never searched for different channels out of convenience.

Anonymous No. 925570

link them magical channels you talking about

Anonymous No. 925572

He now does a paid course on udemy. £60 but very often its down to £15

Anonymous No. 925597

If your so great then post exactly what OP is looking for.

I watched the video that OP wants.
It covers the following..
>Maya object exported into Zbrush
>Workflow in relation to taking your object in Maya and porting it to Zbrush
>Adding Welds to your object that match a reference
>Then the related workflow involved taking your object from Zbrush and adding it with your Maya object.


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Anonymous No. 925605

>3 hours ago this was uploaded
>buy the course out of respect for the legend. i bought the course for $6. its still at 80% discount.


Anonymous No. 925617

Fuck him then. Fuck sellouts. I could respect it if he just stopped making videos, but this is pretty fucking dumb. He was pretty mediocre anyways though, and I can say that now without feeling guilty.

Anonymous No. 925618

Where's the rest?

Anonymous No. 925631

people aren't robots and therefore don't act robotically when it comes to such things as saving youtube videos. as CRAZY as it may sound: maybe the person who made that torrent only happened to save the videos they found important? i know... INSANE idea.

Anonymous No. 925638

buy his 65 hour udemy course for 85% off

you dont need any moar

Anonymous No. 925651

or he could just run away, not like Russia has any good information on their soldiers and wont effect the outcome of the war.

Anonymous No. 925735

lmfao delusional, I have a friend in russia and who wasn't drafted and he's definitely fighting-age and healthy. the draft is totally overstated by (((NATO))) media

Anonymous No. 925736

2 more weeks and you'll capture kiev, ivan

Anonymous No. 925742

largest landmass of any country on earth, and you manage to fit it all in your head rent-free

Anonymous No. 925743

don't worry ivan, backup will come soon

Anonymous No. 925744

I'm not on the frontlines, I'm with Putin's elite troll army in the Kremlin. Cushy job, ngl.

Anonymous No. 925747

any word when R3DS will have an update?

Anonymous No. 925758


Waiting for that one user that downloaded all. He's there somewhere drinking vodka

Anonymous No. 925785

which one are the zbrush ones?

Anonymous No. 925804

He´s a total nigger, he´s lucky he locked all his videos, he was a great guy, now he´s a total faggot and an asshole, i learned a lot from him but i don´t need him anymore but maybe other people do, the fact that he became so arrogant and made his videos private are evidence that he just cares about money, i hope you´re reading about this arriimus, feel good about yourself.

Anonymous No. 925814

Where are the zbrush videos?

Anonymous No. 925826

Did anyone download it?

Anonymous No. 925834

In your mom's butthole. Where else? Have little bit of imagination.

Anonymous No. 925933

Not likely downloaded nobody here knows how to sculpt

Anonymous No. 925936

its incredible how poor you faggots are.

if he asks for 100$ lifetime access just pay for it, don't be a dick

Anonymous No. 925938

It's incredible how ESLs like you cannot comprehend that the paid course does not offer all of his past videos and often has lower quality stuff. Read >>925108, he described it perfectly.

Anonymous No. 925940

not our problem.

Anonymous No. 925961

I'm sorry your father raped you when you were a kid, it's not your fault

Anonymous No. 926049

thats just a reupload of the rutracker videos over to cgpeers
they've been there since 2018 and is bearly a small part of his whole channel

Anonymous No. 926050

His udemy course reflects his most up to date workflows and it was on sale for $12 . If you cant afford this...

Anonymous No. 926056

It's 30 USD in my third world country. Lmao I would have bought it for 12. I made 1/4 of what you make. I won't pay more than you guys.

Anonymous No. 926057

Fuck it, Ill buy it next month when I get paid.

Anonymous No. 926059

Stick to free blender tutorials if you are in the third world. Hell, your hardware must be absolutely abysmal

Anonymous No. 926062

pyw, I'm convinced you've never opened max in your life.

Anonymous No. 926063


Anonymous No. 926069

Modelling is dead just learn to sculpt. He won't be missed.

Anonymous No. 926072

you cant sculpt hardsurface, idiot

Anonymous No. 926073

>Bro just spend your time making shit for free never try to monetize it

Anonymous No. 926074

anon....he already monetized it years ago with youtube ads and his patreon which had 100s of backers

Anonymous No. 926112

its up for 90 bucks LOL

Anonymous No. 926113

should have grabbed it during the flash sale,'s like you people don't know how to shop, just how to steal and then you LOSE YOUR MINDS when something is only on a legit site and not CGP. Lmao

Anonymous No. 926116

>when something is only on a legit site and not CGP
it was uploaded like 2 or 3 weeks ago on cgp though

Anonymous No. 926118

only less than 25% of the content, shitter!

Anonymous No. 926120

Yes you can, there are plenty of zbrush tuts for that, you should check them out. Actually that’s how a lot or hard surface stuff seems to be made nowadays with nanite workflows. I wish I was better at it though. Looks super efficient.

Anonymous No. 926121

plot twist the new update made old blender tutorials irrelevant and useless. This is why people hate it.

Romans who sculpt rocks: what a baby

Anonymous No. 926123

>Romans who sculpt rocks: what a baby
yeah go sculpt me a rock, "artist"

Anonymous No. 926129

There art is in a museum being look at by people and are covered in millions of other places for people to still see it.

Your art? nowhere near a million or even 100. Sad.

Anonymous No. 926130

>Argumentum ad populum
>In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people")[1] is a fallacious argument which is based on claiming a truth or affirming something is good because the majority thinks so.[2]

Anonymous No. 926132

I accept your concession.

Anonymous No. 926133

>ad hominem

Anonymous No. 926148

Average /3/ user.

Anonymous No. 926149

Post work

Anonymous No. 926150

The romans who built the statues never thought they would last, you can see some being nearly destroyed. So no this isn't a argumentation theory because the romans never consider the statues to last longer than 200 years.

Many other famous art like Mona Lisa wasn't popular by the artist or the people, it just got popular because it got stolen.

You are using words badly to talk about things you have zero experience in. Stop it, get some help.

Anonymous No. 926154

>Non sequitur

Anonymous No. 926219

you should have told me if you are talking about adj or noun because the word itself legit makes no sense to any reader.

Anonymous No. 928169

uuhhhh bros?

Anonymous No. 928171


Anonymous No. 928172

why are the chinamen not pirating his videos?

they pirate everything else.
is Arrimus chinese?

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Anonymous No. 928195


Anonymous No. 928250


Anonymous No. 928278

Someone reupload this shit NOW

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what is this then?.png

Anonymous No. 928296


<< it's over there

Anonymous No. 928411

Say that hypothetically i had a backup of all arrimus videos. Since he's being an unhelpful cunt focusing 100% on money and nothing else i feel i can do the same.

How can i profit of having arrimus videos, or at least give me a good reason to release them. What could motivate me to do it. For now i just have them for my personal use

Anonymous No. 928413

This desu, trusting the cloud with your data is like trusting a stranger with your child.

i have downloaded all of arrimus videos and i'm considering releasing them. The problem is i don't know who i hate more if arrimus or his followers.

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Anonymous No. 928414

Kys nigger

Anonymous No. 928415

shut up gamma squirt, either do or don't

Anonymous No. 928416

see what i mean? how can you not be ashamed of existing even in anonimity, and it's obvious youre desperate. Arrimus is bad but the likes of you who want his videos do not lag behind.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 928418

Nigger, are you high or just stupid?

Anonymous No. 928419

Please no racism outside of b. Thank you. I'm not currently under the influence of any drugs and clearly much more intelligent than you. Could you please stop embarasing yourself and say something relevant? thank you

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Anonymous No. 928421

Death to Infidels, Inshallah!

Anonymous No. 928422

Arrimus finally realized that this community deservers nothing.

Anonymous No. 928423

Literal schizophrenia

Anonymous No. 928432

>Who knows, maybe he is Jewish-
Imagine how much sounder your argument would be if you presented it without politics inserted into it. People would even take you seriously. Idiots have a way of revealing themselves to others.

Anonymous No. 928440

>Imagine how much sounder your argument would be if you hadn't mentioned Jews

ftfy rabbi

Anonymous No. 928481

Share, anon. In the future someone will share stuff with you too.

Anonymous No. 928482

There? It's all russian, anon. We need the name of the tracker/forum

Anonymous No. 928485

Aren't they on CGpersia.

Anonymous No. 928614

not him, but i have a lot of his videos, not all but a lot. All of the ones in the "3d max" playlist. I'll release them eventually but putting all of the stuff together is a bit of work. Give me a couple of weeks tops

Anonymous No. 928615

godspeed anon, thank you very much

Anonymous No. 929291

There are some videos mirror.