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Body Coloration S....png

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 924986

Trying to get into character texturing, I checked out the classic 3 tone skin painting technique for that, but the placement of said bands is inconsistent, for example I saw some artists paint the back of the skull yellow while others painted it red.
Can artists who have experience with this shed some light on the matter please? Or provide conclusive references. Pic rel is a quick study I made, but I have the feeling it's inaccurate.

I'll provide more images of the study and the references I used below.


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Body Coloration S....png

Anonymous No. 924988

Here's the 3 bands at 5% opacity

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Body Coloration S....png

Anonymous No. 924989

Here's the base color, the 3 bands were laid on top of it on a separate layer


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Skin Painting 3 T....jpg

Anonymous No. 924990

Here are the references I used


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Skin Painting 3 T....jpg

Anonymous No. 924991


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Painting Skin The....jpg

Anonymous No. 924992

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Anonymous No. 924994


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Example 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 924995


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Anonymous No. 924998


My biggest issue is the lack of body references for the 3 tone coloration technique: busts are not hard to come across but bodies are, and even face references are not consistent across artists, like some painting the eyesocket blue while others favor reds in that area, some paint only the cheeks blue while others apply that color to the whole mouth area, and so on

Anonymous No. 925007

I think having good shaders will do you a lot of good. If you're not able to manage dermal, subdermal, and dermis layers physically accurately all your work will be for nothing

Anonymous No. 925008

>If you're not able to manage dermal, subdermal, and dermis layers
Damn, this sounds very complicated. I'm not really looking for PBR-oriented shading, but in this case I'm just looking for advice or guides on where exactly to put the reds, yellows and blues for skin tones. I'm aiming more for a stylized look, but even so I'd like for the body color tones to be believable

Anonymous No. 925048

>I'm not really looking for PBR-oriented shading, but in this case I'm just looking for advice or guides on where exactly to put the reds, yellows and blues for skin tones
sounds exactly like you want a physically based guide on where to place skin tones

Anonymous No. 925050

Humans are made out of Blood, Cold, and Bone Fat.

Anonymous No. 925052

Sure, I just need more info on where to put those skin tones. With the drawings I made, I literally guessed where those went on the body, the head is acceptable but them body skin tones references are hard to come across

Anonymous No. 925682

No blood in the cheeks?

Anonymous No. 925688

>those eyes
>that nose
you draw furshit don't you

Anonymous No. 925694

As if the fucking hind legs didn't give it away already.

Anonymous No. 925698

According to the references they are to be colored blue, I know it sounds strange but it is what it is

Who, me? Naaaaaahhh.
But seriously the eyes I can understand, but what's wrong with the nose?

Breh he's just standing on his toes, so that the skin tones on the soles can also be visible

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Anonymous No. 925706

>But seriously the eyes I can understand, but what's wrong with the nose?
its literally a snout turned vertical

Anonymous No. 925723

>that photoshop
Come on bro everything can be turned into a snout if you put it like that. Your shop would have made sense with the "snout argument" if you put the mouth right under the nostrils, like actual muzzles, but you didn't even do that, that stuff doesn't look like a snout at all, a very malformed one maybe. Furries live rent free in your head to the point that you're actively hallucinating them bro, no offence, had your criticism been more founded I'd have welcomed it but that doesn't seem to be the case

Anyway, please keep it brief with your retort if any, as the point of the thread is skin tones, not furries

Anonymous No. 925905

>Furries live rent free in your head to the point that you're actively hallucinating them bro
the man literally said hes a furry after being asked retard
also this skin tone thing looks like shit

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Anonymous No. 925935

>the man literally said hes a furry
You're dead set on deliberately missing the point. You do you man, I already said furries are not the point of this thread and I do not intend to derail it any further
>also this skin tone thing looks like shit
What do you think I made this thread for? You don't sound like you're in much of a position to call others retarded, just sayin' bro

Anonymous No. 926094

work on your anatomy skills retard

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Anonymous No. 928449


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Anonymous No. 928450