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๐Ÿงต Blender apps

Anonymous No. 925001

Blender to become basically a fucking IDE or game engine like godot or unity.

Honestly if some autist use this and like make something like zbrush or some other 3D app, or something, anything interesting.

I will buy it.
This is honestly like, a big fucking deal.

Anonymous No. 925002

then buy zbrush, or some other 3d app

Anonymous No. 925006

GPL licensed games is why they removed the game engine. Its literally DOA

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Anonymous No. 925009

extremely elemental logic always kills the blender fanboys

>oh yeah I would totally pay for that feature if it had the blender logo on it
>it already exists and works perfectly

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Anonymous No. 925016

zbrush cost what my entire family makes in 6 months, and maya cost what it makes in a year, letting no money for food or rent or any other shit.

>but there's an indie licence
indie licenses cost what my family makes in a month, leaving no money for food or rent.

>but pirate them
I have a vega 8 and windows has an issue where it just crashes every 10 minutes the OS and resets.
At least linux works fine.

>but buy a newer PC
an rx580 cost around 3-4 months of my family entire wages.

>but get a job online
with what?
low poly shit with pixel art textures?

>but move
which pretty much I have entire dozens of friends and entire towns that literally emigrated in the last 5 years to live illegally in a white country?

Do you want more ibrown nmigrants in your city?

Fucking retarded first worlders living in a kid anime fantasy.

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Anonymous No. 925017

if life is that comically brutal then i guess you picked a retarded fucking hobby/dream job if it requires several times your families income to work well. that's like me starting diamond collecting as a hobby, having to starve for 2 years to afford a carat AND THEN HAVING THE AUDACITY TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW IMPOSSIBLE MY HOBBY IS

newsflash, rakeesh: adjust your life goals to the means you have access to

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Anonymous No. 925019

why do retarded americans think every fucking thing you do in life has to be some magical get rich quick scheme?

It's a fun hobby, nigger.
Not trying to make this into a way to buy a newer home.

Dunno how fucked is america where every retard has to make money from everything they do in life.

Anonymous No. 925021

maya indie costs less than 300 usd a year, which is less than zbrush.

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Anonymous No. 925022

NOTHING i have said implies anything about "making money", you illiterate currynigger.

YOU (!!!) made this about money, writing a fucking 3 page blogpost about the harsh reality of street life in kalkutta and how you're only paid in bottle caps for the blowjobs you give, dreaming about a zbrush license - and then you argue that i "make it all about money"? fuck you, you smelly freak. work on your reading comprehension and get the parasitic worms removed from your brown feet. maybe you find a working voodoo 2 accelerator card in the garbage dump you sleep in so you can render a 30 polygon vagina

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Anonymous No. 925023

I used to honestly be afford to afford to spend 25 usd on steam and from my hobby.

Now, in the last 2 months, I lost 5 usd when converting to USD because nigger president decided to print money.

So eat shit, faggot.

You seem to imply several implications, nigger piece of shit.

I do fine, and I can waste 20 usd every month on dumb shit.
I would buy zbrush if the license was 20 usd and had a linux binary.

retarded faggot.

Not everyone living in a brown country are like starvation tier, fucking nigger.
I'm doing fine.

Anonymous No. 925024

>point out logical fallacy
>ad hominem

this is why people dont respect pajeets.

Anonymous No. 925025

I just want blender on ipad man... Sometimes I want to do some work in bed. Yes, I do have a laptop, no, it's too heavy and hot to use in an actual portable mode lol.

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Anonymous No. 925026

the implications is that zbrush and other windows tools don't run properly on linux, retard.

No point on zbrush when it doesn't have an easy to pirate linux binary.


Anonymous No. 925027

I said maya, maya works on linux. you are just tryong to stir shit up.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 925028

care to explain logically what superior advantages have maya to make game assets over blender?

What feature maya has over blender regarding modelling?

Taking into account vertex modelling is fine with blender and keystrokes.
And you can pretty much make a complex model if you do something like mixing array and curve modifiers and other modifers.

I already have asset forge and kenshape, so my modelling is pretty much fine.

Again, what features?

Sure, animation layers are fine, maybe advanced onion skin.
But blender does fine rigging and animations.

Maya doesnt provide killer features for indie gamedevs.

Hell, I will buy that voxel animation tool simply because I can make and animate voxel characters with it, which I can reuse in rpgiab.

The only real killer feature I see on maya is their auto retopo shit.
Nothing really mind blowing after that.

It's not like zbrush where It's so ahead of the others in their own niche, where It's a real killer tool.

Anonymous No. 925030

kek this board is fucking trash

Anonymous No. 925032


You obviously have no intentions to learn or even consider the benefits of those software over blender.
you never used those software to their full extent



mr Indian, animation layers are astandard across all major DCC's and jnot in blender.
the strenght of MAya animation lays in its optimisation for viewport playback
>animation cache
>node-level relationship hookups
>ability to layer outputs between rigs

the list goes on, but listing more and all of them will go over your head and you will result to just call people either retard, nigger or faggot.

why would I want to help You when you obviously are just trying to be problematic

Anonymous No. 925034

i always knew the blender maximalist shitposters that terrorize this board, systematically destroy all discussion and never acknowledge any argument had to be shitskins, and now there is definite proof.

Anonymous No. 925035

meanwhile you industry cultists are going into every blender thread and screech about it

Anonymous No. 925037

It's practicality.

I'm not making le epic AAA basedjack movie garbage.
I'm making assets for an indie garbage.

Why should I be concerned with AAA workflow?

Anonymous No. 925039

>Mike here at gay for scratches
what did he mean by this

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Anonymous No. 925072

>This is honestly like, a big fucking deal.

Anonymous No. 925120

What if they price the software, comparably to the industry standard? will you buy it then anon? just because it has benchode avatar?

Anonymous No. 925215

>interactive mode coming back when?

Anonymous No. 925303


Anonymous No. 927789

me too