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๐Ÿงต Blender Professional Application Support

Anonymous No. 925542

Does Blender 3D support "professional" applications such as Foundry's Katana, Houdini, or even other applications? I'm looking to enter the industry but I prefer Blender's modeling tools over Maya's. I'd like to start using professional "legally obtained" software along side Blender.

Anonymous No. 925544

It does to some extent.
Currently in the industry Blender is getting used in the early stages, kinda like Windows Notepad but 3D

Anonymous No. 925545

Use max

Anonymous No. 925547

I'd like to actually engage this, is it possible to port keybinds and camera controls from Blender over to Max? What about nodes? Genuine question coming from a very genuine place. I want to learn. I've used Blender for 5 years and I feel like it might just be time to grow up.

Anonymous No. 925576

i don't think it's possible. max is fantastic, but annoying to deal with - for instance i still haven't figured out how to get the "use mousewheel to set the number of edgeloops or chamfers"-function and have to do it manually. setting up the UI (it's exactly as i want it now) is also needlessly complicated: for instance max doesn't allow you to adjust the contents of the main toolbar in the same way as you adjust secondary ones (i think the trick to deleting buttons i never use from the main toolbar was to alt-drag them into the viewport). also menus from a few plugins used to disappear for no reason for a while, which meant i had to reinstall them. stuff like that, on the other hand, is a great pajeet-filter though (less user-friendly = less complete zombies in forums and comment sections).