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🧵 Can /3/ model this? (and maybe texture)

Anonymous No. 925584

I really want to see how well can /3/ anons translate this into 3D.
It's a very simple-looking Japanese storefront, so it should be easy to model.

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Anonymous No. 925585

here you go, m8.
i'm a bit of a low-poly ps2 aesthetics guy myself

Anonymous No. 925586

>I am too lazy to do it myself so I will have you anons do it for free
Why dont you start the thread and post your own attempt

Anonymous No. 925587

That would be really easy for me.

Anonymous No. 925590

This looks great but add some textures and it'll look even better.

Anonymous No. 925591

sorry, i'm only a modeller.

Anonymous No. 925593

I can do it. How much do you pay :S ?

Anonymous No. 925594

4 dollars

Anonymous No. 925595

yeah I could

Anonymous No. 925596

Nothing, I just wanted to see what /3/ can model
even this >>925585 is a good contribution

Anonymous No. 925598

why dont you post your attempt?

Anonymous No. 925601

That's easy 50+ hours of AAA quality work. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Anonymous No. 925602

What addons would be helpful in modelling this if I was using blender? I mostly stick to vanilla addons so I don't know much about using other ones.

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Anonymous No. 925604

Hi, I'm Ranjit, I'm interested.

Anonymous No. 925608

You must be having unprotected anal sex with me right now, anon, because there is no way in heck you need 50+ hours to model something so simplistic.

Anonymous No. 925614

lol, this is why your NGMI
You can shit something like this out in 8-10 hours probably even less if you know your workflow

Anonymous No. 925616

I’m basing this on rough average times for all the AAA client projects my studio worked for, and I even said less that it would really be. You’re so dunning kruger you can’t even comprehend this. 8-10 hours is barely a single simple prop and this one has many props on the facade. So in short, yes, of course this can be done in 10 hours, but at what quality?

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Anonymous No. 925620

50 minutes
i have mastered a new artstyle :)

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Anonymous No. 925622

About two hours so far, I'm not very experienced but I'm having fun.

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Anonymous No. 925623

Anonymous No. 925625

Hmm what I'm wondering is how would this look in a game? I like the way its colored.

Anonymous No. 925626

You’ve just put image on plane and send it trough bump map, didn’t you?

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Anonymous No. 925628

but I should have

Anonymous No. 925632

no wireframe, no hire.

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Anonymous No. 925650

That'll be $50 OP

Anonymous No. 925655


Anonymous No. 925669

I think its very cute faggot

Anonymous No. 925722


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Anonymous No. 925783

in-progress, so far I had fun

Anonymous No. 925787

As someone who has no idea about this stuff I'd love to read summaries of how you anons did it, if they are all different that would be interesting

Anonymous No. 925820

why would you need addons for this? it's just a bunch of boxes

Anonymous No. 925823

Youre the reason why people avoid the pisshole that is /3/

At least give some criticism, everybody can be a miserable cunt, thats easy

Anonymous No. 925829

Better aesthetic than 99% of indie games

Anonymous No. 925831

gee whiz... anon, tis was but an innocents joke

Anonymous No. 925832

I'd play a game with this aesthetic

Anonymous No. 925851

jokes are funny.

Anonymous No. 925860

VERY cool pencil & papercraft look


cris cannot draw

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Anonymous No. 925866

I added neons, curtains and fixed normal maps. I strill have to model lower part of the store, roof trim and some details (drying rack, cables, clothes, etc.) I'll also add some lamps above the sign.

Anonymous No. 927326

It looks like a diorama, very pretty.

Anonymous No. 927370

Ngmi pyw

Anonymous No. 927372

Damn, anon. You can tell a whole story with this asset alone. The creepy, decaying top with the bright and clean bottom speaks about the mental state of the one who lives there.

Anonymous No. 927398

Lovely work mate, keep it up

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Anonymous No. 927413

60 minutes.
Wanted to do a bit of a city thingy with geo nodes but remembered that I suck at them and have no clue how to use them without tutorial

Anonymous No. 927523

actually this can be used to test how good your texturing is, these days it seems like there is a huge reliance on shaders to carry

Anonymous No. 927533

How did you do that?

Anonymous No. 927551

I blocked it out here
Then I separated the OP image into two copies, and used perspective transform tools in krita to get a flat image for each side.
Then I projected the images on each side as albedo/roughness/height maps (with color ramps) and multiplied the result with some baked lighting for a stylized look.

Anonymous No. 927557

Stencyl painting with the base image?.

I modeled the OP mesh in 25-30 mins. I fucking hate texturing, so meh.

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Anonymous No. 927559

Anonymous No. 927564

You're not going to make it and you'll never be a woman. Uninstall your computer and delete system32.

Anonymous No. 927571

Why are you seething at blender?. Did it fuck your mother?.

It's a tool my nigger, if I can model in blender I can in maya and max, doesn't change shit. Here in Europe companies don't give a shit what you're using as long as you get the job done, gameloft has shitloads of freelancers/inhouse working for them with Blender.

Anonymous No. 927572

>used Krita

I like you Anon.

Anonymous No. 927575

LMFAO ok Eurofag

Anonymous No. 927630

If you censore view layer I know you are of third world

Anonymous No. 927650

I have a preset start file with the collections being prenamed, namefagging if I don't censor it or rename it, I'm in Europe/EU. As third world as one can be.

Anonymous No. 927651

in europe but not of europe. you have to go back mehmet

Anonymous No. 927653

But I'm born here, my parents are called Daniel and Maria. I'd stand out in a country with people called Mehmet. Too white, too tall, too fat of a cock.

Anonymous No. 927661

Why's it all 1 mesh anon? Just intersect geo and then you don't end up with a extra edgeloops flowing through the whole thing

Anonymous No. 927663

How did you guys make the textures ?

Anonymous No. 927674

Ever heard of Master xenon?.

Yes, that's why.

Those extra loops would be topo solved in a few minutes, no biggie. They're from the balcony. It's funny how my 30 minute model almost subdivides correctly while I didn't aim for that goal.

Anonymous No. 927675

They're taken from the original image.

Anonymous No. 927835

Anon I mean this you should make tutorial videos or at the least time lapse videos. This is really cool

Anonymous No. 927848

Very cool

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Anonymous No. 929366


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Anonymous No. 929372

i modeled it in ms paint :)

Anonymous No. 929413

looks well optimized

Anonymous No. 929414


Anonymous No. 930101


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Anonymous No. 932982

Not even gonna try the clothes lol

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Anonymous No. 933019

I am not knowledgeable enough to be able to make these kinds of textures well.

Anonymous No. 933444

pretty good

Anonymous No. 934564

What SW it is, please?

Anonymous No. 934575

Blender + Substance Painter

Anonymous No. 934690


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Toon Texture.png

Anonymous No. 934694


Anonymous No. 934805

Thank you very much.

Anonymous No. 936873

its good but randomizing grain for the trim on the bottom floor would really add something extra

Anonymous No. 939457

wouldn't want to share an imageboard with people this sensitive anyways

Anonymous No. 939754

No. I don't know what the back looks like.