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Anonymous No. 925741

I'm loosing my mind here. I've opened an old Blender file from 2-3 months ago and all the "Armature deform" modifiers are now fucked up. I've tried recalculating normals, applying transformation to deltas for everything but It doesn't fix anything. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong, please?

Anonymous No. 925763

Is this a result you are getting in default or "reset" pose?

Anonymous No. 925765

Hi anon,thanks for trying to help, apparently it fixed itself. I tried downloading an older version of Blender to see if that could fix it (it didn't) but I renamed the file extension to ".blend" instead of ".blend1" and it seems that made the original file work flawlessly

Anonymous No. 925892

that's fantastic news. Congratulations.
Were it not to have been miraculously saved you have to know that the right answer would have been to repaint all the weights from scratch.

Anonymous No. 925951

That doesn’t look like something that automatic weights couldn’t handle.

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Anonymous No. 925952

Also, what are these? I believe a single bone with paranted fingers is more than enough. It’s not like you are going to animate the palm with four different bones.

Anonymous No. 925953

Also, the reason you might get unexpected results is probably related to the new pose library feature, since on the new version of blender there is a note indicating the old way of storing poses is deprecated.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 925959

why would you give this advice?

Anonymous No. 925969

Probably just naivete. Natural instinct is to connect all bones, because people know that bones are all connected (even though they aren't actually all connected in real life). It's a hard instinct to break.
Sometimes I still do it even if the connecting bones aren't going to be used just to make the hierarchy more visibly obvious.