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Anonymous No. 926528

Aloha! I just started a 1-year 3D course last week. I will be posting weekly updates on my progress.

This week we started with basic interface stuff in Maya. How to move around, how to rotate, layers, history, pivot point manipulation, focusing, adding base models, soft selections, difference between NURBS and polygons - all that basic stuff.

I decided to get a head start on the actual modelling part while applying the knowledge they taught us of how the interface functions. The course is pretty intensive, so I intend to learn as much as I can this year. I already had some experience with Maya, but I'm very rusty since it's been almost a decade since I last touched it.

Here are some models I made after fucking around with Maya after the lesson, yesterday. No reference images just yet.

Anonymous No. 926532

good for you, anon. i will read your blog.
are you doing an irl course or an online one?

Anonymous No. 926533

It's IRL, though some students opted to follow it online. After Covid that kind of studying from home seems to be becoming more popular. Frankly I think I prefer learning in a classroom with other people over doing stuff by myself, online.

Like I said, the course is generally more intensive than other 3D courses I've seen. 4 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Lessons are on Monday/Wednesday/Friday with Tuesday and Thursday being "optional" production days. I intend to go to every lesson though, and put in at least 4 hours a day at home as well.

On Monday we start basic modelling and we'll start getting assignments. I can't wait!

Anonymous No. 926535

Nice, sounds like a big commitment for a 3D course. I have no experience with classroom CG. I'd be interested in hearing about your experience. Have fun, never forget the fire that burns for you to become the 3DCG Monster, that absolute Unit in the pipeline that no 1 can bear to second guess. This monster is in me, it is in you too

Anonymous No. 926764

Teacher's sick! Off to a rocky start, but they assure us that they'll shift our lessons to make up for the lost time. First real modelling lesson will be on Wednesday, now.

So for these next few days I'll just be looking at a few tutorials on Youtube and trying to get the hang of Maya. I went in-person to the classroom today but it was just me and two guys. Still, wasn't a total waste of time - we tried to model some more complex stuff and helped each other out. I've been making really simple stuff so far - buckets, chalices, cups, bowls, plates etc. Trying to add some level of complexity with each new model I make.

Anonymous No. 926866

>Teacher's sick!

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Anonymous No. 926911

Don't know if she's got Covid or what. Tomorrow we're going to resume our lessons but only online. Sucks, but next week is hopefully going to go a little smoother.
We still haven't gone back to lessons, yet. In the meantime I'm just fucking around modelling shit in my room and trying to get the hang of special duplication and curves. I'm slowly getting more and more used to Maya.

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Anonymous No. 927085

Today we had our first real modelling lesson. There was quite a bit I didn't already know, so it was actually fairly useful. Keep in mind I'm basically a total beginner at Maya.

We made a bunch of bottles and a glass. The glass we made using curves and then using revolve to create the mesh, while the bottle we created using extrusion. The teacher showed us the basic principles of how to properly topologize the mesh for surfacing and how to optimize triangles.

Our assignment for today and tomorrow is to do a lot of chalices and bottles and, if we want to challenge ourselves, mugs and teacups. Should be fun!

Anonymous No. 927105

good lad. turn up your viewport antialiasing tho.

Anonymous No. 927157

Your movement tools, extrusion, and poly slice tools are the only tools you need to make any mesh. The other tools make certain shapes easier to make, and many tools literally are just move+slice+extrude with lots of complicated steps done automatically. But if you handle and understand those 3 tools you can make any shape.