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๐Ÿงต Stable 2.0

Anonymous No. 927204


we're fucked.

Or better yet, YOU'RE FUCKED.
I get autismbucks.

get fucked wagie.

Anonymous No. 927209

Fuck off Cris

Anonymous No. 927214

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 927249

fuck off cris

Anonymous No. 927263

fuck off Cris

Anonymous No. 927341

Fuck off Chris.

Anonymous No. 927539

Fuck chris off.

Anonymous No. 927560

Fuck off cris

Also you got it backwards you retard. For img to 3D you would need high quality img2depth, not depth2img. Still just making depth alone wont make you a model, we already had normalmap generators for years that generate normalmap from texture image, and yet that tech didnt move past making normalmaps for textures

Anonymous No. 927566

Fuck chris off.

Anonymous No. 927764

You are a Cuck Chris

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Anonymous No. 927773
