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Anonymous No. 927628

How do I make it so the clothes are joined to the bone with the body?
I already joined the shirt to the body and set the automatic weights.

Anonymous No. 927632

Maybe rigging a human is too big a project for you right now, because you clearly have no clue how to check what bones a vertex is weighted to, like seeing if the clothes are actually weighted to the bones that you're expecting Automatic Weights to choose for you.

I never use Automatic Weights, I always do "Empty Groups" and then manually paint weights using a few techniques.

Anonymous No. 927637

blender can't copy weights from one mesh to another based on world space? That's how I do clothes. Just to start then of course you have to manually touch up weights.

Anonymous No. 927641

Any links I can look at...

Anonymous No. 927684

it can you just need bartosz' addon for it. stop being stupid.
gumroad Weight Paint Tools