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🧵 Base character models

Anonymous No. 927662

Heyo /3/ just wondering, do you use any specific base model when making characters?
Is it usually already rigged or do you rig it afterwards?

Anything specific you’d like to share?

Anonymous No. 927702

I extrude a box mesh and conform it to image planes. I do a lot of detail work that way before sending it to zBrush for sculpting.

Anonymous No. 927708

Mad respect. I’ve started doing that multiple but never found the time to actually finish one.

Anonymous No. 927709

I sculpted a base head from a sphere with all the anatomical landmarks, I just sculpt each features for any new model by reshaping the base ones
For the body I use Daz but I'm not sure if getting this piece of shit software to work saved me more time than sculpting everything myself

Anonymous No. 927746

You just made me not want to install daz anymore

Anonymous No. 927774

As far as base meshes go Genesis 2 are top tier.

Probably the best workflow is to start from Gen2 base, sculpt over it in Zbrush without any concern for vertex order so you get the shape you want, retopo it in your software of choice so as to create a new base-mesh, then sculpt finer details on top of your new basemesh in ZBrush. This works for creatures as well not just humanoids.

If you're experienced starting from a spehere will take you longer but not by much. Using a basemesh will only save you a couple of hours. I still think you should use a basemesh like from Daz because it helps you keep consistent scaling and proportions.

Box modelling using image planes is completely unnecessary because sphere sculpting in ZBrush using image planes is much, much faster.

Anonymous No. 927797

desu once you have it set up with everything you need you don't need to spend too much time in it

Why Genesis 2?
Honestly the huge pro of Daz for me is that everything is rigged with good deforms, I also agree that the proportions are easier with it.
I only started from a sphere once lol now I use my own basemesh for the head and strap it to a daz bod

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Anonymous No. 927873

I tried to make Gigachad for my game but I am not good with modeling as I am with code. It ended up in an underexposed promo video to hide all of the imperfections.

Anonymous No. 927874

for those interested

Anonymous No. 927880

>Why Genesis 2?
Genesis 2 is the most advance figure out there at the moment. That was their selling point but unfortunately it's now more than a decade later and the industry still hasn't caught up to it yet which is why they had to downgrade with Gen 3/8/9. I'm not talking about materials and such, just the rigging and topology. What sets it apart is that it uses TriAx weightmapping which creates some really great bends. Unfortunately TriAx is proprietary tech so other software packages can't use it therefore Gen2 once exported out of Daz Studio loses any advantages it has.

Anonymous No. 927967

I see, interesting
Software synergy seems like a bigger deal in 3D than in other fields

Anonymous No. 928005

OP give sauce for this gigachad model please.

Anonymous No. 928026


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Anonymous No. 928038


Anonymous No. 928106

That's an expensive gigagchad