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zekalykk No. 927802

This training is UNBOUND by me, probably due to it being only in Korean, but please help me and us, buy or anything else but share! Everyone needs it Look the end result.

Anonymous No. 927821

How are asians so good at sculpting?

Anonymous No. 927825

Geralt of dick suckia.

Anonymous No. 927853

by editing base meshes and using ref

Anonymous No. 927858

This. The (often misplaced) sense of honor the rest of the world has is holding us back

Anonymous No. 927859

Pirating it right now. Thanks!

Anonymous No. 927885

If you pirate it, can you share it here or on a good cg resource sharing site like online course club? Besides, if you share it on this site, you will have premium access to the downloads and therefore without delay.

Anonymous No. 927897

Nah, I'm just fucking with OP

Anonymous No. 927900

What base mesh you are talking about?
you mean 3d scan?

Anonymous No. 927907

>by editing base meshes and using ref
wait, people don't edit base meshes?

Anonymous No. 928007

any base mesh, preferably low res so that you can auto retopo using zwrap like the korean does in the tutorial

Anonymous No. 928016

They are good at imitating and they have an amazing culturally enfored work ethic. Their creativity is abysmal, though.

Anonymous No. 928021

Yeah that's true

Anonymous No. 928034


Anonymous No. 928035

Most process videos online start with nothing, idk if it's gatekeeping or an ego thing but it makes beginners believe that's how you do it properly

Anonymous No. 928040

It's just that before using a basemesh, you have to learn and master the things that the basemesh does

Anonymous No. 928046

no you fucking don't as evidenced by the video of the scanned texture guys applying their scanned textures onto zbrush base meshes

Anonymous No. 928050

whats so bad about it, it save time, you dont have to retopology every single time you make a new sculpt.
the fuck does that even mean?
the hardest part is the scult, retopology by hand or automatic by tools, its doesnt make any diff

DG No. 928113

Anyone find a source to download the videos?

Yurkii No. 928118

Need it too