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Anonymous No. 928141

Since AI is bleeding into our space and Arrimus has deleted all his videos and the backups are incomplete, I'm thinking of getting a job in fast food that's the only industry with a too high of a cost that AI and robotics can't enter it without it getting super cheap to replace human labor.

What are my options to replace a 100k+ 3D modeling job?

Anonymous No. 928147

Become a TikTok influencer.

Anonymous No. 928152

>I'm thinking of getting a job in fast food since I can't be replaced by a robot
fast food is probably one of the first jobs that will be replaced by machines. they've already removed registers and just replaced them with huge screens. and since more and more orders are being done online they've started building online-only kitchens that don't have a sitting area.

i think the first will be McDonalds, they've gotten that so streamlined eventually there will just be a long machine that makes burgers automatically. same with the deep-fried stuff as well. soda is the easiest to automate. it will all be automatically put into bags then some contractor wagie delivers it

so go for a place like KFC, or even a 'real' restaurant where they have to manage temperatures and cook times more carefully, they'll be the last to phase out humans.

Anonymous No. 928160

become a pilot, I'm working towards my commercial license right now. don't do airliner work though, know a couple of older guys who did that and they have a massive increase in cancer risk due to flying at high altitudes so much. If you want to make good money and only work a small portion of the year you can do crop dusting work, turbine pilots make 75-100k a year and that's usually three months of work

Anonymous No. 928189

learn Houdini
studios have a though time finding houdini artists

Anonymous No. 928251

>Arrimus has deleted all his videos and the backups are incomplete

Anonymous No. 928287

Imagine being such a weak willed fag that you're actually scared of AI.
If you can't force an AI to carry out your will, you never had a chance to make it in the first place, AI or not.

Anonymous No. 929340


>hobbyist who barely knows blender

Anonymous No. 929405

I know you are. No need to state facts, anon.